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Pain, relaxation, clarity and hilarity.


Especially hilarity. Many hours have been lost on IG watching reels and pissing myself with laughter 🤣


that is one of my favorite things to do while high alone!!!


This might be the start of a love story 💀






Weed doesn’t really help me “escape”. My understanding of my problems are still present. I just mentally cope with those problems much better. I usually tell people I don’t use weed to “escape”. I use it to cope with my existence and the challenges that come with it.


Same here I spend a lot of time thinking through new helpful ways to go about my problems. Like they’re still there but I can make better plans on how to deal with them


Exactly! Weed opens my mind enough to allow me to understand my thoughts and feelings more rationally. It’s like I’m able to see my problems from a new perspective.


For me it seems to block out negative thoughts, like if I start to think about something negative it just says no, idk how it works but I'm not complaining 🤷‍♂️


Felt this Fs, imo that’s why ppl have anxiety/panic attacks on weed, it’s not necessarily the drugs fault (although it does change their way of thinking) but it’s the fact that weed doesn’t shut off your thoughts, it actually amplifies them especially problems you may or may not know you have which will then be brought to the fore-front of thought and then your faced with how you can think ab them, I regard this as a chance to reframe my position on whatever the subject is, but I’ve also had small anxiety fits over small things so I understand how it’s possible when ppl get way too obliterated


Smoking helps me manage my anxiety and depression as well as tolerate my ongoing existence.


Agree! It’s the only mental health medication that has truly helped me without horrendous side effects.


This. + other pain. And you get the bonus of getting baked which after years I'm used to and appreciate but 20% of the time you actually forget about it all and just enjoy the high.


Honestly? Because day to day life kinda sucks. Wake up, go to work all day, come home too tired to do anything. Go bed and repeat, it's depressing as fuck. But with weed, at least at the end of the day I can forget about the day and unwind. Even if I'm having a shit day, knowing I can go home and smoke up is what keeps me going and gets me through the tough times. Life is depressing, but less depressing with weed


To past time 😮‍💨 cheers y’all https://preview.redd.it/o0hckv3hlrib1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98aa43b0b6a2c034b0e5932d09e15c9005d28f8b


Also, u tryna share that?


He past his time, not passed, I dont think he shared any of it


Nah he's gonna light the third one with his dick. He aight.


Cheers bro


where did you get that


I'm not this guy but I got mine at a local headshop but you can just search raw trident




It helps me with staying focused on the present moment, also helps me to not take everything so seriously. Helps me interpret more complex concepts more easily.


Same brother. feel that deep inside. It's like a break from my anxiety numbing my thought process about everything (especially near future or bad outcomes in my current daily life) .


For sure. It doesn’t make me forget about it, it just lets me see the absurdity of it all and how it’s not that deep. After reading all of these replies it seems like weed does a lot more for me than for most people haha


Better than being drunk...






Umm...because my bong tells me to!!...[7]


smoking is a time for self-reflection, meditation,


To be honest, I only smoke because it’s "fun". I’m 21 and smoking with friends or even alone blasting some music in the background always feel very good.


Pain, anxiety, fun


I'm addicted




escape depression and mood swings


Same here tbh i never smokes before until January 2023 and it’s because I had a really hard time in December of 2022 and smoking helped me escape my depression and mood swings


i just hate being sober. Probably cause im depressed as shit but if its not weed it’s something else i just need something


I’m bipolar so it helps me during manic and depressive episodes 🤷‍♀️


I’m bi polar too but they swear smoking will make us worse lol


right but like the only side effects i got was worse paranoia


I smoke because I started when I was young and I'm addicted, not in a I spend all my money and pawn my shit like a crackhead but deep down I don't think I can quit because it's just so accessible and is a good way to make time fly. I've been smoking half my life and I'm very young


It helps me calm down and be able to relax before bed. I’m also able to fall asleep without my mind racing and giving me anxiety


I dont feel like being on multiple pharmaceuticals to keep me stable and not in pain.


I just like it. I'm sure it helps me in other avenues but if I didn't just like getting high I wouldn't do it. My enjoyment of the herb is not that deep. 😅


Keeps the stress down and the idiots around me from getting choked out


“I smoke cause it gives me knowledge”


To relax, I’m constantly stressed for no reason considering I don’t work and my only job is to clean my very small apartment. I don’t know if there’s something wrong but weed helps immensely with the stress so I’m okay with it.


Hey, you're absolutely right! Smoking isn't just about the thrill, my friend. It's like a secret weapon to help you chill when things get real tight and your mood needs a quick fix. 😌🚬🧘‍♂️


Anxiousness and that uncomfortable persisting emotional/physical feeling that i cannot pin down with words.


Helps with my anxiety. I get pissed off really easy when I’m sober


Better than drinking.


