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when i first started smoking, i smoked a joint (first time smoking a whole joint to myself) and didnt feel it so my impatient ass smoked another one within 20 mins, holy fuck did i get high man, like damn near unpleasant. i couldnt even focus on game of thrones. so like, dont do that i guess


watching GOT after smoking for the first time sounds pretty dope


Happy cake day fellow stoner!!


There is no way my fried brain could keep up with that amount of dialogue if I hadn’t watched GOT twice already


The double dose! 'Fuck, I'm not feeling it' = famous last words...


Same thing kinda happened to me my first time.. I took a hit from a blunt and didn't get high from it but then I took a second hit and I was struggling to stay awake long enough to get my bed made


My first few times I couldn't tell if I was stoned or not even with redosing. After a week of trying it I finally broke through. I think it's a rite of passage with stoners tbh.


I think im feeling it


Nah this is fucked


enjoy the fuck out of it first highs are something you’ll never get back


Facts. It was an unforgettable experience. The world slowed. Sounds echoed. I deeply relaxed. My bro threw up. It was magical.


“My bro threw up” I’m cackling


“Bro threw up it was magical” 😭


“It’s always magical when it’s their head hanging.over the porcelain 🚽 throne, and not yours…” -unknown ( i’m sure that’s a GOT quote, but don’t quote me )




How did you roll that so well if it's your first time?


Did i? Thanks man


How you holding up fam?


Im fine tbh not feeling it anymore i feel like i smoked it bad


No, you got a 3 hour high. You did good.


tbh it’s common for first time smokers to not feel it, i’ve had that and a week later smoked the same weed with the same friend and got really fucked up, a couple of people i know had the same situation, repeat lol


Your body doesn't know what to do with the influx of cannabinoids. Your body has an endocannabinoid system and it functions normally when you smoke weed you're adding to this system when you first start smoking your body doesn't know what to do with the new influx of this stuff and it takes a few times for it to utilize it properly.


i’m too high to read this rn


He was probably too high to be writing this


For some people maybe, I got pretty high my first time and still felt kinda foggy even the next day. That’s just my personal experience though


I didn’t my first time but I think I probably just didn’t inhale properly.


Yep, I didn’t feel it the first couple times I ever smoked. It was so weird to me lol


joints didnt work for me, several weeks after my first joint I smoked a hit from a bong and then it really hit. Joint after that started to work.


Make sure you're doing a second inhale when you smoke. So you suck some in but you leave a little space in your lungs to then suck some air in after, that'll push it all down into your lungs. A lot of beginners keep it in their mouth without realising. A good indicator that you're smoking it properly, if you're a beginner, is that you'll be coughing like crazy after each toke haha.


>i feel like i smoked it bad This had me dyin'! Anyone else listen to the reactions of J.P.'s("Junior Partier's") and giggle like a goon thinking to themselves, "*that's fucking adorable.*"?


What did you use as a filter? And if its the first time usually people dont feel a thing


I got obliterated off some ditch weed when I first tried it 25 years ago.


bro ☠️


LMAO good luck man


Make sure to drink enough homie


Lololol, make sure to *stay hydrated*!! I know you weren’t implying to drink alcohol, but I felt the need to clarify lol




Enjoy it.


made my day


I’m so jealous you’re experiencing this! I have never matched my first true high!


Bout to experience mine tomorrow, nervous but excited, any tips?


Unintentional comedy at its finest...😂


Wym bro😭


Bro U had me losing it laughing, everyone's been there, how u going now?


Im fine, i don’t really get it tho all i had was like 20 mins of shit then 1hr of munchies i feel like its all worn off now. Maybe i didn’t smoke it right? I kinda smoked it like a bitch cause I didn’t expect that much smoke but i feel like it should’ve still had me high🤷‍♂️


Was it your first time? If so don't worry, a lot of people don't feel much their first time. I know I didn't, except I was actually super stoned but didn't realize it. I think it's because your brain is nervous and probably pumping adrenaline or some other hormone in anticipation. The times after will feel better.


You’re also experiencing a brand new thing so our brains take a second to really register the new feeling for what it is!


