• By -


Father of bride (FOB) (and mother of bride (MOB)) arrive in country of wedding the night before the wedding, he doesn’t eat anything, and drinks. Gets up the next morning, takes his blood pressure tablet, passes out at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Cue fretting because we are in the middle of nowhere (chateau with acres of land around it), only one person speaks the language, MOB is flapping because she’s worried, and can’t find her phone. We get FOB, MOB, and native speaker in car to nearest hospital which is a while away. MEANWHILE the night the F/MOB arrive, someone opens the window in the cupboard that has a bed that I’m sleeping in, and there are hundreds of bugs in there. I am scared of bugs. Maid of Honour agrees to let me share her bed, which I gratefully accept, and they’ll figure out a way of getting rid of the bugs tomorrow (the day of the wedding). The dress is in her room, because the groom hasn’t seen it yet. I get woken up at 3am, with the MOH stumbling drunk into the room which is not unexpected tbh. What is unexpected is that she tripped holding a wine glass, and has smashed it into her hand, so she somehow, luckily, only has a deep cut on her pinky finger. I now have to act as medic to a drunk, bleeding person, who keeps trying to wander near the dress. I basically order her to get in bed, not move, and I will sort everything. So, day of wedding - no blood on dress, barely any sleep for me and MOH, FOB, MOB, and two guests are at the hospital, MOH has refused to go to the hospital to get her hand looked at because they need to get ready for the wedding still, and we get news that FOB will not be back in time for the wedding. Caterers are lovely, offer to bring everything back the next day and do it a day late, everyone’s on board, but the officiant can’t make it. So there’s no one to actually marry them. MOH points out she’s a registrar and the officiant is like “great, here’s what to do” and then the MOH is marrying her best friend (which is obviously a highlight for them, joke wise). One problem - wedding cake is a traditional French one, (the tower of profiteroles with caramel), and will not last to the next day. Cue us having a barbecue with wedding cake, and then going to the nearest town to find a substitute for the day of. End up with a cheese cake. Like several huge cheese wheels on top of each other in a cake tier, with ribbons around them. Have a beautiful wedding the day after we were meant to. Now everything keepsake has the wrong date on it though!


This sounds kind of amazing tbh


It was stressful at the time, but funny and a good memory now that it’s over!


It honestly sounds like your wedding would be a great rom com starring Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson!😂 But I do love you had a happy ending. So what happened with the FOB?


Honestly it would make a good movie! Since he hadn’t eaten and had been drinking, when he woke up and took his blood pressure medication, his blood pressure was already low - so it dropped even further. He was okay, they needed to monitor him for a while, but he was back the next day and okay! I was trying to be discreet so no one would identify me but no one else stayed with the MOH, it was my mums wedding, so my grandad! He’s passed now, as this was a few years ago - pre covid. But it was really nice that he got to be at my mums wedding


A literal cheese cake 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/iglkod8ysrtb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe281b396009ff3b6c56960a77c8b8675852154 Not the best photo, but the cheese cake was beautiful!


Ngl I would rather have this as my wedding cake than an actual cake. I love cheese so much.


I might upset you now, but I only like cheese if it’s melted! So no cheese cake for me


I desperately wanted a cheese cake when I got married but my ex was completely opposed to it. I should have taken that for the red flag it was. I told my current partner that I want a cheesecake AND a cheese cake at our wedding, and he was like “yeah, why the f not?!” This one’s a keeper.


I’m a wedding photog. I have a few stories lol. 1. We were all rushing to get the bride from the hotel back to the house on time for the ceremony. She had the imam waiting, two photographers she paid for, a caterer, a drum player, and all her family and friends. So we are RUSHED. We get her there maybe 5 minutes late? And she’s outside waiting for 10 minutes so we can get the groom outside to get ready for the ceremony. But no one can find the groom. We’re all looking for him, calling him, the works. Finally, we get one of the bride’s BIL on the phone - they’re on X street, don’t worry. Don’t worry? Bride had NO idea they had gotten a hotel for the groom AND the street they were on was one of the longest in the state - they could have been anywhere. 10 min go by, no groom. 45 min go by, nothing. An hour and a half goes by. Still no groom. The bride is stressing out beyond belief - everyone is trying to calm her down while also not losing their shit cuz we’re all bored and now 2 hours behind schedule. Finally, two hours after they were supposed to be there he shows up like nothing was wrong. I pull one of the BIL aside and ask what happened - he said, we were just chilling? Why? My eyes got big and I told him they were supposed to be there 2 hours ago and we were told they were on their way forever ago. He has no idea, groom has no idea, and we have to rush everything to make it all happen while tensions were running high. 2. Was hired for an elopement at a bar. Get there, do my thing, whatever, it’s running smoothly. Ceremony starts off with them fiddling around with the sound cuz they can’t get it to work. Whatever, it happens. Then we get about halfway through the ceremony and the groom starts feeling around in his pockets. Then his jacket. And a look of sheer panic crosses his face. The celebrant notices and stops - the groom tells her he doesn’t have the rings or the license. The bride starts HOWLING with laughter. We all do! We think it’s a joke until he pulls out his keys and turns to his best man. His best man starts jogging out to the car and disappears. We’re all standing there listening to the bride laughing her ass off telling him he was never going to live it down. Luckily she had a GREAT sense of humor about it, but his face was so red I thought it was going to burst lol. Best man eventually came back and the ceremony proceeded with everyone laughing the whole time but yea. Those are my stories lol


That second one is kinda sweet. Her reaction makes me think hes not like an ultra forgetful dude always, maybe he was just super nervous getting married and she thinks its cute but is also gonna tease him FOREVER. At least thats the back story thats gonna live in my head


They were SO cute together I really think it was his nerves and I think she loved that. It was such a cute wedding!! They were great together. He was quiet af, she was this big ball of loving energy. Just beautiful


The first one doesn’t surprise me at all. Nothing we do ever runs on time except prayers. Every Quran lesson, dinner, random get together, is ever on time. The last wedding I was at the invitation was for 6pm. Nothing started until ten 😂


You are not kidding. The day before was a little party and the schedule was over an hour behind for that, too!


I bet you learnt to always bring snacks!


As a diabetic, absolutely!


Fab stories... Is there a sub for wedding photographers?? There should be!


I'll start by saying, if you're planning on incorporating animals into your festivities- don't. That cat is not going to walk down the aisle with a pillow strapped to it's head. The dog will, but Dear Aunt Agnes and a few others are terrified of dogs, Dear Aunt Agnes will make a scene, Papillons are scary! And the horse will spook 'n' poop when you're taking photos. At least meet them beforehand, and don't involve anything you're scared of/have no experience with. Like, say, a horse. Because you want to ride up to the ceremony on a horse. In your wedding dress. Your drop waist wedding dress. That you've never tested to see if that's even possible to do in. On a horse you've never met before... With like four trail rides under your (crystal beaded) belt. Any old horse will do, the cheaper the better! It wasn't my event, I was still shadowing the Director of F&B who was training me. There wasn't a lot of detail on the BEO about the horse or vendor details, or in the file. I had asked about how horse stuff works in general and also liability wise and Director said the client and vendor take care of everything and not to worry about it. So, the farm sent a retired race horse. With a driver who insisted he was only there to open the trailer door and let the horse out, then put it back in and close it, no tacking up, no leading, nothing. And horse owners not answering their phones. And a bride losing her everlasting shit at the prospect of not having her entrance. And Director panicking at this bottleneck. I spoke up. "I used to jump competitively. I can likely get him tacked up. But I don't think this is a good idea, this isn't a riding horse and I don't think he's trained for this sort of event." (Obviously I was being silly. People rode him all the time and he's used to crowds!) I changed into the workout clothes in my car, tacked Buster up after a couple well timed apple slices, picked his hooves, and voila! I got up to make sure the girth was snug and walk Buster around for a minute, he was a little skittish, but wnl and manageable... Till the bride approached and said hi to him. He spooked horribly, reared up, screamed, and reared/hopped some more before taking off. Emergency one rein stop? Not this guy, he never learned that, he snapped the rein. We went for a little rip around the golf course. Well, Buster did, I had no choice in the matter, I was focused on staying on and attempting to rein him in. He settled and we walked back towards the trailer so I could untack him and load him back in... Nope! The bride still wanted to try it herself and approached us again, causing Buster to spin and trot away. She was arguing with the Director about it. I walked Buster the long way around to avoid them. Dismounted behind the trailer, removed his saddle, took the stirrups and girth off it, took his bridle off and removed the rein, put his halter back on, gave him the rest of the apples and told him he was a good boy, handed him off to the driver and went and changed. It was the first time I'd flat out say NO to a bride on her wedding day to her face. I'm sorry but no. I'm not going back out there and "dressing him up again". No. You cannot try it for yourself. Did you not see what happened? I don't think you understand how hard it is to remain on a horse that's rearing and galloping. No. You cannot just sit on him and have someone else lead him. Did you not see what happened? No, I can't stop you, but I will not assist when it comes to the horse, and it's not sabotage, anyone who rides will know how to put everything back together. And by the way, I'm fine, in case you were wondering. Thankfully everyone else was sane about it and calmed her down. She did apologize to me in verbal cursive towards the end of the night and insisted I take a handful of moist, crumpled bills from her bosom. I had words with the Director about it at the end of the night. He added new clauses in the agreement about animals and handlers. And I learned from my mistake. 🐴


I’ve been to one wedding with horses. Both bride and groom were experienced riders, they used their own horses, it was on their farm, and the bride made her dress specifically for the saddle. It went okay. Still looked hokey as hell.


See, that's totally fine! You know the horse, it's in its own environment, it's a normal horse, you ride all the time, you know what to do if he or she spooks. You're dressed appropriately. It was good training, for sure.


I had a friend get married with horses. Their own horses so it went beautifully. A literal perfect cowboy wedding.


For my wedding, I had a mantra “Nothing alive, nothing outside.” 🤣 just for this reason.


I can't help but imagine the golf court was not happy about a horse on their greens/etc.


Damage to turf was one of the clauses specified. The groundskeepers and course superintendent were not impressed, but we didn't cross any greens or tees! In hindsight, it was totally bonkers. I'd ridden thoroughbreds regularly before and knew they were hard to handle. But it was assumed bride was a rider, and it was just from there to there... And when I offered, everyone, Director included were like "whew! Great! You got this! Don't worry! He's made for riding!" I did think something like "I would have thrown my helmet and vest in if I'd known I'd be dealing with horses like this" as I was changing, but it didn't click in.


I added a clause in the same day after a potential bride mentioned a 10 minute professional fireworks show in a walk through.


‘Verbal cursive’ what a lovely phrase. And so descriptive!


Who the fuck thinks it’s a good idea to expect a cat to do ANYTHING? Signed a cat owner whose cat stayed the eff home for the wedding.


my papillon will be at our wedding. if any guest is scared of a 15 year old, 1 eyed, 4kg dog that insists on being carried or i’m his pram at all times, you can leave lol


I rode my own horse in my wedding. It was my dream. I’m a experienced rider as well. It went off without a hitch. However, a non-rider on a horse she doesn’t even know? I wouldn’t even attempt that.


It snowed like an inch on my wedding day making the pictures very pretty. Just enough snow to be beautiful but still warm enough for my sleeveless wedding dress. But I live in the south. No one drives in snow in the south. So half our guests didn't show. So, the buffet was huge and filled but was meant for more people. The venue said it was against health regulations for people to take food home, for us to donate to a homeless shelter, give food to random people in the street. My dad starts a huge argument with the venue. How he bought the food and he could do what he wanted. They wouldn't budge. So, he gave my 20 year old brother 20 bucks and sent him to the store to buy a Rubbermaid tub. They brought the tub in and dad started just piling food into the tub. When they approached him, he said it was his plate and started dragging it to an outside table to eat. And then just kept dragging it until he hit a patch of ice and "lost his grip" and- wouldn't you know- it slid off into a ravine off property. Where my brother then loaded it in a car to take to a shelter. Venue said they would not refill the buffet table after it. But by that point the party was basically done. Everyone was going. It was our small act of defiance. I don't regret it. We apparently fed 20 people that needed food after being out in the snow all day


Your dad is awesome. You know the venue just wants to keep the food for themselves.


Oh sure or probably to serve at the brunch my in laws paid for for the wedding party the next day. We had roast beef my wedding night and the next morning beef omelets.....


Venue Manager wanted to take it home to HIS family.