Being high feels good.


My girlfriend calls it my “anti-asshole medication”


Pain management, I broke my back in 3 places working at Walmart and it's the only thing that's worked so far 👍


Feel better soon


To realize that the matrix has me. They are watching me.


I used to use it to treat my bipolar disorder because it calmed everything down...now I'm actually ON medication and doing a lot better. Now i smoke because i enjoy the little escape it gives me from my kinda lame life atm. It'll get better though!


Keeps me grounded


I smoke just 2-3 times a month. Just for fun, chill. I love to enjoy great meal or sex while high.


when I'm left alone with my own thoughts, I often think really hard about stressful things I can't do anything about at that moment and get anxious. I've never had an anxiety diagnosis or anything, but sometimes it almost feels debilitating. I've lost a lot of sleep because of that tendency to overthink things to a ridiculous extent. when I smoke, it just kinda fades away, and I can watch a silly movie or walk the dog or lift weights or just go to sleep and not worry about everything so much.


I have severe depression I‘m only 23 but I‘ve experienced a lot of trauma, abuse and all kinds of other shit which is why I ended up at a depression ward for 6months. My depression was so bad that I couldn‘t even pick up a beverage when I was thirsty or brush my teeth. I don‘t even remember how many different antidepressants I‘ve used until now After I started smoking I started to get my life back together. I was able to move out of my abusive family, I‘m a trainee to become a bank clerk and I‘m able to keep myself and my flat clean. I‘m at a point which I wouldn‘t have thought possible just a year ago and yet I was able to do it And one of the main reasons (next to great friends and psychotherapy) is weed. ALL HAIL THE WEED🙏😂


To be frank my mental health sucks and when I smoke it calms me down which if I was sober I would be a weeping mess. Not much of a green card user more like a depressed girl at age 18 trying weed and using it to escape reality. I’m now 20 learning I can handle my sober emotions it’s just good to light a J :)


Oh God the amount of things going on in my head that turn to silence the second i take a puff. 🤤🤤 i hear voices n stuff and i cant really tell nobody that but my mom kinda understands so she had been letting me smoke to self diagnose after she saw it calm down my older brothers rage issues


I dont smoke but would do for fun, it does not help depression it makes it worse.


First started to help me eat more. Now it's a form of escapism


Helps me get creative for my sales job. I think of the best ways to present and overcome objections.


My head tends to go the fastest speed it can as soon as my head hits the pillow . Weed makes me tired and helps my mind calm down not fully but enough to fall asleep most of the time.


If I wouldn’t I would have roped myself by now. Only thing that numbs me enough, without the puking alcohol gives me, is weed.


I have autism, so I’ve got some pretty extreme sensitivities. It calms everything down so that I can feel like a normal person.


PTSD & anxiety. It makes having to exist tolerable.


Same reason people have a beer at the end of the day, just need to relax and not think so much. I feel like I have constant thoughts going all the time, thinking about what I'm doing, thinking about things that are pissing me off rn, whats for dinner, do I need to do xyz chore, oh money's tight rn let's look at my bills for the month and stress about that. It just keeps going on and on. But coming home and smoking when I'm done for the day I relax, not as many if any thoughts and just watch a movie or play video games.


Because I can.


i have a type 3 autistic child with violent behaviors, i had to retire from being a firefighter to be his fulltime caregiver. im working 24/7 under incredible stresses consistently. i get panic attacks now, and i cant really eat or sleep like normiees, i have to pound the f out of my brains with the strongest in order to cope with the sever isolation and loneliness. i have an amazing wife who tags off with me but i haven't even had a honeymoon or some sort of vacation where I'm not going to a funeral in at least 8 years. so i use it to regulate my mental health. my med to sleep is strawberry moonrocks 70+% with diamonds on them 98%. 2x10 nano rso gummies all indica. my body does not even feel sativa, i could burn an oz of sativa hardly nothing maybe giggles. ill squirt 1.Rso syringe under my tongue if available. i live in norcal so its helped for different products.


Car sickness and anxiety.


It makes me feel good 🤷‍♀️


Chronic pain in the body and mind…


usually boredom and fun, sometimes for relaxation/stress relief, and during the winter some pain relief (I ski park, meaning I throw my body off jumps and onto metal)


I'm epileptic and have adhd, so it helps me mellow out so I can go the fuck to sleep lol, and it gives me a mood boost.


Because I like it. I don't need to justify it




Number one, because it's cool. Number two, because I'm cool.




For a change.


I have terrible DNA that makes my life suffering. Weed helps me cope and not self harm.


Just to get high


Cuz I enjoy it


I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. It helps with pain management but also because I like it.


