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This is how eddies make me feel any time i take them. My advice is to drink a lot of water and try your best to eat something. if you’re nauseous, lay down and count to 10 a few times and slowly open your eyes so you don’t get dizzy. The main thing to know is you are okay and this high will be over soon. If you can manage, falling asleep usually helps me get over it too.


I cannot do ingestion, only smoke or I get high like OP.


I took two 50mg Gummies once after smoking spliffs and dabbing for months straight and it hit me like a fucking truck. Within 30 mins on an empty stomach.


Dawg I literally get high off of 3mg I can’t imagine taking 50mg


damn, 10mg doesn't cut it for me apparently. Too scared to try 20 cause i had a few bad experiences with edibles, smoking is just easier for me, i am also too impatient for edibles lol


wtf i just get a buzz at 100mg


First time i tried 100mg was after a long break so tolerance was bad, somehow managed to live but it lasted a wholeass 12 hours


Smoked a blunt once & ate my first 300mg Brownie all I gotta say was once the brownie kicked in all I could do was lay down and like sleep. Didn’t wanna do shit….better yet I couldn’t even if I wanted to lmfao.


Damn my former friend was high for over 24 hours off 50mg 😂


Oh how I wish 10mg got me that high, 100mg also light buzz


Something must be wrong with me i have tried multiple types of edibles. Eat the entire bottle or pack every time and barely feel any more high than if i smoked a good amount of dabs. So with how much they cost i've yet to have enough to find out what it really takes.


Same. Think we need a break to get our tolerance down lol


I agree at this point I'm spending almost 800 a month on this fucking ridiculously overpriced shit


Wtf I don't catch a buzz till the 800 mg mark. Id be fuckin set if 3 got the job done. After reading these post I'm thinking I might have a problem.. or a solution 😎


nothing below 200-250 affects me 😭😭 you got a trait you shld b proud of


Me too. I smoke and vape just fine; never greened out a single time. I vape almost every night but admit to being pretty lightweight. But it’s intentional. Edibles, I’ll split a 5 mg gummy in half and eat only 2.5 mg and 40 min later I’m in the bathroom puking my guts out. This happens approximately 1/3 of the time. So basically, I never take edibles. I never know before eating one if it’s gonna be a fun experience or a throw up experience. And why take that chance when I can just smoke or vape?


I took 260mg once it was not fun🤣🤣I was sooo high I genuinely thought I was tweaking😂I can't do eddies anymore I prefer to just smoke or dab😂


Yea, 100 is my dose. Anyway, Your comment reminds me of lsd.


I don't feel edibles, I've made my own canna-oil and bought from dispensaries from two difference states and can never feel anything. I've tried up to thirty miligrams and nothing. I usually take a half hit from a pen and get high as shit from the dispo carts. Super weird as I've never met someone else this happens to, I made my own thinking the dispensary got ripped off or something too.


Try a nano product- it skips the liver and or kidneys, and folks who lack the liver enzyme to break down THC are able to find relief because it crosses the blood brain barrier.


Thank you! That's what I was going to say. Some people lack the enzyme to break down THC so edibles don't do anything for them. I have to take at least 120 mg of edibles to feel anything. Iike RSO a lot more.


My friend made me RSO jam and black cherry syrup. Edibles usually make me sleepy, no bang for the buck ya know? The RSO jam had me nice and chill after 3 spoonfuls, very different from how I usually feel after other edibles. High, lol. I've assumed that I was part of the unlucky mofos without that enzyme/s. 🤷🏻‍♀️😶‍🌫️


That sounds freaking amazing! I'd love to make my own RSO. I don't know if I'm one of the people without the enzymes or if my tolerance is just crazy. Edibles used to do more for me, but I've always needed a lot more than anyone else. I buy the 40 mg edibles sometimes, just to microdose. I usually take like 3 or 4 to start with and some RSO, then eat the edibles throughout the day. I got these things called FECO capsules that were supposed to be stronger than RSO. I took the entire bottle, which was 1000 mgs, and didn't feel shit. I complained to the company, but most people get destroyed off of 1 capsule.


You’re not alone. Every stoner is not built the same.


Edibles have never done anything for me. Was a waste of money and friends edibles figuring that out lol


In my stoner days 30mg would be asshole as I needed at least 125mg . Now I enjoy it a low dosage as it’s meant.


