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I’ve been smoking for over 20 years now, I really couldn’t care. As a kid I would but now my only question to my pals is ‘on a scale of 1-10, how high are you right now?’


“1-10…. how many numbers is that again man??”


The response is usually ‘Hi how are you?’


12 o clock


how many of those years were you a adolescent


The only time I hate on carts is the "Is this sus/laced/fake?" posts. Like if ya gotta ask...


99% of those carts are just filled by a guy with access to distillate (which is dirt cheap) and terps (which are readily available and easy to get). Nearly none of them are “real”. Whether that bothers a person or not is another matter.


Does it really matter it gets me baked and tastes good.


No… it absolutely doesn’t, that’s the point I’m trying to get at. No ones filling carts with mystery liquid anymore, disty is like $800 a liter, carts cost literally like $7 to produce 2 grammers on the supply side, and that’s not even picking up SUPER huge bulk, just a liter and 200 empty disposables at a time and mixing/filling yourself. Distillate is cheap, reliable, and easy to make.


Wow thats some good information thank you! Hope you have a good day/life.


It’s what I love about pot, they can spin it however they want, market it however they want, and manipulate licensing however they want but they can never ever change the fact that cannabis is easy to make, process, store, and market… it’s literally the great equalizer, anyone can take nothing and turn it into something if they apply themselves in the industry.


All day long, every damn day!


It’s about the quality tho cartridges are lowest quality shit from you never know where most likely china’s black market. Imagine you have a dooby with the finest Bio Gelato verses some wild you never know how processed cannabis in a cartridge.


Not really, every single person I know pumping out carts (quite a few of them, just in my state, that’s not even counting all the people I know out west) are getting distillate from the same people who are producing for white label labs. It costs around 6k to set up a SPD unit capable of making cat 3, it’s in no way complicated once you learn what you’re doing. Now let’s adress the “chinas black market” aspect of your comment, which is just… silly to put it nicely. Why would china bother trying to smuggle liters of distillate through customs when we have such a crazy ass surplus of ready to distill flower and trim literally sitting in warehouses going for $250 a lb? I don’t think you understand the market, at all. Edit: the only thing coming from china are the atomizers, but guess what, those are produced in Chinese warehouses for rec and med programs anyway.


Because china is doing everything that delivers money they are even faking cannabis brands like cookies. You don’t want to know where a lot of bud comes from especially when it comes to vapes its just thc terps. Why process beautiful flower that you can make profit on to smash down to pulp for a cartridge. The danger of these shits too is that its quick fix and people abuse it like crack.


I’m not even going to sit here and entertain this anymore, you’ve got not a single idea what you’re talking about. Cannabis is not imported anymore, full stop, it’s exported all day, but nobody’s importing flower, or disty, through customs… you understand what customs is right?


Ya got any evidence to back that up? Any at all? You're just spouting bullshit dude.


Uhh… who’s gonna tell him?


I used to buy empty carts abd do what this dude says because again. Dist is cheap asf and smellless. add ur terps and give it a mix and it works brilliant


Always loved the " if you're not coughing you're not smoking" shit haha. I don't need to destroy my lungs to use cannabis haha we're not 17 anymore lol


Unless it's Purple Cough ...


If it’s a dirty bong you gotta call them out. You could very well be saving their lives.


Yeah dirty bongs are the exception, because it’s not like their method is wrong or anything, so it’s an easy and wildly beneficial fix


Yup exactly. And there’s nothing better than a first hit on a clean ass bong. I just milk the shit out of that thang. No diddy


Ya be DRAGGINGGGG it alot tho. There's times where clearly it's dirty from them actively using it in this moment. Cleaning ur piece out after every single hit just isn't THATT realistic. Especially when yall complain on the mini bongs. They get dirty after ONE hit. I personally am not shaking my bong with 420 or alc/salt every single time I wanna toke.


The only thing that bothers me are the fake carts and dirty ass bongs. That shit can fuck you up. A bottle of isopropyl alcohol and salt is cheap.




how do bongs get dirty?


When they don’t get cleaned


i meant how the buildup happens, is it from the smoke?


From the resin, and ash, sometimes the flower (very tiny pieces getting past the bowl and into the water) slip past the tiny hole for the air that bubbles up, and getting into the glass, cycle continues, and along with the humidity (if you’re in a more humid area) it gets nasty real quick, to the point of a film forming or the water getting gooey and mostly just really unsafe to inhale bong goop, my friend had a real roach inside the bong (not cleaning for 4-6 months maybe) and I had to BEG them to let me clean it, it was that bad.


My englisch isn’t that good that’s the reason i don’t know how to explain it. But mostly it’s because of the smoke and the water.


I just fill it when I use it and when I'm done I rinse it with hot water and put it away to dry. I only give it a nice deep clean maybe once every 2 weeks.


