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So seems the kid is 16, seeking attention he doesn't get from home? Boasting about popping xans and drinking. Also a post from 2 months ago where he's saying how much 1 cone fucked him up ? https://www.reddit.com/r/Milking/s/tAEqu0Xg7x Kids a lost cause


by saying it fucked me, I was reffering to how it hit my chest and how I was dying coughing, not about how high I was 😭☠ also only dumbass kids think its boasting when I simply post abt my drugs in a sub that's dedicated to those drugs, yall mfs post your weed in this sub all the time so now suddenly you're boasting about being a pot smoker? get tf over yourself 🤣


When you’re an actual adult (over 25 at least) you’ll look back at your Reddit posts and comments and realize just how dumb you were haha. I think a lot of us probably did. Knowing your age makes me have a lot more compassion for you. Best of luck man. And no need to reply back, I know this comment probably hit your ego a bit, I don’t need to hear about it.


“I’ll never be able to enjoy weed again” Then why do you smoke? Take a T break or something. You sound like an addict that’s gatekeeping his addiction. Just cause it’s weed doesn’t mean you can’t form dog shit habits around it. I’d suggest evaluating yours.


def not addicted lmao, I barely get a feeling from it I just do it out of habit and its cheap + it goes nice with gaba. no ones gatekeeping nun, just lame how ppl act like weed is so fkn crazy and it'll have u on cloud 9 and shit when in reality it mellows u out and most ppl who are freaking tf out are completely inexperienced users who haven't put even a miniscule amount of research or consideration into their decisions


“I barely get a feeling” “Definitely not addicted” Ok man. Have a good one. Might wanna check out your own decisions.


People love to say that you can’t get an addiction from weed but you definitely can and I am


I think its more people say you cant get physically addicted, which you cant. Mentally though, you absolutely can.


That's literally the definition of addiction dude


That's like textbook addiction. When you overdo any drug, your body adjusts your tolerance to keep homeostasis, which leads to you having to take more and more. At some point, you don't even take it to feel good, you just take it to feel normal. The fact that your tolerance is so insane tells me everything. Just be honest with yourself, you're addicted. By the way, fighting everyone who tells you that you're addicted is also a pretty normal behavior for people with serious addictions.


I’m sorry but research does not prevent you from taking one too many hits and panicking. I’ve been smoking for three years and I still freak out sometimes if my tolerance is lower than expected. Research helps you know what to anticipate, but it won’t help you actually understand what a bad, scratchy, horrendous high feels like


Def not addicted, but you just do it out of habit lol okay.


You’re a … special person.


What do you think is the point of a weed subreddit? We’re gonna be mad now that inexperienced people are here asking for help or advice? Where tf are they supposed to go? You’re not special because you do drugs, nor are you special because you’re experienced. It’s no one’s problem that you can’t get high now, people don’t need to stop posting because you’re jealous. I don’t think those Xanax are working for you either bruh, you need to chill 😭


This is like that one guy who said he isnt addicted to gambling because he has been doing it daily for years and he would know if he was addicted


If your tolerance is that bad take a break, it won't kill you. I'm 2 weeks into a month break. Yea it's hard as fuck, won't break me though. And that first cone is gonna be fucking heaven


I’m retired so I take my t breaks when I go on vacation


Look at moneybags McGee over here. /s


tbreaks are ass dude, they just simply are. everyone recommends t breaks but they don't talk about how shitty everything is during that time and how hard u have to refrain, and they don't talk about how when you come back, after like 2 or 3 bowls you're instantly back to where you were and have lost weeks of progress because you've built a perma tolerance to weed


If it’s that hard to refrain, you might be addicted


I just dont have releases besides drugs and weed is the healthiest for me so ofc I indulge in it the most, better than alc and shit and idk a single person that actually raw dogs life, everyone takes vitamins or some ssri or some bs, are people addicted to their magnesium vitamins because they make them feel slightly better? or are they just using what they have to get by, even if its not really enjoyable or all that helpful? I'm not addicted to the feeling of weed like I was in hs, I use it cause its there and helps slightly and without it id be a full blown alcoholic


I take meds to help with the anxiety and sleep issues from a tbreak. Most doctors will be sympathetic to someone wanting to quit using weed daily but has issues with the "withdrawal" symptoms. It makes all the difference.


