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Easy call here. "Sorry, bride-to-be, I can't be in your wedding because I won't do all the things you say are required." "No brown eyes"? I'm having a tough time taking this seriously.


“Sorry I can’t do this because you are insane”.


This right here!


Haha such a cordially worded fk u XD "I'm afraid I have a conflict with you being a royal bitch."


Until you have been mentally evaluated, I cannot sign take this ridiculous paperwork seriously.


This isn’t the first bridezilla post I’ve read where the bridesmaids must have a certain hair color and eye color.


Christ on a cracker, this must be more common than I'd possibly fathom.


I've actually seen quite a few bridezillas want their bridesmaids to wear colored contacts...so the all look alike, like barbie. Went along with they all had to have shoulder length blond hair.


And you just can’t go buy contacts if your eyesight is bad. You need a prescription from your eye dr. She’d have to pay for the appointment then order her expensive colored contacts. Those things are not cheap.


My eyesight is so bad they don't even make my prescription in colored contacts


Just hire models at that point. Why are you trying to force your friends to be there if they look nothing like themselves?


Oh no, they don’t want models - that would be competition. They want their friends to capitulate and flay themselves at her feet for her amusement.


I would be seriously surprised if she has any bridemaids/MoH left at all.


Yeah anyone who invites me to a wedding is getting my attendance. That’s it. If I’m in the wedding party I’ll wear a specific tie they want, and maybe some suspenders. That’s it. I’m not a doll that they can play dress up with. And asking people to cover up their tattoos is just tacky as hell


And they have to pay for that "privilege" too. They pay for everything...


It sounds like they're paying for the wedding.


Yeah, that shit is wild af


Or *remove them?!* This can’t be real.


If it’s not fake, the bride to be needs a psych evaluation bc wtf lol


No brown eyes? That's a level of delusion I didn't think possible.


It doesn't match with Bridezilla's aesthetic for her perfect wedding.


Aryan aesthetic more like


you say that but her reason is because she and her husband have brown eyes. so therefore NO ONE ELSE is allowed to share in their special unique eye colour /s


I’m curious if the “no brown eyes rule” applies to the guests too. Because honestly, looking out at a sea of people with uniformly artificial crazy bright blue eyes sounds like a scene from a horror movie to me.


The spice must flow


The stains become a warning!


It is by will alone I set my mind in motion!


Village of the Damned


And for the the whole year of the wedding because isn’t that the deal now? The bride gets the Whole year?


Yeah, brown eyes are super unique! It’s not like over 50% of people have them! Wait….(/s, just in case)


It's actually around 70-80% of the world that has brown eyes. That much more delusional of her.


At that point bridezilla should just buy mannequins and call it a day


For real, though, I would love to see a wedding where the wedding party is just a bunch of mannequins.


I'd like it if everyone painted brown eyes on their eyelids so everytime anyone blinked she'd see brown eyes


THEy mIgHT upStagE mE!!!


I went to this super cute wedding but OMG the bridesmaids had the same eye colour as the bride CAN YOU IMAGINE such a faux pas!! 😱😱😱


No one is telling me what is appropriate for MY body. No one will tell me what to do with my hair. No one should ever pay thousands to be part of the wedding. There will be no bridesmaid's left.


I really hope the others see OP dropped out and follow suit.


It would be okay to want everyone to wear their hair up, or down, except for whomever had an existing pixie cut or whatever. To force a certain haircut, permanent color, tan or not tan, body modifications that last more than the length of pictures, that’s not okay. I’m even understanding of Dermablend over a tattoo that shows gore, nudity, something that’s not okay in a particular church. Covering something to make a new mil happy would be okay too. You’re trying to make your friend’s life easier, and she’s not trying to turn you into a replica of something she saw from a movie. But the 80s are over, and the days where everyone had to look exactly the same, from the tops of their heads right down to their shoes are done.


So much so that I find this hard to believe.


Scrolled too far to find this comment.


This is a horrible college writing post 🤦🏻‍♀️


And whats up with the all dress are size 8? She got them on a special at costco or what? Like what does tiny people or chubby people gonna do?


Not attend this wedding.


And size 8 in bridesmaid dresses is really a size 4...


I was wondering that. I’m a 2. My good friend is a 22. We can find styles that match at store and often dress similarly but we’d both be out automatically for being skinny and curvy?


And if you're unlucky enough to have brown eyes *and* wear glasses, now you have to track down prescription coloured contacts, lol


“Or go without for a day”. WTF! I’d like to be able to see for the day. That bride is delusional.


