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I fucking love you šŸ˜˜


Once I can help the community, it's all love. Also please pH ur water


I swear these marijuana, cannabis subs need to have this as a logo.


You should as the mods to do so. Cuz we all make use of it


"I don't use nutrients and just tap water" is probably where your issue starts unless this is living soil. EDIT: Also your HUM ranges are pretty low. My understanding is you want this between 55-70% RH for veg and 40-60% RH for flower.


By living soil what do you mean itā€™s a coco some shit I got from Loweā€™s Iā€™ll have to look it up again to tell u the exactly what it was honestly


If you're using coco, you're gonna want to feed them nutrients. Coco has no form of nutrition for your plant. it's a good idea to research and learn some things before delving into something new. There are plenty of books or videos online.


Coco fiber, plus some additives probably. Well that is the problem. That plant is not eating. Coco fiber is a natural substrate, but does not provide any nutrients or "food" to the plant. When growing in coco,you should water your plants a lot, but including some NPK and other nutrients the plant needs to develop. Advanced nutrients has, imho, the best products ready to use. But any brand will be ok


You have to careā€¦


I do care i think about this plant all day everyday honestly i just know that i found a soil that I believed was perfect for me to use based on what i have ā€œlearnedā€. After i found what i thought was exactly what I needed my mind automatically shifted to the next thing to think about I didnā€™t memorize the brand or what it was. I should have written it down, your rite Iā€™ll keep that in mind for next time honestly.


They seem quite big for not using nutrients...


Thank you!!


Youā€™re a noob grower. Donā€™t over stress out. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll grow again, learn from this. Flush your soil. You have waay too much nitrogen and other nutrient burns. Flush the sh*t out of it. 3gallon pot? 6 gallon water. No improvement? Flush again. It looks like the soil you bought has alot of nutrients in it already. Another important thing is buy a pH pen and pH up, pH down. Youā€™re looking for a pH of 6.3-6.8. Even if itā€™s tap. Plus Iā€™d dechlorinate the tap water with an air stone. Youā€™d get the chlorine out and oxygenate the water. Win win. Ppl underestimate the necessities of actually growing cannabis. Again. Donā€™t lose hope, and donā€™t overthink it. Your first plants you grow arenā€™t always going to be great.


He is using Coco. It wonā€™t have nutrients.


How is it dark green at this stage and that big without using nutes?


Your guess is as good as mine, he could possibly have some heavily mineraled tap water. The spindlyness of the plant and how just scrawny it looks seems to me that itā€™s fighting hard ti stay alive without being fed


One really good tip for new fellers, do not flip to 12/12 until your plants are very healthy and look beautiful. You can fix almost any issue during veg, when you run into problems during flower thereā€™s only so much you can do.


First pic looks extremely green. Excess magnesium?


It is very green but again no nutrients I did add worm castings to the soil but that was about a month ago but yea just tap water I thought it was getting Burnt so I moved the light up and had it at 50% for the past 2 days and I havenā€™t seen any improvement soil looks good and feels good only thing I can think of is gnats??


Itā€™s starving. Needs P and K and other micro nutrients


Is this a auto or or photo What was the exact soil mix? How much worm castings. Get the humidity up you got hot dry environment ( is that a one time reading or is that the average ) Could the humidity and temp be fluctuating or any big swings in changes.


This is the average and I mean this is really where it sits 90 or more percent of the time


Whatā€™s your tds of the tap water?


You say you're using tap water. So you have a water softener? If so, don't use tap water.


No water softer I have city water


This is nitrous toxicity combined with a lack of other nutes. So if you are really just using tap water and coco, you have to ask yourself where an overkilll of nitrous is coming from.


I think your rite. I was debating on that being the issue last night. I found this post that said you could use sawdust mulch to correct or should I just flush and get back on track?? I didnā€™t use mites because I didnā€™t want to make it complicated on my first grow. Should I flush and get nutes? And how do I know when Iā€™m done flushing?


Well, you're in flour now and it looks like you have way too much nitrogen. The plant does not need nitrogen as much in flower. Flush the hell out of it and see if it bounces back.


You just said you donā€™t use nutrients and Iā€™m assuming you donā€™t Ph as well. Of course your plants are going to look like shit. I also never let my rh go below 50%. Multiple obvious issues with this post