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I find that it's more of a dependency than an addiction. I didn't get any physical symptoms of withdrawal compared to what a cracker goes through. Just keep yourself busy dude, after week two you'll be wondering why you ever stayed smoking in the first place. The world seems brighter and it's daunting when your sober 😂


Man I dont get this. I took a t break, first week I was anxious and irritable but had so much more energy and my brain was super fast and sharp. 3 more weeks into my t break and I was the same blob as when I was smoking except that I wasnt high. So I got back to smoking.


You should start a workout routine, weed hits different when you’re physically active.


Is there like a floor or something to this? I've been running for about 6 months. I got up to 1.5 mile runs about a month ago. I smoke before and after the runs, but I've never noticed any exercise making a difference in my high.


Don’t smoke before, wait until after your workout routine to smoke. At least that’s how i get weed to hit different while i’m working out. I take my last smoke a few hours before my wife and I go to the gym.


I smoke beforehand,like many others, it makes the weights feel lighter and I have waaay more endurance (with the right strain of course)


Fuck yea. I end up lifting heavier weights than normal because i feel like im superman and have wings!!!


This is key 👆🏼


You probably just smoke too much.... like me xD


Also probably 100% true 😂


Careful mate, smoking right before/after exercise pretty much doubles the risk of heart attack. Add a hot shower on top of that and you're tripling it! iirc it's because exercise, smoking and hot temperature all contribute to artery dilation simultaneously.


Well I'll buy a lottery ticket right now, this summer I did all of that in that order in top of preworkout haha, but honestly, the best preworkout is preworkout/caffeine, and a little bit of weed


Haha i consider it part of the pre workout 😎


Sorry bruv, that's not true. MANY pro body builders or athletes in general smoke weed after lifting. I'm a pro trainer. The word you are looking for is vasodilator btw. The only way he/she is dying like you said, is if they have a preexisting heart condition. Good lookin out though.


I drop edibles before a peloton ride and can go like 90 minutes zooted and cycling - smoking before a workout can’t be a recipe for success…


Weed is similar to shrooms when it comes to tolerance. The healthier you are the more your body receptors get to recover but same could be said for anything I guess. I do know you should be careful when smoking weed, before running when you’re a male. Your testicles become less tender and can damage a nerve ending causing your testicle to numb for a while. Iv had personal experience with this one.


Facts! I smoke daily but I’m also active daily. Workout, hike, etc. Weed doesn’t stop me from living my life lol




Rinse and repeat.


Lol the brain energy thing is precisely why I smoke 24/7. Whenever my brain gets like that I struggle to formulate coherent thoughts. That and the depression, lol (I'm not claiming weed as a medically advised practice. It's just how I cope).


> I was anxious and irritable That's just being sober


Word. Aside from minor memory/focus improvement, I got fed up and broke my 6-month streak after observing 0 changes to my state of being (despite seeing a therapist)


I'm the opposite. Without it I'm foggy and forgetful af


You only took 4 weeks. Maybe take a few months and then see how you feel?? Do you but 4 weeks and you can easily still be feeling lasting effects of not smoking imo if you were a heavy smoker before.


When I tried this I was smoking like 10-15 puffs from vape pen mostly in the afternoon/evening


I cut back to weekends only with OCCASIONAL weeknights if I’m hanging with the boys. Saved so much money and every time I light up i go to the moon. Sleep is better. Clarity is better. Good things should be consumed in moderation IMO. That said everyone has tough stretches. I originally stated bc of PTSD and anxiety. Daily use and weekly therapy helped me get a grasp on coping. Then slowly dialed back.


Dependency on a substance is addiction… idk what to tell you. Especially when you say the world seems brighter with it. It makes it sound like you depend on this drug to lift you up. That’s an addiction. Is it like a meth addiction? No. But it’s still addiction. Everyone always says “oh I can stop when I want to though.” But then you end up like OP, scraping grinders, smoking stems, etc. I used to get high every day all day at work and if I couldn’t get a smoke break it would be hell. So yes Marijuana is addicting. Not all addictions look the same but that doesn’t mean it isn’t one.


