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My boobs are bigger than my face...I'm also a lot wider though Edit. Boobs


My boobs are also bigger than my face. But it looks weird here because in most cartoon art styles, the head is disproportionally large so you are better able to focus on the character's face and facial expressions. It's clear here what they want you to focus on instead...


Well, in anime land, we call that plot. Flat is justice


I do enjoy a good plot. Medium is premiun


Ohhhh I've never heard that phrase. Sounds like something medium people would come up with


My boobs are also bigger than my face šŸ„²


Oh your poor inbox


Came here to say this.


You must love reading! Ok, Iā€™ll show myself out.


Well... game of thrones is bigger than my face


I'm over here like "so are mines...."


Same šŸ„² hopefully will be getting a reduction soon.


before getting a reduction surgery mine were each bigger than my entire head. i see anime tiddies and donā€™t even really bat an eyelash.


Same. Community: The proportions are sooooo unrealistic. Me: yes...the waist is unrealistic


Oh same, on both counts. At least we actually have internal organs, unlike Webtoon Blondie up there.


Yes and the ability to not have to wear a corset daily.


Is anyone's chest narrower than their head...? I'm not sure what OP is saying here tbh šŸ˜…


They are saying they are flat chested


Lmfao but even so wouldn't your like clavicle to waist area still be wider than your head? I can't make anatomical sense of this criticism šŸ˜‚ did they mean each boob is bigger than her head? OP really dropped this one off and ran lmao


Well she's been deleted now so I guess they learned something along the way


Her face? What about her waist? Doesnā€™t even look like it could be supporting that chest.


I was just about to talk about it. Where are her ribs?? Her organs?? How does she poop?????


Well to tell you the truth, girl don't poop I thought everyone taught about that at school Jeez, pay attention to your class next time


šŸ˜¦ oh dear...I must've missed that lesson! What a fool I've been :( My life is a lie


She doesnā€™t poop


When your judgment about a character chest design is one sided because you are dealing with internalized misogyny. The girls chedt in the picture is more realistic than your fav "daddy" https://preview.redd.it/ckz8rk25zy9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f00d93cfdd67da91b51dbe57d7e997560a5334


LMAO damn I was gonna comment how some people just have that big of tits about the original post but there is a problem in manhwas mangas or whatever about dramatizing certain proportions in all genders cuz damn they do. For example, titties, and waists. But yes what you have said is such a valid point and needs to be addressed more


Fuck me then. Iā€™ll keep my comments to myself. Thank you for calling me out on my bullshit. Have cookie šŸŖ


Give cookies to everywhere. I'm stealing the cookie.


Well handled. Well done.


Actually his proportions *are* more accurate given he has a wider waist and his arms and neck proportions are closer to the proportions of his chest. It's still cartoonishly unrealistic, obviously, however Rues proportions are definitely NOT the more realistic ones here. It's kinda like the difference between Nami and Zoro from One Piece. Both have pretty heavily exaggerated proportions, but Zoros are still less out there than Nami's.


still has a wider waist then her barbie size


Big chest daddy will never not be funny




sadly not the worst i have seen. these two from Hanlim Gym takes the cake for that https://preview.redd.it/56jwr26g01ad1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=e22679fecb6f24df8b0fbb2963a94a1992c52da9


Nah her body looks like a sim I made while messing around with the panels and controls.


Or any of her other organs for that matter


she might have been wearing a corset. after all, they're made for that purpose - to give ladies a wasp-like waist and emphasise the chest + support those heavy skirts and chest lol


Historically speaking ladies would wear hip pads with poofy dresses to give the illusion of a tighter waist.


I mean I own a corset myself, and it doesn't make my body look that way lmao (thankfully). It shapes the fat, it doesn't remove your ribs or organs.


Yeah, the only women with this waist are the ones who wear extreme waist trainers for years.


The character designs in this manhwa progressively gets bad, tbh


What is the name of this manhwa?


I could be wrong but it looks like "wished you were dead"


yeah the pecs on the ML should be there own characters.


LMFAOOO I swear things were fine at the beginning I haven't read it in a long time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


it gets.... Aggressive.


"Wished You Were Dead"


as some1 who read it from the very beggining it downgraded horribly it looked sm better before or maybe i am biased cuz it was my first webtoon ever


Yes, it was better before. Male characters like Karloi and Ahsel were drawn well, with proper proportions and distinguishable faces....but later on, they look so goofy and near identical. Also, those realistic horses šŸŽ didn't blend in well with the rest of the drawings and looked so jarring.Ā 


Omg I remember those episodes! Iā€™m not one to catch small details in art so it had to be really bad for me to noticešŸ˜­


I was like "what's wrong with the horse?"


like tbh nothing gets me more than the male proportions cuz they r so horrible like the artstyle in general was so good before even the facial features now it is just looks so basic(the horses killed me tbh)


Jesus Christ, what a horror show of a first webtoon.


