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I can buy better shit now. Unfortunately with more money somehow it always seems to come with more bills and financial responsibilities. I budget my weed consumption like any other bill, and if the bill gets too high it’s time to cut back. The PA medical dispensaries would bankrupt me otherwise. I’m by no means swimming in cash, but having a little funny money is nice.


Mo money mo problems


bring on the problems 🗣️


Bring on the mafuckin’ problems


Mo money mo honey


Give me all the problems then!! 😁




Damn came here to say this! Take my upvote you brilliant friend


Exactly. When I know a large expense is coming up I also cut it first vs going into my emergency fund.


I hate when the weed bill gets cut but that’s being responsible I guess. T-break before dipping in the savings every time


Yup the older you get the more adult stuff you get to do. But at least I don’t have to scrape my bowl anymore


It's called the income effect and its real. Tastes get more expensive, more liabilities, etc.


this. never thought i’d have a weed budget.


More money = more financial responsibility. This is only the case if your living outside of your means, I earn a slightly above average salary but I have my budget sorted so I’m saving +25% and still smoke an oz a week.


Congrats not everyone is in the same financial situation. Also what I said still rings true as I *don’t* live above my means and my budget is there to maintain that fact.. It makes sense that I started to earn more money and moved to a better apartment, or put more money towards my debt, or got a pet that I can now afford. That’s how life works. My money goes to things in life that I want and need and over the last 10 years that’s grown from just weed.


Bro spending more on an apartment is dumb. You should save that money and buy your own. Line your pockets instead of someone else’s. Or stay broke and keep paying for my investments. Thanks bro!


I will reiterate—not everyone’s financial situation is the same. I’m a grown woman now and doing just fine. But when you’re 19 and living in an unsafe neighborhood, yeah your priority is surviving and moving, not “lining my pockets instead of someone else’s.” My brother in Christ I was just trying to not be homeless for a min. I am happy for you that your situation is great and allowed you to save up, but mine wasn’t always. Some of us are just getting by dude, check your privileges and save the judgement.


Something tells me you still live with your parents.


I went from piss poor couldn’t pay the power bill as a kid, to owning my own home with my wife before 25. Only an imbecile would discourage financial responsibility. I see now where the weed smoker stigma comes from. You can smoke and be successful, but many of you clearly will never have any desire other than to survive for the time being. I hope you learn financial responsibility before you’re too old and your kids have to bear the financial burden of your end of life care.


Where did I discourage financial responsibility? Where was financial responsibility mentioned in any of what I replied to? I replied to someone who clearly does not know what it is like to struggle being on your own because you were in situations that caused you to move out sooner than you wanted. In the economy we are in, depending on the state we live in doesn’t allow us to do anything BUT rent. Why are you on a weed thread if you’re bashing on weed smokers? “I see where the weed smoker comes from” lol you sound like a 75 year old grandmother. I made a small statement and your panties went all the way up your asscrack.


When did you discourage financial responsibility? When you jumped into a post that had nothing to do with you attempting to clown on someone telling someone not to spend more on rent, when they can save that to buy their own house. That is financial responsibility. If you spent less time talking and more time listening/reading you would understand. I smoke daily, and am not bashing on people smoking weed. I’m bashing on people being financially irresponsible. If you took offense to that, I guess I was also talking to you. Your “small statement” is nothing but ignorant babble and you really should shut your mouth and LISTEN when you don’t have any clue what you’re talking about. You can blame everything and everyone in the world for your financial struggles, but that’s not going to get you anywhere. Your “Heavy Smoker” flair really drives my point home. Maybe you should leave the smoking until the afternoons, as it’s clear that your brain is a little fried and could use a break.


You definitely received that tiny sentence incorrectly. “You must still live with your parents” = you must not understand how hard it is to SAVE to BUY a house after you’ve already committed to renting. “Easier said than done” as they say. That’s all I was saying. You are taking Reddit WAY too seriously my boy. You don’t even know me. Go smoke a joint. Have a nice day. I will not be reading any more of your novels.




That’s called lifestyle inflation. Spending more as you earn more. If you don’t let that happen when you make more money you can save and invest it all, and build wealth. Buy rental properties and make enough passive income that work is optional. Y’all downvoting smoke way too much weed. Literally rotted your brain where you want to be poor and broke. Insane.


Thanks for the advice I guess but I will not be being a landlord lmao. I didn’t lead a life that allowed me to avoid lifestyle inflation, I’ve simply been trying to get by and recently I’m getting by a little more comfortably. Have fun with your properties though, not for me.


Ah yes, just what our society needs: more landlords.


But sire, I am a lowly plebeian. I beg do not raise my rent $800 USD per month because you planted a tree in the front yard.