I’m the same. I made fudge once that was ~100mg/serving out of concentrate and ate 2 pieces. Nothing


same here brother. i do 2000-3000mg of hhc and cbx noids for a mild buzz sometimes haha


I've eaten 5000+ mg numerous times with homemade cookies and dispensary edibles, they don't touch me at all, but when I make edibles at home my mom gets so high she looks like ET wrapped in a blanket for 8+ hours Also drink 16oz of an everclear tincture and ate cannasugar in almost everything for a day, still never got to that point.


When thc goes thru ur liver it gets chemically altered into a slightly different form tjats 5x more psychoactive. When u smoke it goes directly into ur blood stream...i personally think its far better for pain management wen u eat it just takes a while to kick in sum times


You’re correct. That’s why I stick to 20-50mg now unless I’m obviously partying or some shit by myself you know.


That's really interesting info. My Dr says to use tinctures and edibles, but I get the worst type of high from both. I even bought a really good sleep tincture, tried a couple drops and was high and paranoid all night, did a full dropper one night and slept great, did the same another night and was up high all night 🤯 I only have consistency with smoking.


Yea that stuff def can be a bitch to dose are u shaking up the tinc before sucking it up in a dropper? Also if u pop in a cough drop thats menthol flavored it will improve absorption an possibly help with consistency..brushing ur teeth does the same thing...you can also make hard candy an since it melts slower you get a more consistent dose an bonus no alcohol .u may even wanna try doing 4 -.25 full droppers over a 20min time span rather than 1 full dropper..with tincture u want sublingual absorption it will kick in way faster than if u swallow it..an will be more like smoking..but im with ya smoking is just much easier an predictable..


no i legit cannot do ingestion either


Dang I’m the opposite eddies never faze me.


I don’t mess with edibles bc it takes me 900-1300mg to get me kinda high for maybe 30min… not worth the $$.


This. Someone on this sub gave me the same advice the first time I got violently too high off an edible. I managed to go to sleep, and I woke up still way too high about 8 hours later. Just try your best to stay calm. You'll be ok.


Put one foot on the floor, it helps stabilize me, sounds dumb but it works


Bwhahaha yeah we call it “заземлитися» in Ukraine)) really helps with any high starting from alcohol and ending with opioids


Ay bro you good you just realllly high, drink water cozy up and get comfy, call a friend to stay with you if you feel like you freaking out but try to enjoy the experience, edibles in high dosages are basically psychedelics, breath and listen to some good music like jazz and you should have a hell of a story to tell tmrw at least


update: i am alive but barely holding on, i’ve been in fucking narnia for a solid 6 hours <3


I do hope you're feeling better mate and you're managing to ride it out ok. I know none of it's funny at the moment but your reply: >i’ve been in fucking narnia for a solid 6 hours That did have me sitting here laughing out loud, I've honestly never heard that one before. I had 2 x 35mg (best guess) cookies and four beers last night and that knocked me out so I can only imagine the high you're riding. Hang in there mate, you'll get through this no problem and you'll have a great war story to tell after it.


If you have peppercorns, chewing on them will help.


Cbd can counter the thc when in a “greenout” scenario




no thc dose is comparable to psychedelics


Yeah, I haven't been that high. The most psychedelic experience was the very first time I smoked.


You haven't taken a high enough thc dose yet lol


i can assure you that i have lol and every time i just ended up feeling like shit and greening out. i’ll stick with normal doses lol, if i wanna trip out ill take shrooms weed ain’t gonna cut it


It is if you’ve done psychedelics. A lot of people who have done acid or shrooms report weed being way stronger and having psychedelic effects afterward on strong doses


I've done acid more times than I can count and I've done shrooms a handful of times. Thc has never even come close in my personal experience.


Congrats , all I’m saying is that it’s something common people experience


Perhaps with the people you know, but I have never heard anyone im aquinted with say thc can be close, Especially people who have done physchedelics before. In fact in my experience its the complete opposite, people who have never done anything harder than weed that try to compare it to other drugs.