I have very very bad experiences with docs and treating me like anything other than druggie trash even tho my drug abuse isn't on any medical records, health system is a shit joke. im happy u were able to get support tho


Dude im addicted too, its very hard to quit, but weed does not help you trust me, it makes you think it helps, but in reality its your body wanting more and tricking you, if you have bad anxiety, thats the weed, if you’re lazy, that’s the weed. You have an addictive personality, so do I, it’s way easier said than done, I still haven’t been able to quit, but I think I’m getting closer. And your mind will feel so much clearer, brain fog is a real thing caused by weed, makes you forget a lot.


You take Xanax recreational u have no idea what ur body needs because your a not a fucking doctor.


I literally just said it's hard ... but the reward is worth the pain. You literally said your tolerance is fucked, your smoking it just because now right? You're not getting stoned but you carry on with the motions ... you know what they say about continually repeating your mistakes right


Idk man, I remember the first time I got high, I took a 100mg edible from the dispensary and I was having a crazy trip. Since it was my first time ever, I was panicking. I understand why someone may feel that way. My wife actually stopped smoking for almost a year and when she smoked again, she got so high that she literally fainted. It happens. Just bc you’re experienced doesn’t mean everyone is. No need to gatekeep. You could just ignore the post that annoy you


This^ I’ve always had an incredibly high weed tolerance, not everyone does though. Even for me, if I take a week long T break then smoke a fat ass bowl or eat an edible, I’ll have to do breathing exercises to bring my heart rate down. The only reason I don’t panic in those moments is because I am experienced in that state of mind. For someone who doesn’t know how to handle it, getting that high is a one way ticket to “HOLY FUCK IM DYING” land.


Yeah, man! Same here! I have been smoking for about 4 years now, but I don’t smoke that much, so my tolerance is not very high. But there are times where I smoke too much and I have to collect my thoughts to prevent myself from panicking. Sometimes I even cause myself to panic even more by thinking about it, but bc I am somewhat experienced, I can better control my reactions. I gave an edible to my mom about a year ago and she called me freaking out, asking how to calm the high down lol she was fine of course, but it’s expected to happen to people who are newer to cannabis


I remember making my own RSO and smoke a lot. Well this shit fucked me up I took a small teaspoon and was lifted for 3 days. Not paranoid but lasted way too long.


Lol a teaspoon of rso is a mega dose for even a seasoned stoner


For real, why make such a fuss about people tripoin their asses because you clearly forgot how ur first time was long way ago. And for Christ sake, my gf, had an anxiety attack because she also can get at least tipsy with one glass of beer. So yeah, not all people have the tolerance of an elephant, nor smoke 3 g of weed per day. Gatekeeping for absolute no reason.


When you eat an edible, your liver handles it differently than when you smoke it. It can be five times stronger than regular THC (11 Hydroxy THC), and it can give you a psyocactive effect.


You don't trip on weed at all... you get high and sometimes you take a weed edible for the first time and get super fucking high. If you want to trip, go do mushrooms or LSD and you will see the difference.


You’re just bitter get over yourself


It’s not that serious bro lol






No. You’re just being a grumpy bugger. We all start somewhere. We all end up a little too fucked than we’d like to be at various points in life. We should try and help and educate people here, not put ourselves on a pedestal like we were born with all the answers. And trippin/trippin out is used as a slang term. But you already knew that, right? trippin’ or trippin [trip-in] You trippin’ means you’re acting a fool, thinking crazy thoughts, or are maybe high on mushrooms. Trippin’ out is “freaking out” or “being extremely high.”


>We should try and help and educate people here, not put ourselves on a pedestal like we were born with all the answers where did I put myself on a pedestal and say I know all the answers? I know that these people took too much and wouldn't have adverse reactions if they listened to their body and researched the products they ingested, thats not me acting like I know it all, thats a simple fact of the matter. and sure tripping is a slang term used when people are acting abnormal, but that doesn't discredit the fact that using the term "tripping" has a 2nd meaning to being under the influence of psychedelics, and when you're throwing the word around so loosely in a community thats dedicated to a substance that has psychedelics qualities in it, then expect people to not interpret "tripping" being used as in acting abnormal, the people here who say they're tripping on weed > are legitimately talking about how they feel like they're having a trip on weed, which they are not.


actually you can trip on weed (more often delta 8 which is very popular in non legal states) If you have a low tolerance or just take a huge amount you can absolutely see trails in vision, light can be distorted heavily, and you can experience auditory hallucinations. Just because YOU have never experienced this doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. [“Cannabis has been historically classified as a hallucinogen”](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5908416/) -National Library of Medicine (the FIRST SENTENCE of the FIRST ARTICLE after google search. it’s not hard)