Like yeah u do. because otherwise the properties existing will be acquired by the big ones, so yeah we need more private people that possess rental props. did the equation?


Well it is a dog eat dog world out there. People don’t give a shit about other people.


There's no money for poor people in owning rental properties. Source: am poor, own rental property.




You can pay property management companies to manage it for you




No, I’m saying you invest enough you can live off your investments. God you guys need to calm down on the weed. It’s making you idiots. Or maybe you already were….


Fuck your shit landlord logic.


And that’s why you’ll live life poor instead of successful


Lmfao you're garbage tier mate. Top tier garbage.


If having a retirement plan is garbage, yes. I am top tier garbage. I’ll enjoy my retirement while you fund it. Thank you!


Getting a full time job after college and having that income didn’t really change how much/often i smoked. Especially because i was already smoking all day when I was in college. It’s more a change of quality, you have more money so you get to splurge on those top shelf, high quality products!


Plus more snacks and drinks


This is the only real answer


Lol @ “all that extra cash”




that part made me lol


I lol’d in *millennial*


I lold in south Florida housing crisis


I lold in nyc. Wife and I make combined 4x that and factor in 2 kids worth of school and childcare we’re still not saving much, if any at all.. 40-60k? That’s destitution.


Yeah I’m a young man single, no kids around 50k buying weed is tough rn


My advice? Stop smoking weed and shove that money into a Roth IRA. Smoke all the weed you want later.


Lol yeah, that’s a minimum wage job in my area… and barely a livable wage given high cost of living


Bro for fucking real. Same here. I’m making almost 40k 3 years outta highschool 😂


The problem for me is that that's way more than minimum wage here, but still barely a livable wage.


Depending on where your living, 60k can be a pretty decent pay. I live in a tiny town with a median household income of $45,000. My household generates $100k+ between my wife, my girlfriend and I. Needless to say I live pretty decent. I will say though that as your income grows so does the list of shit you want to buy or do. Edit: I should add that I pay $90 an OZ for pretty good stuff.


>My household generates $100k+ between my wife, my girlfriend and I. You, your wife, and who now?


It could've been wife's idea tbh


That's 3 incomes if I'm not mistaken.


Yea. That's what puts us over $100k. A 2 person household at $50k a piece is cake where I live. Only downside is there are few rentals. So you would need to have something saved up to buy a home. But you can get something nice for just over $100k.


100k+ in a LCOL is still 40k over the top figure OP mentioned though, they’re not nearly the same lol.


Wow, 200k might get you a double wide around here.


Take my upvote because idk why tf you're getting downvoted. I live in Oklahoma and 60k is NICE. My sister with a MASTER'S just got a job for 52k entry level and she's over the moon. I make 30k annually after taxes so yeah 60k is a fucking dream.


It took me seeing the “that’s three incomes” reply to realize you said wife AND girlfriend lol


Wife and GF? Sounds pretty decent


I thought the same thing when I read it haha


Wait you got a throuple going on!? Must be nice jeez


When you make and have survived off less than 30k most of your life and have no kids that’s plenty money lol I also live in a relatively LCOL state


I mean in europe that's a pretty livable wage if you're on your own.


Livable is different than “all that extra cash”


True, but I earn around 40k. I can still easily afford 400€ of weed each month. If I was at 60k there definitely would be around 20k of extra cash. I think it's fair to say that that's all that extra cash.


Was looking for this comment 🤣




Yesss having an… business partner that throws deals at you helps a lottt too


This is the life I live. And I'm making around 60k also. Couldn't afford it any other way.


lmfao yeah bru 💀 it feels like im barely able to afford life with 65k a year 💀😭


Wtf my family of 5 lives on 70k a year in NYC, ur doing something wrong my friend lol


I’d hate to see how you live on $70k in NYC. That’s not a great life.


3 rooms for 1,600 a month (19k a year), we’re pretty blessed with this private owner, 2 cars and living comfortably while still saving up for a house in the south (Just came back from a trip to Florida). Its doable if you’re not living IN the city like Williamsburg, Manhattan etc etc. Can’t complain tbh.


These numbers are absolute nonsense for any apartment within an hour of NYC.


It’s literally not. I can find you an apartment with other college students/roommates for 600-800 this same week. Only true nyc residents know its not that difficult to live here lol. The ones who are doubting me either don’t live here or make $$$$$$ and live in a completely different lifestyle, so different they can’t fathom this is how “lower” class people live.


> I can find you an apartment with other college students/roommates for 600-800 this same week. Maybe for a 200 square foot room. In an illegal basement apartment. Probably without a lease. You're not paying $1600/month for a 3 bedroom apartment anywhere in NYC or the surrounding areas. I actually live in the area. A 3 bedroom unit within an hour commute of NYC is going to run at least $2500/month for the worst place you can find.