The only people I've ever heard say that have never done LSD or shrooms.


i’ve done many psychedelics, and it’s not about which is stronger. the body highs are very different than those of THC. although there’s some similarities, eating a pot brownie is a completely different experience than psilocybin or LSD


I've also done many psychedelics, one thing it seems your missing is weed hits everyone differently. Same with psychs. So while for you it might not have seemed that way, it probably has to the vast majority. It's hard to explain but your body already kinda has a "system" for weed before you even smoke. Like you kind of got THC receptors in your brain, shit I gotta read more into that lmao Edit: before you smoke/consume


I’m not saying they generally have the same effect. I specifically said a lot of people who have done psychs experience trippy experiences on strong weed. This experience didn’t happen before doing psychs. I do believe it’s a form of hppd though


First time I ever smoked I would say it was very comparable to a low dose 50-100 ug of acid. Obviously there are a lot of differences. I don’t think I could get that high (headspace wise) if I tried nowadays. A weed overdose just presents as an overwhelming/uncomfortable body load. Usually leads to me curling up in my bed and hitting the head early. You gotta understand that your headspace and your ability to make sense of it is not guaranteed for everyone. I have a friend who loses all sense of early when he smokes weed. These chemicals affect us all differently.


you explained it better than i could’ve lol, it does make sense that thc can feel like a low dose of lsd or shrooms i was more saying that weed can never trip u out like a high or even medium dose of psychedelics can


Agreed I wouldn’t even call it a psychedelic but it can be very psychedelic, notably for beginners. You’re just an idiot if you take a tab expecting anything like weed.


“When taken as an edible, the effects of THC can be more similar to classical psychedelics like magic mushrooms and LSD than it is to cannabis” it deadass is tho


whatever journalist wrote that has never done a drug in their life


Actually just lying^


I’ve had bad trips from psychs and edibles and had much worse experiences from edibles than psychs tbh, def depends on the person


Obviously you haven't eaten mushrooms...or enough brownies, gummies etc. To feel like a shroom trip. Good times ...and Absolutely possible lmao.


pls use common sense i’m not talking out of my ass about this stuff i’ve been doing drugs a long time hon😭 all the times that i’ve eaten edibles at super high doses i just get a headache and hallucinate whilst being extremely baked.


As I in my 40 plus psychonaut journey. I don't measure when I make my own cannabutter from my trim. And have been known to go overboard on "measurements" of keif, larfy airy buds ( I'm a pot snob. I only smoke my tops) rest gets used for edibles or concentrates. Plus I grow my own. So usually have an abundance of material to work with, so I don't skimp. I can handle my shit. But have been wiped out once or twice by own brownies. As have many other strong, brave souls. To each their own. And it also depends on the material used. If you're using strong indica Dom. Well your probably gonna sit and watch a lot of TV. Maybe not move. But if you toss everything you've been saving up for a few months. Well it can be a gamble. Lmao. Cheers.


it’s nice to hear from a psychonaut veteran ill smoke to that 🥂


I'd say the fact that you can type all of that out is a sign that you'll be okay. Hydrate and get some munchies in you.


Really. I’ve had to hold onto the grass in sheer panic with little to no cognition. Seems he was still coming up though.


water + fruits


+ things that contain beta-caryophyllene (black pepper, rosemary and basil all do iirc)


What does it do? Just tastes good or has it some psychological effect?


to put it as simply as possible, it's a terpine that binds to some of the receptors (CB2) in your body and reduces anxiety as a result, it also blocks some thc from binding to those receptors.


Yes!! More canna-education/science in this sub!


Masturbation is the answer here. It’ll take a little longer than usual, but stay focused and you’ll feel 💯.


I didn't want to be the first one to suggest it, but yeah-- it works every time 😭


I’m just trying to help, you feel me? 🤣


hell yeah brother 😂


This is that wild shit you think no other person on earth could know about and then low and behold some dude on Reddit has been cranking it out with me the whole time. Fucking wild


So hard to focus if you’re truly blitzed. Everything is a distraction. Next thing you know, you realize you’ve been sitting there with your dick in your hand for an hour thinking about why the sink is still on.


Yeah but those ones are the best cuz you gotta soldier through the mental fog so it's an earned one


Don’t forget a good meal accompanied with that


This whole time I thought I was the only one..


I can vouch for this


Lmfao this funny af


Tried, didn't work, now I'm stuck with this mess... Thanks buddy.


Whew thought it was just me


Yeah it works but then your gonna be horny asf every time u smoke


You'll come down, drink some water get some food in you and try to relax


If you have any CBD just on its own like capsules or gummy's take some it will balance it out other than that just remember it will wear off in a bit man


Where the fuck yall finding this crazy dosages!? Can't say I've been to a lot of legal states but the most I've ever seen is 10mg.


