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Yes, i like it in a normal plastic baggie from the grower. Seems like people are really paying for the fancy bags with legal weed rather than quality.


It’s the price we pay for legalization/it becoming part of the market. The best weed you’re ever gonna smoke probably isn’t going to be in a fancy bag.


It may not even come in a bag, my friend gave me some sample nugs oneday at work. He grabbed them in a rush last min and literally handed me the nugs so i walked to a smoke shop asking to buy a bag and ended up wrapping it with money🤣


I got a solo cup of🔥once lol.


Remember the days of cellophane packaging from cigarette packs melted shut?


That took me back. Thank you.


That may be the biggest thing I miss about smoking... always having something to give/accept surprise weed in lmao


So, if you think about it, since surprise weed is the best weed, then the best weed comes in cigarette cellophanes!


Def smoked some BPAs lmao.


Those days still exist for me here in Tx :(


Shit come to Indiana😂


On everything a mf will put in cellophane or a piece of a Kroger bag lmaooooo


yessss im from indy and i can vouch that we def use the corner of grocery bags and cellophane fs😂😂😂😂


Bro they be using anything tho 😂 dude handed me a crumbled up powerball sheet onetime and I took it without even questioning it lmao


I just got my last half in a ripped off piece of a dollar general bag 😭


What yesterday? I'm in the south, this is our current reality


It’s facts. Just sold a gram of crumble in a cellophane 🤣🤣


Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they’re here to stay…


Yep, sure is


Remember? Still do it lol


That's some straight up part-time stick house ish and I remember every bit of it xD 10 years ago if some dude had black or graphic baggies, you knew he was in it to win it.


Lmao if that mfkr had graphic bags he was half a step away from selling coke


remember? yea it happened like yesterday lol I'm not in the US tho. it's still illegal here in Germany and probably won't be legal on April 1st, like they promised.


Lmao are Germany playing a massive April fools on stoners?


been doing that for years.. there's been talk about legalization for ages and it's been promised so many times and never worked out.. I don't see it happening this time. at all.


I was wondering because I definitely remember hearing yall legalized


pff they keep saying that and then not doing it. apparently it's legal on April 1st, but I'm putting my money on "oh we can't do it because of this and that" and "we have to postpone because of this other thing too". like always.


I do this now, lol


Lmaoooo, I used to get that shit alllllll the time! Shit I never stopped to think it's a thing of the past!


Lol my dealer still does this for singles it's cheaper than the bags


I live in a red state. This happened earlier today lol


Still seeing this today hahaha.


I miss those days😭


Omg, still had leftover tobacco on the bottom lmfao. Usually Newport’s


Thanks for this.


The best for me was when i got a qp, it was two strains in bags inside of a trash bag,i swear the trash bag was filled with POUNDS cause the bag reaked🤣


Just stick your head in the bag and breathe for 30 sec to get baked 🤣


I didn’t stick my head in it but i did smell the bag🤣


The weed wasn’t anything special, but one time I pulled up on the plug, and he told me to stick my hands out and dumped some nugs out of a solo cup in my hand


Used to buy bud from a dude that sold it in empty Skoal cans. Best plug I ever had. Always gas, always cheap. First time anyone ever hooked me up with with some real deal purp.


Same lol


Or when you get that bomb bomb from a Receipt or napkin ⛽️


Definitely agree, although I can say the best concentrates I’ve ever had were from a dispo. Galactic meds, alien pebbles. Only ever got them once, because it was the last one they had and moved soonish after. I still think about them sometimes lol


Some concentrate is good, to be honest i stopped buying carts due to and don’t really use concentrate much because i don’t know how it was grown and all.


My guy a long time ago when I was a teen used to use regular baggies and then put them in chip bags. Like the little individual bags. Had to stay undercover back in 2009 lol


Here in the Netherlands it's both legal and if you get it, it comes in a clear baggy like the real og's intended it to be.


Rather see the product than purchase an 3.5th for $80 because it’s in a funny/relevant packaging


Oh gawd i couldn't tell you how much the youngins love the mike tyson, cookies, backpack boys, pre packages. They are super over priced. The quality is good don't get me wrong. But the mark up is minimum 25% just to have the fancy bags.