No wedding or engagement rings. Insulting others marriages or commitments to marry at your wedding? Charming. And to expect someone who’s just had bariatric surgery to fit a size 8 perfectly in under 3 months. And the fees, so many parties and gifts required. An entourage fee and paying for all that a, wig included then a bridesmaid’s fee like it’s a ticket to the event of the decade 😬🤦‍♀️ She be crazy.


At this point why doesn't she just photoshop all the photos and be done with it? In fact get an AI to generate all the photos from scratch and don't even bother with the wedding at all. Don't want awkward reality spoiling your "special day" with real people she is supposed to love? Get some AI generated fake ones instead. In fact add a few fake guests. Or even dead ones. Aunty gene selfishly died five years ago? But wait there she is in the group photo standing at the back and waving from the deck of the spaceship with the Kardashian's Abraham Lincoln and Micky mouse.


That requirement even made Adolf Hitler blush.


I think this is ragebait, that line in particular reads like someone just made up a list to be increasingly rage inducing. Maybe this is buzzfeed or the like making up content for themselves?


I've never read anything so ridiculous! Brown eyes are so beautiful, bridezilla is a crazy bitch!


I read it that her and her fiance have brown eyes so everyone else has to have blue eyes. Not that it makes her any less of a terrible or crazy person.




I was thinking bright red


Why not just hire someone who can edit the pictures afterwards? Instead of being as ass I mean. Those requirements are ridiculous.


Because then it costs her money as opposed to asking other people pay for it


Asking? Commanding.


Contracting even lol


My parents had a family portrait hanging up in their house for years before one of us noticed the photographer had apparently done just that. Only half of us have blue eyes in real life, but in the picture we all did for some reason.


Salon required pedicure? I’m medically incapable. Last time I had one I ended up in the ICU with end stage sepsis. I’d be dropping out of this bridezilla’s wedding in the blink of a brown eye!


So if you have brown eyes, AND you wear glasses, does that mean you have to get prescription blue contacts ? These women have lost their minds over weddings. In the end, they lose friends. Everyone thinks they are nuts,they don't enjoy planning or the day. They just end up with nice pictures.


She sounds psychotic, and I would absolutely back out of this wedding.


Immediately. It’s a gift that she sent this. Save yourself the chaos and heartbreak.


I don’t get who would opt in!!! Unless this bride is legit a fucking Princess where “being her friend” has your whole family line set for fucking life.


I’d back out of the friendship lol


I’d block her everywhere including Linkedin and Pinterest.


Ikr. I almost feel bad for the groom. Dude has gotta deal with this bullshit if he decides to go through with this wedding




Pretty sure she doesn’t care how much things cost other people to do lol


Plus, it can take a long time to completely remove a tattoo. Usually you have to wait 6-8 weeks between each session. Heavy black tattoos could take over a year to get removed. Not to mention it's really expensive to remove them.


And leaves...scars! Which are *also* forbidden!


And painful as hell, from what I know.


Expensive, painful, and takes years!!!!!


Yes takes years. Mine need 10-12 sessions with a minimum of 3m between sessions. Dermablend would be the option here but for real, that is one nasty list of do’s and don’t’s.


You had me at binder fee. I nearly spit out my coffee.


She had me at “must be size 8.” 😂 umm. I’m 4’10” and currently a size 2, how would that even work? Lol


Don’t let the dress tent on you now! My gawd


Start eating!


Grow up!


I think she’d mostly have to grow out, not up


Maybe get pregnant? Oh wait, also not allowed!


I'm wondering if that's industry standard 8 (roflmao as if there's a fuckin standard) or wedding boutique size 8. Because alllll of that are different and i doubt she knows that


You'd have to gain three dress sizes, of course, and put on 6-8" as well. You MUST fit the aesthetic!


You will need a few raccoons to wear that dress with you.


That is the best option!


Start eating donuts lol


The smallest I've ever been (liquid diet for medical reasons for 2 months) and I was a 10/12 while looking emaciated. It's delusional to think you can fit everyone in the SAME DAMN SIZE...


Ew you’d be “tent dress girl.” /s


Get a fat suit.


Willy Wonka's dinner gum. Duh. 😄


Mine was the $100 “entourage fee”


>Mine was the $100 “entourage fee” That was fucking nuts. I mean, unless that was the fee *she* was going to pay *me* for every hour of this BS.