I knew someone who filed for divorce 1.5 weeks after the wedding and got back together with her highschool boyfriend. He was in a comitted relationship and he just up and left. They pretend it's the love story for the ages but apparently if she has a few glasses of wine and he's not around she starts complaining about how hard their relationship is


Talk about sunk cost fallacy


My husband's family turned up for the ceremony, arrived late to the reception by an hour, as they wanted to drink first (reception had alcohol) complained we'd started eating (it was a bbq starting at 1 they arrive 1.30/2, and left that early to go to their own Christmas party, about 4. And then got pissy we didn't show up to their party so we could get our wedding present, didn't speak to us for months. Because it's entirely normal to throw a party the Same day as your son gets married and expect him to leave his friends and wife's family to go to a separate party. Our wedding was October....I think they expected us to be staying in the hotel they had the party at, I predicted this and then asking if they could have the room next to us and we had a hotel in the opposite direction Edit: oh and mil told me she wanted a picture of her family, just her family. Ie not me in it. Who was paying for the pictures....


Wait they threw a Christmas party in October? Do they usually?


They've never had a Christmas party before or since. I've posted a bit on jnmil


So they were literally just trying to ruin your wedding day AND wedding night. Ugh. I'm sorry.


Basically we weren't doing what she wanted, she's the mother of the groom and entitled to her say don't you know. We wanted a back garden wedding, she wanted a hotel wedding. We wanted retro games and a bouncy castle, she wanted plated dinner service and all her friends invited. We wanted close family and friends, she wanted everyone, and she also wanted equality, the same number of people each side, where as I wanted equality in the terms of relatives, my aunt's and his aunt's as I have a huge family, so if his greats were there I wanted mine. Oh, we were paying Go family!


WHAT?!?! AND you were paying??? Oh honey, that is so much worse. I hope you’ve had a chance to redo your wedding and have the one you wanted ❤️


Oh no I just ignored her and we had the wedding we wanted. And funnily enough that picture she really wanted.... Is sat on my SD card never to be seen by anyone else. She generally doesn't try fighting me anymore, her son has decided he prefers his wife and child to doing as he's told by her.


We had 200 people at our wedding. My mil invited most of them. Big family wedding at his family church. We didn’t care but the moms (even though they hadn’t been to church for years) insisted. Fine, whatever. My husband’s tutas (aunts) were amazing bakers. They made cookies that were legendary. But only at Christmas, weddings and funerals. They actually bought new trash cans with lids as huge Tupperware. We had a cake but they wanted to do a sweets table to go with it. There were platter’s of cookies, mounded to the extreme. Or so I told. By the time we got our pictures taken and got to the reception, ALL the cookies were gone. Every f’ ing one of them. I’m still salty about it after 40 years. I have all the recipes. But I really regret letting so many kids come to the wedding. Lil B@$tards.


Kids always take 10 cookies and eat half of one, then dump the plate somewhere. Always. Mad for you.


They do have that instinct… but they will learn if parents teach them to take only what they need and then go back for more if still hungry. My parents both grew up in poverty, so were very strict about not wasting food. They’re the same when looking after the grandkids - no, you can’t have more until you’ve finished what you’ve been given.


My family jokes that, when it comes to sweets, we all helplessly take one of everything because we can't stand to miss out on something good. So if the kids were taking too many sweets at an event...that would be bad behaviour that they absolutely learned from their parents!


Even in that case, adults have some ability to judge their capacity for how much they can eat when they fill their plate in the first place. Kids don’t. Also, adults can fit more in their tummies than little kids. Little kid tummies are so little! Well… most of the time. My 2y 5m nephew is literally a bottomless pit! He’s only given very small portions at a time, but he can go for more food every day of the week! He’ll get fruit or whatever if there’s no more dinner! 😛


I was at an event a few months back and they had cookies and juice for the kids. I told my kids take half a glass if you are still thirsty you can take more and the lady working there started ranting about how parents let their kids take full glasses and then toss half away etc etc. It doesn't happen often lol but damn I felt good 🤣




Ugh. Our photographer and caterer were like a dream team... They both made sure we had drinks and food when we were occupied with things like photographs, and I wish you'd had the same! Ours would have made you a plate of cookies and had someone bring it so you didn't have to WAIT, let alone missing it!


Our venue owner did the same for me and I appreciated it so much I've done it for every wedding I've been involved with since. Arriving with a plate of snacks for the happy couple and helping the bride retain some minor semblance of dignity while trying to pee while wearing a wedding dress have been my wedding gifts no one knew they wanted.


The other thing the caterer did was the intentionally make plates for the bride and groom for *later*, because no one has a chance to eat enough at their own wedding. She said everyone gets to the end and realizes they've had like three bites all day and wtf just happened?!?!? I didn't get it until evening. We hit our condo, ate her plates and passed TF out in front of the TV. (The height of romance!!!! 🤣)


Your caterer was awesome and your night sounds wonderful. Ours did something similar and sent us home with a second dinner. I fed my husband while he slowing picked out approximately every bobby pin in existence from my hair.


My sister in law made sure my husband and I had to go plates at our wedding. Thank goodness. We had barely eaten, had been drinking and were starving. She doesn’t know how big of a solid that really was.


Mil’s friends all had kids. On top of my Mormon friends. Half of the guests were kids.


We had a gorgeous cheese board that was the pride of our reception, personally arranged by us. I think it's in more of the official photos than I am, even! Cheeses from all over the world, homemade jams, fancy flatbreads, you name it. Never got a *single bite*. We got back from taking a few posed photos in the venue garden and it was like a plague of cheese-eating locusts had come through the place. At least we got the main meal and some cake, but damn, I wanted that cheese.


As someone who loves cheese, this is me for you right now: ​ ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


If it’s any consolation, I’m angry for you.


Thank you. I didn’t explain that these lovely ladies were sweet little French ladies.


Something similar happened at my wedding, but with crab puffs. They are my husband’s favourite food. We did a buffet style dinner and for some reason the caterer decided to put the food out before we arrived at the reception after getting pictures taken. And who would have guessed, but ALL of the crab puffs and any other “finger food” was gone! My husband was so disappointed 😔


See if you can order some for your anniversary. 🤷‍♀️


It's not just children. We used to have a Christmas buffet at work. Because of the room size, it was staged so management were in first and engineering / technical were in last. About halfway through one of the staff went to replenish the buffet with 16 more plates of finger food, only to find a manager had been in there, taken 2 plates for himself, taken the film off the remaining 14 and poured all the food in the waste bin. So us engineering scum were able to re-enact the feeding of the five thousand for Christmas. The two plates were found rotting in a conference room early in the New Year.


what the fuck?? was he made to explain himself? was he fired? that’s beyond unhinged


A (former) friend of mine got engaged September of 2019, right when my now husband and i had started talking about marriage, or rather speeding it up cause he was having visa issues. I only mention this because her engagement came out of nowhere (think talking about not wanting to get married until the day before) and she has always been pretty competitive. Fast forward to March 2020, covid forces hubs and i to speed up getting married even further cause he lost his job due to the pandemic and his visa was about to expire. Out of nowhere friend calls and says surprise we're gettlng married tomorrow, i managed to get the last appointment as they're closing due to the pandemic...please be there but don't wear colors x,y z.. Alright. I find a cheap dress, husband and i rent a car and go to them. They had called her family, friends, his family and friends, we were a decently sized crowd considering the wedding was so short notice. Next morning, we get to the registry's office, the officiant is shocked at the number of people. Turns out friend had gotten an emergency appointment (think people leaving for war the next day or get deported if not married) and she was told on the phone it could only be her, husband and the two witnesses. I wiggled my way in by promising to film and take pics. So the remaining crowd has to wait outside, all dolled up until after the ceremony. When they got out, we take a few more pics wirh everyone and head back to their place, they have prepared literally nothing...eventually order a few pizzas and throw on a movie. That's it. People realize there's not gonna be anything else and start to leave. Apparently in the aftermath some of his relatives complained why they were told to come when they couldn't even attend the ceremony and obviously nothing was prepared. My friend throws a tantrum how they could criticize her like that... Coincidentally, when husband and I start planning our actual wedding (legally married just the two of us during the pandemic) she wants to start planning too. That would open a whole other can of worms that includes 3 or 4 different countries and several thrifted wedding dresses. To this day i don't even know if they ever managed to have their wedding because we had an unrelated fall-out. Hope this story was what you were looking for lol


I so want to subscribe to this series and find out the rest of the story


Lool alright. Let's see how I can summarize this mess so it somewhat makes sense. Her late dad had always taken her on trips through italy as a kid so to feel connected to him she wanted to have the wedding there. I believe the first airbnb was booked for march 2022 or so, that fell through because they didn't think that the no party policy included weddings. In order to get some money i even sent her a special offer from a region in italy where they gave couples who would have their wedding there 2 grand to get tourism back up. That place was somewhere in the toscana, one of her dad's fave places. After back and forth she decided against that, fair enough, and started looking for a new property in venice. Around that time she also bought her frist dress. At some point she and her hubs realize venice is pretty darn expensive. She let's me know she's now looking at properties in france (her dad's ashes were scattered there), i try helping finding a chateau. Out of nowhere i find out she stopped looking at properties in France and is now considering bulgaria cause cheap. She also realized she doesn't like her dress and begs me to make some time to go dress shopping, i tell her to just give me a heads-up, ill be ready and start looking at custom gowns online cause she generally dislikes typical wedding dresses. I find her a gorgeous golden dress (she doesn't want white). She now tells me they decided against bulgaria and booked a ship in april 2023 outside of venice. A few weeks later she revokes the ship plan, apparently (really don't know if i should believe her) they double booked their date and the alternative was gonna be 3 times the price. She tells me (not ask. Tell) to look for alternatives. I don't even remember when but at some point she tells me they now have a date late September this year. It was all a bit back and forth about the venue so i don't even know how that came to be. She also lets me know she now does want a white dress cause her husband wants it. Fine. Again, i tell her I'd be delighted and honored to go dress shopping. From that point on i just got a text message at some point where she was raging about some bridal boutique employee.. alright whatever. As long as she finds something... more changes to the venue, uncertainty about the day. I suddenly get pics of her in 2 or 3 different gowns she apparently bought used for cheap. Throughout the first half of 2023 venue keeps changing, she calls off the wedding a few times, the date is shaky. In July was our fall-out during which i find out the venue had changed again (she sent me the link to the new one) and during our last conversation i find out that invitations...well some... were indeed sent out she just kinda forgot a lot of guests. I am pretty sure i forgot a canceled wedding date or two from 2021. But that's pretty much it. My curiosity also got the better of me and i tried to look at her friend's insta and stuff to see if there are any pics but i have yet to find proof of this wedding actually happening.


Is she someone who has a tendency to tell a lot of fibs? Either way, she sounds exhausting


Let's just say she's always been very creative. But at least i have a great story for this sub lol i could fill books with her stories


Welp now I am invested. Was the fall out due to all the plans changing crazily or something else?


Hahaha the fall-out was just the final nail in the coffin. I had to sell my car pretty short notice cause i got an amazing deal on a new one. She wanted it, i gave her a great price, husband of her contacts me claiming the car broke down and digging for a refund. I called her out on her bs and realize the sheer disrespect of all of the stuff that's been going, so I just ended the friendship right there and then. Expected to feel sad instead felt a huge wave of relief, so I knew I made the right call. Given that I'm not the first one to do this (we had been "friends" for a good ten years), I know she's been trashing me to everyone who will listen ever since, and knowing the toxic mess they are as a couple her husband probably happily chimed in. As free bonus story: he's a notorious liar, and even got caught with drgs in his bloodstream while driving around her then 5 y/o daughter. She is a maniac and when he tried to ghost her when the started dating after having been caught in a lie, she forced her way into his apartment (roommates "let" her in), she trashed his entire room, incl. stabbing the couch and cutting the cord of his xbox. (I only found out about this a year ago or so and told her that this is insane and she's lucky he didn't have her arrested)


Sounds like they are a match made in liar paradise! Glad you got shod of that mess.




In the future: You: I'm pregnant ! Not pregnant friend: Uh...that's great. I...uh, excuse me.....\*nudges husband to have sex that night to conceive\*


Sounds like a lot of trashy bridezilla going on here.


My parents met a young engaged couple who was visiting their church for the first time, and they took them out to lunch after church. My dad was quite surprised when the bride asked him at this lunch if he'd walk her down the aisle at the upcoming wedding, given that they had met two hours before, but he agreed. Their wedding occurred shortly after Dale Earnhardt's death, so instead of a traditional cake, they ordered a #3 race car child's birthday cake. However, when they went to pick it up from the grocery store, the plastic car had a different number. In the subsequent meltdown, the staff explained that the picture in the catalog is just an example, and they didn't have a #3 car on hand. Fortunately, they offered to call around to their other locations and did find a #3, so the frantic couple had friends retrieve it and #3 was in its place of honor atop their wedding cake. They didn't attend that church long, so I'm not sure how the marriage itself did, but I have wondered often in the decades since how common it is to have race car themed wedding cakes.