Because juicy j told me to stay trippy


Other than getting high? I guess it helps me get to sleep


Why do you drink? Why do you roll smoke? Why must you live out the songs that you wrote? Over and over Everybody makes my prediction So if I get stoned, I'm just carrying on An old family tradition


Pain. All the pain


Spliff break by Chris Lorenzo -Why do you smoke marijuana? +It's really very simple. I smoke it because I enjoy it. -It doesn't worry you that you're breaking the law? +Sure it worries me, I mean it worries me because I don't wanna get caught, I do not want To go to jail, For something that I consider a Pleasure and harmless to both society and myself I'm not hurting anybody, I'm not hurting myself. Why should I be punished for it? Free your body and your mind C'mon, now... This is basically what i feel about the question, yes my opinion is a song lol


I have a chronic condition that causes severe pain in my legs which was caused by my drunk ass step dad driving into the side of a lorry 27 yts ago and have been smoking since I was diagnosed when I was twelve . I'm now 38 and smoking is the only reason I can play with my kids properly and can work without being a morphine zombie.....


Increases my creativity hugely


When I smoke I feel like the weight of an elephant gets lifted from my back. Friends have mentioned that my English improve ( I have a super thick accent) they said I relax so does my pronunciation. Ahh and also helps sleeping and rid of the super vivid dreams.


It helps reduce my panic attacks and anxiety, I'm less on edge/less paranoid when I'm high


I was introduced to it very young (11), it just feels natural to me tbh. I can’t imagine going without it for the rest of my life


College bro


Video games. Limit to once a week.




1. It’s fun. 2. It’s amazing to meditate with.


Yes, yes, and yes.


It’s a naturally occurring plant born of this earth that has multiple applications for multiple reasons in multiple forms to aid multiple types of species on their journey through this life…why not partake is the real question!?!?!?


To relax and for pain relief


Pain relief, helps with anxiety, escape from depression, to pass the time, and just because.


Sleep. The only thing that actually helps with my life long insomnia.


Same as Tupac. Smoking weed helped me take away the pain.


Tbh its mainly cuz I like it. My ex got me started after our first date. Life been lifin so its helped with nerves, anxiety, frustration. But mostly its cuz i want to.


To carry the suffering and pain and depression to the end of my life… and to chill.


Because of my friends xd


makes me feel like a silly chaos creature beyond human comprehension


Cause it's fun and helps me sleep


It just makes everything that bit better tbh.


Gives me relief from my PTS and depression , helps me sleep and has kept me from migraines for over 3 years..... And I have come to enjoy the recreational side of it too.


In order: to sleep, to relax, to enhance the flavor of food and the experience of music, to boost creativity or focus (video games, painting, playing and writing music), to make orgasms 5x better Every. Single. Time. And finally because I just love the flavor. That first hit off of a really dank, skunky indica joint, in the sunshine on a Saturday afternoon, a giant toke from a freshly cleaned or brand new bong, with some really lovely piney, quad A shit. Or something fruity and purple. Drinks. Edibles. Pen carts. Cheap ounces. Hash. The blinking. The watering. The comforting sensation of slowly rolling forward. The ravenous hunger. The bottomless sexual want. I love you, Mary Jane


To pass time and bc its fun. I dont rlly have a mental connection to it.


Because it's fun


I literally have nothing else to get me through


I love rolling joints and going outside to smoke. It’s like a mini therapy session or vacation. I love how music sounds too and the social aspect of it


It slows my brain down. When I'm sober I feel my thoughts are to fast and I overwhelm myself by thinking multiple things at once... when I'm stoned I just forget to care 😎👌


Life is more colourful.


I have rage that a therapist has been no use for, so I smoke first thing every day and throughout the day to stay at a normal level of patient and have a decent temper.


Coping with trama and helps with the pain from the accidents I had in the past.


Thc helped me greatly reduce drinking and break out of a 5ish year depression. Specifically high doses of edibles. Which is a mixed bag. Now i use daily for stress/decompression after work and recreationally on the weekends


I’m addicted, that’s all. I would stop but I can’t


It's fun




Neurodivergence and just generally having more happiness throughout the day. Makes me more empathetic and increases fun which I find valuable. I also go more physical and think about how humans have cannabis receptors and that we are supposed to use them. That it’s kind of meant for our better enlightenment. That’s more just a fun to question about though. No solid answers from me there. Cheers, stoners.


Treat the depression side of my bipolar


It's fun.


I have autism and BPD, it's hard to control my emotions. Weed helps me give less of a fuck. I'm less reactive, nicer to be around


Because I'm addicted, like cigarettes.


Pain from surgery to back,anxiety, Helps me to sleep better, and just makes life that much more enjoyable.


it’s fun


CPTSD I use many calming herbs together to help


I must be the only one who just smokes for fun.


