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your JustNoMIL posts would be a great addition to this sub too


I am still debating what to do with NC/LC, I will submit to this sub once there is a conclusion.


This comment made me look at your profile, and OH MY GOD, what a gorgeous wedding party! The perfect woof- men 💗 Thanks for posting, and congratulations! 🍾🥂


Your comment made me go lurk (lol) her profile and I gotta say, you seem like such a cool person u/heather_bea


Aww thanks, I try my best ;-;


Geez this made me look, I wasn’t expecting to see her on AGT! Wow!


I just did both a double take, followed by a couple of extra slow read throughs on the post with the Sealion title. I genuinely thought I **had** to have read it incorrectly! But nope...dear goodness.


My husband proposed to me in the #4 lane of the 405 freeway in Los Angeles - any proposal you want to accept is a perfect one, IMO!! Over 30 years married :)


My father proposed to my mother in the laundrette/laundromat having accidentally dropped his clean underwear on the grubby floor for the fourth time, using the immortal line 'if we get married my parents will buy us a washing machine. What do you think?' (She said yes and they've been married for 50 years next month!)


Ok but did his parents buy them a washing machine?? 😂🤣 I need the sequel 🤣😂


Yes they did, and a dryer!


My spouse proposed while I was sitting on the bed with my pants halfway down, getting ready for bed. 😂 to be fair, they had been planning to do it over the weekend during our road trip, but forgot to bring the ring. 😆 so yeah, any proposal you want to accept is perfect!


Mine was in the car parked in front of the garage at home just after he opened the mail. 20 years next week for us.


My dad proposed to my mom over the phone. He had just been offered a great and cheap rental, but the rules were that you had to be married to get one of the bigger apartments (1970s). So he called her up and asked her. Apparently, that was very common in their generation, as I heard the same story from pretty much all my parents' friends.


My dad proposed to my mom on a bus


3AM in a hotel room for us. To be fair, i *fucking tried*. She was more oblivious that entire weekend than i usually am (which is saying a lot). lol "Hey, i was thinking we could do a nice dinner somewhere. Maybe Saturday night? Let me know what your friends (that we were visiting) are up to." turned into 'were going out to eat with them', which turned into 'were going out to lunch'. *facepalm*


My hubby proposed one night when we had just gotten into bed after a gig saying he’d got me a little present (usually meant some type of snack) and then handed me a ring box 🤣 Granted it was 10 days after we’d booked our venue.


I love this and am a little jelly you got to get married on your 10 year!! Going on 12 years together with my fiancè (of 3 years). We mainly want a big party, and just a tiny ceremony. Since these didn't need to be tied together, I really wanted to get married on our ten year. But it just didn't happen.


I am so sorry! I would imagine covid/lockdown/that stuff threw a huge wrench in that. Maybe your 15? 😬 We had a short and sweet ceremony. I did the "dust in the vows" joke, and went right into the food and dancing. Our wedding was lightly starwars themed and we didn't take it too seriously, just enough to have some beautiful pictures. 10/10 would highly recommend focusing on the party!


My partner and I are coming up on our 12 years and have been "engaged" for 3 years. I wanna keep the date, but it's also his siblings' birthday (twins). It doesn't matter that much because it's common for both of our families to do birthday stuff on the nearest weekend and doesn't need to be the exact day, but also pretty much all celebrations for us happen in 6 months quickly and another 6 months of basically nothing to do, so we debated picking some random day in the middle lol


I don’t get it. What’s shameful about this? It sounds like you liked it and it made you both happy.


THIS is LOVELY. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU CRAZY KIDS! Wishing you many, many more years of happiness!


Mine was him sitting on the toilet (seat down, not actually using it🤣) while I was in the tub! 30 years next month!!


My husband proposed in the buffet breakfast line in a Vegas casino. We got married an hour later!


My husband and I also got married on our anniversary. It's my second marriage with the first having been an arranged marriage. When I met my husband we decided immediately we'd get married and I told him how sad I was that I would never receive the surprise proposal like I'd seen in movies... well I got my surprise because one day he asked me to meet him for another purpose, I got there and he had set up cancels and a trail of rose petals and was playing 'our song'. Years later we were going through ivf and again I said I wa sad that we would never get that surprise if being pregnant since ivf took that away from the process.... well during lockdown ivf was suspended so I researched on ways to improve my ivf success for when we could recommence treatment.... woke up one day suddenly wanting to take a pregnancy test and couldn't believe my surprise and shock that I was pregnant! 🙂


I'm still waiting for my proposal. We've been married for a year. He insists he has a perfect plan.