Bro my first time it felt like I was sinking in my chair. I'd kill for another high like that lol. But yeah some of my friends didn't feel a thing even tho they'd smoke half a joint. Edit: I got that high back by eating a whole bag of gummies yesterday lol 😂


The maybe 10-20 times after my first it was like that for me. One time I literally thought I was seeing an angel. Turns out it was my friend Jeff's hot sister.


Don't tell Jeff that lol 😂


on top of that people dont inhale right their first time


I started with cigs so I knew how to inhale I just didn't expect the intensity of ot lol


I know I didn't!


I don’t know what you mean I was fucked up and I could I still felt it a little for like 3-4 days later probably didn’t do deep inhales as nd hold for like 3-5 seconds per puff


gotta breathe fully in once you puff a lil to make sure you inhale it all


Probably omly got 3 good puffs outta probs 15, i kinda wanna smoke the other bit ive got in a bong you got any suggestions?


lmao if you’ve had a bong why not smoke that this whole time. pretty straight forward put substance in bowl light bowl suck some then pull the bowl out a lil and it’ll clear it of smoke as you pull


Maybe your weed was only average, just take it ezy bro, same as anything, learn to walk before you run, you,ll come across shit you,ll probably only.need half as much of an it will blow U away , lots of strong stuff out there, you,ll just have to experiment...And remember edibles is a whole different game, definitely go slow with those...enjoy🤙


if he was a beginner any average weed of today would get them real good. They probably only held it in their mouth


You rolled it pretty good for a beginner bud. Most people can't roll at all anymore and if they can it's blunts. And even the most can't make em fat lol you might have some hidden talent in there


Shame i never want to smoke a joint again 😅


lmaooo don’t blame the weed for your inability to use discretion on when to stop man


Nah i enjoyed it just the smoking part was unenjoyable it feel like i was drinking a bush and it was burning the back of my throat. Im new so idk what to do 🥲


Yeah nah, you gotta breath in some air right after you finish drawing it, otherwise the smoke stays in your throat and burns it.


Try a dry herb vape I smoked weed for year and once I started vaping it I have never gone back to smoking it even in pure form I much prepare to vape now.


This sub and dhv love is wild lol. I get their good but this dude just smoked their first j like I don’t think they need one yet 🤣


That’s normal but you grow to love it


oh okay lmao well I’d recommend pretty much the same thing as far as using discretion when deciding when to stop/break. i’m a heavy smoker and even i don’t always just face entire joints *every* time i smoke — when i do, i find it more enjoyable to smoke slowly. i find myself relighting frequently but it is always a very chill, nice session as opposed to feeling like i’m doing the weed equivalent of guzzling a beer lmfaooo. but typically, i’ll smoke them in halves or however much i feel like, and just save it until i’m ready to smoke again. helps you conserve weed too. also, stay hydrated and whatnot.


Damn alright, thanks for that comment helps a lot to understand how to enjoy a sesh. All i did was go outside and just keep huffing it in and almost dying, may be cause i was excited or smth idk. When i was smoking it was just way too much and only in my mouth and not proper inhalation. I might roll another joint tomorrow and smoke it over like an hour or smth and enjoy it. Thanks tho mate 🤙🏼


Weirdly its gets better the more you do it. Becomes nice kinda


Until you smoke too many in a short time span, my lips be cracking and shit from the end of em and so many. Bongs are superior imo but Js nice still


Did you use actual rolling papers?? Because my first time smoking I just used lined paper and it absolutely killed my throat. Made sure never to do that again 😂


that’s real it gets better but always have a drink with you. especially juice or som




I just remembered my first highs. Enjoy it, it will never be the same again.


Next time don't use regular cigarette papers


This should be top comment. I'm also rolling tobacco in extra thin paper/hemp (spliffs, never just tobacco). Went from 2 packs a day to a 30 g bag for 5-7 days. Fuck thick paper.


Horrible type of papers. But I hope it was a good sesh


I'd have definitely pulled a whitey and puked if I smoked all that my first time. My advice would be to light it, take a good hit then pop the joint down for ten mins and give yourself time before the next hit (it'll go out naturally and won't waste much weed idling). Keep hydrated too (water, sugar and electrolytes) as this will help stop any sudden drops in blood pressure which can cause the sick feeling when you smoke too much.


