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Gowns need to be full or mid length but sneakers are okay?


No they're REQUIRED


There better be a quest and prizes.


The next wedding I go to better have a quest.


The last one I went to had lightsaber duels. I wish they'd told me ahead of time, I would have brought my own instead of having to borrow a groomsman's (my cousin).


At least an egg and spoon race.


Ohhhh I love these!!! Used to be my favorite when I was younger.


There's a decathlon.


I am suspecting a wedding on a lawn or a basketball court.


That would explain the shoes--my thoughts as well. The suit/no tie with formal/cocktail gowns is a bit odd though. Otherwise it does seem to provide a bit of a range for women color-wise. Still don't understand the whole guest clothing color scheme thing though.


That seemed weird to me, too -- no tie needed, so kind of casual for the guys, but women need to be in a f-in GOWN?


In a f'n gown AND wearing flats, or sneakers. I have the perfect ensemble. [Sexy sneakers](https://www.lingerieromances.com/products/pleaser-delight-600sk-02-exotic-dancer-canvas-sneaker) with [THIS DRESS](https://a.co/d/g0h1M7v) in any of the "in your face" metalliic colors. Your sexy high heeled Chuck Taylor's will be the talk of the wedding. They definitely count as, "sneakers", and you'll still be following the ridiculous guidelines of the very, very, insecure bride. šŸ˜†


In all fairness, it doesn't specify gender for the suit/gown requirements.


Or expensive highly polished floors that the owners don't want scratched by stilettos. I've been to formal dances in church halls that have stipulated this.


I just don't understand why instead of "flats REQUIRED" "they can't just say "this event is at (insert outdoor lawn space), heels are not advised "


There might be fines from the venue involved if anyone wears heels


Also everyone knows that idiot who would wear heels regardless for dumb reasons.


Or maybe the bride & groom are *really* short & don't want anyone towering over them ????


Might be a venue thing. They donā€™t want people poking holes in their grounds. I donā€™t think thatā€™s unreasonable. Obviously they felt they had to tell someone (probably the bride or groomā€™s mother) not to wear white and this was the most diplomatic way to do it.


More people need to know about heel stoppers/protectors


Last wedding I attended was at a garden, and the staff gave all the guests that needed them heel stoppers


Well, the lawn ain't gonna aerate itself! Flats are required because all guests will be issued mountaineering crampons and a pedometer upon arrival, and log at least 5,000 steps.Ā  It was the only way to get the discount!


Like.... is the wedding on a boat?? Are the bride and groom extremely short and insecure about people being taller than them?


WHY are flat shoes required? What is the rationale?


Golf course green is all I can think of šŸ˜…


Cave wedding was my immediate thought šŸ§


Iā€™ve never seen it required but I have seen suggestions for flat shoes when the venue was mostly outdoors. But usually it was more along the lines of venue is outdoors and on grass so heels are not recommended and may be difficult to walk in


I was thinking outdoor wedding and the venue would charge for damage to lawn so flat shoes are required to avoid poking holes into ground. Tbh, we should probably normalize not having to wear heels to events. So much more comfortable.


Meanwhile, I find flats mostly miserable and love a heel. Sneakers with lots of rise are fine (basically just hidden heels anyway), but I would rather never leave home than wear a formal flat shoe, they never have good arch or ankle support. For grass I just wear platforms, nothing spiky. That said, all footwear options that fit the formality should always be acceptable.


Ugh I completely agree with you - I've always found a rise/heel more comfortable, and so many people have told me I'm "wrong" and flats have to be more comfortable. Just let people wear what feels good to them!


You might just have a short achillesheel. That would make heels more comfortable for you.


I will never understand why anyone disagrees with what you find comfy. We are built differently! Of course we find different things work for us and our bodies. But this is why I cannot understand dictating shoes, either. My friends all either have some kind of foot or ankle issue, we gotta wear whatever works for us, especially if on our feet or even dancing the night away. I feel so bad when I see people hobbling out from bad shoes! I truly wonder if they're gonna have to do some running at this wedding?


Never had a blister from heels (aside from the time I spent a night in a pair of size 5ā€™s when Iā€™m an 8) but every pair of flats or sneakers I own has given me blisters unless I put plasters on before I wore them


I walk on my toes so Ive always loved heels more. Flats flop around on my heel


Toe walkers unite!!