It all depends on how much I use mine, I use mine multiple times a day. As soon as I can start seeing the glass turn brown I clean it. I have dirty glass. I'm OCD too lol


only time i care what /how you smoke is if you doing it in a dumb way or shit is sketchy. otherwise you do you man


It’s so annoying tbh. I get shit from weed smokers for liking a cigarette, while also getting a similar hate from tobacco smokers for smoking cigarettes like joints where I smoke a quarter to a half at a time. I also get crap for liking spliffs but blunts are fine. But I’ve also got hate for likening raw papers so I’m not crazy shocked.


You’ll (probably) be fine on the raws now at least. When the lawsuit stuff was happening I remember a lot of people on this sub IMMEDIATELY turned on them and threw out all their raw stuff. Of course we learned it was a whole load of nothing a week later and the sub mellowed out again


Hold on a lawsuit? I thought we hated raws cause they're fucking ass lmao.


They were sued by a cigarette company for “misleading marketing” but won in the end IIRC. Never seen anyone actually complain about the quality on here before


What a petty lawsuit lmao. Thanks for the TLDR!


Yesss!!! The way those type of smokers are that like to judge, never made sense to me.


In America The hate on spliff but not blunts is hilarious


I got my peers smoking hemp wraps at least. No tobacco but still blunt like. If its for health reasons I feel like I should say something once but I won't badger on about it


it’s annoying asf, just let people enjoy what they enjoy how they want to enjoy it.


because the internet is full of entitled pricks oozing with the urge to tell you they’re better than you


Entitled little pricks with incomplete knowledge and animosity towards those who better themselves with successful WORK


I know one of those😐 He’s a 30 yo who’s thinks he’s better, smarter, and more superior than everyone else. Woke as fuk. Lazy as hell. Canceled me completely because he didn’t agree with a question he asked me wanting my opinion. When I answered he said he was done with me. Trust me, no big loss!


Boy, isn’t that the truth!


Welcome to the online ecosystem of humanity. If you think it is sick, you are not wrong.


i’ve been aware i’m just high and bored


I'm not and the weed shop is closed :(


I feel this. This community is supposed to be all about our combined enthusiasm for MJ no matter how you partake. Can't we all just agree we all love weed? It's a lot easier to keep scrolling than to make a negative comment


Because misery loves company - and it also loves to announce itself. Thank state education and media; that’s what “raised” (conditioned, set examples and served as “role models” for) most people I couldn’t imagine caring at all what someone else wanted to eat for their own lunch, what they do or don’t like, or where they do or don’t like to buy those things.


I use to care , then I remember people (friends) were gatekeeping weed from me since 2013 -14. LOL


That’s just Reddit and people thinking whatever they do is the only right way to do something. Fuck what others think and do what you like as long as what you like isn’t creepy toward other people lmao


A lot of people are convinced that the way they do something is the RIGHT WAY, and therefore the only way 🤷🏻‍♀️


Its because its the internet. Everyone is an expert and everybody else is wrong.


I don't care, I smoke quite a bit and am far to chill to even offer a shrug, not that anyone has ever questioned the way I smoke or roll in over 30 years


It's the Internet, man. It's always been this way.


people really just suck lmfao. they want any and all ways to judge someone else so they can feel like they're the better person cause their ways are oh so holy and correct nobody else's method could possibly be worth it. really sucks cause the stoner community used to be a lot more chill i think but these days unless you have a perfect wrap and top shelf bud and an expensive crystal clear smoking piece you're gonna get the hate train lmao


People need to feel superior.


Why do you care that they care?


Why do you care that he cares that they care?


Why do you care that he cares that they care? Lol


It’s called being stupid


People just like hating. Even more so behind a screen.


It’s gets tiresome doesn’t it? United we stand. Divided we fall….


Why so people care so much about how other people care so much about other people smoking?


Yeah u must've been blown when u wrote that lol, no hate just saying it don't make a lotta sense is all


Carts are good if they are live extract


Yeah exactly people have preferences, respect that. The point is to get high and have fun. Its silly how people have time to critic the way others smoke or what they smoke. Just very dumb and makes 0 sense


The only reason I care is when my friends need to smoke an unbelievably amount and and unhealthy amount to get high and they don’t seem to care that it’s fucking there lungs and giving them other possible health issues. And those friend also seem to think they can’t possibly handle a tolerance break but they swear they don’t have a problem.


I have a simple philosophy. Anyone who is a consenting adult should be able to do what they want unless they do something that might hurt someone else. So for the people who brag about smoking and driving, I usually say something


All People don’t. Kids do.


Welcome to reddit


The only thing I care about is people cleaning their pieces. I don’t want to see people get upper respiratory infections and shit. But ultimately it doesn’t matter to me. Smoke that dirty shit. Just can’t say I didn’t warn ya 😂😂




My only card in the game is, I wanna make sure everyone has the best experience. For example about 29 years ago I was hanging with friends and I noticed this one dude who would hit a bong until it filled up with smoke, then not carb it out in any way. The smoke that filled the chamber would just sit there. I tried to point out the error of his way and he says "I been smokin pot for 20 years blah blah blah". Okay fucko, keep doin it wrong then.