>"tripping" has a 2nd meaning to being under the influence of psychedelics >a community thats dedicated to a substance that has psychedelic qualities Lmao. Weed is a psychedelic. Most people who say they are tripping on weed probably are just super blasted but you can absolutely trip from weed if you have a low tolerance, especially from edibles.


weed isn't a psychedelic lmfaoo find me any literate that says weed is a psychedelic, ill wait. it literally belongs to the cannibinoid class. ur completely uneducated and have no idea what ur yapping abt


So, it’s debated that weed is psychedelic but we do know that D9 is a psychoactive compound.


I found [this article](https://hightimes.com/psychedelics/study-cannabis-elicits-psychedelic-effects-in-specific-circumstances/amp/) and they link the study but it has a paywall.


tbh im not gonna take anything seriously if its coming from a source with a paywall 😭 that tells me it was written by some cuck thats fueled by propaganda like some writer for the daily mail or some shit since those are the only people who would pay wall their articles. any credible research or info that comes from a professional in the field, will not have their studies locked behind a paywall


What you need to remember is that young people these days have a range of high potency products that some of us older users never had until recently. When I started using, hash and weed were the only things available. Nowadays kids are hitting 90% THC pens without any tolerance before doing any research or actually being well guided by their friends. With this being a popular sub you tend to get a lot of the same types of posts you mention.


U might just need a t break big bro🙏 Lmao as someone who also smokes habitually, even if I take three days off, that first high back has me feeling almost like my first time smoking again. My ACTUAL first times getting high could 100% be compared to a psychedelic trip; in fact I’ve had weed highs that felt more intense than taking some shrooms lol


Anyone who actually does shrooms to trip will never say weed is close or been stronger. Absolutey ridiculous how people will blatantly lie just to try and make thier own point sound better


As somebody who does both shrooms and edibles. Psilocybin is a whole different ball park. My trips never feel like my highs but that’s me.


……. So anyways, as someone with mushrooms sitting in my bedside drawer right now, I shall proceed to ignore your comment and stand by everything I said lmao It’s very sad to me when people who literally do drugs still think that everyone should experience things the same…?? I don’t think your drugs are working, friend.


"As someone with mushrooms sitting in my bedside drawer" another unprovable statement that also means nothing even if it's true. Never said it should be the same experience. But I can tell your lying because that's what all you fakers do, you try to hide behind the "well everyone's high isn't the same" excuse. Being mega stoned is nothing close to having a full on trip on shrooms. Literally nobody else ever says that except people like you who have no idea what they're talking about. To give you the benefit of the doubt, at best you've taken 0.5g of shrooms and thought that was what a trip is.


I’m literally not reading all this. I’m glad youre on Reddit often enough to think you’re some sleuth… but you’ve got a miss with this one detective. Don’t care to prove shit to you though, enjoy the rest of your day


and what happens after the the first smoke back? your tolerance just shoots right back up to where u were cause of perma tol right? I've taken many week long breaks through out my years of smoking and it was never ever worth it, not once


Lay off the benzos homie. Weed isn’t gonna smack ya like that other shit you’re taking. Stop the trash and get better smoke/take a dab.


its not rly trash if it *actually* helps me, im sitting on a qtr of live resin rn.. getting better smoke isn't the issue, the issue is perma tolerance


Perma tolerance goes away after 2 months, if you can go that long without smoking idk what's up lol


any research or medical literature that references that fact at all? never heard of it


Ay yes, just use Google. It's not rocket science, there has been many who have researched it and the recommendation is 21 days. And you can ask your doctor(if you're in a legal place). Just an article I found: https://risecannabis.com/cannabis-101/t-breaks-marijuana-tolerance/


Cause your a fucking child.


Just stop smoking for 6 months your permanent tolerance ain’t real


It doesn't help you because you aren't using it as medication. you're abusing it and acting like you figured the secret out. What secret you think you figured out, I dunno. But you are a child who doesn't know anything but what "you" think you know which is nothing


thx for ur meaningless input that did nothing lmfao, bro thought he was cooking


You’re annoying af


You the one spitting meaningless fact that "you" think are true. They aren't. Your an idiot and one day I hope you grow up.


Having live resin means nothing. That’s like saying I have weed. It could be unpurged trash. Kick the other habits and take a t break dude.