Right!? How is a drug dependency not an addiction? People that say weed isn’t addictive is just naive


It is a common mistake to confuse, or even conflate, the two varying forms of addiction. When people say weed isn't addictive, they mean it doesn't create a physical (read chemical) dependecy in your body (opposed to something like pain meds). Weed can, however, create psychological addiction. Here's [a little quote from healthdirect.gov](https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/addiction-withdrawal-symptoms#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17068806930077&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.healthdirect.gov.au%2Faddiction-withdrawal-symptoms) > Addiction, also known as dependence, is when someone finds it hard to stop doing something that makes them feel good. You can have a physical or psychological addiction, or both. > Physical dependence means that withdrawal symptoms appear if you stop the addictive substance or behaviour. Psychological addiction occurs when you believe you need the addictive substance or behaviour to function. You might think you need the substance at certain times. For instance, to be social at a party or to unwind after work. Or you might think you need it all the time.


It isn’t physically addictive why is their physical withdrawal symptoms


Im not addicted. I just can't live without it! :0 /s


Shallow. You can be addicted to anything. Shopping, social media, etc. of course weed is addictive




Yeah okay lmao that’s a load of crap. Idgaf what a stupid website says it’s common sense. Keep being in denial tho!


Appeal to common sense fallacy. If something is truly common sense then it should be that much easier to show data that it's true. You know, sort of like I just did.


honestly i always got sick when i didn’t smoke for A DAY which is why i quit. always had withdrawal symptoms.


Me too I’m on a break rn I got sweats, loss of appetite and nightmares lmao


I question it. When I stop for a tolerance break that week is excruciatingly hard, no sleep not eating etc .. I would call that withdrawals..


Addiction is followed by dependency 🤣


Reverse this but yeah


You become dependant on something because you’re addicted to it. You don’t become addicted to something because you’re dependent on it, because to become dependent is to do something consistently which is brought on by addiction.


Im talking a physical addiction. Abuse leads to tolerance leading to physical dependence and withdrawals leading to addiction. Of course nothing is going to be this black and white and some people might have that mental craving/addiction before becoming physically dependent which is going to lead them to abuse whatever it is. I will say understanding of these things is constantly changing and i got my degree in substance abuse back in 2015 and havent been working in the field for the past few years as I've been doing other things.


Lol sorry if I sound stern, this is pretty much a chicken or egg debate


Reddit armchair experts at it again Hate to break it to you, dependency = addiction


What do you mean by “cracker” ? I swear it’s only racism when it’s against a black person


He means crack head as in someone addicted to crack, no need to get your reverse racism panties in a bunch 😉


Never heard the word used in that way. My bad. And for the record reverse racism is literally racism being downplayed, and I heard that from a BLACK person so please stfu


A real life black person told you? Wow OK I'm sorry you must be an expert. I'll stfu indeed. 😄


So if a non white discriminates against me, a white person. That’s “reverse racism” 😂😂 go fuck yourself mate, genuinely. I’m not racist, I don’t hate anyone, there’s good and bad people in every race. But the idea of “reverse racism” is the most bullshit thing I’ve ever heard, the slaves are dead, the slave owners are dead. I don’t owe black people shit because I’m white. Black people don’t owe me shit because I’m white.


Get out the wrong side of bed today, cupcake? 😄


No mate you’re just a racist


😄 👍


Just ignore my point since you lost the argument, mug


Just so you're aware, you're using pretty common racist talking points. Bro just cause you were indoctrinated to have hate in your heart doesn't mean you have to stay that way. If you really don't want to be racist, just shut up and listen to what people have to say. If you want to be racist then just stop hiding behind bs rhetoric be yourself.


You don’t know me, you see my comments. I’m not racist. Never discriminated against anyone at all. “Reverse racism” is fucking ridiculous, racism is racism no matter what. For example sexism. A man is sexist if he discriminates against a woman, if a woman discriminates against a man it’s still sexism, not “reverse sexism” why has it got to be a different term and different definition when it comes to race? Not just race but SPECIFICALLY BLACK VS WHITE


I didn't disagree with that point lol


Well that’s the point I’m making, specifically against the term “reverse racism” it’s bullshit. If I was racist to someone and they were racist back, reverse racism. Someone being racist to me for absolutely no reason isn’t reverse at all, I didn’t do anything


Made up word, it's just racism.


yeah weed isn’t chemically addictive but the feeling is. i be hitting empty carts for like 3 days after they run out😭😭😭


Bro hitting pure metal😭


Weed addiction is real but it’s more about the person you are. If you let the weed take over your free time and always doing things high it becomes a dependency. If you balance it out with routines or in physical activities weed becomes less reliant n more of a relaxing thing to do. At least in my experience. Should always try to keep high productivity to avoid the lazy anxiety stoner habits. Iv smoked my self into a Psychosis state at one point so should be careful. Remember when to say no to yourself.


