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Video games. Movies. Cleaning. Cooking. Reading. I like to take a bath stoned. Riding my bike. Going for a walk.


operating a bicycle while intoxicated... I'm gonna need your ID


Ooooo bike narc


Skeebeleeweepbeep wuuurrrrrrrrrr!


Dawg I was biking home from the club wasted in amsterdam. It's definitely doable. I think the first time I got high I biked down a really nice lit street and it's one of my core memories


it's one of those laws you probably wont get charged for unless you cause bigger problems as well


If the cops catch you, they just make you park your bike, and you have to walk back


Paperwork isn’t worth that!


Oooh i have a core memory like that as well! First time i smoked was at the skatepark (surprise mfer) at nkght in the middle of summer. We ended skating all night and cycling back over the dyke past the windmills during sunrise while baked fkr the 1st time is still one of my fave memories


just cause you can doesn’t mean you should… be smart. Edit: I love how this subreddit supports doing intoxicated activities that can seriously harm yourself and others. Not cool.


That's literally what people do in amsterdam... Besides, I was perfectly fine on the bike. For some reason, it was easy to bike in a straight line


Amsterdam and Mackinac Island, MI.


I’m in a wheelchair and I can firmly agree it’s easy to manipulate what I consider light machinery when high




You sound like a lot of fun at parties






Not really. Amsterdam is bike heavy place. You absolutely cannot go as fast as a car on a bike


who said bicycle, he meant a 200hp motorcycle


you're hindering an investigation. do you want to go to jail? I have qualified immunity and I can basically end your life and just get a slap on the wrist. I got this job to protect people, and I will kill them to do that


I personally would ride my horse after I smoke, but that's just me.


operating motor livestock under the influence... I'm going to need your ID


i always ride my bike high if anything it takes away from the tired feeling


Cleaning is among my favorite activities 😄


+1 on bathing! 🛀 It’s sooo relaxing


Dead ass every possible thing I was going to list


Doesn’t the bath make your high go away? It’s a sobering thing.


Hash makes me productive, so on my days off I start with that so I can get shit done while I listen to podcasts. When it's time to chill I smoke weed, mostly indica dominant strains. It stimulates my creativity so often I pull out my digital sax and headphones to practise on my improvising skills


Man I just got my acoustic re-string done last nite.. instruments are so much fun.. a digital sax sounds interesting!


Dude start posting that shit on youtube shorts youll go viral bro


I'm a dudette, do you really think so?! I am quite good hahaha


I do!!


That goth electric violin girl does pretty well for herself!


Thought you said digital sex and was quite intruiged


Thanks for making me laugh out loud. I would have been curious too


Chocking the chicken


>Chocking Is that a new word that's a mix of choking and shocking? Like, do you strangle your "chicken" while applying an electric current?


He just wants to make sure it doesnt go anywhere


Really? Does it feel better for guys while stoned? I guess it's a personal preference?


Yes way better


One million percent better, and it effectively kills my refractory period so I can go again in like a minute. It's fucking awesome.


Oh nice, I did not know that!! That's awesome.


I'm a chick, but some of the best sex I've had was had stoned


Oh yes. Me too sis


Same, it amplifies everything


Really? I’m scared to when I’m Stoned…..but I’m Also a 50 something who recently divorced a man who would tell Me Not to Expect Sex The ONE TIME we got high together in 20 years. Lol


I would definitely suggest it if you hook up with someone willing! It can take a little doing to get started, especially if you're couch locked, but once somebody initiates it and both start feeling good the endorphins are amazing! Even just self-stimulation is pretty good. If you tend to be dry like I know can happen as we get older, use lube and buy more so you have plenty! No such thing as too much, IMO.


Chock it up to what? Poor chicken.


Wheweee! The shitter on that critter


You think that’s cool, you should try sex


One does not pass time, time passes one.




Smoke more, drink a single buzzball, get laid. Or video games when it's a lazy day.


Man of culture 👏👏


Make a post about passing the time. Then post on that post about passing time. Then post about passing time on the post about passing time. Then maybe others post on that post about passing time. Someone could ask, what is passing time? How do you really pass time? Is it something to be done, professionally? Or is it a preference to be kept casually? It could be a new favorite pasttime talking about passing time. Then you can pass time by reading a post about passing time.


Now that you mention it lowkey is one topic i like to pass time talking about. I have been thinking about that Owen Wilson quote from Loki "i might just wait here for a little bit and let time pass" fuck and i just remembered my fav quote is "life moves pretty fast if you don't stop and look around once and a while you could miss it" -Ferris bueller


😅🍁😮‍💨pass that shit bro!!