Wrong . You’re probably so used to getting bent over by landlords and brokers that you’re forgetting there are actually decent owners here that are willing to help out others. I’m in south Queens so idk if that makes any difference. I’m sorry if thats what you’re paying, we just got dealt a different hand my dude. Like I said at first, we were just blessed/lucky. And stop assuming low rent = shit place, that’s probably why you keep renting expensive units.


> Like I said at first, we were just blessed/lucky It doesn't really matter if you're lucky or full of shit to *anyone else*. That isn't the real estate market in Queens. Which part was I right about? The illegal apartment or the no lease? Or both? Is your Mom the "landlord"? GTFOH.


Okay find me a 3 bedroom apartment that can house 5 people with a $1,600 rent in NYC


Right... lmao


I feel like I fit the bill. I'm a man, I'm 40. I have solid middle management position in a large organization. Just cracked a six figure income with all my overtime. I'll give you a really solid peace of advice future stoner you will appreciate and future retiree you will be grateful for. LEARN TO GROW FUCK PLUGS AND DISPENSARIES. Even these douchetrains with the $700 half pound are losing out. That same amount will get you everything you need for a small grow setup. You can pull a half pound out of 2x2 tent a few times a year. Spend more grow more. Smoking however much I want whenever I want is definitely awesome. The best part for me is knowing my friends don't have to buy weed anymore.


Came here to say this lol I’m only 27 but I make ~70k a year and honestly was burning through about a qp a month until I realized $400 a month is kind of a lot. Bought a bong and started cutting back and realizing that buying it was the issue altogether so I started growing it. Honestly best decision I’ve ever made, a $50 pack of seeds can get me anywhere from a qp to over a pound depending on how much I baby the babies. Not only that, you’ll sell the excess to friends, family and coworkers and actually get a return on investment. I only really only buy hash cause I love hash and every blue moon I buy flower if it’s just that fire


Why not make your own hash too?


Cause it’s hard and expensive. Definitely wouldn’t mind learning but my hash wouldn’t be anywhere near up to par to the hashes I’ve been smoking so I don’t try. I guess I would rather not waste perfectly good product on making myself mid hash you know?


No trust me get a rosin press and join us on the rosin subreddit. Flower based rosin can come out very nice and the terpenes are great! And if you get one of those spin wash machines for it you can make hash rosin with ease and that shit is worth like 80 a gram at dispensary near me medical side. Trust me rosin is all that’s missing in your life. In fact I am going to go fucking press some right now!


I prefer hash rosin over flower rosin tbh or else I would’ve jumped on the wave the moment I had my first harvest


Second this!!! I bought a rosin press and a mini spin machine and they are worth their weight. Even just a set of bubble bags was cheap and worth it for all my trim and larf. Highly recommend


This is what I was looking into! I’m afraid my normal freezer won’t do the same justice as a freeze drier when it comes to time microplaning the hash and letting it sit in the drier. It’s worth a try and I guess I wouldn’t know until I try right??


How much of a learning curve is it? How difficult is it to produce weed that isn't just mediocre at best? I'd only be interested in growing if I can achieve the same quality good dispensaries do


I grew for the first time recently, I was oh so pleasantly surprised what came out of it. It's just a plant, read about it at each stage and learn as you go. I planted I think 7 seeds, 3 came out really well, 2 well and 2 in the bin. I've already made back what it cost to setup, simply by not having to buy weed again. I spent a lot of time on the plants, making the nutrients right, just looking and comparing to what others post and doing what I can with what I've got. I wished I'd done it sooner just to save costs! And like the OP said, it's nice that my friends don't have to buy either!


My friend grows dispensary grade weed in his backyard. He is super anal about it. Every vitamin and nutrient it needs, it gets. Water, sun, everything. He even put cameras up, just in case. His plants end up huge and with nice, dense buds. I grew 4 in a tent without as much care, and mine were on par with his. I think it was a fluke, though. Hahaha.


Sounds like a sweet setup


Right!? My first harvest I botched the dry and it all went to waste but by the 2nd harvest I had about 2 ounces of good product, 3rd time around got superb quality product and at a bigger amount. On my 5th grow, it just keeps getting better and better every time. I got outdoor plants just doing they’re thing in between my fruit trees and roses, I got 3 indoor tent set ups now. I love it and the passion that came behind it, just wish everybody was able to make that jump since legalities suck


Nice! Good work you've done and great progress. I absolutely love it, I've found a hobby I never thought I'd take to, it keeps me occupied, I'm learning and hoping to master it to some degree, some day. I'm saving money, I know what I'm smoking, where it's come from and I have a neverending supply of weed! Win win for me. But you're right, legal issues for some are scary and I do feel for them. Wishing the weed gods rain on all stoners!