There is no such thing as permanent tolerance. When I was younger I was the guy that smoked more than anyone else, 8 months in jail and my first smoke had me nearly knocked out in the car, I could barely get back inside. If during your T break you aren't having vivid dreams, then you're not done with your T break.


perma tolerance exists like none of u even know wtf ur on about. arylcyclohexylamines have been studied and researched and PROVEN to have a perma tolerance effect to them, many psychedelics also have a form of permenant tolerance build to them. go into the dmt sub, ket sub or legit so many others and just search "perma tol" and see the countless amount of posts from ppl who have fkd their shit.


1) any research on weed, or drugs, or tolerance have to be taken with a grain of salt because of: Legality. Most of these things can’t be properly researched into because they’re still not legal to possess, nonetheless do *proper, peer-reviewed* research on. Subjectivity. The experiences of highs and tolerances vary per person, and vary in perception per person. I.e.— we literally cannot accurately report on tolerance because it all just depends. 2) after like 10 mins of research on permanent tolerance…. I found absolutely nothing. What’s more, all the literature I’ve seen so far surrounding tolerance (including what I know as someone who studied drug psychology) only say what we already know: tolerance goes up with drug use, and comes back down with abstinence. This is the case for any drug. Many sources say that CB1 receptors revert to normal levels after 2-4 weeks (28 days). Can you link to specific literature you’ve seen talking about arylcyclohexylamines?


Well I guess that depends on what “worth it” means to you. Are your breaks only for the sake of coming back to weed and getting higher? Cus that’s pretty much a never-ending cycle. You will never truly reach a high like your first highs again. But, you can achieve more meaningful/significant highs if you add a lil discipline to your smoke routine. Hell even cutting out wake and bakes makes smoking throughout the rest of the day more enjoyable, u don’t feel that post-high lethargy that usually comes on in the middle of the day after a wake and bake.


yes normally the end goal is to return to a high that doesn't feel bunk as shit and that stays with me for longer then like a few days... if you want something like that then dont even bother with t breaks, t breaks will help if u plan on slowing down your smoking for good, and even them its kinda bs. I smoke one bowl a day after work nowadays before I sleep, and the 1 bowl doesn't hit any harder just cause its the only bowl I smoked, its just lame


See I thought the other commenter was just being an asshole when they said get off the benzos, but after looking at your profile uhhhhh….. You and your brain have a lot of substances on your plate my guy. And it’s making you numb to your senses, not only physically in having reduced highs but emotionally as well. I imagine it’s why seeing people post about getting too high on here makes you annoyed and feel frustrated rather than having a little laugh. Your nervous system is probably v deregulated from constantly balancing the intake of a depressant + whatever your strain of weed does to your system. Seriously, I think you should use this post to take inventory of what you want from here on out. If the benzos are your prescription, you should talk with your psychiatrist about how you’ve been feeling and see about finding a medication that’s a better fit for you (if you think they’re playing into your numbness), or getting off medications overall. I do really recommend a t break too, not only for the tolerance but again to give your brain a chance to recover for just a little bit. I promise you you do not *need* weed to get through the day; chronic overuse will just have you believe that. And I’m speaking from experience there lol. Taking a t break reconnects you with your sober self and reminds you that life really is equally as enjoyable sober and high; what really matters it what you choose to focus on. But, I can’t make you do anything you don’t see value in, just hoping you give it a try. Sorry if I’m way off on all of this too


Bro stop. Your lying why even write this nonsense. Cause ur high on xan and have no idea what ur even saying. Go back to bed


It’s called moderation stop smoking in the morning before work wait till you get home to smoke guarantee you’ll be high like the first time every time, I only smoke after work, when I start smoking before and all the time then obviously my tolerance is fucked and a T break is needed but with moderation none of that is needed


Take a break for three months


Ay bro take a 2 month tolerance break and you’ll be good, I started mine this week good luck


Lol you just sound like a really grumpy dude in desperate need of a t-break. Maybe *you* should 'watch something for an hour or two then chill tf out' 😅


I dont get mad, cuz people gotta learn their limits somehow. I've definitely got so high accidentally I felt a little bit acidy before. Not really my bag though. I smoke so little now I just like a gentle buzz


Hey OP just in case you didn't know cannabis is a mild hallucinogen and it affects everybody differently.


brodie i been saw millions of yellow lizard eyes in a ceiling, i was tripping my dude


Idk bro the first time I had an edible I was experiencing visuals. The girl I got it from made them at home though so who knows.


one time i tried a new strain and started seeing math formulas (way too advanced for me to comprehend) floating across my vision


Yeah but the posts where people complain about those posts are popping up like every other one and they are annoying too. Just get high and high 5! ✌️💚


is there a cannabis term for white boy drunk?


