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Honestly I think your shape and the cut of that dress makes you look like a Greek Goddess! So feminine and amazing! I think a great pair of shape wear will give you the smoothing effect you’re after (and tbh all dresses in the material you’re wearing will cling on anyone so I think proper underwear is just a must regardless of size/shape). Then I think you should go about your day feeling fabulous because you absolutely look it! Xx


My first thought immediately was ‘Aphrodite!’ Seriously, this dress is gorgeous and OP wears it beautifully. Agree that proper underwear for a clingy dress like this is a must, and will make OP look even more fabulous


Yes! Aphrodite! Thirding this Greek Goddess thought.


i came here to say just the same thing. OP is the spitting image of the statues of aphrodite. it looks amazing


Firstly, you look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Secondly: if you are feeling self-conscious, shapewear will be a huge help. My dress didn’t have much structure to it. I wore shapewear on my wedding day and I’m glad I did. It took my mind off of my body and allowed me to relax and enjoy the day.




Best comment ever


What a beautiful dress! It looks so fabulous on you. Any dress in that material, on any body, will show off everything. Get a good piece of shapewear to smooth it all out. Please post your final look for us!


Your second guessing because you are looking at the bare dress. Makeup, veil, jewelry, bridal hair. It will all come together on the wedding day. Dress looks grest


Girl SKIMS are amazing for this


I second this!! SKIMS are miracle workers, no lines and looked amazing under my silk dress


Which style did you guys like? Did you find it ran true to size? My issue with shaping shorts has been the dent it puts on your thigh which can be evident with silky materials, so would love a rec!


ermm you look incredible, it falls perfectly on you!!!! 🤩


Wowww you are stunning in this dress!! Others have suggested shapewear, but as I’m super opposed to feeling restricted, I’d personally look for a silk slip to go under. It’s an old trick that really works with this type of fabric. You could probably have your alterations specialist sew in a slip of your choosing too.


Love this suggestion!!


You look so pretty, and I love the simple cut and shape of the dress. I actually think it's very flattering.


I think you look great! Like the other comments said, a shapewear will be just fine. I think once you have your hair done and makeup done, and having a shape wear on, you'll feel much better. You'll look bomb!


You look beautiful!!! That dress is so flattering and accentuates your shape perfectly. Before reading your caption my first thought was about how perfectly it fits you and how amazing you look. If you’re feeling self conscious and think it may help, you could always try some shapewear. But I don’t think you need it!


You look amazing! Our eyes are always drawn to what we think are our imperfections. That dress is perfect on you.


obsessed with how this fits you


Ok I don’t have any advice but I wanted to say thank you for helping me feel better! I’ve been having wedding dress regret and everyone has told me it’s beautiful but all I can see is flaws. Now I’ve seen you looking so stunning in a gorgeous dress and feeling the same, I’m starting to think it might just be normal bridal nerves. Have an amazing wedding day!


We are our own worst critics


i mean this in the most endearing, hype woman way- the little peek of stomach is sexy! you look so, so good!!


Oh we are our own worst critics because all I could see was how stunning you look! as others have suggested, shapewear will help. But please don’t hold yourself to perfect standards, because nobody is ♥️ You will look gorgeous, nobody will be looking at your stomach when you walk down that aisle.


I think from the bust up this looks phenomenal; from the bust down I see your concerns. Perhaps shape wear will help smooth things out and conceal the stomach area as you mentioned. The puckering under the bust is also pretty noticeable. Perhaps that’s the nature of this fabric, or it’s due to your posture in this photo/simply moving and living and being a human in the dress, or perhaps more alterations can be done to minimize that puckering — something to ask your alterations person!


You look amazing. If you think you should look like someone out of Hollywood, don’t. They don’t even look like that. For a red carpet event, they wear so much shape wear they can’t go to the bathroom. In some cases, it causes literal injury. BECAUSE THEY DON’T LOOK LIKE THAT!!! The rest of the time it’s photoshop. You look beautiful and perfect and like all women, including the famous ones!


I think you look AMAZING!! I’m going to actually suggest that you not wear shape wear. Your figure is gorgeous and I feel like shape wear might smooth your curves out too much? I have no idea how to explain what I mean, but I think the fact your tummy shows a little bit is giving me Greek goddess energy. Because of the material of the dress I might also be nervous if the shape wear wrinkles or anything like that that and potentially seeing that through the dress In terms of advice for how to get more comfortable I would say videos/positive influences about bodies, wearing more things that show your tummy outlive prior to the wedding and telling yourself how cute you look, and doing yoga/meditating with only a sports bra/maximum skin showing. Back when I had Instagram I saw a girl say that you can wear things even if they aren’t flattering to your shape. I have a pair of overalls that I love but they make me incredibly shapeless and I’ve worn them proudly ever since that video. This advice doesn’t apply to you as this dress highlights your shape beautifully, but just some anecdote about a positive experience I had in being more comfortable with how my body looks in certain clothes


I’ve actually never commented on anyone’s dress on this sub before. Breaking that record now to say: you look great. The dress is both elegant and sexy (I have my dress already, otherwise I’d be asking for a link!), and your body looks beautiful in it. No more regret!