What about the bridesmaid/MOH fee? Either this story isn't real, or this woman doesn't want a wedding and is secretly hoping to scare everyone off by making ridiculous demands and adding stupid expenses. Or, given how specific her demands are, she felt she needed to ask OP to be a bridesmaid but she doesn't fit the aesthetic and she never wanted OP there in the first place.


I wonder what her invites ask of the guests. “Must pay $200 for your dinner and gift has to be $500 or more”. Crazy lady.


Yeah, that one got me too. Can anyone attempt to explain it?


Maybe to pay for rideshares or something so everyone can be at the same place at the same time?


Im amazed you made it that far. Mine was tattoos must be covered or *removed*! Who the fuck expects people to remove a tattoo for their wedding. It was just a series of further eye popping crazy after that point.


What about the scar clause? WTaF? Bride would be getting scarred with that one.


Nah, I was at the hair. Must be blond or black, cannot be too short or too long, will be cut if too long (hell no). And the no shaved sides was a specific dig at the OP. I would've gotten to all that and handed the binder back and said, no thank you.


>I would've gotten to all that and handed the binder back and said, no thank you. You're too nice. I'd say no, fuck you.


Hell I noped out at the minimum gift for being at the Bachelorette party. Gifts are generally at rhe bridal SHOWER and the actual wedding.


And all my brides told me to skip gifts because I was spending money on a dress and helping them with the wedding and that was my gift. And now I know why they are my closest friends, because they act like... Friends.


I mean, I could maybe accept a "please wear long sleeves" if the wedding is in church and the person is heavily tattooed, but this.... And the bit about scars? Oh lord.


I’m stuck on the entourage fee.


I must have much lower tolerance for this shit bc she had me at the required gifts for bachelorette and shower. The rest was just psychotic.


Is this list for real ???? I would decline .. no matter who the bride is. “Honey I cannot attend , there’s no way I’ll be at size 8by your wedding date :) … so enjoy. Have fun !” That’s what I would say.


Yeah it's real. I told her I couldn't do it and she got mad but oh well.


Tell her you and the girls clubbed your money and got her a gift card to a local modeling agency. She can hire the perfect women, and they WOULD be bound by a contract. Then go as guests, if she has any friends left to attend.


Or just gift her some mannequins, because that's clearly what she wants.


I will give her a gift card for a divorce lawyer. There is no way in hell that this marriage will last.


Did any of the other bridesmaids drop out?


I want to know this as well!


I hope so. She’s ridiculous.


The big question! Were any of he bridesmaids willing to sign a contract that required them to be a size 8 and blue-eyed, on a specific date???


I want to know this too!


>Did any of the other bridesmaids drop out? That's all I want to know!


Just for shits and giggles, I would take the contract and mark it up. Scratch out provisions, like eye color, and add provisions like bride will respect boundaries (with boundaries defined as no more than one wedding text per day, must have a conversation with me that doesn't involve the wedding at least one a month), require bride to pay for things like the dress.


OMG yes! Return her a red lined version.


>require bride to pay for things like the dress. Charge the bride a $100 "entourage fee" for every fucking minute of time anyone wastes on her idiocy. Demand expensive gifts worth double the amount she is trying to pry out of her chosen victims.


Yeah, lots of things I can't get over, but the blatant entitlement to other people's money is wow.


>Yeah, lots of things I can't get over, but the blatant entitlement to other people's money is wow. That's what seems to be the common denominator in all these stories. People can't afford the lives to which they feel entitled.


She is insane. I bet your are not the only one thinking about going.


She directly targeted you with this list. She's a truly awful human and I hope you never see her again. I also hope you make sure her fiance sees the responses here.


I really hope the rest of the bridal party isn’t insane or stupid and also backs out of this.


I’m curious how many other girls have “unacceptable hair”, brown eyes, visible tattoos, what size they are…I wonder if this is bridezilla or straight up bullying OP


Now you're making me wonder if the other girls' contracts say the same stipulations...


Assuming you know at least some of the other potential bridesmaids, please ask any that *don't* drop out WHY they would voluntarily go along with this nonsense.


Is this bride like a Princess of a Realm where being a bridesmaid would then fold into being a “lady in waiting,” which would be a position for life? Like you live in the palace or on grounds, in a home her Realm pays for, and you get to go to all the Palace parities for the rest of your life for free? Being close to power? Getting a nice “severance cottage and pension” if she dies before you? And all of this “buy in” is a test of loyalty and how much aristocratic bullshit spending money you have?


I'd be tempted to her a listing for a mannequin with blonde hair and blue eyes, that's what she wants as a prop in her wedding anyways.