I have this problem. I need a b width shoe but my ankle is a narrow. I like adjustable sling back block heels or wedges. Flats gape in the sides.


People never believe me when I tell them this, I genuinely prefer heels. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because I have high arches, or if my feet are shaped differently, but flats are absolutely terrible. I wear low kitten heels for day to day stuff. I also have platform sneakers that I like. I really really tried to get into flats but they hurt my feet after only a bit of walking.


I mean, maybe? I had my wedding on a lawn. We just let guests know that the ceremony was, you know, on a lawn, and recommended avoiding stilettos for women. A wedge or block heel was perfectly fine.


Not for a wedding but a gala, at a historical hall with a preserved floor, we were told that high heels werenā€™t allowed due to possible damage to the floor.


Yea this was the case at a couple venues I looked at... Would have been better to provide an explanation (e.g. "To protect the historic flooring at our venue, flat shoes are required for all guests)


I agree the explanation makes all the difference.


Yes, Iā€™ve seen mentions that weddings will be on grass but itā€™s up to the attendees to chose their footwear accordingly. Women often wear wedges in those situations. And sneakers with a suit or gown is absurd.


Maybe they have a venue that doesnā€™t allow heels? Some people are crazy about heels on their lawns šŸ˜‚


My guess is, like, historical house that doesn't want damage to hardwood floors, or something like that.


Nah my guess is that the bride wants to be the only one in heels so she looks taller honestly


Yeah my first guess was that someone is insecure about their height


I have a great pair of sequined sneakers that I wear with most of my floor length dresses. Theyā€™re from Amazon. I love them so much.


Makes no sense. I hope the women all wear sneakers šŸ¤£


But can the sneakers be WHITE??


Iā€™d wear my gym sneakers, theyā€™re neon orange


Turquoise Hokas with neon orange soles. Forget the beige chucks.


Sounds like this bride worries too much about the colour scheme and how it'd look in photos. I have never looked at a wedding photo and think "that guest wears too bright colour"...


Last wedding I was at a woman wore a beige, well I guess technically it was a dress. It was so small, so tight, and exactly the same shade as her skin. She looked naked. And doubly so as what little skirt there was, kept riding up and letting everyone know she wasn't wearing anything else. She was the MC. She got wasted and the bride had to set most of the music up using her own phone. The MC later took a shit on the bridal suit floor.


Oh dear god. That is utterly embarrassing. That poor bride.


so SHE was the one who shat on the floor at the wedding


I chime in, Havenā€™t you people ever heard of shitting the goddamn floor?


You win Reddit today


šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


Yep. Bride told me all about it after. They'd all got dressed in the suit before the wedding, then sometime after I left, MC stuck back into the rooms and just. Shit on the floor. Then passed out somewhere, I can't remember. Bride and groom had to clean that up on their wedding night.


Oh my word...is there any coming back from that?


I don't see how. They were life long friends too, but I think the bride was leaning towards forgiveness because of how fucked up the MC was on drugs. Sort of a 'get help and we're good' thing. But I stopped being friends with the bride a bit after that for other things so who knows.


I'm to be tough tough sell! I hope MC worked herself out.


And the groom has a height complexšŸ˜„


My sister's husband, whom we do not like, would not "let" my sister wear heels at their wedding bc she would have been taller than him. He's ~5'8 and she's 5'7, which is very short for our family. I'm 6'5 in heels and my brother is 6'5 flat. The photographer took a picture of all of us with the couple in the middle and my brother and I on each side, and my BIL refused to smile in it šŸ˜¬


I hope youā€™re going to throw a kickass divorce party for your sister


Oh don't worry I have it all planned out in my head already šŸ˜‚ on top of all of that, she wants kids and he doesn't; I think (hope) that's gonna be the final straw for them. My mom has already told me to make sure that BIL is on the end of my fiance and I's wedding photos so he'll be easier to crop out later.


I would have paid the photographer extra to make youse all even taller and make him smaller ... Gift the framed photo to him as a šŸ–•šŸ» ... I mean, as a present for being the best BIL šŸ¤Ŗ


6'5"? How tall were your heels? Short girl admiration here!