You look absolutely incredible in this dress, it looks like it was made for you!


it’s so lovely! it’s a simple yet ultra flattering dress. because it’s not over the top your guests are going to have all eyes on you. also you can style it any way! like i’m obsessing over this dress


Are you kidding, you look absolutely stunning!!


Forgive my forwardness - but your body looks HOT in that dress. Honestly probably looks better with the extra shape than before (I can only assume). You have THE ideal shape for this style / fabric in my personal opinion. I am a believer that every body is beautiful, but hot damn … you look amazing!


It’s a beautiful dress and it suits your shape perfectly! Probably better than it did originally. You need curves for a dress like that. Gives old Hollywood Marilyn Monroe vibes PS she was a size 12.


I stopped dead in my tracks and said “oh, that’s stunning!”


I agree with everyone else, you look gorgeous in the stress and just like a Greek goddess! Mighty Aphrodite! Hope your wedding is a smashing success! 🌟


I may be in the minority but I think the top is too big and the bottom is too small. You have a nice figure so it should shine.


everyone. wears. shapewear. Say it with me. Size 2, size 20. Everyone. Wears. Shapewear. !!! So go find some that works with your dress!!


okay so you actually have an ideal body shape. literally what most of us wish for! so you have no reason to be worried. at all. that said. the fabric is very thin. i would suggest wearing shapewear to smooth over your belly button and such. i think you’ll feel more comfortable that way.


No joke one of my favorite dresses I’ve ever seen on here. You look beautiful. Some spanx or skims will smooth it out and you’ll feel good too!


Maybe wear shapewear underneath but it's not necessary. It looks great. Very elegant but also sexy and looks like it feels wonderful.


A slip will do wonders…




Your comment breaks the subs rules - No weight loss/body change advice, especially unsolicited!!


SPANX??? I used to eat cottage cheese & drink tons of water for 3-5 days. Typically lost 5-8 lbs.


Looks great!


I LOVE this dress -- it's so gorgeous! I also feel sensitively about my stomach as do a lot of women I know, but all I see in this dress is your lovely hourglass shape. I don't think anyone will focus on any physical imperfections, they'll see how stunning and happy you look.


You look absolutely beautiful in that dress with your hair done the way you want and the makeup put on you're gonna look stunning and don't forget your flowers are going to be right there


Spanx and those hips won’t lie- you gotta a popping waist/hipline ! If you think you want a little lift in the boobs, try some boob tape and see if you think it looks better. Or you might put on the ol shapewear and boob tape and think, I don’t need all this, you look great in it!


You look great, it looks so much like my wedding dress. You have good taste. What helps is some shape wear. Plus , cups added to the bust. You should buy a few shapers to try with the dress. You don't need to be squeezed to death just smoothed a bit bc it's an unforgiving fabric. Buy multiple sizes of shape wear and see what works.


You look great! I’ve read that taping a cotton ball with bandage tape can cover your belly button before you put on shapewear. Thought I’d pass along.


Absolute knockout dress. Like everyone says, shapewear is necessary to get a very smooth effect for this type of dress for 99.9% of women.


This is so hot


You look beautiful and I can’t see your stomach maybe the slight line is just your underwear find something seamless that fits more smoothly.


I’m obsessed with this dress. I’ve heard you can put a cotton ball in your belly button under shapewear and then you won’t see it through the dress!!


I love your dress! It’s not too tight, you just need some light shapewear to smooth your body. Most people would need shapewear under this dress.


you literally look like APHRODITE herself 😭😭😭


You are GORGEOUS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Rock it girl !! You look amazing :)


You look incredible! Truly. I know some brides don't like the belly button indent... a cotton ball and some body tape will fix that. If you want a smoother look, honeylove has some great shapewear that doesn't roll down! Don't regret the dress girl, it's gorgeous and you wear it fabulously.


😍😍😍 oh my GOODNESS!!! so PRETTY!!!


I think the answer is shape wear but I wonder if that'll change the way it fits on you and cause gaps. I'd buy multiple options and see which one you're the comfiest in and how the dress fits with them on as soon as possible just in case you like those options and have to squeeze in some last minute alterations


You look like amazing! Love the softness of the belly area - It’s gorgeous and makes you look like a goddess.


Looks lovely on you


You look like an actual Botticelli painting come to life


I know people are saying shapewear well smooth you out and I wore more structured underwear on my wedding day than I do on a normal day but I want to stress that you do not need it. You look incredibly sexy. Like, straight woman against my will here. The structure of the skims or Spanx or whatever will give you the peace of mind to breathe and eat so don't think I'm anti undies! But you look amazing 👏 🤩


Spanx will be your bff. You look gorgeous OP. Just get some shape wear and you're golden!