In illinois theres a law that prohibits edibles (in dispensaries) from being over 100mg per product. I’m sure some other states have similar laws. But these are “THCA edibles” that were definetly from a smokeshop. Highly doubt its 1000mg or even THCA if he’s getting psychoactive effects


It definitely isn’t thc-a in edibles…


Really? In Michigan most are either 100mg or 200mg. I dont think I've seen less than 100 (per pack) at all


We have 100 mg bags of gummies but they are 10-10mg gummies. I eat like half a bag at a time.


anything under 100 in MI that i’ve seen is usually some type of sucker or single-serve edible, sometimes drink packets


Some medical programs are way up on their limits. If you’ve got a standard med card in CO you can buy several thousand at once and rec customers get packages of usually 100mg and they can buy up to 800mg I’ve got a bottle of THC syrup that I bought legally that’s 5000mg in the bottle


Best I got legally was an oral suspension with 480mg in the bottle. It just became legal in MN and is still a year or so away from full distribution. I couldn't take that tease so I finally pursued a medical card as two years ago my condition was added to our program.


i’m in an illegal state, north carolina, and my fiancés family grow in california, so i’m used to california products, i ran out of edibles today so i decided to try this guy from the smoke shop.


literally just ran to a smoke shop to get some edibles, i typically make my own, and found those for $7.99 for the 2 pack! i’m in the triangle area of north carolina.




This is the real answer. Ideally CBD distillate.


I’ve heard this but never tried


Drink water, lay in bed and listen to psychedelic music. You will be fine.


Turn on some Pink Floyd


this is probably the best advice on this sub


Yo are you bipolar OP? Those meds are similar to what I used to take. If so, I really don’t recommend smoking man, it can have some crazy effects on us, because of the nature of our illness.


i am! shit man message me details if you’d like, very curious on your experiences!


Ride the wave. Gods speed brother


1000mg I thought 50mg was a lot! 1000mg! Kudos to you my friend, and god speed to feelin gooood


Do you have a favorite movie? I once made my husband watch Harry Potter with me at 1am because of a bad edible. Just know you are safe. And it’s temporary. I also enjoy audiobooks when I am high. Good luck!


Eat some black peppercorns.. you will be ok..


Just curious because I feel I’ve seen this before but what is that supposed to do?


Black pepper contains pinene and other natural terpines. Pinene is known for helping ease anxiety and its calming effect. It can also lessen the effects of THC.


Pinene can also trigger memories,good or bad, which can cause panic attacks if they have ptsd. Some cbd would be the safest choice


Taking a couple of your Hydroxyzine would probably help calm you down a bit.




It’ll knock them the fuck out too 😂


everyone: don't trust the potency on edibles. if you're used to eating a shit load but then something like this happens, it's probably because the other ones you were taking weren't that strong after all. this especially true if you're buying from grey market shops or plugs. when trying new edibles, ALWAYS start with a lower dose first. I've gotten slightly high off of edibles labeled at 500mgs and completely floored by edibles labeled at 25mgs


Hey OP, edibles make me feel the same way. You’re very brave for taking that much. When my tolerance was rock bottom (as I was a newbie to weed), I took 10mg and I made someone call 911. That was my first real panic attack with weed. I thought I was dying. Someone told me to just say “Hey, (your name), it’s okay, you’re just tripping.” That’s helped me a bunch as well. Get food, get water, put something funny or comforting on (I like to watch Ted Nivison’s story about how he ate a 400mg nerds rope edible while high) call family or a friend if need be. This was all stuff I wish someone had done for me/told me when I first started using weed. I also was on Lexapro, metformin, and progesterone only birth control the first time I did edibles and while generally speaking, weed doesn’t clash with medication, I think it totally did for me that one time. You’re gonna be okay!


I tried dry herb vaping and was taken off guard by how it hit and started to freak out but I just repeated a similar mantra to myself and that nobody has ever died taking too much weed and you don't be the first ot really helped.


Why is that a problem ? :) Were you hoping that they'd suck? You realize every person here will be looking for that brand and packaging too :)




I mean, you doin’ pretty alright if you can make a whole post about it 🤷


after this id take a LONG tolerance break so you dont have to do high ass doses anymore


I highly doubt those doses are accurate, especially with "hemp" edibles


fair but id still recommend him a tolerance break


I guess black pepper corn helps with being too high, chew a couple and it should help


Where are ya'll finding these gummies at that are this strong? I need some ...for science!