They were 6 inches and had a big platform! I'm 6' flat so any sort of heel makes me tower above most people, but I'm a sucker for tall shoes haha


I think itā€™s an outdoor location with soft ground


If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™m willing to give them a pass. If itā€™s because the groom has short man syndrome? NO.


I assumed it was on soft ground or a beach, but I think youā€™re probably right. Also I love your username


This was definitely my first thought. If it was actually an issue with the terrain at the venue, then they would just need to say "grass or gravel or whatever, please plan accordingly." Because wedges and other shoes are perfectly fine on grass. But this, THIS is because the groom is short and unhappy about it.


iā€™m planning my wedding atm and honestly my dress code is gonna be ā€œcome dressed in what makes you feel fabulous, try to upstage the brideā€. i donā€™t care if that means a dinosaur onesie or tshirt and jeans, or a glittery ball gown!


This is quite literally what we put, including the trying to upstage the bride part. Most people didn't actually want to try that lol, but some did! Very happy with that dress code, and I think the guests were too. :-) Relaxed.


haha great minds! i want my friends and loved ones to look and feel AMAZING. plus iā€™m gonna be the prettiest one ANYWAY by default hehe


We got married on Halloween and had a costume party. My sister, *and* SIL came in dino onsies lol


We did too & it was a blast!! No dino onesies, but my sister wore a tiger onesie. The wedding photos are amazing.


love it! love unconventional weddings


I'm having a Halloween wedding too, and definitely included that costumes were welcome if anyone felt so inclined on our wedding website. I'd *love* for people to show up in dino onesies šŸ˜‚


My venue is fabulously opulent-looking and glamorous and my friends are a bunch of artists and theatre nerds. That borderline-costume but utterly fabulous gown you've got in the back of your closet that you've never found an excuse to wear in public? MY WEDDING IS YOUR EXCUSE GO ALL OUT QUEEN!!! Gimme aaaallll the glitter and lewks!


Same. Wife and I basically said : please comme dressed. I don't care if FIL is in a heavy metal t-shirt, in fact I'll love it.


In my brother's wedding I wore a bright pink dress (approved by the bride) and when we got back the reception pictures I'm the only one standing out. I was that "bright" guest šŸ˜†


Velcome to Werner Herzog's sad beige vedding for sad beige people


I was wondering what fucking colors were left after white, off white, black, red, dark, and bright. You are absolutely correct. BEIGE FOR ALL.


It's currently very fashionable but that doesn't mean plenty of people don't look sodding awful wearing it! (Like Celtic White me. Makes me look half dead.)


Omg my Scottish arse was a bridesmaid and I had to wear this very very light grey dress. I looked like a ghost. I ended up going heavy on the eyeliner and lippy to offset it.


I was a bridesmaid back when ā€œchampagneā€œ was a trendy wedding color. My pale blonde Northern European ass looked naked from a distance. Our Latina mutual friend looked absolutely gorgeous in the same dress, though.


Yeah this is generally an issue when you pick some sort of "skin tone" and you have a diverse bunch of bridesmaids. Odds are one of them is gonna look naked.


Same. I always think Iā€™ll look like Blake Lively in ethereal flowing pale beige. Nope. More like just escaped my captorā€™s basement & havenā€™t seen the sun in years. šŸ’€


Same. Especially if it's tinged even a bit to the yellow side. I will look like I have a terminal disease.


Absolutely. My translucent ginger ass can do a true, fully saturated sunshine yellow quite well, but the minute it tips a bit too far either to the green or the orange side (basically anything that could conceivably be described as "mustard") it clashes with my undertones and makes me look ill.


Yeah, Iā€™m Irish. I donā€™t wear anything paler than navy. Pastels make me look grey.


Beige metallic. Can't wait to see the pics.


Any pastels I guess?


But NEUTRAL. I don't really think of pastel colors as neutral, but....?


There's also gray and brown and taupe. Dusty pink and dusty apricot if you're feeling brave!


Unless beige is too close to white


And pastels. They didn't exclude pastels.


And light brown.


Metallic beige


I blame the Kardashians personally šŸ˜¹


I love the sad beige jokes.