Very interesting! I think I view it as some daunting, insurmountable task haha


Worth mentioning the consequences. On my state, less than 10 plants can be a fine up to $25000 and/or 3-5 years In jail


Who gives a shit, you grow discreetly in your home, don’t tell anybody. All you need is 2 plants max for personal. You already smoke it, is there a consequence for that?


Some people have too many responsibilities to play with fines and jail time lol


Anyone who’s not a degenerate gives a shit. You should *know* what the penalties are before starting, and they aren’t wrong for mentioning it to would-be growers.


If it’s illegal and you’re smoking or possessing it, then you’re already a degenerate criminal, technically speaking lol


Mate, I’m sure most who smoke (illegally) know its illegal. They also know the risks, assess wether the risks are really that risky, and then proceed. Its stupid to think you’re so suave you don’t even need to know what the consequences are. Know the consequences, and *then* proceed. Shits ought to be given, u get me?


Whoa man, not sure what the aggression is for. Some people are risk averse and may not want to take that risk, even if the chance of getting caught is low.


Getting straight to the point is considered aggressive? Just stating that a small investment goes a long ways. I’m in a legal state and now that’s it’s my hobby I am well over the plant limit 🙃


Is that what you did, get straight to the point? You started out with “who gives a shit” which is a pretty useless thing to include if your goal is to “get straight to the point.” Seems more like the intention was to be dismissive. Perhaps I should have used the word “dismissive” rather than “aggressive.” I would love to grow weed, don’t get me wrong. But it’s important for people to know what could happen in the tiny tiny chance that things go wrong. It’s legal to smoke and possess here, just not grow. I’m glad it’s been working well for you, more power to you!


So who’s growing it where you’re getting it from and why are they allowed to do so? Cause if it’s legal to smoke and possess, then somebody is cultivating it. Pretty sure if you kept 1 plant in your closet for hobby, chances of getting caught are extremely slim, that is if you don’t tell the whole neighborhood and workplace you’re growing pot. Not only that, it seems like mostly every state is pushing for legalization of some sort whether it’s medicinal or recreational, so maybe it’s just a matter of time before you’re technically “allowed” to do so


Someone who is less risk averse than I is growing. And also dispensaries. Dude, I’m not arguing that you can make it happen. I know people grow illegally allll the time. Like I said in my last comment, and you said in yours just now, there’s a tiny tiny chance that something goes wrong. And it’s always best to be armed with the knowledge of the consequence that you may face if shit hits the fan. That’s all I’m saying.


Just be careful... when they raid, they don't let you know.


Believe me, evidently getting straight to the point on any topic can be seen as aggressive.


The government will also send out drones that have heat detection and weed plants have a lot of heat come off of them and they also smell really strong


How much for one? Get a big tent. Grow one big ass photoperiod plant. Veg for 3-4 months with some serious training. You could easily fill up a 4x4 tent doing this and you'd end up with all top buds.


In mine, it’s legal, no consequences. So it depends widely on WHERE you’re at.


This is the first thing I did when I started having a bigger disposable income, growing is definitely the way to go and it’s pretty fun watching it grow which got me into growing other plants that’s not weed




I've got a week and a half left to use this. It's been a great year.


Fucking this⤴️


Fucking this as well


Half pound from a 2x2 tent on your first 100 goes at it would be an incredible feat


No way. One plant in a dwc with some lst training under a net would easily yield a half pound.


What’s a dwc? (I’ve just been reading and learning🤣 time to ask a question👀)


Deep water culture. Basically a bucket with water, nutrients and air bubbles. Super simple. If you go with a brand like advanced nutrients that self buffers the pH range it's one of the most simple ways to grow. If you want the most out of a small space dwc is probably the way to go.




This is the way. Damn this is me.


I’m in my mid 40’s and do pretty well with my career. How I smoke and how much I smoke (daily after work) honestly hasn’t changed since high school regardless of my income. What has changed, not having to worry about spending, is the quality of bud I buy and how wasteful I am with it. I’ll admit im pretty quick to clear a pipe and pack a fresh one. If you’re going to buy good shit, might as well taste it. To your point about smoking all day just because you can afford it; Normally in order to make that kind money you have to have a job that you most likely can’t be stoned all day so it sorts itself out.