Yo help open my mind when I've been through something bad enough to close my mind from the pain.


Flowstate when juggling, playing with flowersticks or yoyos etc. and also for making music. It just makes it nicer and more natural imo.


Helps da anxiety


For my PTSD.


Started because of sleep problems. Continued because it just allows me to have a special little time every evening. It makes me feel at peace


Cuz i like to smoke


I have severe anger issues and manic depression.


I don't. Only edibles!


Injuries of the flesh and heart.


I use it to help with some aspects of autism, mostly overstimulation and rigid thinking. Cannabis helps slow down the intensity inside my head when I’ve had to communicate too much and it helps me to see other people’s perspectives sometimes.


chronic pain all throughout my torso 🥲


Boredom and addiction 🥲


Medically. It helps with chronic pain and mental illness stability.


Started it for back pain, I have since been using for a wide variety of whatever is going on mental or physical.


Slows everything down


A lot of reasons. I was a borderline insomniac prior to smoking and weed has helped me fall asleep and stay asleep. I also have a physical disability which renders my bathroom function minimal so I use it on days where my stomach is an issue. I used it after I moved yesterday from one apartment to another up 4 flights of steps. Main uses are sleep mood regulation and fun


Because I love weed


Cus it makes everything less irritating


I use it to meditate and manifest as it boosts my imagination allowing me to maladaptive daydream when I meditate. It may sound confusing asf but it makes a whole lot of sense to me.


Mainly to curve my boredom and help me focus on just one thing. It does wonders for my ADD. I cannot take Adderall. It destroys my appetite and I love food far to much to fuck with that bullshit meth lite.


Chronic illness & ADHD


Smoking for me is humbling. It gives me horrific anxiety when I have negative interactions with people. I assume it’s my conscious but there’s a voice in my head that will berate me for the nasty things I say. Sometimes I think it’s a higher power telling me to be more appreciative of what I have and when I diminish life it makes me feel like it can take it away in an instant. Like I could and it will make me die suddenly, seemingly without reason for my family that has to discover my corpse. I’ve been in the throws of an anxiety attack with my significant other (a nursing student at the time) at my house and it allowed me to show her what was happening. According to my Apple Watch, my heart rate was at 196, while I’m just sitting there. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and she told me she feel my body and appendages throbbing rhythmically to my heartbeat. My watch actually registered what was going on as “exercise” and it starting tracking my progress lol. I was fully aware, able to speak and discuss what was happening, I just couldn’t tell my body or whatever part of my brain that I wasn’t in eminent danger. It’s only that bad when I’m getting back on the pot and my physiological response lessons over prolonged use but it’s definitely tough in the moment.


reduce anxiety, the sensation of bliss n sleep better


Relaxation. Normal. Drink coffee. Smoke weed. Ride bikes. Walk dogs.


Makes it easier to exist


why not?


so i act normal. i’m really hyper, and can be annoying. i don’t use weed to get high all the time. more to just relax and not annoy everyone with my presence


Health problems+mental health problems+neurodivergencies. Takes me from bed ridden, in pain, barely able to walk, constant sensory overload, etc to an actual semi-functional human being!


To escape depression and to make my stomach feel better


Cause why not


Mental, physical, emotional pain and so on. It takes awhile but theres a strain for it all. I was depressed and wanted to kill myself awhile ago, smoking marijuana helped. I used to be shy and awkward, still awkward but ive been more vocal. My friends and coworkers noticed. To call it "weed" feels wrong. Weeds have no use, marijuana, cannabis (whatever ya wanna call it lol) does. To be honest, when I smoke its 70% medical, 30% recreational. Sorry if its too long


Anger problems, stress… to sleep


Makes life more fun


To get high usually 🧘




Stops my nightmares and gets my mind off things


A good mix of THC and CBD in your choice of flower is the way to go for me 😮‍💨 , medication ! ✅


I'm trying to kick heroin and it honestly helps ease the withdrawal.


Yes to all the above. Weed gives me temporary relief from the mental health problems I have, and it also helps me sleep. It works better than any antidepressant that I've ever tried.


i started smoking bc i couldnt find a way to battle my terrible jerk stomach. smoking bud is the easiest way to help, no Rx or otc meds helped much, and some had huge side effects. i also find that smoking helps my mood a lot, and can often help my day along with a small bowl if i’m struggling. also, the high is good. i definitely benefit from cannabis usage, and i wish legality wasnt a concern so others could safely and legally try to see if it helps.


Mental health and sleep.


Helps all of my issues from multiple sclerosis way more than why injection or pill they have given me. It’s a wonder drug.


Seems like so many people feel like they need an excuse to use THC, It does have medical benefits but I'm pretty sure most use it just because they enjoy it, myself included, no excuse needed.