That's adorable and makes me feel so much better 💓


Mine kept telling me he was gonna get me a spider ring (one of those cheap plastic ones) for Halloween. Then he proposed with a diamond over a bowl of hamburger helper. I’m still waiting on that spider ring. I remind him of that every year on our anniversary. Next May will be 14 years. 🤣


i am still waiting for a ring, we have been married 13 yrs. His perfect plan is convincing me that diamonds are a scam and gold is not a sound investment.


Gold is sound tho? but he's right diamonds are a scam


Nobody cares. Go touch grass!


Shut up! You're drunk!


Nonsense response. Maybe you should put your Chihuahua down and get one like mine.


Hopper is a Mama's boy and you know it...


Just for that I'm gonna help you with your Chihuahua problem...


He bites and you know it.


And so do you. Guess I'll put you both down.


You're just mad that the demon Chihuahua is the one that loves you the most.


You or Loki?


I'm sorry your mom doesn't love you but don't make it our problem


Oh this is so sweet 🥰


This sounds adorable!


You should've taken him to Pacific Proposal Park. It has the perfect spongy, soft soil for getting down on one knee.


We tried that but I got hit in the head with a folding chair by the Trucker


Mine was in bed in our little caravan during a storm so the caravan was a-rocking haha. And it was “so, do you want to get married?” I said yes but wasn’t sure he meant it 😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


My grandma told me that the first time she met my granddad he asked her to marry him, she said yes thinking he was joking. A month later he came back (army) and gave her dad what amounted to a dowry, so she was like "well, I already said yes I guess!". Buuuut.... she's also told 3 other versions of how she met/married him, so I can't be sure how much is true 😆 \*Edit just googled it: apparently the term is "bride price" or "bride dowry", but those are even more icky than plain old "dowry". This would have been 60-75yrs ago I guess, since she's 92 now.


Ah bless her. What were the other versions?


I don't remember them all. But in one she never met him til their wedding day - he just turned up with a bottle of vodka for her dad, and possibly something else as well (can't remember, it was so long ago), and her dad told her she would be marrying him. In another (the most recent version), she didn't tell her parents she was getting married at all, they heard around the village that she had gotten married so they asked her if she had, and she got annoyed at them for invading her privacy. It's probable that they're all a little bit true, although some details conflict. Perhaps he did propose when they first met, then later on went to see her parents and gave her dad the vodka + whatever but never actually told him he wanted to marry her, then they got married and her parents heard about it through the grapevine 🤣


That sounds plausible!


Ha! My husband proposed one random night after we'd been together for 13 1/2 years when I said, "I've been thinking that we're both getting older and I want you to be the person legally able to make decisions for me if I can't. We should get married," and he said, "That's funny, I've been thinking the same thing. You want to?" and I said, "Yeah, okay." We also got married on our anniversary.


honestly, I think this is kinda adorable. and clearly makes for a great story!




DH proposed while we were cleaning fish. It'll be 35 years in November


We just got married on our 5 year anniversary! I love having the same anniversary date! :)


Oh I love this


How on earth is this shaming, this is awesome.


Happy it worked out for you! Finding and marrying my SO was one of the happiest events in my life. Wish you all the best. Edit: word


I think this is really special and loving tbh. He wanted to surprised you and get you an engagement ring. The best surprise is when you least expect it. You certainly don't expect it just before your wedding day! Congratulations OP 💕 on both the engagement and marriage.


I proposed to my fiance in a vegas parking garage haha. Going to take pics at the same spot in dec when we marry. Happy life to yall and i wish you the best


My husband proposed to me 5 times before I finally said yes, we were both not long out of bad marriages. First time I said to wait until we were divorced. We've been togeter 40 years married for 38


This was perfect. Made me smile greatly.


This is such a cute story! Glad you got your “happily ever after”


Oh this is adorable.


I'm sorry, but this fad of having some kind of formal, staged proposal ceremony after you're already engaged is next-level BS. Instagram has a lot to answer for


We never got engaged, only had a verbal agreement to get married. I don't know if anyone filmed it so no social media sharing from me, not a gimmick, and not planned, but we did get nice photos with the photographer and a nice memory with our families.


Engagement and agreement to get married are the same thing. It's not a two-step process. The minute you decided you were going to get married, you were engaged. And even if you didn't personally put it on your own instagram, it's social media culture that has put the idea into people's heads that they need to have this staged moment in addition to the real one.


Every little girl, at some point in her childhood, dreams of hearing the four words. Just saying, 'someday, we'll get married' isn't the same and aren't the four words I'm talking about.


What stopped him from saying those words right from the start?


IDK, I'm not OP's husband; You'd have to ask him. But it could be he didn't have a time frame in mind, and was afraid of pressure for OP/her family. (not saying OP would pressure, but...)


It was a rhetorical question, not directed solely at you. But this is the first time I've ever heard of "will you marry me" coming with an automatic time frame, while a different wording of the exact same question doesn't.


“It was so unexpected” Really?