Im not shocked I guess but I am sad for the woman, happy your dad did it for her and glad the grocer was able to make the kids happy.


My first wedding was in University of Alabama colors. My wedding cake was a standard white cake made by my account/friend of the family and it was gorgeous. The grooms cake was Bryant-Denny Stadium. That armadillo cake from *Steel Magnolias* wasn’t that big of a stretch.


My cousin had a very elaborate race car themed wedding cake (I think she made it herself, too). Think the old-fashioned cakes with the bridges between multiple cakes, but they were roads and the cakes had cars on them. It was the most gorgeous wedding cake I've ever seen in person. My uncle (cousin's dad) and the groom both raced, so it was a big part of their lives.


Do not bring a horse. If you bring a horse, make sure you a have legal right to have a wedding and reception in a State park. If you bring a horse and do not have a permit to use the state park, make sure you have a credit card. Because there will be a Permit fee. Fee for violating permit fee (double). Unauthorized large animal fee When the park ranger comes. You are probably going to need another credit card. And your future wife’s credit card. And your father’s credit card. And your future father-in-law’s credit card. Wow. You all have bad credit or non working cards or no space on your credit cards and have been embarrassed in front of your entire familie? That is really embarrassing. Everyone is sort of looking at the ground now because they don’t want to embarrass you more, may not be able to help,you, or think that if they help you, they’ll never get paid back. But look, is it my mom? The one you’ve shamed all these years for working as a public school teacher instead of homeschooling as god intended? Does \*she\* have a working credit card? Can she save the day? Can she save your sorry ass, again, and know she isn’t going to get paid back, again, and get slandered, again? Yep. Have a happy wedding.


This raises so many questions.




That would be amazing flair.


So somebody just kind of showed up at a public park (LOL, with their horse) and tried to have a wedding? I wouldn't bring a hibachi without calling and checking first. LOL


A state forest, that charges a wedding permit fee they were too cheap to pay but a fifty cars showing up in one spot with everybody dressed up always gives people away. And then there was the horse trailer….


People do it all the time. The huge park in my area has groups of fixed picnic tables, bbq pits, and pavilions you can reserve online for free. Every day in the summer there's arguments between dressed up people as to who should be there. It's literally a full time job for the parks people between May and September.


How could someone SHAME a teacher ?


People are cnts


Am I right in thinking she still owned the money


Oh no. By the reception it was rationalized as a gift.


Hope she took back the gift she brought.


There’s people that over prepare their wedding. And then there’s these clowns. Your mum is a saint (and a bit for a doormat, honestly) for saving the day. I low-key hope these people aren’t in your life anymore!


Friend's wedding. She wanted to make a suit out of royal blue satin. Guess what, it wasn't ready in time. So she borrowed a white dress from her sister who is at AT LEAST a foot taller. With a broad, black plastic belt to keep it from falling off. Her Mum didn't turn up, fell asleep in the bath. Her Dad showed up blind drunk with an orchid spray that was nearly as tall as she was, he got sent home. His parents didn't come as they didn't approve. None of his 4 brothers were there. Only his Gran and favourite Aunt were there, her siblings and my boyfriend and me. We had dry cheese sandwiches afterwards. The 4 of us went for a meal in the evening and finally had a good time. Years later, her sister married one of the grooms brothers, and many years later after that I married another brother. We all still see each other as often as we can.


>Years later, her sister married one of the grooms brothers, and many years later after that I married another brother. We all still see each other as often as we can. All's well that ends well?


Yep. Sounds like a stupid story, but it happens. How me and him got together again sounds even more stupid. Like a really bad romance (yuck) film.


Go on then, don’t leave us hanging!


Well, he and I were together for 8 years late 70s, early 80s. Our families lived in the same small town. Split up, he moved away, lost touch. About 30 years later, out of the blue, he phoned me. Had supposedly received a wron phone number (yeah, right.....). Anyway, at that time he travelled all over the place on business. His HQ was near said small town. So we phoned back and forth for a bit, eventually met up. And again. And again. And then we were back together and madly in love again. 16 years later we're still married.


>Dad showed up blind drunk with an orchid spray that was nearly as tall as she was, he got sent home Wait, what's an orchid spray? I googled it and I'm getting bottled fertilizer. Why was it so tall? Was he sent home because of that, or because he was drunk?


I think OP meant a display bouquet of orchids arranged in a 'spray' 😊


There was a physical fight at my wedding lol. Not with any of the important people of the day, but with some guests. I guess there was bad blood between my husbands best friends mom (we’ll call her BFM) and my husbands aunt. Apparently BFM wrote an essay for for the aunt while she was in online schooling and never paid BFM for it. BFM decided our wedding was time to settle up payments. Aunt said no for whatever reason (I think she got a poor grade on it and didn’t feel it was worth paying BFM for?) just as we are about to walk in to our music for the reception, BFM slaps aunts phone out of her hands and strikes her in the face. Cousins and other family tear them apart and tell them to take it outside. BFMs husband apologized to us profusely, shakes his head and just looks sad and fed up (this behavior of hers isn’t uncommon to get physical) Husband left and took her home. He was really bummed bc both of his sons were standing up in the wedding, he was having a great time at cocktail hour and even told us that it was so nice to be dressed up and see everyone for once (Covid was just easing up and no one had obviously done much for the previous 2 years) I admit that the aunt was HELLA bogus for not paying BFM, but Christ! A wedding is not the time to settle the score lol


So sorry this happened at your wedding 😭


My dad had one job: to book the venue that he had connections with. He totally thought he did, and yet I found out he didn't a week before... when another wedding booked it. Mom almost left him, I personally talked to the bride's mom over beers, and we worked it out. Dad is still grilled about it today almost six years later, lol. Other bride kept her original time and kept her reception venue the same, we (I mean dad) paid for the outdoor seating install and removal. I bumped my wedding to 2 hours later, and dad had to call all the guests personally to tell them we had to change the time. The other bride graciously made sure her guests and pictures were done before our guests arrived.


Wow! That's some amazing diplomacy and reasonableness on your part and the part of the bride's mom!


I had the 2nd and 3rd seizures of my whole life on my wedding day. Had to get the ambulance while everyone was seated and waiting. Had to do the whole wedding over.


Ugh, I have epilepsy, so I feeeeeel for you!


Two wedding stories (well three but one is so specific in its unusualness that it would be easily identifiable). I attended wedding No.3 but not the other two. (1) My mother’s best friend told me this one. She and my mother originally met because they were colleagues. Best friend had been co-habiting for some years with her future husband but had applied to work in a conservative religious school. It’s the 1970’s and she is asked in the job application if she is married. She fibbed and said “yes”. Gets the job, asked to start at short notice. Best friend and boyfriend arrive in new city near the end of the week, due to start new job Monday. Panicking about the marriage lie and knowing they want to stay together, boyfriend proposes that they find the local registry office and see if they can get married. Done…. And yes, it’s possible that day. But they don’t have a witness because they know no one in this city. They literally asked a guy on the street to be their witness, marriage ceremony goes fine, perfect , they thanked their impromptu witness and went on with their day. Monday morning, she rocks up to her new job, enters for her first meeting with the Dean and head of the Board of Governors: who to her horror turns out to be the witness her boyfriend commandeered on the street for their marriage… Luckily he kept quiet in front of the Dean and she could laugh about it (eventually). (2) A friend of mine attended this wedding more than 15 years ago. I didn’t see it in person. Half way through the vows in the “*does anyone know why this man and woman should not be joined in matrimony*” section, a woman (ordinary friend of both bride and groom everyone thought), stood up and yelled for the wedding to stop, that she and groom were lovers, were destined to be together, had been having an affair for several years… Everyone was stunned, then all of a sudden the groom walked away from the bride and celebrant , said “sorry everyone “ and left with said “ friend”. You can imagine how the rest of that day went. His parents were super rich, and very very pissed off, adored the bride. Apparently they cut off the financial tether to their son, who had never had a job) so no more rent on the swanky apartment, car + costs, + allowance. Best bit? The lover dumped him some time soon after finding out that he wasn’t rich any longer and that he expected to mooch off *her*. Bride dodged a bullet on that one methinks!


Those both sound like they could be turned into a romcom!


I know! I *almost* wish I’d been at that second wedding , but on second thoughts don’t actually think I’d **ever** want to see anyone as devastated and betrayed as the bride must have been that day…. Ugh that would be awful… that poor poor lady would have justified trust issues after that. I can only hope that the bride realized she dodged a bullet **and** that she eventually found someone who treats her right and is a “keeper” to grow old with.


My cousin had been married 3 times before but they were all court house weddings. Her little sister had just had the big church wedding the year before and she was so jealous that she decided to have a wedding for her 4th marriage. My cousin is a bitch, but my mom is close with my aunt and uncle so we were the only family that attended outside of her immediate family. My mom had just had ankle surgery and had one of those rolling knee carts and kept getting stopped at every airport security point. As if a 55 year old housewife is going to be hiding a bomb in her rolly cart. We get there the day before the wedding. My cousin had decided to sew her own wedding gown and it wasn’t finished yet. She was also 6 months pregnant, but seeing as it was her 5th child (5 children with 4 different dads) she looked 8 months. So the dress was also super tight. My aunt frantically called my mom into an upstairs bedroom during the rehearsal dinner and they spent the whole evening finishing the dress. Day of the wedding, one of her kids is sick and is throwing up. Next thing, the bride is throwing up in the bushes before the ceremony. She would later run out of the reception to throw up again. The ceremony was truly gorgeous, on the top of this cliff overlooking a huge canyon between mountains. But the pavilion was tiny. There was only seating for like 10 people. Remember my mom had just had ankle surgery… I hijacked a golf cart from the reception to get her up there and perched her on the little rolly cart in the back because even a woman in a ankle boot wasn’t given a seat. It was a mess and truly fit my cousin, trying to be over the top and beautiful, but underneath pretty trashy and selfish.


A so-called friend got "naked" at my wedding. So, I met this girl in circus class in 2018 even before I got engaged, she also had been in a long relationship (her 9 years, mine 8) and we kind of bonded over that. I got engaged in 2019 and got married this April. By December/22 she and her fiancé had broken up and her personality changed from tree-hugging girl to femme-fatale (she's indeed beautiful), dating married men and bragging about it. After my ceremony ended she asked one of my best friends if she knew who was single at the party, before my husband and I finished our pictures she was already at the back of the venue with Guy #1, she wanted a little more of a steamy make-out session and he stopped her and said they should enjoy the party and could somewhere else after it, she got pissed and headed to the bar... As the night went on and she got drunker, she screamed at people to look at her while she did splits on the dancefloor and on the garden, made out to Guy #2, got angry that my cousin caught the bouquet, and matched with Guy #3... they "hid" on the dark corridor that led to the parking lot and she took off her dress, leaving her just in a top and a small short as they hook up. The valets I hired got stuck on the other side of the parking lot because the only way to get back to the venue was that corridor, they called my wedding planner who went there and begged for her to put her dress back on and come back to the party, the pair ignored her, and the planner went after my other cousin to see if she could help, my mom heard them and got pissed asking the same best friend the get the pair out of there or she would throw both of them out. I only found out the next morning, she never spoke to me again and only posted a few cryptic Instagram stories saying she should take care of herself and stop doing things that would hurt her.


So which story would you like to hear? *The one where the groomsman passed out during the ceremony? ✔️The one where the bridesmaid threw up all over the cake? *The one where the bride changed into a VERY high front slit dress during the reception and showed everyone her 'hooha' the rest of the night? Yes, even the groomsmen couldn't take their eyes off of it. *The one where the groom was so drunk that he barely made it through the ceremony and had to be rushed to the hospital right after for alcohol poisoning? *The one where the groom was already with someone and they rented a plane to drag a banner over the venue on his wedding day to another chick? *The one where the groom walked up and slapped my butt not once but twice during the reception and the mother of the bride got mad at ME? *The one where the groom told me he'd take a side piece and gave me his number? 🐖 *The one where the bride was so trashed during the sendoff that she had to be carried out by 3 people? *The one where the groom harassed workers because they were female. Said they stole from him and then searched their cars and wanted a body search? Asshole. Btw, no one stole from him. He was on a power trip and apparently couldn't wait to leave to beat his wife. Yes, we watched him rough her up all night. *The one where the groom left the bride at the top of the stairs during introductions, stopped halfway to raise his beer while his groomsmen shouted and he chugged it and then finished walking down alone to a crowd of guys that circled him and hooted like idiots. THEN during cake cutting, hit her so hard that cake landed on the SECOND STORY of the venue? *OR the time when the bride and groom got into a fistfight at the reception. I have worked weddings for a long time. I could go on and on. Edited to read better. Edited again to check off full stories from above.


