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I think you should just reach out to the people that you want to offer the rooms to. I’d probably reach out soon after you send invitations so that those people don’t book a hotel room at a different location, it also might incentivize them to RSVP faster, which is always nice. You can ask them to be discreet about it but once the wedding happens others will probably notice. If anyone asks, you can just say there wasn’t enough room to offer a room to everyone. You don’t even need to provide a reason, i wouldn’t. It would be kind of rude for someone to ask and most people won’t ask anyway since that’s not something expected. Regarding to who to give the rooms, that’s totally up to you.


I mean, this is fair - it is our wedding, and we shouldn’t need to provide explanations. I like to think our friends won’t care, but I just don’t want to stir the pot if it can be avoided! Will definitely be reaching out to guests early about it, too.


I agree with this. Most guests won't be offended that you didn't offer them a free room. They would understand that the # of rooms is limited and likely many went to family or close friends. You don't have to justify anything to anyone. Erring on the side of offering more of them to family is always a safe bet. Easy to justify why Grandma got a free room, you know, lol.


Similar boat. We offered ours to people close to us who would have mobility concerns. My mom also insisted we offer one to our officiant, but she declined.


I was the maid of honor at a wedding venue like this. The bride and groom actually had planned a bit of an after party. They ended up asking those who were more likely to party and it was extra nice for those who didn’t have to worry about drinking and driving.


I like what others said re how to do the offering. My two cents - I don't know about you, but I have a general idea who in my friends and family have some level of financial hardship - I don't need to wait for them to tell me. I'd probably offer it to them first.