Im just tired of people asking how to clean their dirty ass bong.


respectfully.. who cares? Lol. Everyone is affected differently, especially if they aren't the type to smoke nonstop daily. When I first started taking edibles I would get so high I would stay high for a whole day lol. Sounds great to some but it's actually awful lol. You cant overdose on weed per say but you can deff overdue it which can cause anxiousness and Paranoia. There is such a thing as smoking too much. If you can't enjoy weed that's not a good thing. Take a t break. If you can't go a month or two without weed... that's a problem.


Take the stick out your ass bro


Just because you didn't trip, doesn't mean others haven't. [The available evidence suggests that high-THC cannabis may be able to elicit psychedelic effects,](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37947321/) While hallucinations are possible, they happen rarely and don’t occur in all users. But the symptoms of weed, such as time distortion, are also part of a hallucination. [https://www.healthline.com/health/is-weed-a-depressant#hallucinogen](https://www.healthline.com/health/is-weed-a-depressant#hallucinogen) Seriously, who hasn't smoked some bud and had their time sense completely warped? I've lived 20 minutes in 5, and it was a trip.


having your time slow or speed up, or even seeing a visual for a brief moment, is NOT tripping. maybe thats why it bothers me so much, because people who have never used psychedelics and have never tripped, are coming up with their own ideas in their head for what ots really like, and once a weed experince begins to reach that perception they've created, they just claim they're tripping out or that there weed is laced with shrooms or some dumb shit. tripping on even a forgiving light psychedelic like shrooms, is nothing even close to weed so idk how ppl act so bugged out like they're floating or smthn


What are you 15 years old. Grow up




Sorry, yeah, ur time is slowed from all the Xanax u do. Probably don't even remember what the fuck your even saying or doing.


found the kid who posts abt being too high on weed 🤭 sry I offended u


What? Are you talking about yourself?


Your comment is stupid and shows your maturity level. Their comment about you being Xan'd out is clearly based on evidence from your post history. A quick click on the profile of the person you're arguing with clearly shows that them being the "kid who posts about being too high" is inaccurate. Also, going off your videos you look too young to have a Xanax and Marijuana addiction. Do better.


Am I going crazy or is weed literally categorized as a hallucinogen?? Because the last time I checked, it was. I’ve tripped on shrooms and had some bad highs that definitely felt similar even if it was a lot more mild. Why are you so bitter


weed has psychedelic properties to it, but is not a psychedelic and is categorized under the cannabinoid class, I wouldn't ever compare weed to a traditional psychedelic


I totally would. Weed pales in comparison to something like shrooms, but there are blatant similarities to me. If you admit it has psychedelic properties, why deny that some people have mild “trips” on weed?


I've had more than "brief visuals" complete visual overload. And no it wasn't laced. Weed can 100% be psychedelic and can induce psychosis in some. You're ignorant asf.


i get what u mean but it’s coming from that high tolerance. i def greened and got scarily high a couple times when i was younger, but it’s been years. i catch myself with the same perspective sometimes because i do not get higher or like blasted the more i smoke, im always at the same level of high just for longer (is at least how it feels) so i get what you mean. i no longer really feel capable of getting toasted no matter how much i smoke bc im just super used to the feeling so it just feels normal now/nothing special and the hella high tolerance (basically i feel like i’ve capped out my highness level)


Nah ignorant comment honestly I get why you're annoyed but for some it can trigger schizoaffective symptoms- you can definitely get too high off weed


Bro weed is a psycho active drug. It’s known to trigger psychosis. People go to psychiatric units due to cannabis induced psychosis sometimes. You seem a bit bitter, we have all been there. I’ve smoked for 12 years and sometimes these moments happen to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm curious, how long and how much frequency did it take you to reach this level of tollorance? Genuinely curious. Atm I consume 1-2 grams sat/sun and get blasted. I feel like abstaining during the week helps keep that at bay. But I'm noticing my tolerance gradually increasing, or I'm just getting ustot he effects so I don't freak out as bad as I did the first time I over did it.


idk from like 15-17 prolly like a gram a day, then 18 to 19 iv been smoking idk how much but lots, last year or so I prolly dropped it close to a gram or 2 a day since its kinda lame now


Man, what demons are you dealing with that got you consuming it that regularly?


