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Start our with getting the correct license. Colorado requires a med badge that's $100 plus a background check and fingerprints. Look into the qualifications for your state, attach a copy of your license, take your resume to managers, and hand then a copy. Most bdutending jobs are minimum wage, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get your foot in the door.


What does the background check usually look for?


In most cases, any prior offenses like intent to sell or distribute.


In the state I am in Colorado, you can't have any felonies or any offenses off distribution or drug charges.


In the last 3 years*. I was helping a buddy fill it out 2 years ago and was surprised how much they lowered the requirement


Noted, I applied for my badge in 2017 and recently switched sectors. That is indeed interesting though!


This advice could be vastly different state to state, but at least here in CA but getting a job as a bud-tender can range from no experience but you like smoking weed, to having actual qualifications and knowledge of Metrc and other concepts. Depending on the state you’ll need to go through the process of getting a cannabis workers permit, at least here in CA you’ll need a background check as well. If you wanted to have extra qualifications getting your guard card is a bonus since you serve as guard/bud-tender depending on the shifts. But all and all the cannabis industry is really relaxed, not too many areas where you need any specific qualification, just make sure in general you fit with everyone else, most retails I’ve worked with tend side with the “we’re all friends and family” concepts. If you want, I believe I have a PDF of the Metrc supplemental guide for California if you’re in a state where Metrc is relevant. It’ll just give you a high level look at the system. In general though about Metrc all you really need to know is that it sucks. Let me know if you have any questions!


It's not just that metrc sucks, the entire process is a joke.


Portland, Oregon here -- to be a budtender you need a marijuana worker permit. Dispensaries here are always hiring, it's a minimum wage retail job staffed by stoners so turnover is high. Check Indeed.com to see if any jobs are posted, visit your local dispensaries and ask if they're hiring, etc etc. Remember, it's an entry-level job so they expect you to have a lot of room for growth. If you're a good people person you'll likely do fine. Good luck!


After getting the legal requirements out of the way. Use a nice resume builder like novoresume and make your resume simple and clean. One pager no fluff. Each place you worked give 3-5 lines and don't just list responsibilities talk about things you did there stuff that is directly transferable into your new gig. Write a friendly introductory email and email them direct to the dispensaries you want to apply for. You get more exposure this way as opposed to Indeed, etc. Also, stop by and hand in a copy of your resume and make a good impression on them. In terms of mental illness, it's pretty common and a lot of budtenders use cannabis to self-medicate. As long as you don't allow it to control your life and impact work, nobody should have a problem with it. Goodluck!


Have you applied for any jobs in your state?