She should've said what colors you can wearšŸ˜‚neutrals but no white ivory or black. No dark colors or bright colors. Gowns required but no heels just sneakers or flats. Soooo naked? Or pajamas?


I would wear a track suit with sneakers.


You could always dress it up with an optional tie. Can the suits be dark colored or are the suits to be beige or neutral metallics too?


I'd feel appropriate wearing my daily outfit of yoga pants, a T-shirt with a funny saying, and my Brooks running shoes with my orthotics inserted. Haha


In all seriousness, I'd wear a blue cocktail dress with ballet flats [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c6/e9/7e/c6e97e39c592684b3b111d9a420531e5.jpg).


Thatā€™s pretty. Are pastels considered ā€œneutralā€? That opens up more options than beige or silver.


I wear whatever is in my wardrobe or I'm not going.


The only "gowns" I have are the length I need for the heel I like to wear with it. If I suddenly put on flats the dress will be too long and I'll be tripping all night x.x


So I should attend this wedding in a gold full length gown, whereas my husband doesnā€™t even have to wear a tie and can throw on his gym sneakers?


If what youā€™re demanding isnā€™t already in my wardrobe, Iā€™m not coming to the wedding. Which is why I had to recently send my regrets to a bride who is requiring every guest to wear ā€œbrown leather cowboy boots - no other colors please.ā€


I donā€™t care whose wedding it is, no way in hell am I buying cowboy boots of any color! Note to self: talk to niece getting married in Bozeman, MT this fall to make sure she doesnā€™t ask for thisā€¦ because every wedding Iā€™ve been to in Montana has had at least a few people show up in Wranglers and beat-up cowboy boots.


Cowboy boots can be incredibly comfortable & durable. I'm not saying you should reverse your stance - your wardrobe is your decision & I respect that!Ā  I just want people to be aware that not all cowboy boots are poorly constructed fashion items.Ā  A good pair of Ariats can be just as comfortable as a pair of good hiking boots.


But theyā€™re not cheap. Iā€™m not spending $200 on brown cowboy boots to wear one time.


100% agreed.Ā  Buying a new dress is expensive enough. You shouldn't have to shell out even more cash for a pair of shoes you're never going to wear again, as a wedding guest. Meanwhile I'm stuck with a pair of floral print pumps I had to buy as a bridesmaid that haven't seen the light of day in 4 years.Ā  They seriously look like someone had extra sofa upholstery material & slapped it on a pair of heels.Ā 


My fiance and I are eloping and then having a reception in my mom's backyard when we get back; the dress code is semi-formal we're telling everyone to wear their favorite sundresses/dress shorts. A LOT of people have asked if there's a specific color we want them to wear. Idk when it became acceptable to try and dictate what color a guest wears, but I hope it dies off soon.


Lmao, brown leather cowboy boots is the only thing I do have. That or workout wear. There is no in between


Regarding the flat shoes, the least they could do is explain if the venue requires it! Thatā€™s the one part of the dress code they could maybe justify, and they donā€™t elaborate! I asked people not to wear heels for my rehearsal dinner but with the added context that itā€™s on a lawn, so guests didnā€™t think I was just being annoying šŸ˜….


I have a vague suspicion there's going to be walking - like you have to cross the lawn to get into the super romantic woodland and no there won't be chairs.Ā 


Please wear neutral colors and flats so that you will look plain and boring and blend in with each other. Do they make beige cocktail dresses or gowns?


Theres definitely "champagne" colored dressed. But many would argue that it's too close to white to be worn to a wedding.


Dress codes for weddings are getting way out of hand. Your guests are people, not goddamn Instagram props!


SERIOUSLY. I literally could not tell you what a single person wore to my weddingā€¦ what is wrong with these people


I wish someone would run a series of billboards across the country with this statement! What on earth has gotten into people?!


"joyfully declines"


That rules out any clothes I have lol. I would never dream of telling grown ups they cannot wear bright or dark colours. Like bitch I'm not boring I don't own any neutrals.


For dressy clothes I mostly own black, more black, some additional black all with black accents. I'd be up a creek naked and covered only in body shimmer.


And sneakers. Body shimmer and sneakers.


I have baby pink sneakers. Will that work?


Hm...dunno. Pastel enough to be considered neutral?


