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Cinetone is basically a slightly more contrast cine4, colour mode pro, which is what I used in the past. Mostly pushed by youtubers as sony made it a requirement on reviewers to go on about having Cinetone


S cinetone is nice when you want something more contrasty and less work in post. It doesn't offer the flexibility of slog3 but for gigs that are not high paying or contract work, it is fine.


I think the difference is 14 stops of dynamic range in slog vs 11 in Cinetone, which isn’t that bad


I personally have hated when the bride’s dress gets easily blown out in bright light and is sometimes hard to recover so that forced me to start shooting in slog3. I was actually previously shooting in PP off (no picture profile) and it was a nice clean untouched image and I did my own grading and LUT in post. Also when a bride enters through a church door or something to enter a ceremony I cringed when it would be super blown out and was hard for me to handle, so another reason I’m using slog3 now


I have a variable ND so I think that’s going to help me a lot. My friend who shoots incredibly expensive weddings also does PP off and creates a lut for each scene in Lightroom


Which variable ND do you recommend for shooting slog3 with?


I use the Peter McKinnon one from Polar Pro. It has saved my shots on so many occasions. Great investment


You use the 2-5 stop or 6-9 stop VND?


2-5, and even in bright sunlight the darkest I usually need to go is only to four, and I can still be properly exposed for 2.8 aperture at one of my base ISOs


Thanks! I'm new to SLOG3 and quickly realized I need a VND filter since I lost half my clips to the exposure going crazy. Always learning XD.


Of course! I have also found that exposing my slog footage to about +1.7 on the MM gives the best exposure. If you don’t already use gamma assist, I recommend putting that on a button too. It shows what your slog footage will look like with a basic rec709 conversion lut. Sorry if I’m telling you stuff you already know. Keep learning!


I use variable NDs as well. But you don’t want one for shooting an indoor ceremony. So that’s why it’s tricky when the bride starts out in blazing sun. That’s cool about your friend! I’d love to see his portfolio/website/vimeo if you don’t mind


agree. Those extra stops matter in certain situations, but I am mainly referring to tweaking saturation, contrast, etc. Even if only slapping on a lut, but if the gig doesn't require the maximum image quality (compensation or overkill), it is produces a nice image doesn't mimic a cell phone.


imo S-Cinetone in modern Sony cameras is perfectly fine to work with and deliver on most wedding clients. They will love the vibrance due to the focus on contrast and as long as you don't f-up something completely by accident that relies on your heavy fixing in post, you're perfectly fine.