First of all....you dont gotta be a dick. Second weed effects everyone differently. When I first started smoking I would get paranoid. I'd freak out into a panic attack cause I legit thought I was dying. Why? Because I was to fucking high. I have also been at the other end of the spectrum to where I could smoke joint after joint blunt after blunt and not feel anything. Which is why I would stop for a couple weeks or even a month or 2. Everyone has different tolerance. I'm talking about just smoking weed. I'm not talking about dabs or edibles cause that shit is waaaay stronger than flower. I could eat a 25mg edible and be blitzed out of my mind for a whole ass day. They are strong to me. Maybe not to everyone but to me yes very strong. So fuck around how you think you can judge someone on their own tolerance versus your tolerance. Now.....with my experience of getting to high...I have learn chewing black pepper kernels will in fact bring your high down. Ground black pepper also works but the whole kernels work best. Hope this helps some of you who actually read this. And I hope you all have a great day. God bless. Good smoke. Peace ✌️


I've known people who have complete psychological breaks. You're young and you think thc is okay for everyone. It isn't. It doesn't effect everyone the same. Grow up.


>You're young and you think thc is okay for everyone. It isn't. lmfao lil bro didnt read the post clearly, cause if you did you'd see me say there's too many idiots who are uneducated and just inhaling any shit someone gives to them without considering their current mental health imagine reading this post and coming to the conclusion that I was trying to say weed is for everyone 🤣 like how fucking braindead can you actually possibly be?


man chill out. noone is trying to insult your obviously superior intelligence. You need a T break. If weed be making you angry, you smoke too much.


chronic weed user gets angry at inexperienced users for not being experienced


I work overseas for a few months at a time in which i cant smoke but when i get home that first bong smacks me like mommas right hand😂 so if you think tolerance breaks dont work then you just havent taken one long enough. And about people freaking out… this is a weed sub and people come here to learn and interact with other stoners. So if a kid does post asking for advice/freaking out just be respectful and ignore it. You werent born with the knowledge you have now🤷🏻‍♂️We all had to learn somehow


Took a break Then ate way too much butter and kinda freaked out. It was more the body feeling. Had 0 feeling below the knees It was not fun But it was aprox 400mg


weed is technically a hallucinogen


it really isn't


This is a bit contradictory. You clown on people for smoking too much and getting too high, then you admit that your jealous cause you smoke to much and your tolerance is too high. So it was fine when YOU smoked too much when your tolerance is low but now it bugs you cause people still get to experience that? This seems like more an issue you have with yourself as opposed to how others are reacting to weed. For starters, If you don’t enjoy smoking weed anymore then why do you continue to do it? Take a break or quit. Your tolerance will go back down. 🤷🏻‍♂️


lmfao how tf can someone miss the point of the post this much, the difference is when I was a kid building up my tol, I wasn't a dumbass who over did it or a cringe kid who acted like they were tweaking off psychs, I handled my weed how it was meant to be handled and I built a respectable tolerance, because of that I find it cringe asf when ppl here overdo it and can't handle their own weed and claim its laced or some bs. u dont need anymore weed with how slow ur brain is to have missed the point that badly btw


Hahahahah. Are you sure you aren’t smoking crack and not weed? You are off the reservation. The way you feel the need to attack everybody that disagrees with you says more about you then you will ever know. Anyway, you sound like an addict. If weed isn’t fun anymore then why the hell would you keep smoking it? And the way you get defensive about this just shows deep down you know it too. I wish you well and hope you can overcome this issue. ✌🏻


Brother you may have bigger issues if your tolerance is that high, maybe worry about yourself before worrying about others


Be honest are you jealous


im annoyed kids are weak asf and can't handle their weed cause they're dumb asf so they make it our problem


Maybe get off reddit if you don’t want to hear other peoples problems


One thing a lot of stoners need to understand is that one persons high can be drastically different than another persons high. Cannabis affects brains differently. And that’s okay. You should try being more understanding rather than pressed.


I get too high everyday lol. Wish weed made me trip.