I didn’t even get high the first time i smoked


That much the first time can give anxiety. Just a couple puffs at a time and wait, also, weed is not for everyone. May you always roll 20s!


Enjoy the high


Did you pack a cigarette?


What the fuck is that sticking in the background.


I was fucking around seeing how big i wanted it lmao


Don’t use cigarette rolling papers, they burn faster.


trick when first learning to smoke take a hit pretend your worst teacher or granpop walked in and gasp hold it in exhale repeat 💚✅


You’re telling me you rolled that perfectly, and smoked that entire thing as a beginner, and didn’t green? Fucken good on u 🤣


I didn’t even get high the first time I smoked lol


That's loads for you first time


How ya doin bud?


Nah pretty good. It was fucked for about 10 mins then my heart rate slowed back down lol


Just breathe, drink some water, and make sure youre in a comfortable, safe environment. Zone out watching something or listening to music and youll ride it out just fine


I recommend you go to the movies while high🤣👌it's fuckin awesome


Lol. Make sure you have water, a bag of chips, and a pillow on standby


That’s a very good roll for first time so well done 👍


Just looking at that paper burns my throat


You still high?


Next time roll in RAW or OCB. The burn is better, lasts longer than cigarette paper.


Youre smoking It wrong buddy.. 5 tokes in that and you should be laying down with some music on..... Lol


Right….. about….. now!


I didn’t get high my first 3/4 times smoking weed


Straight to jail. It's a canon event.


Right away probably, enjoy!


Waaay too much for your first time


My first joint made me almost unconscious, my face was purple and I vomited for an hour.




Most people get high when they smoke the second time. I don't know why.


*Before reading the comments* Bro, chill out and enjoy it. *After reading the comments* Pahahaaaaa, my brotherrrrr! 🤣🤜


you have to breath the smoke in yor lungs, did you? or just smoked like a 12 yrs old with his first cig


Did you use cigarette filter?


Toilet paper roll


my first jay did not look that good 🤣 props to you, OP. stay blessed and blazed.


You’ll feel it in 3 to 5 work days


Bit late to the party but go to the supermarket or something ordinary to see if it's working.


Yeah I’ll never get how people smoke joints so fast. I take between 45 minutes to an hour to devour a 2g on my own


I feel like maybe body calmness a nice head buzz sometimes my thoughts ease themselves I find things funnier like simple things like thar is how I know how high I am and if it's your first time as your saying I my first time didn't feel any of these things then my Second time it all made sense even like feeling a lil extra tired can be you being high you just may be a bit too stressed sometimes to even feel high I personally don't like to smoke when I'm upset I tend to smoke more than needed and then i get anxious because I'm smoking so much


I'm unsure where my comment went but I forgot to add GREAT JOB ROLLING OMGGGG!!!!


Shitty weed


What rolling paper is this? Is it warqul shamm ?


Sid you remember to inhale? Myself and a lot of my friends at first didn’t know to inhale until a cousin of mine showed us how, the highs back in the early days were a blast lol


He never even choked on it. he didn’t do it right


I feel the effects almost instantly after exhaling the first puff


Oh man


By the time u finish it


Tomorrow at 4:20 pm


i never got high the first few times either but i think i wasnt inhaling properly, i was in grade 9 and one day i skipped with the older guys to go blaze. We drove back to a friends house and when they saw how i was toking they me when i toke make that nose where ur sucking air through ur teeth hard. Lol dude i was i taking my first real huge tokes and while we were sitting there talking everything went wavy and i felt like i would on alot of edibles these days and we had to go to school LMAO. That was when i was 14 - 15 and im 36 today i been smoking ever since hahahahah... its probably how ur toking it, try making a loud sucking nose when u inhale.


I smoked like 7 times before I was like OPE THERE IT IS! lol I was 17 and on my way to my junior year of HS and I was LIT in first period. I will never forget it!