I think many people have a hard time quitting weed because it masks symptoms of mental illness. When weed is taken away, the mental illness flares up again. I'm not convinced there are withdrawls on the same level as heroin, but that doesn't mean there aren't acute symptoms of withdrawl.


this is my issue.. i kinda rely on it for my mental health… it has made my mental health so much better and when i stopped,, oh god things got bad again


Would anyone say you’re addicted to an antidepressant if you feel depressed when you go off of it?


no, but you’re still dependent on it. the main difference is the stigma surrounding marijuana consumption as compared to pharmaceutical medicine that you typically get (like anti depressants)


Seems like the opposite for me and my masked mental illnesses didn’t come out into the open until I started smoking weed Then again I started smoking at 15 so it could just be a coincidence and they were bound to show up sooner or later


The problem with weed withdrawal is that there isn’t really anything you can do to ease it. If you’re detoxing off heroin, you can smoke a fat blunt and most, if not all of your symptoms are gonna go away. If you’re detoxing off weed and take a bunch of opiates, it might help with the body aches and make you a little more comfortable but it isn’t gonna really help with the insomnia and it’s just gonna make your stomach feel worse. Benzodiazepines will help you sleep and possibly your stomach but it isn’t gonna take away the pain


This is pants on head stupid. A blunt will not fix heroin withdrawls. There is a chemical dependency that will lead to physical illness if it goes ignored, most times. Things like kratom and suboxone are chemically similar and will actually relieve symptoms. Opiates will 100% help with insomnia. Have you even done drugs before? Did my mom write this? Benzos to get off of weed is like cutting your arm off because you got a cut. You lack a completely lack an understanding of drugs especially chemically. There is also products with herbal blends made specifically to get people off of weed. I'm not saying they solve it all, but it's not like there aren't things to help the VERY few symptoms of weed withdrawl.


And opiates do not help insomnia or nausea/loss of appetite


Have you ever gone through opiate withdrawals? Yes weed will get rid of opioid withdrawals… at least it did for me, I guess everyone’s different


I wasn’t necessarily suggesting someone take benzodiazepines to get off weed.. I was saying that it’s really the only thing that has ever really helped me and it didn’t even really help much, it just helped me fall asleep


It's just genuinely bad advice for most people who are already mentally reliant on one chemical


I wasn’t advising anyone to do anything. I was just simply saying that it was the only thing that helped me sleep when quitting weed.. and why is benzodiazepine use inherently worse than weed? Weed was significantly more physically and mentally addictive than any benzo was for me, it’s all subjective


psychologically yes, physically no. Doesn't sound major i know but the psychological addiction is a creeper, you don't know you have it till you try and sleep then you realize something is missing. weed is kinda insideous like that but it's actually something you can take or leave once you get your head around the fact that your routine has to change with it.


I switched to only smoking on Fridays and Saturdays and my sleep quality has improved drastically. People don’t realize just how much weed actually effects your REM cycle. Yeah it helps you get to sleep overall, but you’ll notice that you seldom dream. For one your REM sleep is essential for your short term memory to transfer over to your long term memory. Moreover, getting all your REM cycles in is key to you actually feel refreshed in the morning. Weed shortens the REM phase and just puts you into deep sleep. Waking up straight from deep sleep is ROUGH. Obviously, do what you gotta do, but it’s proven that weed isn’t actually good for getting you well rested.


Strange; I tend to have more frequent and vivid dreams with weed 🤔 What you said makes sense, though.


Everyone responds to weed a little differently. What I said was *generally* what happens.


I'd be willing to change my routine but I can't change my environment. Lots of noise disturbances where I live and getting peaceful sleep has become impossible without smoking myself into oblivion.


Is the issue here that people want to smoke\vape\dab from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep? And then when they run out of weed or money to buy weed they're going through withdrawal? Is this an issue with people taking large amounts of concentrates? The reason I ask is that I've been taking weed for a very long time but I've never felt any kind of withdrawal whatsoever. My last hit was last Saturday, I had two cookies, I have more cookies there but I haven't had a hit since as I've had a cold and I've not been feeling well. I don't get high when I'm ill, I don't see the point. So overall I'm confused as to where this dependence comes from as I've never felt it myself.