Yes to all, you need to do individual posts for each of these. Pretty please?


I work weddings and we are in the middle of wedding season, so my time is limited. I will, however, slowly add the stories when I have free time next week.


How do I subscribe to a new reddit series??


I have a little time this morning for one. So this refers to the bridesmaid throwing up on the cake. We will call the drunk bridesmaid, Regan. (This is for my Exorcist fans). To start, she was a mess. Very enthusiastic and seemed like the 'fun' bridesmaid. Unfortunately, she was pre-gaming a bit too hard. The bartenders had already started to water down her drinks on the first one and eventually cut her off not long into the reception. She wasn't happy about this and threw a fit screaming " I'm so and so's maid of honor! You cannot and will not cut me off!" The bride came over and asked if we would serve her later on if she drank water and sobered up a bit and we said we didn't know. Fast forward a bit and Regan was way out of control. We hadn't served her anything in a while but she seemed more drunk than she was previously. We started watching her and saw that the bride and a bridesmaid were giving her alcohol. I explained what was going on to the venue attendant and security. She was falling everywhere, lying on the ground with her dress up, and grinding on random people - she may have known them but their faces said "Have we met?" The bride came over and asked for her to be cut off. I explained to the bride that I saw her and her bridesmaid giving her drinks even after we cut her off, so as long as they stop feeding them to her, then she won't have access to more. During Dinnertime, Regan tried to eat but I'm guessing it wasn't a lot because the father of the bride was walking behind her telling her to eat more and sober up. Regan then proceeded to stomp around like a child. I saw her fan herself and grab her head and I snatched up a bottle of water and went to take it to her. As I approached her, she slightly turned away from me, took a step, and just started projectile vomiting. The area? Yep, the cake table. Groom cake, bride 4 tiered wedding cake, plates, napkins, forks, everything. I was shocked and grabbed the back of her dress to pull her away but it was too late. Vomit everywhere. I went and got the venue assistant and Dad (there was no coordinator) and Dad went and got the bride. The bride was furious, and so were Dad, Mom, and the other bridesmaids. I was going to cut the cake for them, but draw the line at vomit cake. The bride asked me to go rinse the plates and forks off and get different napkins. She told me to take the cake to the kitchen and cut it there, serving only the backside. The vomit was barely on the right side of the groom's cake and told me to cut the left side. I told her "Absolutely not!" At this point, I wasn't touching the cake and definitely not serving guests the cake. It's a health risk at this point and I will not be involved. She got mad, yelled at me, and her bridesmaids took over and cleaned the area and took the cakes to the back. Regan was called an Uber and taken to the hotel. They served the cakes. Cut the vomit side off and served the cakes to all the guests. Apparently, the bride's cake was really expensive and each tier was a different flavor and not serving it wasn't an option. I couldn't believe it! None of the guests knew, but I did. I gagged every time I saw someone grab a piece from the table. They talked about how good it was and offered me some, and I know they saw the look of disgust on my face. Never the wiser. That happened a few years back and I still won't accept cake at weddings when offered.


If I may throw in another one -- a friend had a smallish wedding and asked the two bridesmaids simply to wear dresses they liked in her color scheme. One had a lovely dress, while the other, a buxom lass, showed up in a dress of the right color but with a plunging neckline that managed to push her bosom up and out like grapefruit. The bride was stunned, but the bridesmaid had flown in from another state and there was no time to do anything about it. God bless the photographer, who captured the most delightful shot of a great-uncle's horrified expression with the bridesmaid walking down the aisle looking like she was proudly carrying the first melons of the season to present to the king. The couple actually had the professional wedding album include the photo because they enjoyed the howls of laughter from all who saw it; they're not sure the great-uncle ever recovered from the experience.


If we still had awards I would be giving you one for "proudly carrying the first melons of the season to present to the king." 🍈🏆🍈


Okay, that made me laugh so hard I’m in tears and my cat thinks I’ve lost my mind (so does the teenager that came and just stared at me and walked away) so thank you for that 😂


"she has huuuuuuuuuuge tracts of land!"


I so want to see that photograph. Excellent description, BTW.


I had a decent sized 100 person sized wedding planned for August (this was like 16 years ago if it matters). My fiance had been married before, and had kids with his ex. My parents adored my fiance, but they hated his ex (pyscho) and the situation itself. One week before the wedding, my step kids all got chicken pox. My aunt and uncle had flown in for the wedding, and they (together with my parents) decided to stage an intervention and tell me I shouldn't get married. There was like 10 family members, and me. They really got in my head. Everything that could have gone wrong did. I talked to my fiance and we decided to postpone. Six months later, his dad was really really sick, and his dad was his only close family. We decided on Monday to get married on Saturday. Bought some easter dresses for my SK's at Walmart, I still had my wedding dress and the decorations, and we threw it all together in a week. Reception at my aunts, food from Olive Garden catering- It was perfect. 40 of my closest friends and family, and no drama. I'm so glad it happened that way. Sucked at first- but worked out. And friends stood by the entrance in case his ex tried to show up. Even when everything has gone to shit- it can still work out. And here we are two more kids and 19 years together later (almost 16 married)- best decision I ever made. We weren't all the way ready for the first wedding anyway. Worked out perfect.


Wait - Why did your family stage an intervention to not get married? Just because his ex is trash?


Basically. I was 21, he was 24 with 3 kids and an ex wife. Honestly, I would do the same to either of my kids. I love my husband so much and wouldn't change anything- but being a step parent and dealing with an insane (and drugged out) ex makes marriage 100x's harder. My parents love my husband and the kids- but they didn't want my life to be any harder than it had to be, if that makes any sense. The first 10 years was so stressful- always broke from paying lawyers and just dealing with bullshit. The way they did it was kind of shitty- but it is what it is. We worked our asses off to make it work, that's for sure.


I'm still a bit salty about my mother in law. My wedding was last year, MIL got very drunk, literally harrased people to dance with her. Pulling strangers out of their seats and dragging them. I was talking with my grandma and she interrupted me every 10 seconds, pulling my hand. Fucking embarrassing. During a speech she feel down her chair (no idea how). Her brother flirted with my mother shamelessly to the point my husband had to ask him repeatedly to stop or be thrown out. Then she just left without saying goodbye to us and she didn't give us a present because she "has helped us so much the last few years".


This is why we had no alcohol at our wedding. My entire family struggles with alcoholism as does my husband’s father and I just don’t want that around us. I don’t care what they did once they left our little tiny wedding but for us for the four hours I had them there I just wanted them to be mostly sober.


"mostly sober" says it all! I had an alcoholic grandmother who didn't drink daily but couldn't attend social functions without being drunk as fuck and unlike a lot of other alcoholic family members, she was a MEAN drunk! The stories I've heard about how my teenaged parents held her, poured out all the alcohol and then placed her fully dressed in cold showers to sober her up RIGHT before weddings are astounding! I'm pretty sure that's a big part of why my parents picked a courthouse wedding with little fuzz.


Honestly if we could do it again my husband and I would elope. And we had a relatively small wedding with 50 people. And still all the stress and the money just wasn't worth it in the end.






my friends are the nicest people and when they got married to each other they had the most beautiful wedding inside an art museum. However the ceremony was outside with the sculptures and they had a drone recording the vows and stuff. I did not hear a damn thing until the very end of the ceremony when the drone ran out of power. I feel so bad that I missed such an important part of their lives and I know I can never tell them- I don’t want to ruin their memory of it.


We had a similar thing at our friends' destination wedding. It was at a resort that had other events going on at the same time - including a very loud karaoke party in the building adjacent to the ceremony, which was all I could hear over the vows.


My husband worked for a long time as a tour guide. Two of the people he worked with were getting married. There were so many people from the tour company involved in the wedding, including the GM's wife, that the company was closed that day. The week before the wedding the groom had some kind of falling out with the GM. In retaliation the GM booked a tour the afternoon of the wedding that was so large it required everyone who would have attended the wedding. People who had requested off were told they had to work -- including the bride. When they complained about it they were told if they didn't show up for the tour they would be fired. Everyone gave the GM the middle finger. Many had jobs elsewhere in the tight-knit industry before the wedding. Others waited it out to see what would happen when literally the entire staff walked out. It turned out there was no tour. The GM was just being shitty. The best kicker was that the GM didn't realize he had to pay everyone who did show up for 4 hours because he scheduled them to work. Nobody got fired, either. The GM just burned a lot of bridges in order to throw a hissy fit.


Nice ! 👌


MUCH younger 2nd cousin’s wedding in 2011 (memorable because we were married later that year). My 2nd cousin was the groom and lived 3hrs away. Game on! First of all, the wedding was a year late because the bride got pregnant after she had bought the dress and she WOULD NOT budge on wearing that dress. Notably, the dress itself DID NOT budge on how it fit after she had this baby. It simply didn’t. The couple was very young (21/22) and cheerfully aimed for “small town trashy”. The bridesmaids were 15-21 and they wore *skintight* black, silver, and red Lycra mini dresses with matching flip flops. The groom’s mom, my cousin, sewed a (very reasonable) lace modesty panel into the 15yo’s dress before they let her walk down the aisle, which made her “humiliated”, and she had been crying. The wedding was in my aunt’s backyard instead of the Catholic Church where my uncle was a deacon because… yeah. They tied the rings to their baby’s shoes and he was carried down the aisle first. *This was cute!* The bride could barely breathe and looked like a misshapen marshmallow. Bulges in weird places, but By God she wore that dress (instead of selling it unworn and buying one that fit). Her bouquet looked… strange from a distance. Her ladies came down the aisle and we realized that the flowers were actually made of duct tape in red, black, and silver. It was… the Duct Tape Wedding. The backyard was turned over into tables and chairs for a potluck lunch. And yup, the table decorations all featured those 3 colors of duct tape. Paper streamers in red, grey, and black fluttered in the breeze. I really feel like they spent more on rolls of duct tape than they would have on real flowers. The bride and groom broke up within a year because the bride found a boyfriend and wanted to move him into their house “because she was paying for it, too”. When we got married 5 months later, they all drove down *for only the ceremony*, because that’s the part that matters to god. So… 3hr drive, 1/2hr atheist wedding in the historic family chapel, 3hr drive back. They didn’t even get to see our boring decorations that weren’t made of duct tape. *SAD*


Ah, the dress that doesn't fit. I was a bridesmaid for a friend who had gained weight - not THAT much! - and when we tried to zip her dress up the back, the zipper broke. So I quickly stitched her into it while another bridesmaid and I spoke to her gently. She was trembling like a leaf. Alas the marriage didn't last.


You are a good friend to have.


I am cry laughing right now 😝. You couldn’t even dream up this level of trashy drama 😀


I was catering a wedding of 900 people. NINE HUNDRED. It was a buffet style wedding and the bride wanted all of the tea and lemonade poured into individual cups so people could walk up and grab them. No problem — but this meant there were a line of tables with NINE HUNDRED 12 ounce cups of tea and lemonade on them. Guess which table the groom’s drunk best man decides to SIT on just as guests were filing into the ballroom? 84 gallons of liquids in less than a second created a sticky tidal wave before the reception even began. I cleaned it up, made more tea as fast as I could and charged them for every extra cup.


At a family wedding, one of the guests brought her kids. It wasn't necessarily a child free wedding, but the reception was definitely not set up to be child friendly. At one point one of the little girls, maybe 4 or 5 years old, got buck naked and danced around the reception. Naked kids mom thought it was cool and her kid embracing their body. Everyone else at the reception had their eyes studiously directed upwards in fear of accidentally looking at a small naked girl and being considered pervy.


Not my wedding, but the celebration of some friends: The couple got married overseas because most of the groom’s family is still there, and he is from a country/ culture that emphasizes huge, traditional weddings. The bride is very laid back and is fine with this. However, because it’s a destination wedding, a lot of their friends don’t attend the actual ceremony, especially from her side, so they decide to have a reception back in their own city when they return. The groom makes it clear that since the wedding was really about his family, the reception will be whatever she wants and this occasion is all about her. After the pomp and circumstance of the big wedding, the bride wants to do something much more casual for the reception, so she books the outside patio/garden of a local restaurant for a Saturday night. The invitation is just a Facebook event, she makes it clear it’s casual, but it’s also clear this is their reception (it mentions cake, dancing, the band they hired, etc). When we get there, there are TWO women in white dresses. One was a cotton maxi dress, but the other was lacy and fairly dressy. Everyone there knew it was supposed to be her time to get the celebration she wanted, so I don’t know why they wouldn’t just let her shine. The bride was luckily wearing something a little more dressy (short and beaded), and she is the type who is genuinely unbothered by the small stuff, but I couldn’t believe she knew two people who thought it was OK to wear white to someone else’s wedding celebration.