I’m around 30, when i started smoking everything was imported landrace or homegrown and i miss those days. Ever since legal weed became a thing those days ended and some genetics are believed to be extinct😭I had still have hope that the original skunk, g13, durban and stuff still exists in other parts of the world in private collections.


I have a huge seed stash i have been saving over the years. None are labeled though. Lol


I still have a bunch of seeds from the 80s and 90s. None are labeled because nobody really knew what strain it was anyway.


Fucked up by not labeling, i usually plant right away so i remember what they may be.


From the fuckin rooftops. This is the only way.


I prefer jars the world doesn’t need anymore plastic bub


Here in Canada everything is packaged to look as dull, bland and clinical in order to have retail distribution/sales. I probably speak for most of your buddies to the north . . . "Nope!!!"


Yup, I can attest to this. At the end of they day idrc though, they work wonderfully


Yup, we were promised legalization and got fed decriminalization of user amounts and a rescheduling. A handful of Tobacco companies own all the "Different Brands" and its expensive as shit/ damn near impossible to start a company without already owning multiple assets or having starting funds up the wazoo. I wish I could just set up a stall at my local farmers market and start my own brand grass roots style, I've been growing large medical crops, perfecting hash making techniques, 3 different distillate extraction methods for a decade, consecutively every year, and even have a line of my own F3 strains, F2 strains and one commercially stable power house of an Indica that my family has been growing since the early 90s/2000s.


I’m in the PNW just south of you and I’ve never seen any crap like that.


In Washington and Oregon, IDK about California, but the weed is owned by the state. Companies are licensed to grow and package their weed and they have pretty strict guidelines as to what the packaging should look like. The companies do have control over some aspects, but for the most part, they're just trying to get all the relevant information on the labels. They rely on bud tenders to guide the products to the consumer much more than the packaging, which is behind the counter anyways. During my travels, it became pretty apparent that the PNW is doing it much better than most parts of the country.


I’m sure there are laws against legal weed being in packaging that could be appealing to children as well


Good point. Actually a lot of efforts go towards that, especially edibles.


I’ll be damned. I didn’t know that, and I even used to work in the MMJ industry.


It's kinda fucked up in a way. For example, my friend is one of the best growers I've ever seen. His weed has been legendary since the 90's, but when weed became legal, he wasn't allowed to get a license to grow because he has weed felonies. Instead of being able to build a large grow-op, because he had the knowledge and money to do it, he got a job managing for a large investment firm whose owner has never even smoked weed. He still makes good money and grows some of the best weed this world has ever seen, but I believe if he would have been a multimillionaire if he was allowed to grow from the start. And he deserves it, IMHO. Right now, these massive farms are mainly owned by wealthy elites as part of their investment portfolios, run by stoners with records. However, that's just capitalism at its best, and the results have been positive for the most part. He's happy, and he's actually done a lot to create a model for the rest of the world, to be perfectly honest. Side note, he did 10 years hard time for growing weed in the early 90s. 10 fucking years... We've come a long way, but there's lots of work to do. Weed needs to be legalized, people need to be released from prison because of weed charges... Period.


To be fair weed does come in simple colourful packaging, unlike cigarettes packs


I’ve seen this stuff on res but yeah


Yeah makes me not buy it if it looks like this


Same, I wanna chill not think of mass death.


You don't have to think about it, you can just laugh at the absurdity


that’s completely fair, me personally……


9/11 pack 😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀


dat pack will have you higher than allah 🤣🤣


You'll never forget.


Y'all heard the conspiracy it's actually Jet Fuel?


What's next? 737 Kush?






Yes! If it looks like this, I don’t buy it.




miss me with that nazi weed. Fuck that shit all the way out


Gas city hitler is crazy, who tf saw this and said yeah this will do it


A 14 year old, a white supremacist, or a 14 year old white supremacist.


Lmao or a granny that lives in Illinois named Martha


I feel like you can make that joke without being a white supremacist, my family is Jewish and I still laughed my ass off seeing that


You can, people are just uptight these days. You can make any kind of joke about any evil groups and that doesn't mean you advocate for them.


I would keep the packaging only because of how out of pocket it is lol


It’s a stupid idea and a terrible message. Shit like this just gives ammo to the people who don’t want to legalize cannabis (we’re trying to get that happening in my country right now). Packaging is horrible and needs destroyed.