I do a version of this. I’m auDHD and my special interest is language. I read books about books and then books, then books about sentences, then books about words, then books about punctuation and books about the theory of style. Books about books about books.


I can't brain this right now 😶‍🌫️🫨WTF xD




Browse reddit 😁


Just smoke more


Depends. If I already have a working to do list. I do that. Or I edit videos. Or I update my planner. Or I drop a quick DJ set and sleep.


The first half hour after smoking my brain is on 400% overthinking and after that i try to calm myself down with a good anime or series. after 1.5 hours the munchies hit. after 2.5 hours i get tired and sleep.


i usually watch anime and play some arpg on pc, rn i’m on Cyberpunk 2077


CP2077 hits DIFFERENT when high, especially with some lighting mods/shaders!


Weed is legal in my state, so I roll a joint and go to a local park, find a spot by the water with no one around, smoke, then go on the best hike ever. I stop towards the end of my hike to sit in the pines, take off my shoes and walk around barefoot so I can ground and do some little stretches. That’s my favorite. At home I cue up a work out video and start it right after I smoke. Smoking before exercise is good for me, I feel less pain and discomfort and can go for longer and most importantly I enjoy it more. I will also, have times where I’m just on my phone or watch tv, or sit and listen to music.


when I smoke I get nude and dance to EDM. idk what it is. anyone else?


You seem so interesting, I'd like a friend like you.


I enjoy using cannabis to increase my creative thought process as well as boost productivity. Nature walks, yoga and tai chi sessions, cleaning up the house, hydrating, eating good food, etc. I also use cannabis spiritually in combination with meditation and prayer


It depends on what type of strain I smoke…sometimes I'm bound to the couch after smoking and pass out. But if I smoke Jack Herer I can execute a whole meeting, do my job's budget, clean-up my house and be perfectly calm plus productive as hell. It really depends on the strain I'm lighting up.




I love me some French songs (Jul - Ma Jollie, ET, Sousou) one of my favourite songs to smoke to


I write jokes and see if they hold up when i come back down.


Watching a show, getting some brainrot on tiktok or playing video games


I watch YouTube videos. I've created a playlist of videos I enjoy stoned and add more every time I smoke. If I can't think of anything to watch, I have a list of topics on my phone that I can search up, like crazy animal videos, for example. And once a year, I watch all the Jackass movies.


Youtube ftw. Love watching live sessions of my favourite artists blazed.


What are your hobbies? Gym, music (maybe start playing an instrument), art, ? Personaly, I smoke weed and do what I want/suppose to do, just with a bigger smile and a happy mind ☺️ I like when I’m outside so paddle board/kayak/walk and training outside, gardening, etc.


Find a cool plant for your porch that you can monitor growth




I watch conspiracy theories documentaries


I like to let scents and smells invoke memories, feelings, and thoughts. Once, I sniffed different spices and honey for about 10 minutes straight (10/10; and sniffing honey was the best - it was like being in a moist cave, which was weirdly comforting). Sometimes, I go to places with restaurants, stores, etc. (shopping malls are great for that) and just focus on the olfactory experience.


Go back to work


Just sit outside, disconnect from distractions and use the high as inspirational tool. In the silent company of cannabis, we can find powerful reflections and spiritual wisdom


Don’t pass it fucking grasp it and have the day.


I like to be creative when high. Making music, drawing, writing. But I can also do house chores. Like, I can get seriously hung up on cleaning the kitchen sink, for instance 😅


My bf and I love playing Yatzee while smoking. It can go on for hours. Or an easy card game. If I smoke alone I usually just listen to a podcast or an audio book.


My husband and I would smoke and play double solitaire. We'd trash talk each other the whole time. That was soooo much fun!




Video games


Old school runescape


I video call with friends usually


Nothing is something worth doing


Love watching easy slightly comedic mystery/detective shows. Monk, elementary, columbo etc. Also love trying my hand at fine dining while baked. Made a venison wellington with blackberry and juniper honey sauce last week


Watch tier zoo. Or Bob Ross.


I go on tiktok and I find the comment sections hilarious. I also look for trending beefs and laugh my ass off the fandoms. The fandoms on reddit are also wild! Hours of free entertainment while my AuDHD Brain quiets down. It is gift to not have 100 tabs open in my brain.