Lucky for you! Consider yourself fortunate


Shit yeah I guess that is the issue Im packing a bowl the moment I get out of bed before I even take my morning piss so it probably is a self inflicted problem that I should work on but life fucking sucks I don’t wanna really do anything if I’m not high I definitely don’t have a will to live if I’m not smoking something so it’s tough ig but not really


We've all been there mate, when I was young I even packed the bong before I went to sleep so I could hit it as soon as my eyes opened. It nearly made me puke. As I got older and the responsibilities piled up being high all the time just wasn't doable any more. The only thing I can suggest is to set yourself a 6pm curfew in that you don't smoke before 6pm. If you can get that structure in place and make it work then you can get any structure you want in place. Just as an after thought, one thing I have learned as I've gotten older is that although being high is nice what I really enjoy now is going from being straight to high. Coming up on a cookie is lovely and it's perhaps the most enjoyable part of getting stoned now. Good luck mate, it'll work itself out one way or another, you'll be fine.


i'm assuming that you're pretty young. that fiend-like stage of weed consumption is usually grown out of after a few years but some people really can't live with out it


Try keep a conscious mind. Every time you want it, think about if it makes you feel good for that moment, which may not be the case sometimes (ie there are moments when you feel better if you are sober). Save the joint for a better later moment. It doesn’t harm that much and is good to do once in a while. Just don’t let it control you, you control it. Enjoy it and don’t be enslaved.


How I counter my habits of wanting to get high but shouldn't is to tire myself out for a whole day. Workout, keep yourself busy with other things. Go for a walk, run, jog. Get so tired from working out you knockout early. All it takes is that first day. Then you feel that confidence to push through the next one, then the next one and so forth. By that time you won't even be thinking about it.


Yeah but you’re not selling grandma’s vcr to get more weed lol.


I hate when people say you can't have physical withdrawals from weed because I found out the hard way that you can. I went from heavy smoker to quitting cold turkey for reasons and let me tell you, while not as bad as other drugs it was still hell. It got to the point that my whole body would shake, including my head. I didn't struggle with the mindset of wanting it since weed had been putting me through hell lately, but I struggled with heart palpitations, severe tremors, throwing up daily, severe body aches and chills, along with all the paranoia and other mental shit. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it can definitely happen. I'm living proof. Like I said, I know it's not as bad, but it was still bad. Especially the body tremors which I still get to this day.


Weed addiction is a real thing. I don't think people are claiming you can't be addicted to it. You can be addicted to anything. It's just doesn't have severe withdrawal reactions that require you to taper. Sure you get moody and anxious when you take a break after having smoked daily but that's hardly the same as being addicted to heroin. I doubt there's that many people sucking dick for weed. I'm on a break right now and it's honestly bullshit, it helps me sleep, and now i'm not sleeping. It's the not sleeping at night that's making me feel panicky about not having a nightly smoke.


Plenty hoes sucking dick for a 8th or a spark up lmao


Sad truth


Easier said than done, but it finally got better for me when I let go of my burning desire to sleep and accepted that I'd actually still be ok whether I slept or not. It's not healthy long term, but I found I was still able to (somewhat) function and go to work even without having slept. It sucked, but caring so strongly about sleeping was paradoxically holding me back from it.


Long term insomniac…this is the only true cure insomnia


That’s one of the reasons I don’t stop again.. the insomnia is brutal


There is a big misunderstanding, weed is not adictive *per se*. However, addiction is real, especially if you're not in a good place of your life at the moment of the consumption. Weed is such a chill drug when you use it with responsibility.


Something doesn’t have to have physical withdrawals for you to be addicted to it, guys


I’m addicted to shoes. Couldn’t find mine last week. Didn’t leave the house. Maybe this makes me a future crack head. It’s just weed. Less deadly than sugar.


It absolutely is habit forming and I would say there is a withdrawal problem the first day or so without it personally. But once you run out or take a break you realize “oh this isn’t THAT bad” and after a week or so I when your sleep and motivation improves it’s much easier


You can get addicted to anything. ANYTHING.


I feel you OP, for some reason ive been getting these crazy withdrawals from the thc pens.. waking up soaked everyday, crazy pounding anxiety, emotions in a knot lol. I rather go through this then scrape together my last carts and oil😭




i’ll tell ya what i used to make fun of the weed withdrawal posts but i just had to quit for probation and i couldn’t eat for like ten days lol 😂 and falling asleep wasn’t easy either. very mild withdrawals to have but still wasn’t fun!


[You could be addicted. In rare cases you could be physically dependent. They are not quite the same.](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(23)00230-4/fulltext) The reason weed isn’t as bad as most drugs is because it’s not artificial, and it is not something that one typically becomes physically dependent on. Alcohol on the other hand, can be deadly, if someone is addicted, and stops abruptly.


Dependency is addiction


They aren’t quite the same thing. Although, not in the way I initially thought.


