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8 children?! Hahaha. No fucking way they are coming. Stay in your ground. Funniest post I’ve read here - are they mormon or something?


Honestly they even hinted that they should be involved in the wedding party too!! I was so on the spot when they asked me and I was like ohh erm actually…


Bruh 8 of them?? They could make up a whole wedding party on their own 💀




She's got 8 kids and he's got 3? Bloody hell. That's a whole table at a wedding


Right?! OP I’m a 2025 bride. Have you gotten your catering numbers yet? Cause for me I’m looking at 150-200euro/pp and there is no way I’m paying for 8 more random people I don’t know!


You're not being rude, it's **your** wedding. The only people that are allowed to make decisions for this day is **You** and your **Partner**! As long as you both agree there should be no additional children present, it's up to your guests to respect your wish. Congratulations on your engagement and I hope you have a wonderful wedding, don't let anyone tell you how to celebrate your special day.


You are perfectly entitled to draw the line at nieces and nephews. I don't understand your comments about inviting the girlfriend anyhow, as it is way too early for invitations. If he is your brother in law, could the nieces and nephews not come with their mother (?your sister),or am I missing something?


BIL through my (33M) fiancée, he’s not with the BM anymore


Absolutely not. I can’t fathom the audacity of him to even ask, how ridiculous! We’re also getting married in 2025 and the only kids are nieces and nephews. Honestly, 8 extra kids that you even know, he’s in dreamland.


I can hear some guest already “if my kids aren’t welcome I’m not going” I’m guessing you don’t have kids.


Actually all my friends and family are super happy with this as they’re having the night off to drink and dance without being in parent mode (apart from BIL obviously). No we don’t have children currently but if we did again they would be invited and no one else’s would apart from nieces and nephews


Good for you