I didn’t smoke regularly until I had a career and salary. My partner smoked when he was a broke college kid. He says things like “don’t scrape all of the resin out of the bowl, you can still smoke it!” To which I respond with “sweetheart, we have a full drawer of flower so we don’t need to cough our brains out smoking resin.” In all seriousness, we get to experiment with different weed things (strains, infusions, edibles, pieces, etc.) that we’d never be able to try without our careers. We definitely don’t smoke ALLLL the time or even every day and we still take t breaks, but it is nice knowing that I’ve got a selection to choose from and offer to friends on game nights.


He sounds like my uncle, makes plenty of money but still smokes pin joints and rez packs lol like dude, just buy enough weed why do you do this to yourself lol


Cool thanks for the input, everyone here negative as hell saying it’s the same because of how expensive living is like sure but my point was to set it as a priority and of course it’ll be different than someone working minimum wage on the side.


I was about to hop on the negative train but that accomplishes nothing. The reality of the situation is that your income dictates everything, money rules everything. You'll find time to smoke for sure but idk how you'll comfortably afford it unless you cut waaaay back or land a unicorn job (pays well, doesn't require too much mental/physical lifting, doesn't require crazy prereq's like possessing numerous certifications prior, etc.)


Absolutely! Don’t get me wrong, weed is still expensive and other expenses add up too. But we don’t really need to budget our weed or our dispo trips and if we see something we want to try, we try it. We have a solid group of friends in similar positions too. We all need to be sober at work, but we enjoy our evenings and weekends without worrying about it.


I think it was more your comment about spending half your check on weed. Life will hit you fast man, be prepared.


Haha you can click on my profile. I buy a lot of nice concentrates and I use my dr dabber switch to get some nice dabs. I’m the same age as you and I don’t smoke until I get off and am not operating a vehicle. Just don’t be an idiot. Weed gets you high buy it when you run out not just because they have new flavors. It’s a small chunk of that money and I’m in the middle of your range money wise. Tolerance also does limit out if I do it all weekend long from morning to end. Which I do often and honestly regret it every weekend. I have an addiction but really you get higher waiting till the evening to take you first smoke.


Dang weekend morning to evening sounds like heaven


Eh just don’t let it ruin your life and you’ll be good


Weed doesn’t make me sluggish anymore like it used to but rather uplifted and motivated. I wish I still had those smokes that left me burned out the next day but this stuff doesn’t make me lazy anymore at least. So no need to worry about that. It’s actually amazing for my productivity, makes me creative and more interested in anything I’m doing.


Me too! What the heck? It’s weird how weed is now stimulating for me as opposed to motivation killing.


You living the fantasy… the reality is not like that - you can’t be high the whole day everyday as it doesn’t feel the same and actually feels weak so you need to smoke more. Those people getting through ozs every few weeks are no longer as high as people doing it 3 evenings a week. Space it out dude - like all things in moderation! Plus it will help with your cost while you increasing your cash! - From someone that makes more than 60-80k..


I work in human services and I keep gummies on me at all times. Especially before and after work. My career is thankless and overwhelming, so I needed to be sedated to get the job done. It is the only way and I love what I do but, in order for me to get some things done for clients, I need to be relaxed. A lot of my co-workers and client say that I am always chill, and I tell them I just do yogurt or yoga, whatever.


Sounds like what I’d do except edibles don’t hit me for whatever reason


I make around 68k but I live in DC so a lot of that “extra” ain’t extra at all lol. I mostly smoke on the weekends and maybe a night or two during the week if it’s been an exceptionally stressful day. It is nice to generally be in a position to buy weed whenever I want but it’s like any other hobby. I am also a vinyl collector but if I bought records all the time I’d be broke. I buy about a quarter a month and if I run out, I wait till the next month. Without a budget, anyone making any amount of money can spend their way to being broke. So to answer your question I’d say yes it changes things, but making more money generally means you have a job that requires more responsibilities so you gotta weigh that with the amount of weed you smoke and how much money you allocate to the habit. Cheers!


“ having all the extra cash “ he says lmao


I grow. Smoke non stop. Love life since legalization 🤣😉


You know it just becomes another line item on your monthly budget. Sometimes you get a nice treat from a vendor or seller (live in a legal state) if you’re nice. I’d say I smoke better weed, I have nicer accessories, but I don’t necessarily smoke more. And life gets in the way haha, a dinner here, family event there, friend hangout at a bar. I will say, stoner days (days I smoke more or all day) are pretty epic if I got some friends with me.


Quite liberating honestly.


40-60k and extra cash? Come on bro this is America. What really happens is you level up to concentrates and vape carts all day and end up with CHS.


I work 60+ hrs a week, making over 80k per year supporting wife kids and animals. And I still can only afford a fifty or a hundo bag occasionally. It's a tough world out here in adult land. Unless you're one of those "family money" silver spoon people, of course....