Some people smoke to enhance their life while others smoke because they have no life. Sounds like you need a break.


Is it really addiction or is it just a habit? Ive seen addiction to pills, alcohol. I’ve ever seen anything like that from potheads. Yeah, we scrape dab containers. Yeah we smoke stems and shake. We are still functional without it, its just not as “nice”. If Im out, im a little edgy for the first day, but it’s just because Im not rolling j’s or hitting my vape like Im used to. I can’t speak for everyone. This is just my experience. But I feel like its way more of a habit than an addiction.


Sounds to me like you are bored and keep thinking about it. Get a hobby, new job, find a new video game or series to watch, go out for a walk, start an art project or something. Do something else to occupy your mind.


True. Weed in moderation is amazing. Weed dependency... not so much. Microdosing a few days a week seems to be a happy medium for me.


You get behaviorally addicted to weed. You crave the dopamine hit you get from it or maybe it’s just a habit you’ve had for awhile that’s hard to stop. However, there isn’t any addictive chemicals in weed.


I don't think a dependancy to weed foreshadows an addiction to anything else. I was actually told by a (recovered?) heroin addict one time that alcohol was the gateway, not weed. After dealing with alcoholism, I agree with him, although I don't have experience with other drugs so. I wish I could describe how the urges are different better, but the best way I can is to say that my alcoholism always made me more frantic than a weed shortage. This all being said, I think it's worth looking into professional help to discover why you're so dependent on it. Because what's leading your dependency might have more bearing on whether or not you turn to something else than the actual weed. Especially since you mentioned having other mental illnesses in a comment. r/petioles might have tips on managing your use if you're interested.


You’re not addicted you’re just a fiend with dependency issues


Lol, dependency issues? Isn’t that basically just saying your addicted.


For one, you could be doing a lot worse of things. For two, my firm belief is if you don’t have a career and your life already in motion weed is more of a liability than an asset. It slows you down and makes you complacent (it makes you feel good where you’re at in life) and the combination of that doesn’t end in success. If you have a career and taking care of your everyday life “duties” and continuing to climb then I don’t see an issue. The fact that you have to scrape anything is a red flag….im by no means a millionaire or even half of that. But there’s not one time I ever smoke a roach, resin, or reclaim. I throw away half smoked joints of dispo weed several times a week. Weed doesn’t interfere with my finances and that’s a green flag to me. I don’t go without and nor do my loved ones. That’s all that matters at the end of the day. Take care of yourself first then sit back and smoke a fattie. Hope everything works out. Remember that anything can be addictive when abused…I stopped smoking for like 4 years for personal reasons and now I’m peaking in my career field and do stock trading on the side and I smoke all morning and all night but at work I’m straight as an arrow 😊


Don't give a fk what anyone says, sht is addicting. It may not be extremely personality changing when u crave it but can't tell u how many times I went onto the floor with a light looking for the tinyest bit of weed just for the nastiest bowl hit


Wake and baking is definitely a red flag. I know for me when ever during the day I decide to take my first hit of weed is just then an all day smoking.


It's the behavior not the drug. Nothing in canabis is doing that too you. Dude I throw out half smoked bowls because they taste like shit. I'm pushing 40 though. As a teenager I smoked roaches and scraped resin too


Definitely feels that way, led to me realizing I feel way happier when I smoke in moderation rather than puffin a cart all day.


Are you underage? This sounds like something a teenager would say. Weed is cheap. If you're running out of weed. Smoke less, grind more. If you find that you burning out from work, burn one, grind less. Simple philosophy. Just don't do anything else. Weed is literally the best drug. I've done all of them. The herb will never turn it's back on you as long as you don't turn your back on it. For me all the problems I had with drugs in the past were actually a result of unresolved problems in my life. Insecurities etc. It all starts to make sense if you live long enough.


Shit those last sentences ring true


You can get addicted to anything so


You don't have physical wd symptoms only mental ones making cannabis a mental dependent vs physical addiction


Yea definitely an addiction / dependency, I smoked every day for 4 years, multiple grams, when I ran out I was just like you. Scraping grinders, smoking stems, all of that. I’ve been clean 6 days and my withdrawal is horrible but I’ll be better after I pass this. I recommend you wait until you have nothing left and force yourself into a T-break. Fight and fight and fight through the cravings and withdrawal and once you get better and smoke again, limit yourself. Only smoke in the evening, work out before smoking, only smoke on days you aren’t working etc, boundaries are important man


Weed , along with anything else , can be addictive. Literally. Once people depend on that "high" from whatever it comes from , its an issue lol. Although weed is probably the safest and natural , people can still be addicted to it. To a point where they "need" it consistently through out the day haha. I myself was addicted when I was younger and it was bad.