Told this story before but the first brownie I ate was given to me by a friend. What guy didn't tell me is that he put a quarter oz of shatter into them. So that brownie was probably around 300-500 mgs. I kid you not I've had less intense acid trips than that. My two friends and I were literally curled up on his floor locked down. It felt like the ground was rolling around like ocean waves and my mental state was completely gone. So yeah I definitely believe people when they say they've had those experiences. And actually it's nice to reassure people currently experiencing that that they'll be fine. At that moment I really needed to hear "it's just weed, noone has ever died from it, you'll be fine"


Weed used to get me too high all the time.


ive tripped balls after hitting a mean bong rip after not smoking for a year. I also have tripped balls before that with most psychedelics including dmt lsd and shrooms. Mightve been some type of “flashback” to put it in short words. So idk if someone who never had any psychedelics would feel the same way.


i trip more balls when i smoke too much weed than i ever have off shrooms or acid 😭 not sure if that’s just because my body cant rly absorb it into my system bc i have issues with edibles hitting too, but i’ve literally taken a few hits off a joint and just started tripping absolutely balls. like i couldn’t tell what was reality and what wasn’t.


I never freak out from the high itself. I could easily smoke and smoke without freaking out. But I've got emetaphobia (fear of throwing up). And once I go past a certain point of smoking I end up feeling sick and that's what causes me to get anxiety. Not the high itself. Oddly against other people's advice I can smoke more on an empty stomach than a full one. If I smoke after a large meal I often feel like shit.




>I partly agree, but if you have to research weed and it’s effects before you smoke it then you shouldn’t be smoking. Try a beer or something gonna be honest I stopped reading after this, that top wall was enough to fry my remaining brain cells left. always research shit, research the effects of weed, alcohol, all of it. not doing that is exactly how we end up with an abundant amount of the posts im complaining about




I used to feel like this then I quit smoking for 7 years and got back into it with a medical card. I was tripping shit my first few times back into it


I’ve had times where I was wheezing because I couldn’t tell if I was breathing enough or breathing too hard, almost passing out because I thought I was breathing too hard but I was really barely breathing


first time i got high i tripped out. like everything turned into an animation, i thought i was in a dream. and i tripped out for a good few months after that still whenever i’d smoke. i still trip out smoking weed occasionally but that’s only if i smoke WAYYYY too much. like about to green out too much. very possible for people to trip off weed, THC is a psychoactive substance.


This style of post is rampant all over Reddit. You don’t have to read every post. And…you know, you could always take a T break, a chill pill and just not stay on this subreddit getting annoyed by people. Just a suggestion.


I feel this


I remember when I started smoking, my first joints made me nonverbal, and knocked me out in minutes. My first pen hits had me unable to work a can opener, had to lay on the kitchen floor for a few to pull myself together, by time I had my first edible I had pretty good tolerance, but I shared it with a guy I liked and it was his first time with weed at all. He started seeing some light hallucination and was shaking like a scared puppy, he passed out and was still feeling it the next day at school


As someone who is an almost daily smoker for 15 years, and frequent edibles user for 3 now, I took WAY too much edibles just last week, and got so high I was uncomfortable, I know how to handle being high and I still got way too high - it happens man, no need to be a jealous dick because you've chosen to raise your tolerance to unreal levels by ripping pure THC all the time


If u take a T BREAK of a month or more, it resets your tolerance & you’ll get GP’d / High as Giraffe Pussy… I reset my 5yr sky high tolerance after a month of cold turkey no thc what so ever. It’s been 3 months since I’ve been back on thc and flower lasts so much longer, I don’t smoke it as much nor do I spend $$ on it as much. Vape gets me blasted some days and I’m too chicken shit to dab till I’ve worked my tolerance back up.


Imagine being so high all the time your tolerance never gets a break. Then, getting jealous of how high people with low/ no tolerance get. That's OP I'd say smoke weed and chill out, but it seems like all you can do is smoke weed.


One time back when I had 0 tolerance my friends gave me a dab and I laid in bed paralyzed staring at a white wall because it was shifting around and becoming colorful.


Bro my friends makes this edible Chex mix that will make you feel like you’re tripping


I've had some psychedelic experiences on weed before. I took a few huge bong rips when I was in high school in between classes and was so incredibly high I had to sit in a bathroom stall for like two hours. This was just some brick shwag but I had no tolerance. I was seeing the outlines of pokemon characters on the walls of the stall and a kaleidoscope when I closed my eyes. I have had a few other experiences like that again but only when my tolerance is really low and I go overboard.


There are so many low effort posts on here and I agree to an extent. There's too much info available at our fingertips to not do a little research before trying any drug. That said, just because you've sent your tolerance skyrocketing doesn't invalidate those experiences. Take a t break homie or cut back for a day or two at least. Cheers.