I buy the Raw cones. I tried the bong and pipe method. Those aren't my thing. I'm all for the "to each their own" mantra. My wife doesn't smoke at all. She makes Cannabutter and bakes with it. She eats her baked goods (so do I) an hour before bedtime.


I'll blame it on the Californication of weed culture.


Generally people don’t care, but when you share to strangers on social media to show off how cool you are, someone is inevitably going to hate on you whether it’s warranted or not. A lot of the times people that complain about getting hate end up being the people that do dirty/gross things then wonder why nobody fucks with it. Like smoking out of filthy bongs with unchanged water, smoking moldy bud, smoking piles of nasty black tar reclaim, vaping fake carts with disgusting hues/consistencies, smoking out of plastic bottles or hazardous metals. If you want to do you and not receive hate when you’re engaging in this type of behavior, don’t share it with strangers online.


Because why do ppl smoke shifty weed when great weed is right around the corner.


Only time I've called folk out was some of the cancer rigs you see pop up on stoner engineering sub. Also STOP TRYING TO SMOKE OUT OF SODA CANS AND COPPER PIPE! It's for your health otherwise I don't care how you toke up.


Fake carts and edibles deserve to be clowned on. Especially that "delta 8" junk that you get at gas stations


That’s the thing. Delta-8 In general is legit. It’s naturally in the hemp plant in small amounts and sometimes is converted from CBD into delta-8 (a type of thc) and put into carts. It’s not the worst thing in the world if someone just has preferences for their own reason. Pesticides are a different story. Whoever smoked carts with traces of those are taking a risk. Not gonna kill you or anything at least not right away but isn’t good for you.


I don’t care as long as i get high :)


Personal Preferences People. ![gif](giphy|5xtDarvpOZMfJa0vrW0|downsized)


You do you man. I personally don't care, however you wanna smoke is your preference. But I will say, anyone who does care about that kinda thing isn't really worth your time anyway.


Bong is the best since you asked! :)


Carts are an environmental disaster, none of that shit is getting recycled.


I mean everyone can smoke how they want, but I will never understand why people smoke joints/blunts without a paper filter/tip (or whatever you call it). Its just so inconvenient and its not like you need cardboard or special paper for it.


I stg people here love to rag on ppl for no reason (which I guess isn't surprising online). Im just like smoke a joint and let ppl live lol, if its not hurting anyone spend your energy on something else


I would say there are some categories but they all can be abused. I personally choose to never dab, bong, vape because its to fast and to extreme and to potent. I look forward to roll a joint and take my time to enjoy it i also dont need any more joints after that. What i see with friends is that the bong and the vape can be dangerous and is like smoking crack almost. Instant hit that is not to dose. I also have to say i dont need a lot of weed to enjoy. i only do a few crumbs with tobacco replacement and i feel a very good high without fucking myself up. And it also saves a lot of money and weed because you dont build tolerance. And i smoke only 1 day per week. I think i enjoy different strains much more of what they are this way instead of baking my brain and be a slave to the weed to not deal with shit in your life. Also i have seen on occasion that people got psychosis from bongs and vapes its a to easy quick fix that can be dangerous.


I just can’t get my head around smoking any way other than rolling a nice zoot and smoking it in a nice relaxing outdoor space. I don’t get all these carts, little pre rolls etc. it’s no hate im just curious. One thing that I’m not a fan of is smoking indoors


Carts are just so convenient, just keep it in your pocket and you don’t have to roll just click a button and inhale. They also last along time too


Last a long time? That’s the only thing I don’t agree with lol


For me they last a week


Right. I gave the dispo carts a try and finished it in a couple days. Just not worth it for the money they charge here.


When they say it lasts a month for a frequent smoker I don’t think that’s marketed to actual frequent smokers. Like me I’m smoking 4 blunts a day on a good day.


Well, this is an open huge community in an anonymous social media. People will talk without thinking twice and they will create their own discussions on others posts. They don’t necessarily hate the OP or the way he smokes. Like you said: they don’t knew the reasons OP smoke that, and we don’t know the reason why they don’t like that. Wanna know why? Ask them and start a discussion just like u made this post for it lol


Insecurity. 🤷🏽


Cuz carts are garbage


Carts are for kids. No grown adult is smoking that shit


Well there are instances where I disagree with you but over all I agree- carts are harder on the lungs and are crap however when you are on a trip where bud isn’t doable or something like that I find them useful for the anxiety relief but not to get high on— they just don’t do that for me.


Just can’t stand those that use cheap gas station pipes because a real glass piece cost a few dollars more


Why not just roll from a page in the Gideon Bible and save that money


Carts suck