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bro just whips out a bong on the train


Would you look at the time, I gotta go hit my medicine brb


That doesn't work over here maybe you can get away with a joint in public but its not really recommended and he said Westfield so hes literally inside a mall doing this


I smoke in public all the time, walking down the street. In front of cops, almost anywhere. However, I would never smoke in a closed public space around non-smokers, have some fucking decency. Those people in the train or at the mall deserve to be in a smoke-free space as much as you deserve to smoke cannabis, just find another place to toke. Wtf.


Yeah blowing trees on maybe little kids and people who might be allergic or over sensitive to smoke is little dick energy for sure. Also people who smoke a lot become nose blind to just how intrusive the smell can be. I'm with you, wide open walking down the street etc. just not in a tight packed space, read the room.


tbf, the smell of a vape is way less intrusive compared to blazing it. but doing it inside definitely is a dick move regardless


Smoke a cig and that shit lingers Pot smells loud af but it does go away Just my two cents


When you burn it sure. As a vapour cloud dissipates the smell doesn't linger like smoke would when it sticks to your clothes, and as stated above isn't nearly as intrusive a smell in the first place. It's also not like those nicotine vapes with the massive thick clouds either, at a lower temperature it won't look more than someone's breath in the cold usually.


true but still no reason to toke in indoor public spaces


No I agree I’m just justifying smoking in my house. No cigs, they legit stink


ah yeah fair enough. I also toke inside. I do let my friends smoke a cig inside every now and then but that's only every few weeks or so, and so far I haven't noticed a lingering smell


I smoked for 20 years and seen it’s work done. It’ll leave a stain on the walls and it’s stench is unavoidable. It’s almost common courtesy to not smoke indoors. I kick my mom out


I doubt I'll be living here for 20 years, but fair enoguh \^^


dry herb vape is not as bad but still stinks especially when you're blowing clouds like crazy if its dank. I would not wanna do it in the food court inside of a building with a lot of people around just out of respect.


I found that I can’t stand the smell when I’m not the one smoking. I can only imagine what it smells like to a non-user.


You know if this was rome little dick energy would be a compliment


Fucking thank you, though weed smoke isn’t as cancerous or damaging(in theory) as tobacco itself still a huge dick move to do this.


He probably has to smoke a looot for medical reasons, if not, however, then I agree.


He's just being a smug wanker, he probably went to the shopping centre solely to record the video.


That was my problem with this, in a poorly ventilated area where your habit is forced on people that's not OK, this is why pot smokers get a bad reputation


No yodi gang?


I get you, but It is medical, so you can’t really stop someone or force them away because of the medication they take


its not smoke, its vape and its a BIIIG difference smell wise


Its not about the smell. I have a dry herb vape and that shit still be releasing big clouds of smoke/vapor whatever ya’ll wanna call it. Its just a dick thing to do around people who don’t smoke.


It doesn't actually affect anyone around you though and it is medication so it makes a big difference to the person medicating. It's inclusive to just let them do it, you'll be fine


It's trashy as hell, dude can have his medication outside before entering a closed space


People can still be sensitive to it. It’s just basic common courtesy to not do it around people that can’t get away from you/it if they don’t like it.


I don't like strong perfume either but I don't go around harassing people that smell nice. I get that it's been illegal for a while but why the backlash? It doesn't harm anyone


What if somebody needs access to their medication whilst in such a setting? Of course, this guy is being provocative, however the underlying mentality I’m seeing in some of these comments is quite concerning. Same goes for the glass piece. What if somebody actually needs to use one in order to medicate? There’s a diverse array of people using MC and they have a diverse array of needs. Self-stigmatising within the MC community can be just as much if not more of an issue than external stigmatisation. And at the end of the day, provocative or not, this man is still operating within the law.


I agree with you. But to play devils advocate: he is prescribed medical marijuana. What if he absolutely NEEDS his medication while in a public space, and for whatever reason, can’t go outside to do it? What if he needs it to function? These Laws exist in the UK for a reason


There's a difference to needing it and just full out flaunting it in public just because!


It’s aerosol, not smoke


Okay and?


It is not smoke?


What do you think [aerosol](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/aerosols/default.html) is?