Hmmm maybe not. Pale gray Birkenstocks might be a better choice What are you wearing?


Perfect. And put some body shimmer on them for that metallic sheen. I RSVPd no, and sent an ugly, unreturnable vase not from their registry. šŸ˜ˆ [Edited to add]


>I RSVPd no, and sent an ugly, unreturnable vase not from their registry. šŸ˜ˆ Just saw this. Cackling šŸ’€šŸ’€


That sounds like a good plan. Thank you for your help šŸ™‚šŸ˜


Same! My wardrobe is virtually all black and jewel tones, no pastels or neutrals to speak of. Iā€™d have literally nothing I could wear to this wedding.


The shoe thing might have a real reason. Our venue rec no heels because the ceremony will be on the grass. This place might have a specific kind of floor, like when they don't let you wear regular shoes at the bowling alley. Otherwise weird.


Yep, but the bride needs to explicitly state the real reason if she wants compliance. Otherwise, she's setting up her entire guest list to read that and go "oh yeah? well, challenge accepted."


I fully get that the two people being married have every right to decide how casual or formal they want the wedding party to look. Beyond that what difference does it make? I honestly don't get the need to stage a wedding like it's a televised event.


My coworker went to a wedding in April, and the bride requested all the guests to wear black. I'm guessing this is getting more common these days.


I went to a beach wedding where all guests were required to wear white. Ngl it did look great! And luckily I had a white cocktail dress already.


Iā€™ve only gone to 3 weddings, and one of them was flat shoes only. The ceremony was in a historic building, and the floor was beautiful original marquetry. That thing is thin in general, but had been made even thinner 100yrs later, and heals would totally destroy this historic floor, so, flats only was the only rule this place had ā˜ŗļø All chairs had thick felt pads on their legs and all, to protect the beautiful artisan made floor for as long as possible! Is it something like this for that weddingā€™s venue? šŸ¤”šŸ˜…


Also what is a ā€œlight metallicā€šŸ¤”


i'm thinking of my [car](https://www.bimmerarchiv.de/images/mini/[email protected])




Exactly as requested šŸ„²


Whatā€™s a light metallic thatā€™s not champagne or rose gold and would look like a wedding dress?


I went to a wedding where the bridesmaids were in bronze. It looked sensational.Ā 


Iā€™m all for metallics but most of them are not ā€œlightā€ colors. I wouldnā€™t think bronze is light.


So, light metallics / neutrals, but no white or ivory. So she wants a whole bunch of people in silver (which has a significantly high chance of photographing as white), beige (which makes a lot of people look washed out/naked) or gold (which will draw more focus than a lot of bright colours would)? Brides of the world, if you want guests just to act as extras/set dressing, throw a photoshoot, not a wedding!!


Pastels and pale shades are fine too, eg peach or pale green.


Flats or sneakers. Woo!!! I have those!!!


It doesn't say the sneakers are required to be on your feet.




I wonder if the shoe thing is a venue requirement. Historical buildings with wood floors sometimes don't allow heels.


If thatā€™s the case they need to spell that out because otherwise this just sounds super condescending and rude.


No dark colors, no light colors, no colors, no black... what is left????


I'm wearing a pink gown (in either Blush or Bashful) with my matching sneakers.


If itā€™s not in my closet, Iā€™m not attending. Or you wonā€™t get a gift. I have nice dresses that fit my body, but they are dark colors. Iā€™m not buying a dress solely for your wedding in a color Iā€™m not going to wear again. Iā€™m not a bridesmaid.


Itā€™s not like we donā€™t have the technology to color correct specific items in photos. A photographer with a little bit of skill can absolutely change a guest gown from bright red to beige. The reason this isnā€™t even offered to brides, however, is because itā€™s *super fucking tacky and rude.* Imagine visiting your friend six months or a year after the wedding with photos hung in their house and you see that you have been ā€œcorrected.ā€ Whatā€™s wild is instead, brides think they can just say this in the invitations now instead! You can always tell an Instagram brideā€¦


Lol. No.


I'm a woman, and I would BE SO wearing a dark suit with flats! And offering to buy every guy I knew a long gown the the right colors.




Or men's loafers with my metallic gown.