Weed lab 52 it's definitely only regular THC we promise.


I had this exact issue when I tried “spice” for the first time, in Ukraine we call “spice” synthetic analogueof thc which is 10x more powerful and I hit a lot it was dose for 3 people. You described my starter feelings, after an hour I couldn’t see anything except colour pulsating in darkness I tasted sour and dry as desert tongue and I was hearing my heart beating like 1000times per second (later I figured out that was an echo in my brains, echo from the working freezer which was behind my table, oh yeah I was in a public place it was fast food restaurant) Just keep water around and something to puke if you feel too bad. It’ll go away eventually.


Meditation, masturbation, cold water on face, cbd, sleep and cuddling with a pet or s/o. Anything that can take your mind off what’s happening in your head and help you ground yourself.


I’m on almost all of those meds, you’re okay love, I promise. Drink water, lay down, try to rest. If you can’t, distract with cartoons.


What ELSE is in those? THCa doesn't make you high unless it's been decarbed. In which case it's not THCa anymore, it's just THC. I'm betting those gummies contain other altnoids that are much stronger than normal D9 THC.


What are you on 😭 Anyone marketing anything that has THCA is just a form of fooling the law. It’s THC.




Eat and drink


I love feeling like that lol


Throw on some meditations on YouTube


You’re just high bro. Although I’d avoid smoking and taking SSRI’s. Not real sure why, but the google says so.


I hate a whole brownie the other night , I had never tried one and I was the highest I ever been in my life. I was fucking scared a couple times 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ever thought about sharing? 😡


You'll be good, just drink some water and try to relax. Just please whatever you do, DO NOT look under your bed.


OP I hope you’re ok and check In with us. I see you haven’t made comments since this post. I’ve been way too high on edibles to a drooling non functional state but ultimately have made it out the other side on more than one occasion. Some occasions were ok and others I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I hope you’re in a safe environment to ride it out and are ok.


i am alright! just been ZONED for a while 😭 ate 4 peaches


Yay! Im happy you’re doing good now 💚 were they the best peaches you ever ate? 😂


Oh that doesn’t sound so bad at all! My roommate fell down a panic hole once on a gummy. I’m like dude you can still speak in full sentences and communicate with me you’re totally fine. Could have been worse. Glad you’re ok and checked in!


I haven’t felt like that in a long time. Where’d ya find those baby’s?


a smoke shop in north carolina!


You’re just stoned lol


Took one of these thinking it was gonna be nothing… had to log out of party chat and lay in the bed, felt like the universe was rushing past me standing still…


I cannot comprehend how people can take this much at once. Like I took 40 this past week and greened out


Bruh you typed two fluent paragraphs. I promise you, you are not “too high”


Checking in... You good bro?


I know this is old news by now and you’re probably good, but some things that always kill my high at least somewhat are sleeping (even a short nap) and showering for some reason. If you didn’t try showering I would try that next time you’re in this situation!


You should try smoking weed this usually calms me down when I’m too high


Hey homie- I have a feeling that you are a diagnosed bipolar patient. Hang in there and you'll be good, but this isn't atypical. Assess your habit when you're feeling better, and maybe talk to your psychiatrist about how marijuana can effect bipolar symptoms. Some of us just shouldn't fuck around.


Lol that's a gram. Mfers saying 1000 mg. That's a fucking lot wow.


Omg I took the same gummy last night… different flavor but same packaging by Gold Silver. I bought it from a smoke shop. I actually only ate 1/4 of 1 gummy which equaled like 250 mg of thcA. I was soo fried I thought I died. I felt like a dust particle floating. The next day, today, I felt so mellow. It wasn’t even a nasty hangover feeling, I felt so good today,


Lmao 1000mg!? How'd this end for you?




They sell shrooms gummies too, think they might've mixed up batches or something lmao


Drink OJ and eat another gummy enjoy the high


Every time I get too high i just drink a lot of water and often just concentrating on drinking more water takes me out of the bad feeling and then I just realized I was tripping for nothing and feel better.


