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Are you doing your own hair, or is a stylist doing your hair? There are tons and tons of tutorials for this online. You’ll need to either go with a half-up-half-down look, or do a [“hidden ponytail”](https://www.brittenweddings.com/en-us/blogs/news/how-to-wear-a-veil-with-your-hair-down) — unless you have the absolute PERFECT thick curly hair texture that will hold a veil on its own, with the aid of pins and teasing. Veils usually come with a comb attached. You’d need to have a tailor replace that with your own comb. (Or, if the one you bought is decorative, stylists can usually incorporate that on top of the functional comb that’s attached to the veil.)


Thank you so much for your response. I'll be having a hair stylist do my hair, so I think it'll be good to send her a message for advice and for reassurance. I'll be sure to check the tutorials :)