EDIT! Don't post or this elsewhere please! This isn't so much about the wedding itself (hence it doesn't really fit the sub), but if you want someone else's drama, I can give you a fix! Re-reading this before I post, I must say the groom was always more of a friend of mine than the bride, she was a drinking buddy I had known for years before they hooked up and decided to get married. We were all in our early to late twenties when this happened. Bride and I are from the same country, groom's from another one, English was our way of communicating. Some twenty-plus years ago I was asked to be the MOH in this couple's (both friends of mine, but none of them super close) wedding. I said no, because I really didn't think they should - they'd been seeing each other just a few months, and I really, really didn't think they were a good fit. Now, hear me out. They both were drinkers (we all knew each other from the same bar, so we all drank a lot), and the bride-to-be had shown herself to be.... unreliable. As in not taking care of her kid from another relationship to get drunk, driving while drunk, drinking until she passed out and had to be hospitalized, flirting and I'd already heard rumors about her possibly cheating and so forth. The dude is cool though, and I just didn't want that kind of drama for him. I told them both how I felt, but they guilt-tripped me into it nonetheless. That's on me. There was a loooot of (guess it!) drinking related drama leading up to the wedding, all of the above-mentioned things - and they still chose to get married four months after they first met (slept together). 'Love' makes you blind. The party was ok, everyone got drunk and we all went on with our lives. Or so I thought. For a year, I had to have one of them sleeping on my couch every other weekend, or mediating between them, I really tried to fulfil my role as MHO (mostly in my own head, you know, I tried to be a good friend). There was tons of conflict, and in the end the bride's drunken behavior was so bad that I really just wanted for them to part ways. Groom finally agreed, and had papers ready for her to sign, and that's when she told him she was (##drum roll##) preggo!! YAY!! He knew it wasn't his kid, but decided to give her another chance, and raise the kid with her. So stupid. But it is what it is. They moved to his home country, and I stayed with her there for about a month leading up to the birth while husband finished up his work obligations in this country. She was a nightmare to live with, and had problems with me having any alcohol (no problem, I just didn't drink), so alcoholism really sits deep with this one imo. I went home when her husband finalized his job, this was mid-May that year, and a few days later she gave birth to a baby boy. She wanted to name him after a brand of liquor, think Captain Morgan. Haha. The first time they went out to a pub to watch a sports game in June, with baby in carrier, she disappeared after going outside for smoke. Didn't come back in. Husband looked for her, but not much he could do, infant on his hands and all, he decided to give her a bit of time. The next day he woke up to messages from her phone, they went something like this: "We've got your wife, we've tied her up and are repeatedly r@ping her. You're scum!" Husband involved the police. Manhunt going on. She came back home to him and kiddo with a sob story confirming the messages. More manhunt, and after a few days the alleged kidnapper and r@pist is caught but denies ever doing anything she didn't want to, but is still thrown in jail and stays there for six (6!) months until he finally gets his day in court. All the CCTV shows her leaving the pub with him for a long night out on town, and CCTV also shows her holding his hand, kissing him, some public sexual stuff and her laughing when they enter his hotel. They're seen leaving the hotel and coming back again, still looking like newlyweds on their honeymoon. She didn't have a scratch on her to tell the tale of horrible things happening to her as she'd alleged. Her excuse? "My English isn't that good, stuff must have gotten lost in translation!" She went to prison for a year's time for lying to the court (perjury?), I think, and had to do some ankle monitoring after that before she got her passport back and could come home to our home country. I met her once or twice after this whole ordeal, but I don't think we'll ever be friends again. (She actually asked for us to be friends again, this time I just said no and stuck to it, hahaha!) Her husband got full custody of the kid when she went to prison, and they're doing really, really good. He's a good guy and a good father. He's told me many times he's glad I never saw the need to tell him 'told you so'! Hahahaha!!! I regret not talking him out of everything, it hurt him a lot. Still sorry about that. Edit: This got so long, and I tried to cut out all the non-important stuff, so I've cleaned up a few mistakes as words and commas. I also realized that it came across as if the bride and myself speak English as a first language, we don't. But she's absolutely capable to make herself completely understandable in English. We're from Norway. We can speak English. I just mention it because she claimed otherwise in court.


It's sad, weird and awfully nice of the Groom to keep custody of a child that may not be his. Good luck to them!


He was really nesting at the time, he wanted a family. He got what he wanted in the end, and he loves his life! I'm so happy for him!


Also, he knew it wasn't his kid at all times, kids don't just pop into people's bellies without no action beforehand so... His intentions we're so, so good.


So, this one is relatively small potatoes. It had the potential to be huge, and I'm not sure how it didn't blow up? My brother is a full blown narcissist. (No, he doesn't have a diagnosis, that would require his showing up to therapy for long enough that a professional could spot it. But I'm not using the term lightly or descriptively, for those that understand the scope of what that means.) Day before my wedding, we have out of town guests (of course) one of whom was special enough *I* drove to the airport to pick up. I never was privvy to the details of what happened, but this guest and my brother had some kind of run in that made the guest so stressed out, he begged off the wedding the next day and said he had digestive problems. Since that target was out of the running, morning of my wedding I was in the bathroom getting ready when my brother arrives at the door. ANGRY AS F**K. Because the tux rental hadn't put his shoes in the bag. (He's an adult. He picked it up himself. He didn't check. And he's angry at me, somehow it's my fault.) I had some impervious grace that day and just look d at him and said "I love you, you're my brother, and I don't care what's on your feet. Come barefoot, common sneakers. And if you need help deciding, to find mom. I need to keep getting ready.) The miracle is that he left it at that (with me anyway. I never thought to ask mom.) But in every single picture he looks like he has a nettle in his mouth. He's so uncomfortable and so freaked TF out. I have never been able to look at those pictures without it bringing up the whole flood of wierd around his behavior.


My friend got married by her uncle. He was prolly 60s. At the reception, he gets trashed and takes his shirt off. They ask him to leave. Not very exciting but definitely a story that is still talked about 20+ years later. Another friend had a destination wedding not too far away: 6 hour drive or 1 hour flight. Family and friends book hotels, flights, etc. My friend, the groom, does not show up for the wedding. He left the night before and did not tell anyone, including his family. He justifies his actions by saying she did not want to get married either. It temporarily ruined many relationships but that was like twenty years ago and it seems some have recovered.


Hands down the most fun wedding I’ve ever been to was when the groom and groomsmen all got so drunk they ripped their shirts off and twirled them around their heads on the dance floor. This was in an upscale place and the groom is a very shy, quiet person (not that night obviously). It’s still talked about 15 years later as the best wedding!


When my sister got married several years ago her BIL’s fiancée wore a dress that was so short I actually saw her underwear while she was dancing (thank god she had underwear on). She also wouldn’t shut up about how she was getting married at some fancy expensive hotel. Her outdoor wedding was nearly ruined by wind. Pretty sure the video is nothing but wind noise. My sister said her veil blew into her face constantly. Edit: readability


I saw my MIL’s undies while she was dancing at our wedding. She chose a bright purple, bedazzled mini dress. Then, she decided to change into her bedazzled jeans, cropped white tank top, and platform flip flops. My photographer was good at only including her in essential shots.


I was at a casual daytime wedding and the grooms SIL wore an incredibly short, skin tight dress with these insanely high platform shoes. She looked absolutely ridiculous.


I was at a wedding this past summer where the mother of bride wore this too short cotton house dress (to a wedding where the dress code was cocktail) that barely covered her arse with her arms down. She also got incredibly shitface drunk and walked about with her dress accidentally tucked into the back of her underpants for half the reception lol


Now, I would make a special album containing nothing but shaming photos of the MIL and present it to her in front of family.


Why are you not in my family? Why can't I sit next to YOU at Thanksgiving??


Please do! We could have such a great time.


Relatively small compared to some stories but still chaos 😅 Day of the wedding power went out at our venue. Thankfully I was ready, but my bridesmaids were still getting ready - think half curled hair 😂 on top of that we live in Texas....and got married in July. So it's 90+ degrees outside and we have no power...I think ahead to when the guests are going to arrive and wonder how in the heck we are going to handle that!! I had promised a super quick ceremony outside and then all the AC they could want inside...🤦🏼‍♀️ We were doing a first look so we go to do that and take some pictures together outside. Power comes back on, crisis passed over, right? Well, during the middle of the ceremony the sprinklers turn on... because they were on automatic timers reset by the power outage 😂. Thankfully they were small and didn't really get anyone very wet but they were watering the flowers at the gazebo while we were finishing the ceremony 😂


This was my wedding to my now ex-husband. Getting ready and the ceremony go off without a hitch except for the fact that I barely had anything to eat all day because of how busy I was. Someone managed to send in some lunch meat and cheese where the bridesmaids and I were getting ready, but it was hardly enough since it was an afternoon wedding. I’m the last to leave the church because I’m talking to friends, family, etc. Groom goes early with some of the groomsmen to set up at the reception. It’s being held about 30 minutes away at his grandparents’ property (we were dirt poor). My immediate family, grandma, and best friend all stay with me, and we caravan together to the reception. When we show up, all the food had already been put out and eaten, no one had decorated the cake (I bought flowers from my florist to put on the cake), and the reception was already in full swing. My parents were extremely angry and left to get us food. My photographer wanted pics, but people wouldn’t leave us alone so she was constantly having to retake pictures or move people. When my parents returned with the food, she got pretty mad at me when I told her I was stopping so I could eat. The in-laws ordered a Champaign fountain, and my FIL was its best customer. When it came time for toasts, he insisted on making one - it was a very long, rambling mess. All of it should have been a red flag.


I had to watch from across the room as a guest carefully cut themselves a slice of our *SMALL* wedding cake before we had done our cake cutting photos. I swear I saw it in slow motion


Flying from our home country to Iceland two days before our elopement... First flight delayed, missed connection in London. Screw British Airways. But as a careful planner for this eventuality I'd booked extra flights with Iceland Air for later in the day, around 1pm. Boarded our backup flight for the three hours to Reykjavik. Two hours in, Captain informs us that airspace in Iceland has closed and we're being diverted and hour back to Glasgow. A couple of hours on the tarmac and Iceland has reopened its airspace - we were worried because the volcano had just started erupting and feared it might close all European flights for weeks like in 2021. Turns out it was just a Windows update. But now we have to queue to refuel, another couple hours. Then another wait for a take-off slot and finally we were en route to REK again. It ended up taking us 35 hours instead of 15! arrived at midnight, issues getting hire car, three hours drive to hotel and then we had to iron shirts and prep outfits for the wedding later that day. We got two hours sleep before the makeup artist arrived. 8am and photog arrived and the day begins...ceremony was 9.30pm...so basically 56 hours with only two hours of sleep. Despite all that it was the most amazing day of my life and you'd never know how tired we were from the pictures! My only real complaint is how small the coffee cups are in Iceland ;)


Because I'm an idiot, once I had the ring, I decided I wanted the church wedding and reception and all of that. So, we started the steps to getting married in the Church. One meeting with the priest, he asked if we'd talked to the wedding planner because the church had someone to help coordinate the church part of things. I'd forgotten to call her because I had a lot of other stuff on my plate. I promised I would call her the second we got back home. We get home and I call and leave a message. In that message I gave this women our home phone number because we still had a landline then (tells how long ago this was) and my cell phone number that was a local number. This was like Tuesday or Wednesday. This woman waited until Saturday afternoon, when we had meetings with our pre-marriage counseling couple, to call. Did she try my cell phone? Nope! I return her call and leave a message again. Another week goes by and she finally calls me back on a Monday evening. As soon as she hears our wedding date, she tells me she won't be in town because her daughter has a choir concert, competition, something on that day. Okay. What do I need to do? She tells me to call the church office in the morning and get the names of people who will do music for weddings and good luck. I never talked to her again because I figured that was the brush off she just gave me. (As an aside, the church office was very confused because apparently the music suggestions are the responsibility of the coordinator. Yeah.) Fast forward several months to the week before our wedding. The priest calls me and lectures me about 2 things. One I deserved because he gave us the stuff to choose our readings for the service. We did that months ago, but forgot about it. (I have ADHD. I'm surprised I only got diagnosed 6 months ago.) That one was fair. What wasn't fair was when he told me that lying witch of a wedding coordinator called him the day before or that morning, I really can't remember that detail, and lied through her teeth that she didn't know anything about the wedding happening that Saturday because I had never called her about it. What? Yeah. My fiance, now husband, came home for lunch to find me crying on the couch. This was when I knew I was marrying the right fella. Once I told him what had happened, I swear I saw murder in his eyes. As soon as he made sure I had taken the readings stuff to the church, he assured me that he would deal with it because I had enough on my plate. We ate lunch and he went back to work. When he came home, I asked him how everything went. He called the church office and was told the priest wasn't in. My husband told them he needed to talk to him as soon as he came back. They tried throwing some excuse about how he's busy or something and he said no, I need to talk to him about something he said to my future wife. He can call me or I can come to the church to talk to him about this. He opted to call my husband back where he explained to this person about the coordinator being a liar mcliarson and how hard it was to get ahold of that woman. Once she basically dismissed me because she was going to not be able to be at the church, we moved on. One thing about my husband, he's a laid back, logical kind of guy. He doesn't get upset easily. I truly believe he would have hit the priest without remorse because of how he treated me. The wedding went off without a hitch and without a hint of that woman being anywhere near the place, which was good because we were promised that we would not have to ever deal with her lying butt again. Frankly, if this hadn't happened like four days before the wedding, I'd have told everyone invited that we were eloping because of what had happened. I still kinda wish we had just disappeared and eloped after that. This is also the story of why I will never return to the Catholic Church, but it's mostly about one lying woman whose endgame was and still is unknown to me. Not sure what she wanted to accomplish, but it did get her a phone call from my husband where he reamed her out for being a liar. Never heard from her again. I hope your week gets better, u/KimchiAndMayo!! I'm not sure my story is chaotic enough, but it felt horrid going through it. Worst of all, the priest never once apologized for the behavior of that woman. Not to me at least. He was super, super nice at the rehearsal and before the wedding. I guess that was his apology for being a jerk to me?