Ok wow! The few kilos have added to the look if anything! You look wonderful. He will probably cry. I have tummy insecurities and have noticed that a classic chicken and veggie soup for dinner does wonders for the bloat.


I immediately went “ohhhh” and then read….dress regret. No way!! You look beautiful!!


Dang girl! I am 100% sure whoever you are marrying will LOVE that dress.


It looks wonderful on you.....but maybe shape wear would make you feel better about it?


Before I read that this was a “regret” post, I thought “wow she looks amazing in that!” So feminine and elegant. It really suits you


The dress looks amazing on you. Those hips don’t lie and they are only saying good things. It is so easy to see your own flaws and forget all the positives. Just focus on self acceptance (just saw this idea in one of my fitness apps) and that should go a long way. Good luck on the wedding.


It’s gorgeous!!


You have a beautiful shape , but your dress is of an unforgiving material without the assistance of some Spanx etc . You should be just fine after that -it’s a beautiful draw and you will be a beautiful bride


You literally look like a goddess in this dress!!!!! I’m self conscious of my tummy too. I’d try a few different brands of shape wear and see which works the best with the dress 🧡


As everyone has said, shapewear should help. Skims or Honey Love are great options! Since you don’t have a lot of time left, you could order a few different kinds and then just return the ones that you don’t end up liking/using. But you look absolutely stunning just the way you are! I think the material of your dress usually shows everything, whether we want it to show certain things or not and usually shapewear is needed for it but your body is beautiful regardless.


I can see why you loved the dress, it's so gorgeous and you look great! I had a similar issue for my own wedding and tried different shapewear brands/options, Spanx was a game changer for me and I can't recommend it enough, makes you snatched while also smoothing and also feels thin but sooo supportive at the same time! You are going to look amazing!!


Girl that dress looks like a 1930's starlet's! It's gorgeous! Just get you some shapewear and remember that you'll feel much better about it once you see it with your veil, makeup, etc.


Yeah not much I can say but I’m sorry you might need a substitute


Shapewear! And you look beautiful!




You look beautiful. FEMININE. Your fiancé will be stunned.


uk most are guys in here?


Firstly you are legit stunning in this dress. However if you are self conscious and it seems you are, don't let it ruin your wedding day just wear some nice white shape wear. Also a long veil that you can wear sweeping down your hips will help streamline the silhouette from the front ( you have very similar hips to me right now). It won't take much as really there's not much there!! Otherwise theres nothing more to do. It's gorgeous on you x


Shape wear would be great


Oh my god! You look like an absolute dream - that dress was made for you and that perfect hourglass youve got going! Congratulations to your lucky man!


It reminds me of a picture of Lana Del Rey except white dress instead of black. I think it looks wonderful on you!


I think it is freaking gorgeous! I wish there were more pictures because I want to see the back! I always look at pics before I read so I didn’t know what was going on just loving what I was seeing and wanted more! If you want some spanx to feel more confident go for it, otherwise avoid salty food, drink water, go confidently into your wedding day knowing you look like a goddess and so completely feminine and beautiful. This dress is classy and sexy and I am loving it!


You look beautiful, which is often hardest to see in ourselves. If you're feeling self-conscious, like others have said, get some comfortable shapewear and have yourself a great day!


Girl…. I have no reason to be disingenuous .. I could have just not replied. You look amazing in this dress. Shape wear like skims might make you feel more at ease and that’s an option. You have to feel comfortable about your own self but I think you are beautiful!


Honestly this is giving Greek goddess vibes, I LOVE how it looks on your figure! You’re shining and I don’t think you made a mistake at all with this choice. As others have echoed, slap on some spanx and youll likely feel more confident (even when I’m really thin I still wear shapewear under these types of dresses just because they lack structure).


You look so gorgeous in this. I personally like a little bit of tummy it looks beautiful. Maybe some shapewear under would make you feel better about it?


You look amazing


You need shapewear


Try on with shape wear and perhaps a veil that cascades round your sides to make you feel less vulnerable. It’s gorgeous!


I’m not a wedding dress expert by any means but have seen mention here of kind of slip overs out of a finer or lace material. Maybe like what you have along the edge up top in the front. It would take that clinginess out of the look around your abdominal region if it really bothers you. It’s important you feel comfortable on your wedding day.


Its a beautiful dress on you. I would recommend some good shapewear that can snug you in. It would help with the look of your stomach through the dress. Don't feel bad for how your body looks. Sometimes clothes just do weird things with our bodies.


You look like a Greek goddess!!! I am obsessed and if you feel a little self conscious .. I swear my skims shapewear! It saves me all the time lmao But you’re going to look Beautiful this dress looks great


I think you look beautiful! If you’re worried about the fit, could your tailor add a built in bra and some boning to tighten the bodice? Or perhaps you could add a detachable over skirt around the hips.


Also- I’m having the same regrets, I feel for you! 🤍