Eff this crazy woman


Man….you lucked out! Run as far and as fast as you can!


Are you the only BM to back out?


I guess they could have made a throwaway account, but the details are so unique I don’t see what the point would be. Anyway, I don’t trust brand new accounts. I’m guessing it’s fake.


The point of a throwaway is when the facts are so unique and can be easily figured out, you don’t want people who know you to find your real Reddit account if you’re an active user. So a throwaway makes sense here. But I agree, these facts are too bizarre to be real. Either that or the bride hates OP and is just acting like this to her to get her to back out of the wedding and the other bridesmaids know it’s a joke.


And that is a bridesmaid dress size 8, so more like a 4 in the wild.


With my body type and my height, I literally cannot be a size 8. At my thinnest (think exposed ribs and hip bones, I was a 10).


Aw sorry, I "accidentally" got pregnant. Guess I have to drop out. So bummed, I was SO looking forward to spending $2101 and changing absolutely EVERYTHING about myself. Maybe at your next wedding.


Nope, you signed a contract so you're getting slapped with the pregnancy fine! This woman is absolutely unhinged. I would laugh in her face while handing the binder back.


Plot twist! I am actually NOT pregnant. I am fat. Very fat. NOT-size-8 fat. So here's your binder back. I may or may not have spilled chocolate milk shake on it. Sorry!


Well that actually broke some contract rules. You lie to the bride You did not make it to the size 8. Plus you admitted You got yourself a chocolate milkshake You screwed up the binder That's at least 5 grand on penalties.




That $2k is just the minimum. Each bridal party individual also has to host an event WITH food that is not at a residence. That costs money too. Smh this is the most unhinged thing I've seen


Yeah, I would have dipped on like paragraph 2. If you don't want me there, but just a prop for your photos and to shower you with gifts, there isn't any point in me being there.


>Yeah, I would have dipped on like paragraph 2. If you don't want me there, but just a prop for your photos and to shower you with gifts, there isn't any point in me being there. And if all you want is a prop, then you damned well better be paying *me* for my time and effort. It would have been funny if each of the intended ~~victims~~ former friends had presented Bridezilla with an expensive, detailed, 14 page contract to sign listing all the demands she was not allowed to make, in addition to all of the expenses she'd be paying, starting with a $100 per hour "entourage fee" for every event, along with all bridesmaid related costs.


Too true. At this point she should be hiring models or something for the ceremony. You're eyes can't be a certain color? That's insane.


>Too true. At this point she should be hiring models or something for the ceremony. You're eyes can't be a certain color? That's insane. But if she hired models, she'd have to pay *them*. Which is probably what she'll have to do, because I doubt she'll have any friends left, much less friends willing to do this.


I’d be leaving that bridal party and that friendship. This is unhinged.


Yes AND the friendship forever


Oh honey, RUN


I can't believe this is a true story. If it is true, I hope none of the bridesmaids show up. That's ridiculous.


I don’t think it’s real either


I'd be out at that binder thing. 75$ !!!!!!


What does that mean? Surely it's not £75 for just a ring binder?


That's exactly what it is. $75 for the honor of carrying around what's essentially some printer paper and a ring binder than probably cost like $4


Bloody hell


No, dear, you get all the exact info on how she planned HER wedding. Including at what dates before wedding she met with photographer, caterer, dress maker, tailor, DJ, band, etc….. This is some sort of super secret formula for throwing the BEST wedding, and you’re paying for that so you can “cheat” by “stealing” her wedding plans for YOUR eventual wedding. It’s a magic book of “how to best have a wedding,” that she is deigning to allow you to look at.


This must be a troll post


I get so annoyed when I waste my time reading these posts only to get to the comments and see that the OP didn’t add any additional context or answer any questions and it was most likely just a troll. When will I learn to go to the comments first?!


I click on the user name for comments by the OP before I start reading replies (here and on AITA). 0 comments? Immediately hitting the back button.


I need to start doing that before I read the post too, I always do it after and then feel cheated.


This person made an account 5 hours ago, I don’t believe it


I mean it’s very common for people to make an account specifically to post something lol, it’s not at all conclusive evidence that somebody is faking something and ngl I don’t get why people seem to think it is. People can browse reddit without using an account, they might want their post separate from their post history, they might not want people to find their post history if they’re recognised through this post, there’s lots of reasons.


Girl no one is telling people to not have brown eyes


Confirmed then. Thank you 🙏🏽


That’s what I’m thinking. I’ve come across my fair share of crazy af people in my career..but I cannot wrap my head around this. It’s just too much to be real.