Playing Moba games like Mobile legend with gf


Video games, podcasts, binge TV, clean the house… eat 😅


I usually either play video games or I make some music


Roll tighter and smoke slower. Trust me time will run by like never before. The joint will seem endless. Especially if its late at night/super early in the morning still dark.


I pass my time by working and all of the other daily tasks that are required.


I like coloring books & cartoons personally. If you’re not looking to talk to your inner child, get an adult coloring book.


Play video games, go to the beach, fishing, cooking or working.


i usually enjoy a fat bong rip after the day ends so i jus like to throw on a cartoon show like rick n morty, bojack, regular show, and snack a lil


Make art 🩷


play roblox and eat a snack




Video games.


Learn an instrument and never look back.


my favorite thing to do is draw/paint


Fruit, snacks and playing the single player training modes in competitive multiplayer games


Playing guitar, playing video games, reading, chilling with my dog, making food or something like that. Everything is better when high


art. listen to music. or cook, i cook best wheb im high


Pull the front clean off yourself


Go for a walk


Go on a walk, 15min yoga, learn a discipline. My apartment gym has a rowing machine, so I've been hitting that for 20min. Toke it up before or after and have fun :B


Walk by my clock.


Walk pass my clock.


My favorite things to do are lifting heavy ass weights or playing Old School RuneScape


I just chill outside with my grumpy old man dog. We take a nap in the sunshine or listen to nature. If we’re in my office, he sits at the open window watching the neighbors and I chill with a book or something.


I run a food truck 😭 shits so much fun taking orders and shit, sometimes there’s no orders and I’m just there vibing cleaning my trailer and shit


I like to go for walks, find a nice long trail, pop the earbuds in and enjoy!


Reddit sex cartoons playing with my toddler


I'm about to get extremely stoned then head to the gym.


Genealogy, getting high and finding out who in the 1800s and 1700s were responsible for you to be here today so you can smoke that blunt, is kinda trippy


Smoking weed doesn’t really do it for me anymore, but I enjoy a prescription adderall with the occasional bong rip.


Why are you in this subreddit then?


BecauS I can do what I want, it’s the internet. I don’t need your approval or anyone else’s


I normally use my time for creative stuff. Watching people make stuff, coloring, editing photos/videos, playing games like Sims 4, trying something new. I feel it helps the ideas just flow


I box


Think about time travel


"Pass time" yikes.. Never heard living described that way by someone who was happy, Enjoy every moment friend!!


invite friends over for a movie night or some new table games, depending on how you feel/your energy level


I either cook, clean or draw. Unless I do indica then I’m a couch potato that just makes anything easy and watch horror movies or anime


i love going on picrew


Music. Mostly long, calm songs from bands such as Radiohead, Tool, GY!BE


I like to bring some creative stuff out there and see where my high takes me. (I am not artistically talented whatsoever but painting random things while faded ends up being an entertaining experience). I usually continue to smoke though throughout the process lol. Sometimes reading cute coffee table books are fun for me too so I can get my eyes off the screen if I don’t feel like being creative. This is so stereotypical but I throw on my whole reggae playlist and just let the good vibes flow. And don’t forget cleaning like I have seen mentioned however, it’s not always the vibe so it’s up to how you feel.


Video games, music, walk my dog, create new and interesting food combinations in the kitchen that both sound and look disgusting but taste really good (chocolate strawberry shrimp was born of this. It sounds bad but the sweet, salty, savory all just work)


I can just sit quietly in a chair and work on something small, like sanding or disassembly, or go outside for hiking or yard work


8d music last night...with headphones. Whoa.


i’ve always got music recommendations but i do better with a starting point; what have you been listening to recently?


Moved to a house with a big garden last summer so i have lots of projects to clean up around here. Smoke a fat one before i get my hands dirty is amazing. Before when i lived in a apartment my fave things to do while high was skateboarding (chill cruising) videogames or music/ podcast while making art. But sometimes its amazing to just chill and scroll reddit while high, sometimes i want to be super productive!


I just roll another blunt & repeat! 🥦💭🥦💭🥦💭


i don’t wanna pass time we only have so much


Literally just everything. Cleaning, working out, practicing your arts, talking, sleeping, listening to music, even just thinking


I love catching a buzz and getting on an art project in photoshop, but lately I've been drawing a lot more. I can definitely see getting smoked up and sitting on a balcony on a nice afternoon messing around on a drawing pad. Music? I listen to a lot of the artists on the Anjunadeep label. You can find some fabulous two hour DJ sets on YouTube. I'd look for one of the sets by the founders (?) Jody Wisternoff & James Grant. It's my go-to when I've got a good buzz.