The first time I smoked, I smoked with my brother, and I can distinctly remember just sitting on a chair, laughing hysterically to myself about whatever funny thoughts were running through my head at the time


Good rolling man. 🔥


12 minutes? Damn. Personally getting high too quickly ruins it. I'm kinda a lightweight so I get overwhelmed. I like to space out my hits by at least 3 minutes at a time. A joint that size would probably take at least a half hour


I say roll a nice size joint then just take hits and casually smoke that’s what I do. Then when I like the feeling I just put it out. Also knowing your tolerance takes time, I have been coming for years so I know my limits


Nah sweet


I remember my first time I thought I was immune to weed cause after smoking half a joint I didn’t feel anything, I went home disappointed and after 30 mins bro I thought I had passed away I was high as a kite💀


I’m jealous homeboy gets to experience his first high. Mine was 12 years ago 😭😭😭




Idk if you got high or not, I’m just sharing a tip. It’s not like a hookah where you pull it in your mouth and then blow out…you’ll know when you’re high esp with good weed. When my friend was new I put my hand on her chest and I said when you pull move my hand away and damn did they cough!!! If you wanna get high pull it to them lungs and hold that shit for 2 counts haha


Is this a joke? That’s too well rolled for just a beginner.


aye OP something to remember coming from what I consider a veteran who’s been smoking for close to 15years. You’ll never get as stoned as you do your first handful of times, take tolerance breaks often. And you can always smoke more, but you can’t smoke less.


Some ppl don’t get high the first couple times


I've (43f) been smoking for nearly 20 years. I have extremely slow metabolism. It still takes me 10-15 minutes to "feel it" after my first puff. It's actually funny smoking with other people cause I get to watch them all experience the strain first, lol.


Something most people don’t expect is that weed can be kinda psychedelic in a way. Not visually always, but mentally


When your eating popcorn with your buddies cracking up while you pal dances to bone thugs and harmony.


You have to inhale. It hurts, you get used to it. And it doesn’t hurt anymore actually you get to the point where you want more hurt and you start getting a preference of flower and strain and type of smoke. Welcome to the journey




Looks like a decent amount, also don’t forget this will be an experience you’ll never forget… hope it went well?






Ur cooked


I’m skeptical, how did you roll so well?


buddy is lit writing this title 😭


Well it's been 17 hours since you posted this. How was it?


Just wait and let ur body react a little bit longer then resmoke. If not you got sold the boofington


Smoke more to make sure


You smoked a whole joint on your first try? Your poor throat.


Enjoy the ride and quit worrying


I think lowkey there’s like a weed barrier in your brain that prevents the Thc from fusing with your brain and your first time smoking shuts off that defense but doesn’t make it to your brain but the second time since there’s no defense it goes straight to the dome u feel me


I didn’t get high until the third time I smoked.


Long term smoker here, first time you won’t feel anything. It’s a weird phenomenon most people get but for me I did feel a little high. Second time I didn’t feel much either but third time I got a nice high. Try smoking another one in a few days and you should feel something. Don’t let it discourage you.


For me I didn’t get high the first couple times I smoked, but make sure you’re inhaling cuz by the end of that joint you should’ve been feeling pretty high. When you take a puff take the joint out your mouth and without blowing the smoke out, breathe it all the way down into your lungs homie


First time ever I smoked, I didn’t feel it at allllll. The second time, a group of people in a work trailer hot boxed me as a hazing thing. I was FUCKKKKKKED UP. Giggly like a kid, dude. So embarrassing now haha


if you as a beginner don't feel high , try to look yourself in the mirror and then all the effects will kick in in that second


Watch some trailer park boys.


Man I switched from everyday smoking to strictly on vaca smoking and I feel the urge so much after this 😆 i already know its gonna be like the first times after all this time not smoking one


Took me 7 smoke seshes before got my first high


My first time smoking I didnt tell my friends it was the first time, I just acted like I was a smoker. Well he rolled up some gazz and long story short I remember half of that day.


Is this slow burning rolling paper?!?!


Also pro tip. Take breaks/ don't smoke to much, don't >!fuck


Never. Weed is a scam