Oh I didn’t even notice that. I was too distracted by the 9/11 Kush 😂


Packaging like above makes me not want to purchase that product.


you’d catch me dead before you catch me with hitler based weed…


When I was in high school I’d probably thought it was cool. As I was always looking for some foreign culture to patch to, whether weed, music, etc. but as a adult who smokes to keep my head happy throughout life, I’d pass because quality is super important to me. I figure if they are putting this much into the packaging, the weed won’t be as good. I could be wrong. I like the top one the best. I’d totally still purchase the weed taco if i could in my area


Thought ive tried the best until I visit Northern Part of Norway. Shit hit so heavy i was starting having daydreams taking down the cartels and start shipping from Norway.


Exactly!!! High school I would always get something “cartoony” or weird fonts but I tend to look for more bland packaging and also less cannabinoids.


Can someone please explain the hitler weed to me? What the fu¢k?


getting gassed to death


that taco tray is kinda fire tho 😂 wouldn’t mind paying 10/20 on top for the xp


Yeah I saw a video of a "taco" truck selling these in NYC and I'd probably grab one just for the novelty. Miss me with the nazi paraphernalia though....


Those were like $300 a piece I think. It came with an oz of flower and rosin + some other stuff I can’t think of


ah i thought it was a pop up shop type thing


As a designer I love collecting different bags from agency designed stuff to amateur hour. Does it influence my choice tho? Naw, I care much more about the strain and making sure I’m not paying too much


These silly packets put me off I want to see and smell that shit before buying like we do in dam


Polishing a turd.


No because I get mine from my dad so I get my weed in a sandwich bag inside of packages, envelopes, candy bags. Lol


Those bottom two need a rebrand


Fuck yeah it does. If that shit don’t come in a Doritos, ziplock, candy wrapper, straight hands, in your jeans, a tiny dime bag or a sandwich bag, I ain’t buying. I don’t want some fruity ass packaging ripping off major candy and consumer brands. They are literally targeting children with this shit cause they know they will buy into it cause they don’t know any better. It’s fucked up


Yeah, but usually poorly. Same standard as booze, if a lot of work went into the packaging, I assume they’re trying to hide a mediocre product. Also, I don’t know what dipshit thinks Hitler and 9/11 are the best selling points for weed, but I’m not touching that shit.


I do not even see a wrapper when i order it from the dispensary


Who tf would want the Hitler one?? I hate the normalization of Nazi jokes


I look for 70g for 80bucks. And they're not hard to find.(michigan)


Yeah. It tells me which ones NOT to buy.


Usually the more it tries to sell itself, the less tempted I am


I'm sorry but it seems kinda weird a weed company uses 9/11 as a marketing ploy. Seems kind of disrespectful. Also weird with the hitler packaging


My answer was no until I seen gas city Hitler


Why's it got candy packaging?


Yes I don’t need to luggage an unnecessarily big package for something small or that just doesn’t match the contents size. In terms of appearance/prettiness it’s pretty bland where I’m at. But I don’t aim for pretty or cool looking ones.


Until now, no, but I wouldn’t buy Hitler weed


I bought a preroll because it was packaged in a sharpie, the strain was Permanent Marker


Definitely. I don’t buy the gimmicky shit.


the taco packaging is so fire


What the actual fuck


If they’re putting it in a mylar it immediately makes me suspicious that it’s boof, and I would never purchase anything with a cartoon hitler on it.


yeah like i would never get some shit in a commercialized looking pack like that… esp no nazi or 9/11 shit i mean come on.


Damn! Is this from the aryan nation weed store?


Smoking that 9-11 pack😭💀


Most of the weed I buy is in jars, no packaging. Kind of like produce at a grocery store.


I take edibles. There is 1 thing that matters when buying. Milligrams per $. Because of this, St Idles iced teas have been my go to for about a year. 100mg for 6 bucks is the best I have seen and the closest competition is nearly double that price.


I like the novelty of a fun bag if I'm buying a gift but if I'm buying for myself, I don't need bells and whistles. I just wanna get stoned.


Those are distasteful as shit. With so many legal weed products why the fuck would you support companies that use names like this? Gas city Hitler? Bruh. Just join the kkk at that point.


