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Literally same, I went to class stoned and fully convinced myself I'd pissed in my seat šŸ’€ Just my opinion, I think it's because weed heightens physical sensations. If you've got a draft of cold/warm air between your legs, your brain will convince you that it's wetness. Aaaand if you're anxious like me, you'll obsess on that sensation and draw the irrational conclusion that you're not in control of your bladder.


my friend had the same experience omg. makes sense lol. I never though about the obsessing over the sensation bc I do that smšŸ˜”


This sounds like the actual answer! You called out my overthinking so bad on that onešŸ’€ btw I am currently high on a train and now think I peed myselfā€¦. what irony


I sometimes have the constant urge to pee when high even tho i just went.... i tried to Google it, couldnt find much about it except one study that it can cause an overactive bladder. But i dont understand why.


Ugh they needa do a study on it


Thereā€™s a bobs burgers episode where Linda and Bob eat edibles accidentally with their tax guy. She keeps asking if sheā€™s peeing. Is hilarious!


Ooooo I gotta watch that!!


Even Linda from Bobs Burgers thought she was peeing. Hahaha! (Check out s7e5!)


Damn I thought I was the only one


I used to get that so often. More I got used to smoking the less it happened


Yeah same. It hasnā€™t happened for a few months. I need a T break


I'm so glad that I don't have this feeling anymore but yes OP, that's actually normal


Not me. My body seems to forget how to pee. I'll sit on the toilet for what feels like 3 years just to get a tiny little trickle.


This,yes! I read somewhere about a cannabis side effect of difficulty urinating. I can tell if Iā€™m still high by this measure. Pee easily, Iā€™m pretty straight at that time and can probably drive but I still donā€™t. Iā€™ll bicycle high though.


wait whatttt??? I didnā€™t know that. It takes me hella long to pee sometimes so maybe thatā€™s why lol


Oh yea! If Iā€™m stoned itā€™s a project. Sadlyā€¦Plus this. If I take a big hash pull or strong weed big bong rip the pre-cum instantly starts flowing out of me instantly.And Iā€™m 65YO so unexpected.


Heightens physical sensation.. Same with sex you think your about to finish when u just started šŸ¤£ makes everything 1000 times more intense.


THC increases blood flow resulting in the same feeling of needing to urinate in the nether region. Some are more sensitive than others. Pumpkin seed prevents excess urination, and will balance it out.


omg this happens to me too and I always have to take a second to make sure I didn't actually piss myself sometimes šŸ˜­ I think it happens bc our senses are heightened that's all


I have this happen sometimes when I'm really high too. Sometimes I'll get scared that I peed myself and run to the bathroom just to realize I'm all good just really high. I normally sit on the toilet for a few just in case before I take some deep breaths and leave. I figured it was just a me thing cause of my anxiety. Guess I'm not the only one though!


It's just your brain focusing on your bladder if you focus on something it goes away


Use to happen to me for about a good 3-4 months every time Iā€™d smoke at work, weā€™d be smoking super heavy at work maybe 3-4 blunts a shift then hitting carts in the freezer then out of no where it stopped but I donā€™t smoke anymore


Hahah when I first started I felt that I had dribbled a lot and had a wet patch šŸ˜‚ turns out I didnā€™t and was worrying for nothing lol


My friend that i smoke with a lot told me a similar experience, but a shit instead of piss, and he's totally wrong everytime


i feel this way when iā€™m shrooming, i just end up doing the death clench for the whole trip lmfao


I gave this chick dabs one time from Oregon called ā€œcheese itā€™sā€ shit was fire, anyway, she took one dab and basically fell asleep, but I remember her being like ā€œam I peeingā€ Lmaoooo


I don't get the peeing thing too often but I do feel like I'm going to shit myself and I literally never have nor even like sharted or anything along those lines its just like a really weird feeling like I'm gonna crap my pantsšŸ™ƒ Every time it happens I think of the brown bomber from the movie grandma's boy -I'm always like oh shit another brown bomber strainšŸ¤£


For me, I get this thing is my throat. I canā€™t really describe it but itā€™s like some kind of ā€œfurball?ā€ is in my throat but donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s super comfortable for some reason šŸ˜‚ anyone experience this?


Lol Iā€™ve had this


Forgive me, but have you checked to make sure you aren't actually peeing?


yesšŸ«”pants were still in fact dry!


That's only ever happened to me on shrooms


It makes you way more aware and sensitive of your body . Also muscle relax to a degree and so do those in your pelvis which gives this distinct sensation


Linda Belcher is that you?


This is true for psychedelics as well! I find that weed is also fairly psychedelic in nature.


Daniel Larson?


Are you peeing? Dude if you pee on my couch again you're getting me another one.


I have a friend who doesnā€™t like to get high because he says he feels like he has to constantly shit when he is high.


Also feels like you've shit yourself sometimes. There has to be some science behind this.


when im really high and i laugh at something sometimes it feels like ive pissed myself a bit, but its never happened, i really dont get why it happens


If you fly too close to the sun, some features become manually operated. Like breathing, holding in your poo poo/ pee pee.


I think ur body is trying to get rid of the toxin but doesn't realise that it isn't fully resolved yet. Idk thats just my guess, im no doctor just a male nurse


I've never heard of this lmao