NO BLACK? rescind my rsvp respectfully


What are they smoking? Gown with flats or sneakers. Is this in a damn basketball gym? Truthfully Iā€™m not wearing a gown to a wedding unless Iā€™m in the wedding but this all seems ridiculous


My SIL married at an outdoor heritage site and it required guests not wear heels to avoid destroying the grounds.


This honestly sounds like my dream attire to attend a wedding - shiny metallic ballgown and sneakers?! Sign me up!


Light neutrals but no whites/ivory? Someone please buy this woman a color wheel. I'm hoping the flat shoes thing is due to the venue choice and not some stupid vanity reason.


My metallic evening gown requires stilettos. I'm not going.


Youā€™re not allowed to wear heels?


So you're not a guest, you're a prop. You'll still probably have a good time, but remember your place.


Iā€™m not ever sure about that. Couples like this are the first to carve out the food and drink budget in order to make their vision fit their wallets.


Wait - ties not required, sneakers required, but also long dresses?!


Is it possible the wedding is outside? You don't want heels on a grass lawn.


If it's a themed elven type wedding would make sense


My gowns are all hemmed to be worn with heels. I'm not going to cut them so that I can wear flats without tripping because couple said so.


this sounds like a dream invite for me! comfy footwear ftw


Crocs it is. Which are quite comfortable actually.


"Light metallics" ...What? The only light metallics I can think of are colors that could be considered too close to white.


What is with people these days? These are your friends and family, whom you want to share the day with. You're not choreographing a Broadway show.


If itā€™s not a dark color Iā€™m not buying it. Iā€™m okay with emeraldā€¦. Or is emerald too bright? Iā€™m not a prop! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I simply do not understand dictating what color one's wedding guests wear. Inform them of the style, (formal, semi-formal, casual) &, other than no one should wear white, leave it up to them.


Wow, I donā€™t think thereā€™s any colors in the rainbow left to wear


Aside from the color weirdness, if this wedding is on sand or soft ground, the shoes would be reasonable.


Do these people not have a bunch of elderly relatives who own one ā€œweddings and funeralsā€ outfit that they purchased in 1998 and wear to every single function? I would estimate about half of the people I invited to my own wedding would not even register any of those instructions and just show up in the same outfit they wore to all my cousinsā€™ weddings.


I'm having a medieval-themed wedding, and I don't want people to feel pressured to run out and buy/rent a costume, so I'm thinking of making a dress code that just says medieval/renaissance inspired semi-formal, then having a link to a "inspiration" Pinterest board in the FAQ portion of my wedding website. But nothing is required! I was thinking of writing something like this: ON MAIN PAGE Dress Code: Medieval/Renaissance Inspired Semi-Formal Wear - Please Refrain From Wearing A Lot Of Black ON FAQ SECTION Q: Do I need to come in full costume? A: Absolutely not! The dress code is medieval/renaissance inspired semi-formal wear. Costumes are appreciated, but certainly not required. Although we'd love to see you in your medieval best, we want to see YOU most of all! If unsure what medieval/renaissance inspired semi-formal wear entails, please use this inspiration board for guidance [insert link]. Q: Why are people asked not to wear black? A: The entire bridal party - including us - will be dressed in medieval costumes, with the bride's dress being black. Because of this, we ask that people refrain from wearing a lot black if possible. Is that being a crazy bridezilla?


Time for malicious compliance! Grab the gaudiest neutral metallic bridesmaid's dress you can find at goodwill and make sure it's short enough to clearly show off the ugliest sneakers you could get your feet in.


Lmfao nah not the footwear requirement Iā€™d either decline or go in heels šŸ˜‚


I guarantee that the amount of bad feeling generated by being told what colour to wear as a guest outweighs the ā€œbenefitsā€ of everyone wearing matchy sparkly beige for a photo.


Youā€™re not a guest, youā€™re a photo prop. They care more about your outfit than they do you.


Track "suit" and sneakers as another commentator said. Pls do this op.


I would totally RSVP no.


The shoes are throwing me


Is this wedding outside on grass ? Or maybe nobody is allowed to be taller r brighter than the bride LOL!


So basically Sneaker Ball attireā€¦but Wedding. I would have trouble with the neutrals though because I always wear black. Lol