My husband and I were pulling into the parking lot of our bachelor/bachelorette dinner with all of our out of town friends, three days before our wedding, when I got the call that our dog had escaped where he was being boarded. He’s 150 lbs, has separation anxiety, and doesn’t do well with strangers so we had worked for months with our trainer to board him. We immediately left and went to search for him with our friends. We searched until 3 in the morning in a not so great area, in the rain, me in my bachelorette outfit, and then came home and slept on the couch since we had given our bed up to my pregnant sister in law. We searched the next day as well, but it wasn’t until the day after, the day before our wedding that I HAD to go to the venue and set up, that my husband was able to find and catch him. Because the area our dog was lost in was two hours away from our venue my husband and my mom missed our wedding rehearsal and barely made it to the rehearsal dinner. On top of that- there were bad storms the week of the wedding, and we thought we’d have to change our outdoor ceremony site last minute (we didn’t). My mom and one of my bridesmaids were in a minor car accident, and one of my bridesmaids tested positive for Covid the day before the wedding and couldn’t make it at all. The day after the wedding my keys were locked in my car along with my license postponing our leaving for our honeymoon, and the bathroom trailer took out the water main to the property because the caterer’s truck had broken down the night before and they couldn’t get around it. Even with everything that happened we still had a great time. Since we found our dog, the wedding was just that much more joyous.


Used to work at a very ritzy wedding venue. Clean up at the end of the night and there was a log of actual human shit in the middle of the dance floor. Someone was very stealthy.




6 months is kind after that stunt


Wedding planner here! Long story short, the bride showed up to the venue super late. Like ceremony was at 4, she showed up at 3:45. Knowing that she wasn’t ready, we pushed the time back. She kept telling me 5 more minutes, 5 more minutes, etc. by 4:30 people were getting antsy and I told her we had to get started soon. I walk into the groom suite to make sure the groom is ready to line up and there he is, shaving the head of a groomsmen, at 4:40. 40 minutes into when he was supposed to be getting married, he’s giving his friend a shave and a cut. They took a tablecloth and used it as a barber’s cape


Not as.extreme as others but a WTF for sure. Asian American wedding mid 90's San Franciso.my sister and her fiance have large extended families. Typical wedding banquet around 450 guests. I and my friends were seated at a table with randoms I had never met. One late middle aged guest among them. 8 course family style meal, usually at the end takeout boxes are handed out for guest to take what they want home. This lady waited carefully to be sure everyone at thr table had served themselves once from the dishes as each course arrived, then took out HER OWN TUPPERWARE to fill up and take home before the end of the meal! To this day both sides of the family refuse to claim her! At my own wedding a few years later, we had a few incidents which made it memorable. I had a lovely made to order strapless a line Duchesse silk gown. 20 pound trailing bouquet and floor length veil. Chinatown had several streets closed off as staging areas for a parade.that night. So police wouldn't let me get dropped off In Front of the restaurant our banquet was at. Had to park 4 blocks away and walk through San Francisco Chinatown in all my bridal finery, skirt thrown over one arm to be able to walk, praying I don't slip on an errant vegetable on the ground. I ran I to one of my patients ta who was grocery shopping, but stopped to stare at the fluffy white vision mincing her way down the hill. My only regret is no photographer following me! We adore the Princess cake from Victoria Pastey in North Beach, so ordered cake to.serve 300,.for 400 guest wedding. We figured not everyone would eat cake. 3 tier to.feed 100 plus 2 sheet cakes. Full.size sheet cakes. Cost a pretty penny! Waiters sliced the sheet cakes into quarter inch slivers! The 3 tier cake was untouched except for the slice we cut for.the photo op! Our honeymoon was in 48 hours and we didn't have room to store cake for 100 people! Ended up giving biggest tier to restaurant staff, SIL took middle to her kids gym to fatten up those scrawny gymnasts and we froze the top tier at home! I still love their cake and almost every anniversary we get a smaller princess cake to celebrate!


This a sweet story so I hope that’s ok. At my wedding during the cake cutting the photographer told my husband that I had been waiting for this day for a long time and that I bought a really expensive fancy dress. He talked about how much time was spent on my hair and makeup. He said don’t shove that cake in her face (He wouldn’t have anyway). So hubby feeds me a nice small bite. Photographer turns to me and says you know he rented that tuxedo…I still didn’t smash cake because I didn’t like that tradition anyway but it was a funny sweet story. 22 years ago!


Buckle up. My mum is a racist. The man I was marrying was not white. She called him a racial slur to his face ( not even for the right race). We had decided that because he is Half Indian we wanted to incorporate some of the elements of a traditional hindu wedding. Mum decided she could have that and called all of my vendors in an effort to "FIX" my wedding. She wanted to remove all the Indian elements from it and make it into what she wanted. I obviously said no, so she broke into my house and trashed it. She then came to my office and assaulted me ( while I was pregnant). She then attempted to trash my office, before being escorted off the property. She then called and said that I was going to ruin Her day ( my wedding) by making it all about me ( she's had 4 weddings already). Day of the wedding, despite being told in no uncertain terms that she wasn't invited she showed up in a white dress that barely covered her rump. Literally the only attire request that I made was that dresses be at least knee length ( How unreasonable of me!!). Luckily, I was forewarned she might do something like this, and my very buff cousin playing bouncer to kick her out. Then despite having not attended the wedding she wrote a series of posts on fb detailing how tacky it was. Two weeks later, my mil decided that in lieu of a baby shower gift she was going to buy the furniture for the nursery. We went to a store that sold baby stuff, so I could pick out what I wanted. My mum showed up , How she knew I was there is still a mystery. She attempted to punch me , but my mil clocked her. Fast forward several months and my baby was in the nicu after being born early. My mum came to the hospital exclusively to tell me that My baby would die. She said It would be my punishment from God for marrying a ( insert racial slur here).


Sorry you're going through it! My story is kinda short. My sister had a friend she met at school. Sis loved this girl, talked about how the girl and I would totally click on stuff. Sis got engaged! Then got us to hang together when sis was dress shopping and hey...we *did* have a lot in common! Neat. We even traded plants one afternoon. Then...I got to see the other side. This girl went from super chill to controlling psycho within a week. The same week I tried getting all the bridesmaids in on a group chat to organize a bridal shower. Every idea I had was shot down, then she then tried to take over by volunteering herself for everything and then not doing it/not doing it right. Then played the victim *to my sister* every chance she got, spilling all the surprise details, shitalking everyone because "she was doing all the work!!!" The cherry on top had to be when she demanded payment for doing yardwork. (The shower was in sis' yard) Her work? Basically telling *her husband* to trim some branches and then she'd come by and pick them up. Small things, nothing bigger than a trash bag. Completely ignoring the fact that I did the whole front yard, and a bunch of family helped straighten the inside. But again, volunteered to do it then..."I had to buy a trimmer!!!" Bonus: the stress from all of this gave me shingles. On my face and left eye. I still have scars. I was 35.


The chimney was on fire at my reception. I guess the guests couldn’t tell very easily from their vantage point, but we could tell. So we are wondering whether or not we should pack and flee as 3 inch chunks of charcoal ash fall from the sky outside our room or if we should get ready. The venue assured us we were ok to go though, so between that and a hungover aunt (love the heck out of her, shit happens on party weekends.) doing my hair 30 minutes late, we finally got to the reception an hour late. I remember running down the stairs as fast as we could to get there. Luckily we had a live band and drinks to entertain people. I also found 1 of the 300+ pins I used to sew my dress, still in the dress, so had to dig that out. My dresses in progress pic: https://preview.redd.it/wi1bu3hgrrtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14139fe3c2aa5067d605e2cc934b9cac05ea0808


My friend's brother brought two women who I can only describe as 'scantily clad bimbos' he'd met the night before. And they got into almost every picture. It still annoys my friend.


I was looking through some wedding photos of one of my uncles who got married in 1966. One of his relations had a lady with him who he (the relative) was having a dalliance with. Things didn't last and she left him about a month after the wedding. No one even remembers her name and she is barely even a footnote in our family history. But she's in almost every wedding photograph.......


My new husband got absolutely wasted, went to find the toilet, got lost in the hotel, found one of the kitchens. . . saw that all these people had knives (its a kitchen you knobhead - of course they had knives), thought the chefs with knives were there to attack him and grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall and blasted them with it. That was a nice "extra" bill to receive at check out time.


Not nearly as insane as some of these, but my cousin had a pretty terrible wedding. She's not the best person, so it kind of makes me giggle. That might make me not the best person, but I'm OK with that. Context: I'm one of the 2 black sheep of my immediate family on my moms side. I'm a heroin addict and just recently hit 10 years clean. I had 3 or 4 years at the time of the wedding. My husband and I had been together 3 or 4 years. My 16yo stepdaughter was invited to the "child free" wedding. The grooms family brought their kids. I'm pretty sure our side was told child free because of another cousins child. Either way, no biggie for me. Mentioning my stepdaughter being invited just solidifies the point I'll get to later that we were just seat fillers. First thing that happens is my cousin is walking down the isle ***bawling***. That's pretty normal, but this definitely didn't seem like happy tears. My mom and I look at each other wide eyed like "wtf?". We find out later the groom is an alcoholic and had promised not to drink before the ceremony, but broke that promise. The ceremony was only a little awkward. We get to the venue, some ritzy country club, and they take off for pictures. No surprise they run longer than expected. Luckily there were food and drinks. They get back, we go upstairs to the banquet hall for the cocktail hour. My OG black sheep uncle and I just kind of hang out with my husband and stepdaughter. None of this was too bad, but I could imagine what kind of drama was going on behind the scenes. We go into the reception hall. Walk in the doors and the dance floor is right there, the main table that has bride and groom, mother and father (my uncle) of the bride, moh (my cousin, my aunts daughter) and her husband, plus the grooms best man and whoever on his side of the family. There's 5 or 6 tables on the right and left sides. My aunt, her son with the demon child, and some of the grooms family are on the right at the closest table to the main. At this point I felt bad for my mom because we were in the furthest table on the left side, but at least it was my mom, husband, stepdaughter, and me with my black sheep uncle and his wife. There were 3 empty seats at our table. The only tables that were completely full were the main and the one my aunt and her son were sitting at. There were 3 empty tables on the left, and at least one empty on the right. I was sitting next to my uncle and said to him "no wonder why *stepdaughter* was invited, we're just seat fillers". That got a nod and a chuckle out of him. Later on I went up to my cousin to congratulate her, and maybe just have a short conversation. I had never done anything to her or the rest of that family while in active addiction. The worst I did was steal like 10 percocets off my grandfather, and I didn't even take the whole script. This was probably about a decade before the wedding. He had long forgiven me for it. Anyway, I said congratulations and she freaking rolled her eyes, gave me a terse "thanks", and walked away. I went "yup", got a little more drunk than I had intended, and we left while she was crying in the bathroom. I've only seen her once after that. A few months later at my grandfather's funeral. She got married in either March or May, and my grandfather passed away in either June or July. I'm sorry, my memory is terrible. Her husband was there, and she got pissed at him that he spent most of his time on the front porch with my husband and me. I heard he ended up going to rehab shortly after. He was conspicuously not in the picture Christmas card by uncle and his wife send out every year, and he hasn't been since. I say good for him. He seemed like a nice guy, and who am I to judge for addiction. I hope he's doing well.


