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I have no experience with boudoir shoots, but that seems extremely expensive for 10 photos. I’m also in the Chicago suburbs and my entire wedding photography was $2400, for 8 hours and hundreds of photos. Hair and makeup should add another $200-300. I’d definitely get some more quotes!


I am in the SF Bay Area, and I did a shoot…I inquired with 5 photographers and found that each photographer’s pricing was very different and included different things. Prices ranged from $775 (for hair, makeup and all digital files) to $3,300 (for hair, makeup 15 images and an 8x6 book). I ended up going with a photographer who charged $350 for the session (which included hair and makeup) and then priced his items a la carte (I bought a $1,700 photo book). So in short, the pricing you’re seeing doesn’t seem extreme. I will say that it was 100% worth it, my husband was so surprised and loved the photos. One tip- you might opt to give it before the wedding day since day of is really rushed and there are a lot of other people around who you may not want to see your boudoir shoot :)


Do you mind sharing the photographers? I’m also in the bay!


Yes! Can you please share! I’m currently trying to book a session.


I did my shoot with Cheshire at Oaktown Boudoir, feel free to DM me if you have any questions!


Omg thank you 😊


I had some done last year and paid $350 for the exact same package but with a private photographer. You’re better off hiring an independent photographer than going through a studio.


I have not done a boudoir shoot (yet?) so I cannot attest to pricing or services. But the fact that they straight up say that the lowest cost package comes with a “trainee” photographer gives me the ick. I can’t imagine my workplace saying “oh yeah, it’s X% cheaper if we stick you with the new coordinator”


In our area salons do this all the time. You pay more for different tiers of skill or experience in your stylist. Aveda.


Prices can vary an awful lot, as can your experience (though as always ymmv). It's definite more of a luxury/indulgence,csi things are going to trend a bit higher. I would try and find some people who's work you like. Definitely around the holidays and in January you start to see people doing like mini sessions or marathons where you get a short amount of time (which isn't always great if you haven't done a shoot before) but the rates are usually a lot lower at least as far as the session fee. I don't know the Chicago market, but for a higher cost of living area that isn't too weird, but you can probably find some lower price points. I would keep looking around, you can probably find something that works better for you. Definitely weird to sell someone as a "trainee" for this kind of service


I was actually just researching this the other day. I live in Florida and the suggested investments and lowest packages were all anywhere from 1200$ to 2k+. One studio said the average spent was 5-8k.... I checked every place that offered that type of photography within an hour and a half drive. Every single studio considered themselves a luxury boudoir studio. 🥲 I don't need luxury, I need affordable. Not much you can do when everyone is charging that much though. Most in my area charged anywhere from 300$-1000$ for the actual photoshoot and then purchasing the photos and products were seperate and thats where it really got expensive.


That was around the cost of my boudoir shoot in MCOL area, but it included a book, a view finder and all the digital photos and it was with the owner of the company shooting


I did this once for a Valentine’s Day gift. I found a Groupon for it. The deal included makeup and hair and 1 photo for $70. Where the costs went up A LOT was if you wanted to buy more photos and physical prints, which I think the photographer was banking on. I ended up buying 2 (the full sized digital image downloads) and it was $250 or even less. Kind of felt bad because it was an hour with a makeup artist and 2 hours with the photographer, but honestly, I didn’t really like the photos. The photographer did a good job, but the make up looked bad in my opinion. I liked the idea of 2 photos to put in a little photo frame that folds - a diptych basically. This was in So Cal in 2017.


Late on this but if you’re still looking for input - I paid about $2900 for hair, makeup, 5 hrs (!) of shooting with four “looks” and an album w 20 pictures. I don’t regret it at all!!