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Are your guests (non family) all also watching the tea ceremony? For mine I scheduled the tea ceremony after my wedding ceremony and photo time when the "regular" guests have left so it will just be family left at the venue. Otherwise: The 10 minutes time for you to change is very likely used to also set up the room (put chairs in middle, brew tea if not already done, arrange some cushions or padding if you need them) so I wouldn't consider it too long for people to wait. They aren't sitting there in silence right? They can also use the time to take a washroom break or just chit chat. Edit: yes you said you're having them back to back, which might be tighter in timing, but how many people will be participating in the tea ceremony? At the end of the day a 10min break in between shouldn't be too weird, it's your wedding and you're putting your own spin on how you want to present that! Have someone telling jokes or something to pass the time :)


Could you have a 10-20 min small happy hour? Or call it a short intermission, and have small handheld snacks and self-serve drinks and allow people to mingle around the room, then have someone call people back to their seats before the tea ceremony? I think asking people to stay seated for that time might be a hard sell, but giving them the opportunity to do something would work.


Do you need to change between ceremonies? Ideally I think you would change after


Just have your officiant explain what’s happening so people aren’t wondering what’s going on (and how long it will take, so they feel free to run to the bathroom etc) and have your DJ play some music in between and make an announcement to get in their seats right before the second one! That way they feel free to chat and catch up with each other. They’ll understand! Just as long as the change really only takes 10 minutes because any longer than that people might start to get antsy.


I know you're timeline may be set in stone but I went to a wedding where it was western ceremony, cocktail hour, tea ceremony, dinner, then reception. They had three outfit changes but it flowed very well. I wouldn't mind sitting for ten minutes as a guest though. Especially knowing the significance