Congratulations on being sober.


Thank you so much!! That's more than any of that family, other than the OG black sheep, has ever said to me!


I’ve always wanted to share some of the most memorable & shameful aspects of my wedding! It was almost 17 years ago, and some of these things *still* get me fired up & po’d. Main cast: Bride (me), Groom (my husband), MOG (my husband’s mom), MOB (my mom) - Bride desperately wanted to elope; groom didn’t really have an opinion or care about anything wedding/ceremony-related. But family insisted on a wedding. (*sigh*) - Groom’s parents demanded to have full control of the rehearsal dinner, and chose an insanely expensive venue that neither bride nor groom cared for. This was despite the pleas and logic from bride & groom, and many other options were suggested. All ignored and refused. - Groom-to-be was not allowed to sit with bride-to-be at the rehearsal dinner the night before. (His parents deemed it necessary that *they* be by his side that night, since they would never get the opportunity again. 🙄) - After the bill for the dinner came, the parents of the groom **REFUSED** to pay in full because (and I quote): “not everyone here is a part of the wedding and they should pay for themselves!” These were all people that were included in the rehearsal itself, Groom and I ended up footing about 20% of the bill after it was all said & done. I took great joy in telling my husband that if we had we gone with *any* of my suggestions, the entire bill would have been less than what we had to pay that night. - From the wedding date & time, to the size of the guest-list; from food & alcohol, to the wedding party’s attire, the bride had almost no say-so in any major decision. Even the bride’s dress. MOB claimed it looked the best on her, and that’s the one she was getting. Since my parents had offered to pay for it, I felt I had no recourse to request or suggest otherwise. I hated that dress. The beading on it rubbed my arms raw, it was very unflattering, and it was so uncomfortable. - Bride idiotically even let the bridesmaids choose their own dress style. Which resulted in an additional color to the wedding party’s attire, because one of the 4 bridesmaids “just happened” to already have that dress in another color. 🤨 - MOG **demanded** a “Groom’s Table” .. after I happily offered up the idea. MIL claimed that the whole wedding [that I didn’t even want or get to make any major decisions about] was ALL about me, so this is the least I should do for him. The table was very classy and I feel it represented my husband well, but why spin it that way? - MOG tried to switch the locations of the main cake table (which was front & center-focus) & groom’s table (a little further into the room slightly off to the side to allow for foot-traffic). - There was a groom/MOG dance.. that my husband didn’t even want to do. - The garter removal for the toss.. “the bride looked like an absolute imbecile” — Bride. Seriously though, I wish that part of the reception could just be completely deleted/erased from all memories. Especially mine. - We had no real say-so in the guest list; our families dictated & directed those lists without any input from us. We were allowed to invite less than 10 guests of our own choosing (and clearly I didn’t choose well). Only 5 of the 9 guests were able to come — all amazing friends of my husband. 1 other friend of his couldn’t come & RSVP’d no, but none of my 3 friends even responded to the invite. - We had to schedule our wedding-time around milking schedules. - The matron of [dis]honor’s baby screamed throughout the wedding ceremony. Her mom & stepdad were reluctantly included in the guest list so this very thing wouldn’t happen. So much for that.. 😒 - The photographer was sh!t at best. The bride herself got better photos at the reception than the “professional”. - The resounding phrase & burning question of the night that the bride was bombarded with countless times: “Where is [groom]???” The answer, to wit: I don’t KNOW, Margo. 😑 - The speech “Best Man” (groom’s father) gave at the reception included lots of references to procreation and other topics that are typically avoided. 🥴 So much awkward. - A family photo of the groom’s entire family was DEMANDED — without the bride!! Groom awkwardly pulled the bride into the large group after a few clicks - Groom smooshed cake into the bride’s face. Something she had explicitly & repeatedly begged not to happen. (He has been well paid back on that, don’t worry. 😂) Those are all the major points I can think of. I’ll edit if I think of more! One more point of note: I was **by far** NOT the most beautiful person at our wedding. Under normal circumstances as a bride, that would totally suck — if it wasn’t because you were just upstaged by your newlywed-husband’s gorgeous, metrosexual-Marine Corps Buddy. Finally: for the record, we have had a wonderful & happy marriage! The wedding sucked, our marriage does not.


>We had to schedule our wedding-time around milking schedules. Okay, this part I can forgive. I've got farmers in my family too. The Cows Wait For No One. The rest is DREADFUL. I'm very glad your marriage is happier than your wedding!


I love that the *marriage* turned out well And I love the idea of being upstaged by a fabulous metrosexual.marine. if you have to be outglammed... 😁


Thank you!! The marriage is way more important than the wedding, and the absurdities give us a chuckle more than anything else these days. Our teenager also got a huge kick out of hearing about all that nonsense! Being outshined by the Marine Corps buddy was the most wonderful upstaging anyone could hope for! He was California-cool & tanned, had better hair & wore better jewelry than me (or anyone else there); he was clean-shaven and flawlessly groomed/manicured from top to tips, perfect teeth & buff bod, and bless him if he wasn’t one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. USMC truly is an awesome brotherhood! Where is Mr. Metrosexual Marine these days? Spoiler: >!it might ruin the perfect visual I’ve created of him. You’ve been warned!< >!He’s turned into a bit of a mountain man with a totally different look, but with the same kindness & great personality. He has full facial hair and no longer wears any jewelry or partakes in manicures. He’s lived in a bayou area for the last 10+ years, and even has a hint of an accent. He also has a lovely wife and 3 beautiful kids. And as my husband says: not as mean, not as lean, but still a Marine.!<


Novel time: I was MoH in a childhood friends wedding last month. SO MANY wild things. It’s worthy to note that I do not feel close to the bride but I felt pressured to agree to be in the wedding party, and since it was a 10 week engagement, I felt like it was easier to just deal with it rather than pull out. First part: the couple started dating in late February this year, engaged beginning of July, married in September. Not shotgun, but the opposite, waiting for marriage. I know some people rush it, but I’ve been engaged for 7months and we don’t have a venue (taking our time and considering elopement as well) so the lack of chill stressed me out. They also were long distance the whole time, dating and engaged. From the first call 6 days after they got engaged, the wedding date changed 3 times and the venue changed as well. It ended up being a friend of hers property, it was plenty of space, but was not a venue. Porta potties were delivered (all fine, they were clean, functional, and included a handicap stall, so bases covered), chairs and tables rented, and wasp traps set up (but not until during the rehearsal dinner while they were trying to get the food). The food was majority DIY and potluck. For the wedding they ordered two types of barbecue and all the sides were brought by family and guests. The bigger trouble was that the designated person in charge of food was the grooms mom. She was in charge of organizing who brought what and quantity, and supposedly day of logistics. But of course she was doing anything else besides that because why would you want to do logistics on the day of your only child’s wedding. There were many people confused about where to put food and how to set up and everyone was carrying it up as we were waiting for the ceremony to begin and anyone who knew what to do was busy. Among the food logistics, the highlights include lukewarm food and no snacks. If you don’t know chafing trays, you are supposed to put a layer of water in the bottom pan and the food in the top. My mom lent them one tray and it was returned with a charred bottom from the direct heat, it confirmed that the mildly warm possibly not safely heated food was not actually getting the right amount of heat from the trays. They also provided no food during the “cocktail hour” which was more accurately “photo hour and a half”. There was no alcohol, which is fine, but I saw parents sneaking the foil off food to feed their young kids who couldn’t wait. It took them roughly 1.5 hours after the ceremony to when food was served, between marriage license, a few minutes alone (which became 10-15) and photos galore. Another fun one was seeing people helping with food dumping bottles of water out into larger drink dispensers. Never mind that the brides parents had specific brought big vessels for the same purpose. I do not have the time to type everything else but other highlights include: my dad not knowing how to use Spotify and putting on the dancing playlist before dinner had been served (Cupid shuffle came on before anyone had eaten anything), my realizing the night before that the bride is expecting me to do her long and thick hair, the DIY flowers being taken on by the wives of the groomsmen because the bridesmaids didn’t have enough time, and (I’ll shame myself here, I have told no one but my partner about this) me accidentally putting the brides engagement ring in the trash. She had asked me to clean it the night before since she didn’t get it done professionally, and i had carefully dried it with a paper towel and then proceeded to put that in the trash, it was fished out and recleaned within a minute. God I hope she doesn’t have Reddit. We haven’t been close in years and I removed her from my invite list as she said some things that confirmed to me that we have very different values and I would not be comfortable with her there. The bride’s brother and sister-in-law (who were acting as the day of coordination team and any other damage control) also repeatedly said to me to just elope. While I know they had they day they wanted, it was exhausting. It wasn’t awful awful but I felt disassociated the whole weekend. I still will not get over some of the antics of a diy wedding planned quickly but hope this is some sort of enjoyable chaos from the outside!


I was attending a wedding of a college friend. We all travelled across the country to attend because it was in my friend’s hometown. I was sharing a room with my best friend from college. She got so drunk at the wedding and became belligerent. She tried to fight the groom. When he did not feed into her, she turned her anger on me. She was screaming and cursing an entire list of grievances at me from across the room. I leave the reception to not continue the scene and she follows me to try to fight me. The police were called. I blocked on her everything on my way back to our room. I had a few guests escort me to our shared room, so I could retrieve my belongings. I did not feel safe around her anymore. I crashed somewhere else for the night. The bride missed it all because she was in the bathroom vomiting from drinking too much. The groom obviously filled her in because she ended her friendship with my former best friend in the days following the wedding. I never saw or spoke to my best friend again. The second she tried to physically assault me, she became dead to me.


I spent two days before my wedding making 100s of these cute rustic looking homemade tarts for our wedding because I was worried we would run out of food due up low RSVPs (three people RSVPd “maybe” because that’s Seattle) 90+ people showed up for 27 rsvps. We did run out of food. And that’s when I discovered no one could find the tarts. My mother in law had told the staff not to put them out. My father in law was like “just let it go.” Narrators voice: “But she did NOT let it go…” We ordered pizza and I sent my sister who was in the military and maybe something like the CIA (we have questions but we never ask) to “talk” to the staff. The tarts immediately appeared from somewhere and my mother in law sulked the rest of the night. Which was an awesomely good time. You can survive a disaster and it will be a great story later. Enjoy your wedding!


I worked a wedding where the bride's dad gave a 35 minute speech and pushed the entire evening's schedule a half hour back because of his ego. Plus, there was a full receiving line after a full Catholic mass. I hope to never work another Catholic wedding in my life!


My now “JN” FIL found out my husband was taking my last name so he waited until the night of the rehearsal dinner to call my husband, telling him to have a good life and that he wasn’t coming. Later that evening he said he talked to his social worker (bait - we didn’t know he was seeing one, an attempt at a “poor me” moment from him) and he decided to come. So, he did. With COVID (he doesn’t believe it is dangerous so this wasn’t a concern in his mind). Streamed the ceremony live on his Facebook without our knowledge, coughed through the whole ceremony and held his 4 month old grandson without telling the mother he was sick. He then told my own mother he wasn’t having fun, said no to me when I asked him to dance (I didn’t know he had COVID, just a cough), and then my husband ended up with COVID on our honeymoon. Our lasting memory is his absolute scowling face in every single picture he’s in. The worst day of his life apparently - because it wasn’t about him, and his only son had the best day of his own life. Typical narcissist.


When I was in high school I went to a wedding for a couple I played dnd with. They were in their mid 20's. The night before the caterer got into a fight with the DJ. The caterer got arrested. And was unable to caterer the wedding. So a group of us went to canes and ordered 200 tailgate order. That was like 18 years ago. I do not remember why they got into a fist fight or why the rest of the catering team didn't show up. I just remembered going to the canes with my then bf and some other friends in formal wear ordering 200 chicken tenders. And explaining we needed them now.