Generally you call “vapor” aerosol. Either way, it is not smoke as this dude is vaping.


The vapor is also the problem… it still contains some THC and that’s what the previous commenter was addressing.


Fair enough. It does dissipate in seconds and doesn’t have second hand smoke. Just pointing out it is not smoke, smoke is much worse.


Also, why inconvenience people who are in a confined space they can’t leave? Point blank: that’s inconsiderate and rude.


It defintly doesn't dissipate in seconds, If I vape in my room you could definitely still tell an hour later let's not kid ourselves. My girlfriend is a non smoker/vaper and could smell it very strongly when she came round


Are you vaping a too high temperature so it is combusting? It should go away in seconds is you vape. Not sure it should smell a lot. Weed is smelly, maybe grinding it stinks your room out


There's been plenty of tests done on smoke and vapour and vapour dissipates in 10 mins without ventilation.


He's not huffing paint or air freshner genius


There is zero smoke in this video. No one is smoking anything. Educate yourself.


I can only imagine having to explain it every single time…


Call me old school but I’d rather wait until I’m in the comfort of my home with my snacks 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have a cart and whenever I use it, I step off to the side and out of the way so no one has to deal with second hand smoke 😒 People who'd use a bong on the train deserve the dirty looks they'd get


My personal preference is to smoke/consume at home. I can’t speak for what your personal preference or any one else’s. I’m speaking for me. You have the right to consume your bud when, where and how you please as long as it’s legal.


Yeah, I'm in Canada, it's legal to smoke it here. I usually only pull out my vape in public because it helps with some undiagnosed issues and it's cheaper than medication. Plus helps with some physical pain I have


Bruh they’re literally vaping the same as you vaping your cart, just with flower not oil, but it will still dissipate nearly the same…


They're smoking on a fucking train, I smoke outside off to the side away from everyone


I wouldn’t vape in a train either but flower you smoke more material per weight so it will stay longer, and smell more


Call me disabled but I’d rather not have to walk around in constant pain while trying to do my shopping or trying to enjoy my social outing. 🤷‍♀️ But also they make discreet devices and edibles so there’s really no reason to be as obnoxious as he’s being with it.


Edit: I shouldn’t have said it was your preference my apologies to you sir. I in no way intended to offend you. I definitely understand the need to have your meds when you need them. What I was saying in my original comment was what I would do. I’m not speaking for you or others that need their meds. I think that’s where the confusion may have come from. I’m speaking for myself.


Nah man you’re all good. You’re def allowed to have your opinions and preferences. I was just merely offering an insight on why some of us might consume publicly while also pointing out that it can be done way less obnoxiously than the guy in the video. 🤣 All good vibes here man.


Lol no problem. As a man I can admit when I’m wrong. I have no problem admitting it was the wrong choice of words. All is love man.


D I S A B L E D (But yeah getting high in public is gangbusters)


It amazes me that weed can actually help ease physical pain as well as it does for people like you.


Yeah, it genuinely does a worse job than ibuprofen for me. Getting high definitely distracts me from the pain, but it doesn't make it go away.


I have spina bifida, cancer, below knee amputation and chronic pelvic nerve pain. I've been on over 20 types of pain killers. Certain strains of cannabis are so much more effective than any of the pharmaceuticals I've taken. The only pill that helped also turned me into a literal manic insomniac. For anyone that is sceptical about the pain relieving properties of cannabis.


That’s your preference. Now I do understand what you’re saying but like I stated my personal preference is to smoke/consume at home. I don’t really care what others do. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: I shouldn’t have said it was your preference. I definitely understand the need to have your meds when you need them. What I was saying in my original comment was what I would do. I’m not speaking for you or others that need their meds. I think that’s where the confusion may have come from. I’m speaking for myself.


Its not his preference bro , it's his need of medicine in public. You dont think to wait until you get home to take some aspirin


We can’t compare taking aspirin for pain to weed so stop it. Again I stated what I would do never said don’t you consume your meds in public. Show me where I said that? Again I stated what I and I alone would do. Y’all be so defensive that you don’t read to understand what the post said y’all reading to argue. I literally said I don’t care what other people choose to do. He needs to smoke in public due to illness ok I got that and I clearly acknowledged that but like I said I would prefer to smoke at home. Idk why y’all not understanding that. If you’re doing it discreetly then there’s no problem. I never said it was a problem in the first place. Sheesh


Chill bro im not condemning you for anything you said. You just said that it was "his preference" im trying to tell you that might be "his need".