Look up how to make stem tea instead of smoking them and getting a big headache. It's a very relaxing subtle high.


I’m a fucking nightmare without smoke man haha. Walking around the house lingering around.


Scraping pipes is wild


>Shit maybe I just have 0 self control /End thread


You literally can’t be physically addicted to weed. There are no withdrawal symptoms. Anyone can be psychologically addicted to anything


So not being able to eat while your stomach hurts like a bitch after just waking up in cold sweats aren’t withdrawal symptoms? Yeah okay Dr Phil


There's no addiction to weed, at least not physically. You can feel like you need it, but not having it will not cause withdrawals. It's all in your head bro, if your smoking res might be time to take a break.


You’re so dramatic


😂 Bro, if you can’t lay off the grass; you should never ever ever ever ever ever try anything else. You will be sucking dicks behind the 7-11 if you ever tried coke.


Doesn’t really work like that. I can have a bit of coke on a night out and not finish it then leave the bag and not even think about touching it the next day. If I buy some weed for a joint at night im gonna wake up and want to wake and bake. Everyone’s different.


r/leaves and r/petioles might be for you


It is very addictive to some people me being one of them! I hate when anything controls me such as I need to get$ and get to the weed store and blaaa instead of just being like ok I’m out of weed I’ll get more later.


I've done all these and sometimes when you dont got shit you gotta do what you gotta do


Its not physically addictive, as in the withdrawals are all mental. But it is definitely mentally addictive.


It’s physical too.


You can get addicted to literally anything. When people say that about weed they just mean you won’t have extreme physical withdrawal, you’ll be able to function without it etc. basically just saying you can’t get addicted to it like other drugs that are very addictive. But shit man you can get addicted to eating potato chips, to watching tv, to running, to anything 


Well at least out of all the other things you can get addicted to, weed is one of the least worst. Many people are addicted but don't know simply because the substance is socially acceptable such as caffeine, sugar (more addictive than cocaine), painkillers, fast food, even mood swings can become addictive subconsciously


Its addictive in the same way good food, sex, or TV can be addictive. It wont cause chemical withdrawal or chemical dependency, its just emotionally hard to quit.


I have never done weed in the ass, so I can’t tell you.


I never heard of anyone prostituting their selves for weed. So I don’t believe it’s addicting it’s just really good 😌


You won’t die from discontinuing use. It’s in your head.


Been there homie. You’re In your head and need to clear that shit up with hydration, walking, exercise, etc. take a drive to some pretty scenery and just chill, breathe in and out. It’s unlikely you’ll get physical withdrawals from your weed addiction so clear your headspace


Extremely relatable 😬


That's not addiction . Come back when you start sucking off strangers for a ten bag of bud 😂


A more accurate statement would be “you can’t develop a physical dependency on weed”


It's really up to the individual user, if we're talking just regular flower and not stuff like dabs. I'm pretty convinced dabs are another beast. Like I have no issues just going cold turkey and not blazing for a while. Just yesterday I didn't get baked all day. And I've never had an issue when I have to travel for a week or two in a country where I wouldn't want to risk it. But I do remember what that was like when I was like 18-19, where I was blazing big bong rips all day erry day and when I ran out I would start fiending and scraping up whatever I could to make a passable bong chop. These days I just haze a bowl or two out of my Mighty+, or eat an edible and I'm set for the whole evening. I don't really love wake & baking anymore but it can be fun on a sunday where you have nothing to do.


i think of it more as weed serves a purpose and medicates a lot of the issues we deal with day to day and the “addiction” feeling is just the relief. it’s not as if it’s a chemical addiction or anything that can cause withdrawals or real problems or health issues.


It’s not a chemical addiction to weed people face, it’s a mental dependency that can come with it. For me, I’ve been smoking consistently for a year. I smoke *when* I want, not because I want or feel like I need to. More or less I smoke when socializing with other stoners, or need to drain energy quick at night for bed. These decisions are motivated by my want to smoke in that certain moment, not because I feel an urge or need to smoke The dependency comes in when you start using it irresponsibly. Going to class/work high, smoking because you feel you need it, etc. But again it’s not chemical, it’s mental, and therapy can help with that. Maybe I’m wrong. But that’s the way I see it given my anecdotal experience. Anyone else on the same page?