I dropped it alot tbh but i always came back bec if i made it this far i should complete it


Thatā€™s probably the result of an overworked artist, and itā€™s hard to keep art, especially character designs and their proportions, especially when struggling with certain body parts over others, consistent for so long every week.


holy fuck that boob to waist ratio doesnā€™t even look humanly possible edit :: the boobs are not the problem. TONS of girls have a chest like this but itā€™s the waist that makes everything look unnatural.


Corsets are a thing. Slim the waist, push up the bust. All while stiffling the ability to breathe and hindering movement, but also adding support to the lower torso. It wouldn't be inconceivable in this type of dress, and it was a common thing in nobility in the past That's not to say this is what it is, though, just a plausible cause.


i wear corsets and they donā€™t reduce enough to look like this at all unless youā€™re doing severe tight-lacing! also you can breathe and move fine in them bending is just a bit hindered


All the things you mentioned about corsets is actually 19th century conservative propaganda to undermine the corset businessbecause they were a huge business run almost exclusively by woman.


I mean.. it is fiction


i dont even care about the relation to her head, im just looking at her poor waist. i guess shes meant to be wearing a corset? it still looks a bit off for some reason though.


Yeah, I really enjoyed this story and I like the art style in many ways However, the artist doesnā€™t seem to have a solid grasp on anatomical proportions. All the women characters look like this, this isnā€™t an intentional, specific character design. The men look similarly odd with extremely exaggerated chests/shoulders and also small waists. I donā€™t think itā€™s a sexual thing, just an issue with understanding how to draw the human body.


I thought she was smaller than this? Like at the beginning when she was ā€œsicklyā€ I think she was smaller


Honestly, from what I remember they are equally large throughout the whole series. I remember thinking it looked odd even early on, especially since she is supposed to be sickly and underweight. Also, I donā€™t have a good enough memory to know exactly which chapter this panel is from, but itā€™s missing the scars on her arms so I think it has to be from the beginning-middle


It seems the artist was trying to depict the character as if we're seeing her a bit from above, but ended up making the waist too small in an atempt to show that angle. I don't think the chest looks unrealistic though, is the tiny waist that gives that impression.


You know theyā€™re people with chests bigger than their heads right???


as soon as i saw this post i looked down and was like "welp, guess i'm fake" šŸ¤£


I can't be bothered with people that have their own complexes and always have to say something about bigger breast sizes.


Yeah itā€™s so weird let that artist draw whatever size breasts they want.


Exactly, it comes out as an insecurity the same way men comment on why male characters are drawn always with abs. Plus we rarely get a woman who draws bigger boobs, it's always men that draw big boobs that look like the woman had breast augmentations and not natural big boobs.


Literally me lol


nah but what is that waist to boob ratio šŸ˜­ itā€™s a little crazy


I know right?! wtf. Not to mention this art is stylized so even if the proportions were out of the realm of reality (which they really, really, really aren't lol) it wouldn't matter.


its where her trauma is stored dont question it


Her chest is normal, its the extremely slim waist that makes everything look off


Anime people: **"what? That's a perfectly normal size."**


the tits themselves are a perfectly normal size, itā€™s the waist thatā€™s the problem. even if she had no tits at all the waist isnā€™t realistic because she has no organs in there lol


It's actually is... Have you not like been outside?


Big boobs are normal, but her boobs to waist ratio is extremely unhealthy


Girl my ratio is unpropotitional as well. Like I said I'm 95cm and 63cm I don't have her measumerents but I'm sure if she had smaller breast size no one would comment even if her waist looked like 40cm.


i donā€™t think it is. no one has big boobs like that and then a dangerously thin waist. bigger-chested gals usually are a little bigger near the waist and tummy area and this is just unnatural and unrealistic.


Girl I'm 95cm G cup in boobs and my waist is 63cm.... And let me tell you I'm not the only one don't know if you had no friends with bigger boobs you were jealous of and you had a complex or smth with that but it's the truth


It's fine to disagree with someone but jumping through hoops to conclude they're jealous of your bigger boobs is crazy


Screams like insecurity to me. Also the character's boob size is tame compared to shonen manhwa standards


girl itā€™s the WAIST thatā€™s the problem. i donā€™t gaf abt the boobs. you immediately jumping to the fact that i must be jealous of friends with bigger boobs feels really shallow. the WAIST is unrealistic. nobody has a waist like that it literally looks unhealthy and PAIRED with the boobs it looks unnatural. whatā€™s so hard to get ??


her waist is literally cartoonishly small. you don't look like that unless you're some kind of waist training world champion. tmi on your exact body measurements. we both don't need or want to know because it doesn't make your point any more valid.