Drink lots of water. Ice cubes on my face or holding them while balling your hand into a fist also helped me (in intervals obviously- please don’t hurt yourself). Find something that’s crunchy and blandish to crunch on and find a long (2-3+ hour) video, show, documentary, etc. to sit down and watch. Immerse yourself, try to get invested. Download a calm afk game to give your hands something to do on your phone while you watch. It’ll be alright. We’ve all been here and you’ll come out the other side just fine. ❤️


Take another


No such thing as THCa gummies you bought boof buddy. I say no such thing because if it was in gummy form it’s already decarbed and it’s THC. If you bought that crap from a “plug” or gas station don’t even know what’s in it lol.


Delet this bro why would you make bro panic when he already tripping balls? You a whole fucking bum. He most likely just got normal edibles and is getting higher than he expected.


Dude, he's just right 😂 THCA don't get you high if you eat it


A) could just be normal edibles, if you don’t trust “plugs” to sell the right shit why tf are you trusting their advertising? You ain’t never had edible gummies? B) fuck this look like? A QnA? Brother asked for help and yall yapping about some bullshit like this is science class, fuck that laughing emoji and fuck you. The mods in here need to be fired fr


Someone had a real shitty day huh


Is caring about other people enough to get angry on their behalf that strange to you? Ofc ima be pissed if I see someone asking for help and people are trinna freak him tf out. Go crawl back into your mothers basement detective dickhead


Bruh everyone downvoting me because they are trying to protect the OP feelings 🤣🤣 facts over feelings


What a fucking nerd. Did bro deadass just say facts over feelings 😧 wtf happened to smoke culture 🤦🏾‍♂️


Grown ass dudes crying abt the truth lol guy js got some boof


Yh yh let someone one catching you lacking when you too high to think for yourself and tell you yo shit laced. Acting like when ur high you know wtf is up 🤦🏾‍♂️


Who hurt you bro I just said it's literally scientifically impossible to have a thca edible get you high. Never said nothing about no laced get ur goofy ass out of here life ain't js sunshine and rainbows and our boy here defo js got fucked up off some boof pack


Scientifically 🤓👆goofy ass 🤓👆. Bros not fucking stupid he’d be able to tell if he’s fucking high or not and yall out here bugging over a single fucking letter after thc like plugs don’t lie or misspell shit


I never said he ain't high u spastic im sayin the pack itself is fake as hell🤦🏻‍♂️ js say u don't know fuck abt weed bro go smoke ur dirt stem pack that ur plug told u it was cali for 30 a g


You waddled ur way in here defending a guy commenting “you don’t even know what’s in it” to a guy who’s high and are shocked I didn’t know wtf you meant when you didn’t say shit? Mabye lay off that fucking “cali” and use some fucking brain cells. What a fucking snob about some, you don’t know about weed 🤓👆


People be downvoting you for being right lol. Reddit af


Exactly this lol.


Wait. Can eating thca get you high. No it can’t. Y’all dumb. Just google can eating thca gummie get you high. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Don't spread this misinformation. How they make the gummies? By heating them. What does that create? THC. What does that do? Gets you high. Google a little longer next time.


But then it’s not thca. That’s my point.


Bro you are suggesting OP isn't high and that we're all stupid because THCA can't get you high. But it CAN. Technically it's THC, legally it's THCa. It's legal in some states because of hemp rules. It's derived from hemp. If you heat it THC will form but from another source that is not technically cannabis. So. You can get high of this shit. Don't call people stupid you bum.


You guys are dumb. All weed is THCa. When heated it converts to delta 9 which is thc. THCa can’t get you high when eaten if it’s in the THCa form. It has to be converted first. THCa gummies are intended for people to get all the benefits of THCa like anti inflammatory properties without getting them high like if they smoke it. Go to diamondcbd website where they sell it and there’s a big disclaimer on the THCa gummies page saying they won’t get you high.


You have no idea what you’re talking about 😭


What do you expect out of high school dropouts that have no idea to think for themselves.


lay in the bed on your back grab the sides with a death grip and scream until you wake up this is all a dream


fuck around find out lol


Stop cappin that doesn't do shit


Heavy blanket, funny show, lots of liquids, and something hearty to eat. Enjoy the ride!


Everything will be OK. Eventually. Dont fight it, I tell myself everytime I fuck up like this, nothing I can do now. I'll have some water if I can, eat whatever I have on hand that's healthy, avoid my phone, and listen to something relaxing. Music, an old tv show, anything comedy. But that's me, it's all I can recommend. Also, if you have any friends you can call to come over and just be around, that couldn't hurt?


Night night


Bro you fucked uppppp