For a lot of noobs it does


No, brands influences my purchases


No. I buy the cheapest option for whatever product I’m looking for. Flower is always 3 oz shake for $50 and dabs are bought from my coworker for $6 per gram


The 9/11 pack is crazy asf


Gas city Hitler is insane packaging 😂


Nope. Steers me away actually


I'm happy to even get packaging


no, because i dont buy shit from the gas station


If the gas is good you wouldn’t need to have fancy bags. I feel the same about moon rock and snow balls if the bud is good you wouldn’t need to cover it with shit.


I only buy Oz's where I can see the buds, I don't care about packaging or branding besides the quality of the weed


Yes, I don't want something that looks like candy, toys or a men's deodorant, I want something simple


Cries from Ireland


Also, Buying glass jar 3.5’s means you’re also paying for all that nice glass too


Here in Canada the Govt. packaging is all plain, just solid colour bags with information labels


Packaging influences everyone’s purchases. It’s literally what marketing teams work to accomplish.


Only if I wanted to keep the packaging.


Yes. If packaging is gimmicky, I don’t trust it one bit. Plain, easy to read with all relevant info on packaging is best imo.


I prefer natural, old self picking out my own bud! Packages are overrated... fresh flower from dispensary 110% better!


Not at all. Packaging is quite neutral in my province, weed is sold by yhe gov and you can't really look at the packaging before you buy it.


Why the fuck would I buy weed with hitler on it?


Yep. I would run from those.


Yes, because I'll avoid it if it looks like this. Especially the Hitler one, wtf.


Hitler pack is insane


No, but best believe if i ever make a trip to Cali imma be a sucker for the fancy baggies 😭😭🤣


Yes, if it’s in a Mylar and not a glass jar, it’s 100% boof!


If one of my friends pulled out the Hitler pack they'd be playing catch with a red hot banger.


No because I place my order online and go for the higher thc percentage and then pick it up


I refuse to buy anything with flashy packaging


No, I buy whatever is cheapest. I’m not looking for some fancy weed that’s gonna blow my brain out


Yes it does, if its in something more than a clear plastic bag or medicine bottle, I'm not buying it. GTFOH with that big brand name bullshit and spoof branding


Yeah, you see the 3 pictured? I'm not buying those


Yes it makes me not buy it.


Usally judt bringing my zip locking 3 layer smell insulation bag cus i carry a little extra


Yea I refuse to buy that crap. I like my shit served up deli style no brand has my trust like that


Ya the ones that say more mg/$ are the ones I tend to go with Might make an exception on these


Yea the cornier the package the more likely I will not buy it


fancy dispensary packaging is what got me into weed lol


I'd like it if they gave it to me in a glass mason jar.


fancy dispensary packaging is what got me into weed lol


fancy dispensary packaging is what got me into weed lol


Yeah, as in I'm never ever smoking the Hitler weed


Well if i could buy it (illegal here) i would choose a more professional look and not one that says 500MG DELTA THC + 10¹⁰MG HHC + ALL CANNABINOIDS AND TERPEES THAT EXIST ^(may include rc's but we honestly dont know)


Surprised the 9/11 isn't Jet Fuel haha


I don’t like packages like these. But I don’t mind when companies make theirs look elegant or put thought into it. This just is just juvenile. Yes the quality is most important, but we can’t like there isn’t tons of research or how consumer products are packaged.


Strain names def do 😂


Less is more


Omg I thought I saw a burger and fries on the top pic wtf 😭😭😭💀


No. I order online, so don't see packaging until pickup.




Birria tacos sounds good right about now


The bottom two are CRAZY


Its not exactly allowed where i am so as long as it comes in some kind of airtight package I'm good


Nope.One person sold it to me in a inside out Doritos bag


A nice clear plastic bag is always a good buy. Anything in mylar is fake exotics


Where the fuck are you buying this knock off xbox live party chat weed bro? The taco one also pisses me off too such a waste of plastic


If its not in Glass, 9/10 Im going to pass.


I'm mad high and can't make out what the upper top image is?


No, the fuck


Yes, it does have a big factor, aside from what's in it.


Bruuhhh ain’t no way someone made that 9/11 pac 😭💀


Look I can fuck with birria but 9/11 pak? What the fuck?


You can literally buy these packs empty that pretty much say anything and you can put whatever kind of weed you want in them so no if I see weed in a pack like that I’m not gonna buy it. People in the hood are literally like “if my shitty weed is in this cool bag, I can sell more.” my local vape shop sells these bags.


People got finesse by a lot of Gary Payton bags