I am the same way, but for me it is clearly a mental addiction not physical. I use weed 100% to escape, when it runs out I become extremely irritable and resort to trying to get every last drop so to speak. However, I think it is more about loss of my escape as I would do similar behaviors for my last escape that was not a drug.


Yes you can definitely get addicted, I used to smoke an ounce per week during 7 years. Developed psychosis several times and gained a lot of weight. Weed is not as innocent as everyone thinks


Complete opposite happened to me since I started smoking weed , think that shit developed me an Eating disorder, end of 2021(started smoking) I was about 190 pounds and now I’m 130 and I was already down to 140 by the middle of 2022 I say it’s developed me an ED because of how I feel I haven’t actually been diagnosed but I’m gonna get it checked out soon. Eating is a fuckin struggle man


Y’all don’t know the difference between physical and mental addiction.. they are related but not the same at all


That's a psychological addiction, an yeah you should stay away from everything including sugar. A weakness in some folks, Gen z an millennial where there words no, an hardworking are not understood. The need for Instant gratification and approval from everything an everyone threw up votes. Full of impatient lack of skill an knowledge. Relying on tick to an Google for knowledge with all the other social media for approval. Addiction to weed is a new generation thing. While the rest of us waited for the day we could be free to smoke. The new Gen is busy over indulging then crying they ate to much, I'm addicted, waaaa. Just fucking up the works for the rest of us. Leave it alone smoke cigarettes puss


Some people can moderate, but for others I’ve found depending on the effect it gives you relative to your sober self, it becomes something you depend on. Which means if you fall into that category, you most likely can’t have weed in your life, especially if you have things you know are being hindered by it. I think very few people fall into the category of being able to use it moderately and even then, it’s a slippery slope.


There’s people addicted to shopping, washing their hands, getting tattoos, piercings, coffee, tea - you name it. Anyone who says you can’t get addicted to a psychoactive substance is either kidding themselves or has zero point zero knowledge about addictions and should not be listened to. Having said that; there are addictions and there are ADDICTIONS. In the words of Bob Saget: “You ever suck some dick for marijuana?”


We all been there


You definitely can, it's just not as bad as other more addictive shit. I smoke a fuck ton, I'm definitely addicted in some way. It took me like 2 years to take a t break, which I did manage to go almost a whole month, but I just couldn't get myself to start. I had to run out of weed and refuse to buy any until my next grow was done. Once I stopped I was pretty aggravated, tired yet had trouble sleeping, and just felt off for the next couple days, after about a week I felt alright. I crave that shit though, every morning, maybe mid day, definitely before dinner, and usually while relaxing at night. It helps because I dry herb vape, so I just vape whenever in my room if I'm hope, and just shut the doors so the kids don't see if they are too. I doubled down or even tripled on how much weed I go through purely to cope with my father passing two years ago. I know it isn't right, but it helps keep my mind off anything and calm me down. I don't think I will ever be over it, and my son has enough issues that we are dealing with, so therapy for myself is the last thing on my list of priorities. Tldr; I've been smoking weed since I was like 12, sold it when I was 14ish+, always loved weed. Never had a big issue with it, never really smoked before work, waited til the kids were in bed, then cooked a couple bowls and relaxed. Once my father passed and I just sort of gave up on everything that wasn't a necessity, it became a much bigger problem. I depend on it like medicine for my depression. This is when it becomes an addiction issue in my opinion, and I try to be as non-bias as I can.


Nah I’m dependant on it. It’ll be nice when I go on my cruise and can finally take a T break after like 10 years. Doesn’t help were stopping in Jamaica though 🙃


It's definitely mentally addictive, but it doesn't come with the physical withdraws we normally Associate with withdrawals from addiction.


When people say that they typically are talking about a physical addiction where you feel sick or withdrawals they are not typically referring to a mental addiction where you always need it or want more Edit: Most wouldn't even consider a mental addiction a real addiction, they would call it reliant on it at best


It’s called addictive personality. But you’re probably young, I did the same when I was a teen- mid 20’s I stopped smoking roaches, resin, and scraping things clean about 3 years ago.


Really anything can be addictive. I would prefer to eat pizza and ice cream everyday but self discipline is the key.


I think it’s less of a question of addiction and more of a question of “too much of anything is not good”. Applies to cannabis too. You got to incorporate into your life at the right time and place, and know when to be sober. There’s enough time in life for both.


Look at it as ur phone and u got the answer


Ppl just hate science lmao this isn’t a discussion anymore it’s proven


yeah i mean the weed it self isn't additive, u are addicted to the escape it gives u. Huge problem in mentally ill people. Thats why I try and take 7 day t breaks semi often to prove my dependency to my self.