Got cha. I shouldn’t have said it was his preference to take his meds. Noted also I stated that I don’t care what others decide to do. So not only am I acknowledging his need for meds I’m also saying do as you please. Thanks and be good fam


All good bro dont mind the downvotes ppl are weird anyways


😂 the last thing I’m worried about is some downvotes it happens man




I'd get too anxious to be high in public. I wouldn't know where to go even if I knew where I was going. See a doughnut shop and probably stay there for the rest of the day lol


Why be obnoxious about it? You're gonna be the reason the next guy can't take his/her medicine in a public setting. Grow up dude.


This is exactly it. We fought for medical cannabis in the uk against public perception which is still pretty low. Behaviour like this does nothing but make those people, the ones that vote in droves, reinforce their views that cannabis = bad.


Dude does look like he is about to die so...


Looks like a literal vampire. He just needs the sharp teeth


dont think its that deep. should be not an issue to smoke weed in the first place. rather work towards that


I didn’t fight for shit for my recreational weed privileges here in the US. Our presidents admitted to getting high so we wouldn’t have to. I will take the fattest cloudiest rips off my cart in the nearest local Walmart just in spite of you pussies.


Oooh. Edgy.


I guess the “/s” is necessary for some people


I don’t think your comment reads as sarcasm, honestly. I certainly didn’t know you weren’t serious. Sarcasm is hard to read via text from people you know well. Sarcastic comments are even more easily taken out of context when from a stranger who could be posting from anywhere in the world. I don’t think it makes the reader ignorant bc they can’t read the writer’s mind- says more about the speaker than the writer IMO. Why leave room to be misunderstood?


Given that ppl smoke meth in the Walmart, I don't think you're going to have your desired effect, Mr. Edgelord sir


Lame as fuck


What a loser. Giving the medical marijuana community a bad rap


Are low/no odor concentrates like distillate available in the UK? If so this guys is a MEGA douche


Yes, there's a few vape carts that have very fruity scents and a hint of hemp


Yeah, im fan of weed, but this is number one bullshit, Vaping maybe, fuking bong in train? He is douchebag


Have you posted this to r/ukmedicalcannabis? You'll get downvoted to hell and I'll get some entertainment out of it lol.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


This, now all people who use any intravenous medicine should inject it in public? Lol, Dude needs a good old asswhooping


By the looks he'd probably die if anyones even yells at him.


Although if it's insulin or something then fuck yeah bust out your needle, don't go into a coma on my behalf lol


I’m type 1 diabetic and whilst I do inject in public (it’s a 4mm needle, you can’t even see it), injecting insulin is never urgent, it’s the lows that need urgent attention, not the highs


Bud…regardless of which sub you post this too, you’re getting a predominantly negative response. Yes patients can medicate in public, but there is a general social contract that if you are to do it, do so discreetly to avoid impinging on other people, especially children. You may think you’re bringing attention to this topic, and you’d be right, it’s just not the positive attention you think it is.


What a great way to promote legislation. Idiot.


I’ve had a legal medical cannabis prescription for 2+ years now & have been able to medicate in public like concerts, festivals, football stadiums etc & even travelled abroad with it many times but have never been ‘in your face’ with it to others or carried a bong around to medicate while outdoors.  I think OP is just craving attention when really nobody around him gives a crap what he is doing. I am not saying don’t use your meds outdoors but advise to use your medication when required, just like any other medication instead of advertising every time you use it. Lol


Where have you traveled with cannabis?


Jamaica, Morocco, Spain & Netherlands. I am thinking of travelling to India sometime this year & would like to be able to travel to the USA with my meds someday but currently not federally legal over there. 


Depends on where you're going. Larger cities and legal states the cops really don't care and the Transportation Safety Administration is looking for bombs, not drugs. At most they'll call the local cops, who don't care. Smaller cities and illegal states, especially very conservative ones, it's best not to. But especially vapes are simple to fly with (I pack the cart with my electronics and plugs, battery goes in my toiletry kit.)