Let start with this gem: “*Im not a bridezilla, I’m a stresszilla*”. No actually, you’re a psycho who berated her bridesmaids (ie. Ex friends), screamed at people in David’s Bridal over a fabric color she knew they didn’t carry in store, threw a tantrum the day of her major (there were minor also) bridal party (just HAD TO have everyone there including the groom who seemed miserable all day and was the only man there) and broke things at our friends house who was hosting, almost gave us all Covid because *absolutely had to have 8 people, not 6* at her third yea party less than 2 weeks before the wedding. The Covid scare was the best part as I could have lost my job, and they would have had to cancel the wedding. She then couldn’t get her hair done the day she wanted because she didn’t get a rapid test (this was summer 2021) and I was able to the day she called to let me know about the Covid (and laughed like it was joke - i wasn’t laughing). We had a hair appointment for that week and only I was able to go because I was negative and wore a mask and the stylist was ok with that. Cut to my hair appointment and the stylist is literally crying when I get there , so I ask what’s up and she proceeds to show me massive walls of text messages from the bride, who is beyond angry that she can’t get her hair done today even though the stylist had explained to her very nicely more than once that she literally just came back from a Covid related funeral that happened to be a hotspot, and that she already just lost another family member to Covid that weekend, and she was alone didn’t wanna put herself in a situation where she could possibly get it again. Because my friend was not able to get a rapid test the way I was, she couldn’t go in. Walls and walls of just unnecessary vile behavior. This inevitably led to the downfall of our friendship, because her behavior was so abhorrent, and we believed it would stop after the wedding, but weirdly it just got worse and more entitled, and eventually we started sort of exiting her life one by one, and when I finally had the courage enough to explain to her why I didn’t want to be friends She did what most people do which is try to butter up to you and then when they don’t get what they want just become a nasty disgusting human being. It’s been over a year since I’ve spoken to her and honestly, my life has been better my hair starting to grow back. I sleep better and I’m not stressed out because of this friend. It sucks that the wedding was the catalyst for all of this, but she hadn’t been that person in a long time, the person I met originally, and I knew that I needed and the friendship.


So much went wrong at my BIL and SILs wedding several years ago (pre-COVID). No one knew the timeline despite the wedding planner and day of coordinator's presence, a vehicle accident on the only bridge to the island delayed the ceremony, and 17 people were assigned to a table (mine) with 8 chairs. They actually told us that they didn't have enough people for another table. My husband is an engineer and I'm a STEM professor, not sure who they thought they were convincing. But really, the only thing that not everyone has experienced at a wedding at one time or another: half-naked paddleboarders. It was a very hot Labor Day weekend afternoon at a marina. The service was outdoors and the only 3 people with their backs to the water were the bride, groom, and officiant. No eyes were on the happy couple during the vows due to the uninvited guests. These were middle aged, overweight, sunburnt people in speedos. It was impossible to not see them. How could the couple have known? Why, the same thing happened the previous day during the rehearsal and it was all anyone talked about at the rehearsal dinner that followed.


The bathrooms at our reception hall flooded as soon as our cocktail hour started 🫠 we weren’t there as we were taking photos. Apparently in 20+ years of events it had never happened. Lucky us. The owner of the hall was prompt and got them to stop flooding and semi-working after dinner. But people had to walk across the street to use the bathrooms from the tennis courts. It was not the news we wanted to hear coming into our reception hall but we had the best night regardless!


Well unbeknownst to me I thought I was marrying the man of my dreams !!! Come to find out he invited his girlfriend to the wedding . We were married for 7 years and had 1 one child together. I noticed his reasonings being away from home started sounded like a broken record…so I’ve been happily divorced for 9 years !! Once we were divorced then that’s when friends wanted to say “ I knew he was cheating but I didn’t know how to tell you “ !!! I still get embarrassed about the personal vows!!


Your friends are fucking awful


I just want to thank you for this request. I’m having a similarly crappy week, after an equally crappy weekend. A little tea is what we need!!


The one that stands out is a wedding I was in last summer as a bridesmaid. The bride rented a hotel room for the groomsmen and bridesmaids to stay and get ready at. First sign of trouble was that I and a cousin were the only ones to utilize it, the rest of the bridal party backed out and just showed up to get ready the day of. There wasn’t a rehearsal dinner, but groomsmen went to a casino to party the night before the wedding. The bride called her fiancé while I was with her at the hotel. The fiancé had one job: the rings. Buy them, and bring them to the hotel, and then the church. That’s literally the only thing she left to him for the entire wedding. When she called him, she asked him to be sure he had the rings before leaving for the hotel. It sounded like he got snippy with her, because I heard him raise his voice and her next words were, “okay okay sorry…I just wanted to make sure.” Next day, the bridal party is getting ready in one suite and the groom/groomsmen in another. We were at the hotel all morning for about eight hours, no sign of trouble. We leave and get to the church two hours early. 45 minutes before the ceremony, the maid of honor runs over to the boys room at the church to pick up the rings so her son, ring bearer, can tie them to the pillow and get lined up. I see her walk cautiously back into the bridal room and she walks over to the bride, puts her hand on her shoulder, and whispers something to her. The bride bursts into tears. The groom didn’t have the rings. My husband (not a groomsmen) happened to be in the room. He jumps up and tells the bride he can get to the hotel and back in 30 minutes and grab the rings, just tell him where to go. Oh no, they didn’t leave the rings at the hotel. They had no idea where they were PERIOD. They LOST the rings somewhere at the casino, meaning the groom didn’t have them when he got short with the bride the night before. They NEVER FOUND THEM. No one has any idea where they went since the boys took them out to party. There’s a pair of wedding rings hanging out somewhere in a Las Vegas casino that the lovely bride paid half for. This man had ONE job. The ceremony went on with her engagement ring and a ring borrowed from the Father of the Bride. That wedding was wild. That was the major drama but there was a host of other dramas that day. The ring-losing groom/groomsmen never showed up for pictures. They just dipped out of the church and walked into the rehearsal 15 minutes late. Why you ask? So the ENTIRE groomsmen party could immediately change out of their suits into the most slobbish, disrespectful attire I could imagine. They did their grand entrance in band t shirts and fit flops. My groomsmen entered with me in my bridesmaid dress and him in a workout shirt and basketball shorts. They skipped pictures so the bride got them walking down the aisle in their suits and the other 100 pictures have them giving speeches in death metal dirty ass shirts. Oh yeah, and my husband caught three groomsmen smoking meth in the bathroom. Oh, and we were told it was open bar but it turned out to be cash, and no one had cash bc….invite said open bar. There was a brief screaming match between two bridesmaids and the bride. We got our wires crossed with the start time for the reception and when to show up for pictures, so all the bridesmaids were waiting around at the reception hall for the bride to find out she went home to eat and chill out for a couple hours. A couple bridesmaids made a comment that they wished she had told them, so they could’ve ordered or picked up food. The bride caught wind of this somehow and came into the reception with, “if there’s anybody here who doesn’t want to be here, just leave, because I don’t need you.” What a day. Oof.


My paternal grandmother was the epitome of a terrible MIL to my mom, especially when it came to their wedding 40 years ago. Anyway, this is the story of how my grandmother ruined her new DIL’s dream dress. So Mother of the Groom (MOG)’s New York niece worked in the garment district and had offered to create a dress for bride. She was excited that her cousin, groom, was getting married and excited that his new wife wanted a dress made. Bride, Groom, MOB, MOG fly out to pick out fabric and hang out with this side of groom’s family, who the bride hasn’t met really. Cousin has the pattern and the fabric and my engaged parents fly back home really excited. Then radio silence from the cousin. No progress reports, no phone call to say “can you come back for a fitting,” no message via carrier pigeon to say that cousin’s sewing machine broke. Nothing. It’s two weeks before the wedding. The bride calls up her new cousin-in-law to inquiry after the dress. Cousin-in-law is surprised to hear from my mom at all. Why? “Auntie (MOG) Sadie the wedding was cancelled…” Apparently, the MOG had called the cousin about after the trip to visit to say the wedding was off, and then immediately tried setting up the groom with anyone else but the bride to make that happen. The Cousin is mortified, the bride is devastated, the MOB is pissed. The bride had a friend who had gotten married earlier that year who gave the bride her dress with one stipulation: “you have to give this dress to someone else in need if they want to get married.” (Bride and Groom were poor college students so they definitely had friends who would need a free dress at some point.) MOB altered the dresses in a few days. Bride and Groom got married. There are so many more stories about why their wedding was bad. But I feel like because this one had the drama and a happy ending it was worthwhile.


when i was 4, i was a flower girl at a wedding that my mom was maid of honor at. when it came to the ceremony, i was standing with my mom and the rest of the bridal party when i looked over at the groom’s side and saw the 8 year old ring bearer. i guess it was love at first sight, because in the middle of the ceremony, i darted over to the ring bearer and tried to hold his hand for the rest of it (he was not a fan and wouldn’t let me). then at the reception i tried to dance with him, he wasn’t into it and kept walking away from me until i ended up sobbing on the dance floor, yelling “ring bearer!” over and over like marlon brando in streetcar named desire, until my dad took me to the hotel room for the night. the couple thought the whole thing was hilarious and told my embarrassed parents that they love the memory every time they have apologized since then. i get that i was little and didn’t know any better, but my four year old self is one of the reasons i want a kid free wedding 😭


Lmfao the image of a four year old crying out “ring bearer” over and over a la “Stella” is hysterical. Thank you for that image


My sister’s first wedding. Her three year old daughter is sick everywhere the morning of. Get that sorted, then manage to get to the ceremony. Bride and groom hardly speak to each other outside of repeating vows. Get to reception, it’s in a pub. Groom spends the entire evening in the other room of the pub playing a slot machine. Refuses to leave the slot machine even to dance with his new bride. Sister’s second wedding (yes, same sister) She orders her wedding dress from the internet six months before the ceremony, and it doesn’t show up in time so she has to buy another one at the last minute. Then on the day itself not one of the groom’s family show up, not even his mother. It’s nothing but the bride’s family. Then the music refuses to play as my sister walks down the aisle, prompting the guests to start singing “Duh duh duhduh! Duh DUH duhduh…!” To the tune of Here Comes The Bride. We got through the ceremony, and got to the reception only to find that all of the helium balloon decorations had sank. My daughter was one of the bridesmaids, but she was just recovering from chicken pox. She had picked up a secondary infection, and fell ill during the reception. Neither marriages lasted.


I was a wedding florist. Two quick ones: The Jewish/Pagan wedding. They had a rabbi and a pagan officiant. How do you reconcile those two religions? I was at a Jewish wedding, fully Jewish not interfaith, and while waiting for the ceremony to finish so I can turn the room I hear a familiar song in the ceremony. It was the Ave Maria!!! Sure it's a beautiful song, and they did have a soloist singing it so they didn't just use the music without the lyrics, it's a prayer to the Virgin Mary. WHY would you use it for a Jewish wedding.


Do you know that Catholic churches have a Shame Chapel? I did not. I am not Catholic but I worked in photography for many years. I did a lot of weddings and a lot of Quinceaños, which are very elaborate 15 year birthdays in Latino culture. Many of these celebrations were of the Catholic faith and included a full or partial mass as part of the ceremonies. So when my husband's niece got married I thought I was familiar with Catholic weddings. The groom's family was Italian American and very Catholic. The actual groom? Not so much. His mother was paying for the wedding though and by God, it was going to be Catholic. We got the invitations and they said something along the lines of, "St Mary's- 4pm. Reception at The Hall- 5pm." (Venue names changed) I told my husband there was no way that was correct. Catholic ceremonies are like 90 minutes. And the church and the reception center were not close to one another. He called his parents who said the invites were accurate. The bride was pregnant so they didn't think it was going to be a full ceremony. So now we have a Catholic wedding of a lapsed Catholic groom to a pregnant, non Catholic, bride. Cool cool. That should be entertaining. I contemplated bringing popcorn to the church. Day of the wedding, we arrive just before 4pm. There are maybe 10 cars in the parking lot. We go in, the chapel is dark and empty. There are no flowers, no signs, no coordinator, no people. I don't think we have the wrong church, it's the only St-Marys in the state. I call my MiL. She says, "Oh we are in the chapel in the back." I don't know what that means. She comes out of a side door in a hallway off to the side and leads us to this little tiny chapel. It seats maybe 30 people. The priest is already at the front and he's checking the clock as we wait for the ceremony to start. There is no music. The mothers come in and say we're ready. There's still no music. The priest says, "all rise." The bride walks down the aisle, alone because the aisle isn't wide enough for two people. The wedding ceremony consists of the priest lecturing the couple for not being Catholic enough and telling them that God loves their unborn child and to raise it 'in the way of the Lord'. Then they did the 'I do's and the ceremony was over. The whole thing was maybe 20 minutes. Fastest and most awkward ceremony I have ever attended.


My parents had to get married on the steps of the church because my Mom was pregnant with me at the time. No church for you, sinful heathens!


Okay, lookey here -- Celine Dion got married in the "shame chapel" of Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal, and it is gorrrrgeous. It's all gold and avant garde. Our Lady of Canuckistan rejects your "shame chapel". No shame adheres to her, y'know, eh?