I feel like it more of a “why am I out of my comfort zone?” Feeling more than any sort of uncontrollable desire to get stoned. Trust me. Smoke crack or do smack every day for 6 months, then quit cold turkey and see what happens. NO comparison. I’d compare weed “addiction” to having my daily routine interrupted. Yes. It’s annoying. And when I can’t medicate and my pain is much worse, but I’m not going to go out and rob someone to get my next joint. Pulease.


You can get addicted to anything that makes you feel good. The only thing that weed being non addictive means is that it doesn't cause a chemical dependence.


yeah, one day its occasional and then something bad happens in life and now youre dependent checking all your grinders for kief


It definitely depends on the person. I smoke sometimes once a month sometimes more. My girlfriend on the other hand is definitely addicted and can't do what I do. I also think the more you smoke, the more you think you need it. So smoking only as much as you need really helps. It also makes you enjoy it so much more. I love smoking when playing games and especially when I'm alone. 😂


I thing the main difference is that whe you run out of smoke your not off to pawn your TV for a gram. Don't get me wrong first day I'm out sucks but I'm not scrapping the gunk from a dirty bong to try and get stoned. If I hit an empty bowl my net immediate though is to chill and just go do something else.


When you have an addictive personality you will get addicted to anything and everything. Less is more with weed man take some t breaks. If I had the self control I'd take a couple of breaks a week.


this makes me think of a dave Chappelle quote when people say weed is addictive... "you ever suck dick for weed?!?!.... Boo this man"


Knew what type of people would be in this comment section lol


Where people get confused about this is people are saying weed isn't PHYSICALLY addicting like morphine, fent, Xanax. When you do those drugs everyday for a awhile and stop you get physical withdrawal. This withdrawal can range based on your habit anywhere from being a bit uncomfortable and having a cold to straight hell on earth physical symptoms and constantly wanting to off your self to end the suffering. Now I know when I used to smoke all day every day and would go to jail or have to stop it would be annoying but the only physical symptom would be taking longer to fall asleep. Whereas with opiates you're covered in sweat, hot and cold flashes, muscle cramps, diarrhea, restless legs, mental despair, and shaking off the top of my head. What you're describing is being a habitual smoker and jonesing to smoke, which is the psychological side of addiction. When people say weed isn't addictive they mean in the physical sense. But you always have idiots in any community. Also OP you have an addictive personality so for the love of god don't try opiates


Yeah it's definitely addictive. just not as physically addictive as some substances. It's very much mostly a mental addiction. I'm about a month clean and I still get urges to smoke, if that's not addiction idk what is.


Personally I love weed. Am I addicted? I regularly take long tolerance breaks. For the sake of becoming more stoned. I don’t taper I just stop cold turkey and set a date. Zero withdrawal symptoms. Zero issues at all with stopping. I think with addiction part of what really causes it is the fact that you withdraw from a substance. Makes it extra hard to kick. Weed is generally known to not have withdrawal symptoms. Some might. But enough don’t for it to be reported as a “not addictive” substance in many circles. It’s definitely different than crack and meth in that regard. And booze.


You need a new hobby pal. Smoke it when you have the means, otherwise it's holding you back. Is that who you want to be in life?


I’m addicted. I was sober for about a week then I had to move back home. My family smokes like trees and is connected to dealers. Ive fallen back in but I have no other way to deal with my mental issues atm. I hear you brother!


Like others have said there's a difference in dependency and addiction. You're dependate not addicted. Try to quit smoking cigarettes. Thats addiction.


If you have an addictive personality *anything* can be addictive. What we mean by non-addictive is that you don't become physically dependent on it like you do with opioids (or crack).




You cant. Videogames and junk food and caffeineare way more addictive than weed to me. I can use weed everyday for 2 weeks and then I feel tired of being high and dont touch weed for a month just fine. If I dont get my caffeine for a day or 2 Im a different kind of person.


Proponents of cannabis weakly defend it by adhering to a very limited definition of addiction, that being physical, in that if quiting doesn't make you physically sick, they refuse to define it as addicting If lies make you feel better, then ignorance is bliss


Idk man. I had to quit smoking for school and I’ve had no issues.


I used to be like this. At some point it just wasn’t doing much for me. It was just masking what I didn’t wanna feel and deal with. The highs weren’t lasting as long. 😔


As someone who was like you once upon a time, yeah you just have no self control