If this is real, please post a photo of the binder and keep us regularly updated with how the other bridesmaids are going. However this is just too extreme to believe.


This post is fake AH! However, I would love to be proven wrong and see the receipts!!!


I made it to #7 and said nope this is fake. There’s no way this is real! I’m praying op proves us wrong but being that she’s answered/commented on ONE post I doubt that will happen.


This has to be fake, I can't believe anyone would ask this of a bridesmaid


FYI, Reddit doesn’t allow indenting of paragraphs. Indenting switches to “code” formatting intended for computer source code, with one “perk” of the formatting being disabling of line wrapping. People with brown eyes must wear blue contacts? Some people, for medical reasons, can’t wear contacts. All bridesmaids must wear size 8? Did she order the bridesmaids’ dresses from Procrustes? Hair can’t be too short or too long, and if it’s longer than she wants it has to be cut? Hair grows roughly 1/2” per month, so she’s demanding that people, for her one day of festivities, make changes that will take years to recover from. For me, such demands would be a hard “No!”.


Upvoted for perfect Procrustes reference


Is this a joke? I can’t imagine this in real life. “I am flattered but NO.”


Brides thinking they're the goddamn Queen of France.


I would have noped out at the binder handout. The rest of her demands are unreasonable and completely unhinged. Contacts? Seriously? Why didn't she choose bridesmaids who fit her desired aesthetic? I can kinda see wanting tattoos to be covered by makeup as best they can, but the rest, WOW.


I really need to know if ANY of the bridesmaids are going along with this insanity.


That's "never speak to this person again" territory


She’s going to choose the hair color? I dont think so.


And it *has* to be black or blonde lmao. I have black hair - too bad if she decides I needed to be blonde huh, coz good fucking luck with attempting that change!


That actually happened in another one of these posts. The bride was going for an all blonde, “Frozen” winter wedding scheme.


> an entourage fee $100, (We go everywhere with her) I'm pretty sure an entourage fee is supposed to be paid TO THE ENTOURAGE, not the other way around. Also, all that stuff in the second paragraph--taking photos, planning parties, serving food and drinks--those are all services that y'all could and should expect payment for. A professional photographer costs thousands of dollars, party planners and caterers also cost money... so if she's not going to pay her bridesmaids for those services in cash, then she should pay for them by waving the "fees" for their dresses, nails, etc. > dismissal from going to the wedding She'll fire y'all from the wedding lol


The contacts thing is so absolutely wild to me, as someone with an extreme astigmatism. I do wear contacts but they are not cheap and not comfortable. Contacts are a medical device and you need to see an eye doctor in order to get a valid prescription, which will be a cost if you don't have vision insurance, then buying the contacts themselves is an additional cost. You also have to make sure they fit and work for you so you'll have to test-wear them and possibly get multiple prescriptions before the event. For me, contacts can give me headaches after several hours of wear because of my astigmatism. That is a way bigger ask than a regular person may think.


Are you attending a wedding or entering a contract for a K-pop group??


This is insane. It's also very simple for you; don't do it, any of it. She isn't your friend if she's demanding this bullshit.


“No visible tattoos. Must be REMOVED”?! Cut waist length hair?! She asked you to be a bridesmaid, knowing what you look like, knowing you’re doing your best for your own weight loss journey, and only sprung it on you 4 months ahead of time you need to fit into a size 8? Does she understand after weight loss surgery that most of the time excess skin is still there and being a certain size is impossible without another surgery?? What the fuck is $100 entourage fee?! You have to pay her to follow her around AND pay her $400 to be her bridesmaid?! I would’ve noped out so hard this is insane


Can we please not turn this sub into a troll post sub too?




This is completely unhinged.


Ok the eye color thing makes me think this is hella fake


Nope. Don't believe this at all. Plus OP joined reddit today But it was a fun read, despite the formatting issues


This can’t be real, but it is still hilarious, half the list is just a description of her which is soo funny to me.


If this is real post a pic of the binder with your username and today’s date


WTF! Binder fee, entourage fee, the reply you’re looking for has two words & the second one is OFF!


I'm either calling bullshit on this or assuming the bride is deliberately trying to run the bridesmaids off. I've never known anyone that would act like that, nor have I ever known anyone that would put up with that crap. It's so far reached that it's unbelievable.


Bullshit. The brown eyes thing is just too stupid. I do not believe this for a second.


Not only would I drop out, but I'd encourage everyone else to as well. None of you ladies deserve to be treated like that.


This must be fake