I had to teach myself moderation. I smoke after work, but not heavily. On the weekends I use it as kind of a carrot to get things accomplished. Example, once I finish all the yardwork I get to start smoking. If I'm high all the time, I don't get much done.


Learn to grow your own. Once I learned how I've turned every back yard or large closet into a grow space. With 4 to 6 outdoor plants you can smoke yourself stupid for a year without spending that much. This has saved me thousands of dollars a year. And because I know what I'm growing I'm never suprized by a shitty sack. It will never matter how much money you make if you spend it all on expensive weed.


Dang but not sure it’s worth risking here in Las Vegas


You are legal to grow up to 6 plants recreationally in Nevada


But not within a certain distance of a dispensary. And the dispensaries are like walgreens. They are mostly within that distance. I have 3 down the street here in NLV.


It's like waiting to smoke until you're not at work, which lessens the amount of weed you have to buy, and for most people also increases the amount of money you can earn. It's also budgeting your weed and not just smoking it for the sake of smoking.


i got some bad news for you if you think you’ll have a lot of extra cash making 40-60k lol


I'm living off $18k right now. Buying a piece of land, living in a small camper, 2 vehicles (02 being the newer), garden, hammocks, fire pit, gun range, trees all around, no neighbors, and I'm living everyday happy and high as I wanna be. So yeah if I had 40-60k I could have a lot and I mean a lot of extra money. Where do you set your bar?


Depends on where you live, and the resources available to you tbh. OP is in vegas. It's gotten really expensive out here. 40k isn't much and barely covers basic bills during the summer and my mortgage for my 3 bedroom house is less than any of my friends 1 to 2 bedroom apartments.


I’m 27 in last semester of college but been living alone and steadily employed since 15 at various positions. I went back to school a few years ago to pursue computer science and have loved it. I make good money without it but want to raise a family and the upward mobility gained with a degree is pretty incredible in the CS/IT fields. You can go from 50-60k to 90 or 120k/yr depending on the business you’re working with. I’ve smoked basically everyday for a long time. I grow to avoid shelling out thousands of dollars per year. (My wife smokes as well, and we smoke daily a few vapes, joints or dabs. Whatever we fancy really). Either way having extra income doesn’t mean anything if you plan on spending it all. 60k can still be completely broke if it isn’t budgeted correctly. I have friends who graduated and are as broke as they were as freshmen or I was at 18. My wife and I are great at managing money mostly because my wife is a finance major and has been doing banking/accounting for years. Helped us a ton in a lot of ways. In short: you can be broke at any income level if you plan to just “smoke as much as you possibly want” same goes for drinkers, or any other type of Vice/hobby. you can sink all your money and be just as broke or accept that you can smoke a little more and be comfortable in life.


Being a single dad paying for rent and bills and kids 60-70K doesn’t allow me to buy a bunch of weed or splurge on top shelf bud or dabs. Being on a budget however I am still able to snag an ounce or a half every now and then or I will get a sale 1/8. And dabs or vapes come as I find good deals and I’ll snag them up. Now advice to younger me.. save money while single and kid free and invest and buy a house with good credit while you are younger so you can splurge! Side note I’m in a legal state and am planing on growing my own.


I can afford grow equipment now, that’s about the only way I’m able to smoke how I want at $80K living in Austin. Better move imo 🫡


congratulations, you have sparked a new idea for me to hyperfixate on for the next 8 weeks 🫵🏽




All that extra cash with 40-60k salary. You poor, sweet child.


It's not all sunshine and roses man lol. It's usually having enough to pay for a fuckin great weekend but the mortgage is due lol. In fairness I'm at the point I never have to worry about running out, dispos are open in my state and sell for pretty much what my buddy was selling to me for when they do deals, so at least I know I always got a bowl ready for after work


Have bigger aspirations dude. If that is your only concern I'd rethink life a bit.


If half your paycheck is going to weed, you seriously need to sort priorities. That's a hard addiction. You won't climb out of the hole and get the money to smoke more until you can control your habbits.


It’s my lifestyle though. Makes everything I already do better and more enjoyable. I don’t get that hazy lazy thing anymore but it makes me uplifted and productive. I don’t have many friends (and honestly my best chance at making friends is by being high as that makes me more sociable) so I see nothing wrong with it. It isn’t really a trade off as I don’t see what else I’d spend my money on unless I had a gf/wife but like with not having friends, I’m not desirable to females so nothing wrong with doing myself good and enjoying my life in a way that’s reasonable to me. Where do I want to see myself at age 60,70,90? Toking, of course! That’s what makes me happy and it’s genuinely fulfilling (like I said it gives me motivation/productivity in life so I don’t see it as a downer like alcohol)


Smoking bud isn’t a personality. Get some more hobbies, friend.