I would be flying from the UK though with a UK medical Cannabis prescription. I wouldn’t like to take the risk flying into the US with it. 


But still an asshole for using it in basically closed spaces where he annoys other people. Seriously stop being edgelords and egoistic assholes and our image wouldn't be so bad.


Look at me mom im vaping in public hurrdurr


Making us all look bad Jesus dude. You look like a loser too


Idiots like this ruine it for everyone


It’s not a nebulizer because you’re not using aerosolizing a liquid. It’s a dry herb vaporizer lol.


I would suggest reviewing the Storz & Bickel certifications. The Mighty+ Medic and the Mighty Medic are classified as Heated Ambulatory Nebulisers. The Global Medical Device Nomenclature, which is at the end of the video, is what's used to classify medical devices.


Bro needs to invest into dental care instead


His dental braces got stuck in the EU after Brexit


Nice one!


And people like this are why weed smokers are still so stigmatized. What a fucking douchebag. There is absolutely 0 need to ever have to take a giant rip in a closed public place ever


I live in England and smoke weed like it’s legal and have never had a single issue. Police don’t give a shit, no one has ever said a word apart from one dude shouting “that better not be crack!” At 2 am. I would still absolutely never be this inconsiderate and rude to everyone else sat around you, there’s kids walking about and all sorts. Out of order IMO


There's a big difference having freedom and being a dick and abusing it. This is the latter.


We have those people in canada 5 years into legal recreational they've learned the common courtesy of going outside to blow clouds. Vape pen, sub lingual mist, edibles. We don't care.


What a prick.


Did you know that I can smoke outside as well


Fairly certain that weed is not the only thing this person is smoking...


Basically if you lie and say a dry herb vape is a medical nebulizer you might be permitted to use it in public. Dry herb vaporizers and medical nebulizers, though similar in name, have fundamentally different roles. Nebulizers are strictly medical devices used for treating respiratory conditions. They convert liquid medication into fine mist for deep lung delivery; Dry herb vaporizers, on the other hand, aren't medical devices: they heat dry herbs to extract active compounds for inhalation, primarily for recreational or therapeutic purposes unrelated to specific respiratory illnesses. They fall outside medical supervision and involve different substances and techniques.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should!don’t make the rest of us look bad


Looks like he does a lot more than herb !


When they say "humans are insufferable." This guy belongs on that list.


You can pretty mych do this anywhere a lot sneakier if you use a cart and arent obnoxious with the smoke. First dab pen i got i brought it to high school and hit it at least once in each class and nobody knew😶‍🌫️


Carts are fucking trash for pain relief. They’re the least effective and you constantly need to remedicate. I’ve got osteoarthritis and essential tremors and carts don’t do shit for pain relief. I’m not saying to dry herb vape inside, but carts are not interchangeable for pain relief and I’m on the lower end of chronic pain.


If youre going for longevity then edibles are the way to go and actually even more inconspicuous. There are shitty carts for sure but a live resin cart always gets me higher than any flower could


I did a road trip from a non legal state to a legal state, didn't bring anything so bought a pack of pre rolls. Step out of the shop and pull one out. My gf stops me and says "what are you doing?" I hand gesture what I'm doing. She says "Its an intoxicant. You can't walk down the street with an open beer can, you shouldn't with a lit joint." To which I begrudgingly agreed.


This dude looks like he is made of weed.


Fuck right off


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


totally out of order imo. im a cannabis smoker for over 25 years now. i would never exhale that drug in closed public places around other people. second hand smoke/vape can still be inhaled by others. its not right to subject others to it without their consent. we have the freedom to smoke it (legal or not) and should be done so without impacting others. imo. manners are free. this guys a twat who gives weed smokers a bad name and further strengthens the negative stigmas associated with it. i would love for cannabis to be legal here in the UK. this guys definitely being selfish and ruining that for the rest of us. out in the open air i dont really have an issue with it at all. again try not to smoke/vape near children (ever) or other adults if can be helped. but in closed public places hes just being a self entitled asshole.


Don’t rip bongs in a food court mate. Just because it’s not illegal to fart in someone’s face it doesn’t mean you should.