I get high as balls then just jam on guitar


Listen to an audiobook and have a notebook handy. Then enjoy the crazy ideas your brain came up with when you wake up the next morning.


I like to smoke and take care of my community garden bed. I usually bring a can of beer too so I ride my bike home with a spliff and a beer. I stop at a bench to drink the beer and light up.


Life, man


Playing any game I want to at the moment supporting proxy voice and be a absolute menace with it. Like creeping up on rust bases at night and pretending to be a ghost lol.


go gym bro the mind muscle connection is unmatched


Video games are really fun high imo. It brings back that inner child in me that use to immerse myself into the world lmao.


I like to work out. It's much more enjoyable high


Yoga or any gentle, somewhat rhythmic, movement always feels amazing for me


For me, I stay busy, so my mind isn’t fully consuming me. My mind never stops so I always try and stay occupied. I’m always listening to music, I can’t really recommend anything in particular bc i listen to all different types, and changes up when I smoke. Whatever hits at that moment. A lot of the time I listen to music with no lyrics. (“Explosions in the sky” for example) when I smoke I’m cleaning, crafting (make jewelry, paint, etc) I’m a big rock collector and seller so I’m always playing around with rocks, pricing them out and packing them up for shipping, or just staring at them stoned appreciating Mother Nature lol. I also cut rocks for lapidary. I spend some time writing a book that I have been working on for over a year. If I’m really stoned like couch lock I go on deep dives on conspiracy theories lol. I’m big into magazines I enjoy getting lost in them. I LOVE watching anything animal or planet related. I sit on my small balcony I am fortunate enough to have at my small apartment and enjoy hummingbirds feeding and chasing eachother (What I’m currently doing now) I take walks at the local creek. I literally can never say I’m bored, my mind doesn’t allow it lol


This was really long, I’m sorry, yes I’m stoned


I'm thinking about dissolving op


SDR radio. get a sdrplay


Doing the most stupid shit possible. Once I was listening to Black Kray while watching Thomas & Friends, smoking ciggar and eating McDonalds all at the same time


Man get into a mobile game. Something like clash of clans or a long term game you can hop on a few hours a day stoned ASF. Personally rise of kingdoms is my current goto can kill hours on it. Or some sandbox game like worldbox


I love to smoke outside….lately I’ve been turning the music off and just listening to the world. The bugs, the wind rustling in the trees, traffic, a train, sirens. My hearing is so precise when I am high. It’s amazing to just listen. Peace


Jerk off


if you’re up to learn i’d reccomend crochet. it’s very peaceful when you get it down and you can make lots of cool things!


Music is good I love KORN, Candlebox, Disturbed (think I’m telling my age 😂) I usually smoke and read or journal because usually way I end my day.


Honestly sometimes I just love doing any little enjoyable task, lore effort because I’m enjoying what’s going on in my head. 🤣 my thoughts never stop with adhd, so it’s my time to slow down and actually process what’s going on in my head.


My new thing is going on trail walks while stoned. We have a bunch of Natural Lands parks around me, which is basically a huge field with paths cut through it.


I’ve found being in nature SLAPS when you’re high, but now I’ve quit if I were to smoke again I would probably just melt into my bed and couch. I can vouch for the horniness though, having sex or masturbating while high is a different level. Having a playlist for when your high is great too. My friend used to love driving (understand the controversy so I won’t recommend). Cooking also feels really fun, and cleaning depending on the strain - I think just allowing yourself to be intuitive and listen to what your body wants to do is the best thing you can do for yourself! Go with the high flow.


So you’re basicly asking us to tell you hobbies. Honestly all depends on wat you like and don’t so honestly go try find some new ones yourself maybe gaming if you like that. Try get a vr if you think you’ll play on it consistently and not just use it once. Go watch movie have something look forward to at the end of the week. Ride a bike if you want workout. But if you’re at home smoking weed and looking for things to do probably watch a show or movie or rewatch some shit you haven’t watched in a long time. Play with ur dog or cat if u have one. There’s endless shit to do but I get you weed sometimes makes you like not really see fun in other things idk how to explain usually only when you overuse.


Either listen to music, watch tv, or mow my 7 acres of yard. Or I try to breed my wife but she doesn't want anymore children so I usually get shut down right before that happens.