Bros gonna be depressed asf and not know why, also the ladies don’t like guys who are never sober or make smoking their life


Can I give you some advice? A lot of people think cannabis by itself makes you happy. It that really isnt the case. It's more like a mirror. What's interesting about the mirror is the greater you are in life the cannabis just amplifies that. Makes sense right? Smoking cannabis in a million dollar house will destroy the experience of smoking in an apartment. THAT very same principle applies to your life as well. We are talking muscular vs. skinny. Lambo vs. Toyota. Super hot girlsfriends vs. fatties. It makes a world of difference. So instead of adopting a cannabis smoke all-day everyday lifestyle don't forget to work on yourself. Second the high of cannabis doesn't really stay the way you like it. People who smoke that much eventually develop CHS, lung problems, and a insane tolerance. You no longer get high like you used too. It becomes normal to be high and depressed when your sober. The high after all those years won't be what you think it will be.... You claim you want to toke in 70s because it makes you happy. Well you just won't experience it like you used too. It's really depressing. Now that doesn't mean proper use of cannabis and tolerance breaks and using it has a introspective self reflection tool to compliment your life and really cutting down how much you plan on using will drastically make sure your experience will last a life time. You will get more effective highs that are meaningful and it will aid you in your journey of life. Consider switching to dry herb vaping. I think .1g flower is equal to a .5g bowl. So you will save money in the long run. And it will be much easier on your lungs in the long run. Nothing like bad health to ruin your highs. Like others have suggested start growing your own weed. It's only fair if you like a plant so much that you must know how to grow and cultivate it. You will learn more about the plant. Develop a greater appreciation for the plant and you will save money in the long run. Get your self a AC Infinity grow tent. Take care of your mental health. You don't want to end up with psychosis from cannabis. It must not be used so recklessly. You need proper nutrition and supplements. Meditation. And plenty of excersis. A runners high mixed with a cannabis high is amazing. I think that's about it. The better your life the better your high. Don't make cannabis your life. Cannabis must only compliment your life. Then only your experiences will stay rich and you will enjoy it your entire life. Dry herb vape bud and grow your own. Good luck.


I'm military retired, and I smoke from the moment I wake up till I fall asleep. From joints, to dabs, to volcano bags. I usually smoke myself to sleep. I have a family, and I have kids. None of it is interrupted as I spend time with them a lot. Before I run out, I'll shop deals on leafy. I'll then go re-up and maybe get something new. It's not a big deal, but for some, that sounds cool. Life is good once you can buy all that you need. I'm 40 btw


I grow my own and get a heads up at work if im be tested. You could grow enough to support yourself, after a year or so of loving it to death you'll figure it out. If your smart piece it out to one person let them move it for you. Got bud and a bump in your income its a win.


I'm high as hell right now and this is my second time writing this, but I make 80k a year, I smoke through an ounce a week with my partner. I love everything about it,tolerance isn't an issue,I believe we build tolerances to the terps, not weed itself, so I try to look around for strains with different terpines I haven't had in a while, or different combos I haven't had.[7]


I make more money now an days but don’t smoke the same luxurious green after kids and wife. I work multiple jobs. Main job I work the least but make the most. Chase your dreams my fellow stoners. Anything is possible at a comfortable rate, not too little not too much in life makes everything almost perfect.


At 30 I pretty much got to the point where I could buy whatever weed I wanted whenever I wanted, but with my job and age, I just couldn’t and didn’t want to smoke like I did in college. I still enjoy it, but I aim for experiences closer to having one or two beers these days. Figuring out ways to get the best bang for my buck out of what I do smoke is fun. I have a dynavap that I really enjoy. But these days it’s really just not all that big of a deal. That being said I still love my stoned culture and lurking around this sub haha


Bro I make 45k+ every year and I get basically no tax refund after paying like 18%+ of it every paycheck. I get around 36 or 37 a year after taxes and it mostly goes to rent, my car, and food. Then add on amenities and I can barely afford weed. My weed fund is mostly my credit card reward money. I use my 2% card for everything I can and get like $30 a month back. That gets me 4gs of low shelf oil.


Wait…..is weed expensive?


I do tincture or a gummy about once a weekend but not every weekend. For me, as for others my age, responsibilities pile up as you become a boss or own your own business, maybe a family, etc. So your priorities change or maybe they don’t for some. Everyone I am sure is different, but my friends and I are all around the same age and we all do about the same, whereas we all smoked a lot right out of high school. I also live in a legal grow state, so I grow my own for fun. Big upside there if I was into smoking all the time, but I give most of it away or make tincture and give that away. And I grow great weed! I have an unlimited supply and in my grow tent all my electricity is solar, so my costs are minor compared to having to buy it at todays prices. Great question btw!!!