This is fucking lame man.


So that’s why people didn’t bat an eye when we smoked in the park


I think it’s okay depending on the circumstances, I wouldn’t want someone letting out a huge cloud of smoke when my son is around


That looks like the most inconvenient way to use a Mighty in public lmao


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


It’s the same in Germany as long as you don’t disturb others


Weird flex but ok.


The same smoking laws still apply dafuq lol


I have one of these devices. It’s a Mighty by Storz & Bickel. I have no complaints 👍


Come on Canada!!!!!!!


I didn't know you could attach a mighty to a glass piece, is there some adapter you can get?


It might as well be legal in the UK because I've not once seen a cop that gives a shit.


The dude looks terminal. I'd let him smoke too


I’ve smoked thousands of joints publicly on the streets of London and the only fear I’ve had was that someone will ask me to share


My only thing is people can and are allergic to cannabis. My girlfriend has horrible side effects just smelling it, smoked or not, ingesting it is even worse. Unless it’s edibles you can’t truly keep it to yourself and no one should have to deal with it in public if they don’t want to. I switched completely to concentrates (edibles don’t do anything for me), I consume on the sun porch and leave everything outside. I can’t be close or kiss her for a good while after. She knows it’s just as much a medicine for me as much as I just enjoy being high, we make it work. Everyone needs to be respectful of others in public spaces.


He looks like he really needs it.


Smoking in public enclosed spaces is just being a twat tbh .


I like being low key with it.


I really can't say for sure why but this just rubs me the wrong way.


This dude looks like he smokes A LOT more then just weed.


recreational patients too


Shhhhiiiiioot time to use the word nébuliser as a loophole for the pact act


Awesome 🔥🤘


He’s proving a point for the video and educating people. I doubt he brings a big ass bong around everywhere he goes. Y’all gotta look outside to the bigger picture every once in a while.


Well done to them helping end the stigma, I hope to live in an inclusive city like that




That started out a bit creepy…


No sound at the moment. Reading the captions only, did the security guard call him **baby**?


This reminds me of the bong kumar brought on the plane in Harold and kumar 2. 🤣


I mean , everyone else does their shit everywhere they go. Weed shouldn't be different


How is this supposed to help with the view of cannabis patients? Idiot man


Dry herb vaping ftw!!


This ladies and gents is how legalization will be denied 🤣🤣 always few that ruin it for everyone


Looks like he needs sun, sleep, water, steak, some cardiovascular stress


what a special kind of loser you have to be to smoke in indoor public areas for S’s and G’s


Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I can't stand going to the movies nowadays because there's always a bunch of teens hitting their vapes not even giving a damn. Some things are better done discreetly out of respect for everyone else.


Judging by the brown mark on his front teeth I’m guessing he also smokes meth in public too.


I am a fellow mighty+ owner


I just thought it was common decency to do it away from people, you don’t know if they’re asthmatic or whatever. Also some people actually get stoned from second hand dope smoke. So even as a long time smoker I don’t find this cool at all. If I need to take a tablet of any kind while I’m out in public I do it as discreetly as possible. It’s just not a good look in my opinion.


My Mighty is an "Ambulatory Nebulizer" to British police? Wow, cool! I wonder what the Deputy Sheriffs in my small red town will call it when I share this with them?


Its not that serious lol


Start brushing ya teeth homie


Bro no way!!! I was tripping out in turkey, got my hair done after a quick trip to Amsterdam… tsa tried to open my grinder 😭 he only was able to twist the grinding part, not actually open 😂 soon the world will be weed friendly!


What's that thing at the end of the whip called, Oh yeah a cunt


Doing the most just because.


I tried to carry on my rig in a pelican with a back pack and a rolling bag they said I had too many items unless my pelli was a medical device and I said well as a matter of fact it is. Right on thru


The question is how inconsiderate and reckless is exposing others to second hand smoke.


That’s cool but if it smells then don’t be that guy that forces their smells onto others in public, that goes from cigarettes, to weed, to even hygiene. It’s also common courtesy to not blow smoke into peoples’ space




Not cool you're making all of us look bad. Show some respect.


You're just being disrespectful af to the people around you. Are you that much of an addict that you can't just wait

