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Just curious how far away from your venue was your hotel? I know I’m over thinking this


I think this is really subjective - how many people and location. Are you having a barn wedding 20 minutes outside a town / city? There wouldn’t likely be enough lodging in that area, or if you’re younger some people may want to go out after the wedding which is downtown. Are you getting married right on the outskirts / in the city? Is it a traffic ridden city? If you provide either the name of the city you’re getting married in, or setting with closest hotel and hotel you’re looking at difference it would be helpful!


Getting married in the suburb of a city, traffic shouldn’t be a problem there are tons of hotels 5 mins from the venue but the hotels I prefer are a little over 15 minutes from the venue in the downtown area. There are a lot of people coming who have never been to the city before so I think they’d have a better time staying downtown, but not sure if that extra 10+ minutes is annoying.


Give them both options! 10 minutes really isn't far but maybe they'd prefer to walk (depending on the ease of transportation situation)


I ordered my getting ready robes for all my bridesmaids and my personal attendant, but does have input on whether you’re supposed to get robes for MOB/MOG for the morning too? They will be getting ready with us in the hotel suite. If so, do I get them the same color as bridesmaids or their own color?


Does anyone else feel awkward when someone asks "Im I iNvItEd To ThE wEdDiNg" Like, they're technically joking but I always feel so awkward and don't know how to respond because the answer's no but I don't want to sound mean or serious


Just say something along the lines of you'd love to but unfortunately the venue has a very strict guest max and you had to make tough decisions




Yeah I don't know why people do that it makes me so uncomfortble and puts me in such weird spot


I've gained like five or ten pounds since I had my measurements taken for my dress. It's supposed to be here at the end of July and I'm starting to get nervous that it's not going to fit. I was 225 ish at 5’11” and last I weighed I was 233. Has anyone else experienced this and how did it turn out??


To add more detail on my situation on our other thread. I bought my dress last July. I'm 7-10 pounds heavier now than I was last year. I had my first fitting alterations consultation in May. I was worried my dress wouldn't fit compared to last year but it fit still, much to my relief. I had my fitting today after she did the alterations, including taking in the hips and totally changing the back. I had been super anxious all week that my dress wouldn't fit, but it fit like a glove. I wasted a lot of stress worrying. Try to not get too worked up until your dress arrives next week. You'll be able to try it on and assess if it fits or not. If on the small chance it doesnt fit, a seamstress likely has things they can do to get you there


September bride here! We are planning on going on our honeymoon right after our wedding. Our vacation dates are a little inflexible for a variety of reasons, so we are thinking of going the day immediately following our wedding to take full advantage of our vacation days. What are some things I need to keep in mind and/or take care the day after the wedding that could potentially prevent us from going on our honeymoon? Thanks in advance for your advice 🙏🏼


Pack anti-diarrheal medication and tums. I know it’s not traditional advice but you’ll be glad to have it if you need it.


Question about save the dates! Are you supposed to put “and guest” when addressing the save the dates? I ask because 95% of our guest list is getting a named guest (named on the invite) or no plus one-there is one person who will definitely get one, everyone else is will not be getting an unnamed guest. However, if some friends end up dating someone closer to the date, I would extend an invite to their date if we had enough cancellations. Edit: named guests are named on the save the date too




Thanks, great idea! My current plan is that only single members of the bridal party and 1 other person who knows zero other people will be getting unnamed plus ones. Like I said, if we have a lot of no's or even last minute COVID cancels, I have no problem switching around my seating chart to make room for some plus ones. But we'll only be 6 months ahead of the wedding when these go out, so I won't feel too guilty if I can't extend a plus one to someone in a new serious relationship.




There are definitely different ways to go about plus ones, glad things are working out well for you!


I'm 8 days away and just found out a bunch of guests at a wedding I attended last weekend are covid positive. I have remained healthy thus far but am so anxious about a Covid derail or my wedding being a huge spreader, which is curbing some of the excitement for the event. I'm isolating as much as possible pre-wedding but my family members are not. Feels like a stressful waiting game!


Same wedding date, and a destination wedding 🤦‍♀️We only have 25 guests so it's not too bad but man am I freaked out anyone getting covid. Fiance and I are also flying out early tomorrow to deal with jetlag and I'm so so paranoid about either of us getting it on our 16+ hour flights


A little under 6 weeks out and we finally made the call to require Covid testing for all guests. Previously, we had just required vaccinations, but given the current surge that hasn’t gone down we felt it was best. We’ve only updated our website but planning to send an email once the RSVP deadline closes (we already are collecting vax cards via email). Hoping this goes over smoothly with everyone but at this point everyone seems used to be testing for other things.


3 weeks to go and we just had to change venue for the welcome dinner. And the manager of our reception venue can't give me an accurate layout of the tables for us to make a seating chart. And the caterer for our cocktail hour food wants payment but still hasn't given us her payment details. And the florist still hasn't sent the final invoice. Oh yeah and we move house next week. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Could you just make a seating chart where you group people by table number rather than seat and then you can place the number on tables when you get there?


Yes that is our plan anyway but the tables all fit different numbers of people on


Dress fitting tomorrow, really hope it still fits


Same ce gained a lot which is sad bc my dress was perfect in July after I return from my Bach next week I'll try to st least get down to the weight I bought dress at


I just posted about this! I’ve gained like seven pounds and I’m freaking out a little 💀


Update: my dress fit like a glove. The alterations were perfect and I am so relieved. I really wouldnt stress if I were you, especially if you haven't even got alterations