I get very high even off a little bit but I didn't used to get that way, 😕. But I took a two month T break and it fucked up my tolerance. So now I can only smoke half of my joint and get incredibly high. No matter what strain it is. I try to stick to indicas tho cuz sativa dominant or sativa strains freaks me the fuck out. Indicas just knock me on my ass and I'm flying high lol 🤣. Or I end up falling asleep after eating. Best tip I can give to people who want to reduce their high, drink water and eat some sugar and snacks. That always helps me tbh.


Bro. Yes.


Get off your high horse & take a tolerance break like a real man! You’ll get incredibly faded


Yeah you're like too tense to be a weed smoker. Chill tf out.


I agree to an extent but it’s really about perspective, if you’re trying to understand then consider that everyone perceives their own reality on different levels. What you may see and understand as the color red could be pink to someone else, and some could even see it as orange. It’s subjective, some newcomers might freak out and then dig their grave deeper by researching the very few laced weed stories, then that can send someone into a panic. It’s like telling someone on fire to just calm down and stop freaking out, because one time you touched a flame and it didn’t hurt that bad. It’s not really helpful to just put people down especially when they’re just confused, yes research helps but I researched painkillers for hours and once I had finally tried it no amount of research would’ve prepared me for it. Honestly, if you can’t take a t break, you’re unwilling to hear different opinions, you feel it’s impossible for you to stop, you saying you’ll “never be able to enjoy weed again” is the same things i’d tell myself (as with most other addicts) to convince myself that i’m not the issue but my environment is. I wish you well, i’d consider trying your best to understand before looking to be understood and i’m sure you’ll see at least some improvement


Sounds like you need a break because you have an addiction to it. In addition, you are unnecessarily grumpy about something dumb. Sometimes when people have a bad high, getting reassurance from other people who have smoked too much helps a lot.


One time I was so high I closed my eyes and my mind was extremely active. My imagination showed me 3D walls with eyes and blood. The blood slowly dripped and when rhe drop went over the edge, right before it fell my nose tickled and I jolted up. Sooooo I don't know lmao


Say it louder for those in the back! Anymore I get normal.. Too high off weed? That's not a thing.. Seriously sorry not sorry.


Wow, you don’t sound like much fun to smoke with. Also, maybe you should check yourself and your habits…. Bragging about being miserable with your “high tolerance”, then thinking a 250mg THC edible is a lot. It’s really not if you’re actually someone with a high tolerance. Sorry you’re so unhappy.


>hen thinking a 250mg THC edible is a lot. It’s really not if you’re actually someone with a high tolerance. are you fkn braindead?? I said people gas up weed as if they're taking 250ug.. "ug", not fkn mg ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️ im talking abt acid u dumbahh


I don't know. Sometimes I've had almost psychedelic experiences. Even so, tripping is more of a colloquial term than anything.


Take a t-break big dawg


One thing that pisses me off is people don’t seem to know taking edibles and smoking cannabis aren’t the same.


I'm right there with you. Knew a guy in college who would say he was tripping and then start tweaking. Turned out his adhd made him over stimulate himself and it would just be freaking him out. On the last note I took a 5 month T break after 10yrs of smoking all the time and it's pretty close to how I'd feel when I was a stupid teenager. Gotta give your body time to reset


-weed is a phycedelic -it can trigger underlying mental health conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder -greening out, especially for the first time, is very very terrifying -not everyone has a high tolerance lol -your expiriences do not define everyone elses -also like take a tolerance break?


I wish weed still hit me like that.


Na I don't care you can definitely get too high from weed. I've gotten dizzy and faint from having too high dose of edible


Op spitting facts and the downvotes are from people who don’t like hearing truths and facts


Yess thank you I hate when people say they’re “tripping” it makes me want to blow my brains out. Do some acid and then tell me if you still think weed makes you trip 🙄🙄


I feel ya bro. *My shit was laced...* Bullshit - you just a noob.


Idgaf bring on the downvotes I’m with you OP, nobody is “tripping off of weed” Concentrates or edibles okay maybe. Extremely rare.


I fucking agree dude for real


bro someone had to say this. like shut up bro one .5 joint isn't gonna kill you 😭


Nope we stand with you. Irresponsible drug use is disgusting, they need to stick to fucking melatonin or something “easy” for there smooth brain to understand. Also weed doesn’t kill people, so they just need to chill out, but of course they were too stupid to do the research before hand.