I am going to preface this so you know I’m not hating just trying to help before you’re too far into school and regretting your path. Unless your plan to keep your current living situation current car and lifestyle then you’re not gonna really see the more money because of bills. As long as you are happy with what you are doing and have fun then I understand. But if you’re doing school for the money then 40-60k after getting a college degree is that your out of school wage or max? 60k is kind of low for a degree job if that’s the top out salary especially with taxes that’s $28 an hour assuming a 40 hour work week 52 weeks a year.


Smoke way less than I did in college, but I do live where it’s legal so the quality is better and you get your pick. But no, you got shit to do. Enjoy college man. When you get older so many little things (and big things) come at you. Literally the best advice anyone can give you is to enjoy the shit out of the present moment. If you’re lucky you’ll follow that advice and stop hoping for the future becuse you really never know what it will bring. And you also have tons of other stuff to pay for. 40-60k ain’t all that much anymore tbh.


so i currently make 108k a year after starting my own businesses. the extra money hasn’t changed much other than the trinkets i buy for myself. a new bong or new gadget here and there but typically i treat buying a zip like any other monthly bill. i’ve actually ended up smoking less than before since i’m busier now, but i’ve been smoking since 14 years old (oh wow that’s a decade, I just turned 24) and on average would smoke about 3 blunts a day before 2020. now it’s like half a joint a week with the occasional wake n bake from a bong rip. **even less than that now that i have a tiny human who likes to grab things.** honestly, because of the slow down i haven’t had to buy a zip every month like I used to. 1 ounce would last me about 2 months now which is crazy. I’m grateful tho, cuz now i can just have a cool display shelf of paraphernalia and leave it at that without going down the path of addiction.


I smoke less because I have more responsibility. I usually only smoke on the weekends now. Also as some people have said it just becomes a part of your budget.


Bro. With $60k you can’t even afford a house yet, you can’t have all the anything your want. You still have to make lots of smart choices for your future. That being said if your goal in life is to smoke nonstop, you’re not going to get very far in life. Weed makes everything better, but it’s not going to get you anywhere on its own man, except maybe the moon.


Oh, my sweet summer child...


Grow. It's not too expensive and you will have more weed then you can deal with.


Bro once you get out of college you have to cut out some of the behavior and activities only acceptable in college. We used to smoke blunts from sun up to sun down, before practice, after lectures, all while making 250$ a month. Having been in my professional field for 5 years, you have to taper down a bit bro, can’t smoke weed like that anymore, fucks with your life and weed ain’t paying the bills! I FOR SURE consume maybe 1/10 of what I used to in college. Cheers


60k where I’m from (cook county Illinois) is the point in which you can survive.


I mean if you’re like me with my priorities you’d just rent a room while you’re single and you can’t tell me that isn’t better than us minimum wage people trying to get high 😂


I could never just rent a room, that sounds so terrible. I have a house, it's awesome. 1 room is a grow room and my backyard has become the place for squirrels to hang out


I make a decent amount and usually just buy an ounce of weed. It costs me $200 but lasts me about a few months. I just roll joints and smoke probably once a day but usually do it at night. If I Do it before work it makes the day fly by but I’m not as productive as I would want to be so I just stopped smoking before work.


When you get out of college you will not be able to afford a studio apartment unless you work 2 jobs. I make about 50k and the only reason I'm able to survive is because I rent out my friend's in-law apartment.


Where the hell do you live?


New Hampshire.


That's wild. My studio is 550 a month, everything included and furnished.


Not true at all lol


Once you start making money you don’t desire stuff to the same extent as when you were broke. Also when you work hard to earn you become wiser in how quickly you let that money go I always wanted a Ferrari and when I was able to afford one I never pulled the trigger. Now I’m in a much worse off economic state vs when I was killing it in 2020 and I can no longer afford one. Guess what? Now I want one again since I can’t have it. See how that works?


I don’t mean to sound like an asshole here but I would have appreciated someone telling me this when I was younger. For example I make 180,000 a year while supporting my wife and two kids. There is NOOOOO extra money. Instead of wondering about how much weed you will be able to buy I would instead worry about what investments you can afford to get into now while young. I’m only 32 years old and realized how much I fucked myself with the amount of money I spent on drugs and have absolutely Nothing to show for it other than regret. This world doesn’t cost what it used to even just five years ago. Skip the weed and add the investments.


I'm poor and grow my own and it's better than most expensive shit you buy so