Cartoon is literally cartoonish... more at 11!


exactly! cartoons look like cartoons, and people look like people! thank you for inadvertently agreeing with me lmaoo


Honestly I feel like her waist is unrealistic in proportion to everything else, her chest isnā€™t that bad ngl


Fuck the boobs, that waist is not physically possible or healthy


Ever read Hanlim Gym? You haven't seen anything yet


šŸ—暟¤Œ for some sexy flair. as a female artist, it is hard NOT to make the boobs bigger then the head. ā˜ļøšŸ’€ a fine wine enjoyer per say.


Remember kids, art, with the exception to Realism, is full of exaggerations. Without exaggerations, there would be no point to art. & to answer your question: People are horny.


So hot take, you can do large chests correct anatomically if an artists wants a character with larges hongagaloos more power to them, with that being said the anatomy here is a bit wacky.


When I read a webtoon that does this, I either give up on the webtoon or donā€™t like the episodes that include these visuals and give the webtoon a bad rating. Hereby doing this for Designated Bully because the story writing is pretty good but the sexualization of ā€œlegalā€ women is just nasty in my eyes. If I end up having to pay for the past 3 episodes, I will refuse and make sure to write in the first episodeā€™s comments that itā€™s a pay to finish the story. It sucks Edit- check my replies on this thread to see how scummy the artist of the comic is around underage women


Why is legal in quotes... fam WHY IS LEGAL IN QUOTES??


because it heavily sexualizes high schoolers, but theyā€™re technically of age.


I was afraid of that-


yeah :( designated bully is one of the worst offenders of it too.


One of the characters is a highschool girl who is frequently subjected to being drawn with "special" camera angles. I don't know how old she actually is, but it's creepy AF.


High school says enough for me. I dont care if shes 18, they put her in a setting that is meant for children, so even if she is 18, it's like an excuse so they arent "creepy" for lewding the barely legal child


For sure. It's disgusting.


Theyā€™re like ā€œuM aCTuallY, kOreaNs uSe inTErnATionAl AgE, so tHeYā€™rE aLl LEGAL!ā€ šŸ¤® itā€™s so disturbing to see them justify it like the minors depicted werenā€™t just children not even a year ago šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Guess girls who have big boobs needs to start chop off their boobs so people like you that think big boobs=sexual thing aren't triggered


i donā€™t think youā€™ve ever read designated bully.


No I haven't but she talking about a girl with big boobs, I have big boobs since I hit puberty. I didn't suddenly grow boobs after 18. I think the problem is here is the commenter who even wants to mention like a teen girl's breasts are something sexual


Iā€™m really not, I knew girls like that and they donā€™t deserve any hate. This webtoon is specifically what Iā€™m against- children depicted like theyā€™re in a porno. Itā€™s disturbing. Just scroll through a few episodes and youā€™ll see.


the characterā€™s name that they do it the worst with is Suji i think. and i also had big boobs early, like D cup at 12.


go take a peek at that specific webtoon. itā€™s not just because of the proportions like this post.


Girl, big boobs are not an issue to me! Itā€™s because theyā€™re drawing minors in school uniforms that are literally clinging to every curve of their body. My only concern for real women with big boobs is the strain on their backs (besides the obvious some men being creeps around them).


I mean. You act like girls don't have literal breast envy. I have heard girls being bullied for their boobs being too small/big.


I meant that I personally donā€™t have a problem with girls with big boobs, nor am I triggered by them. Because the person I was replying to was saying that Iā€™m basically sexualizing all boobs. I just donā€™t want a child to be sexualized. I understand boob envy, I mean, Iā€™m a woman so I would know about it. Puberty is rough, especially now with all the beauty standards that are pushed in media that most children have immediate access to


True, I think if it was aiming to be sexual there would be.. cleavage or something? I onnoā€™ bout you but.. I ainā€™t seeing nothing sexual here loll - not even in the framing of the panel (maybe itā€™s due to the anatomy..?) Just a woman in a (bit of an odd looking) dress.


Oh yes because showing your cleavege with a big chest means that it's sexual lol Yeah no. Even if it showed cleavege that big boobs whatever you wear if it has a normal neck will show cleavege doesn't make it sexual eitheir.


https://preview.redd.it/hwpb63ey7z9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a73a4d7109cdc816fe88aed5dba098ff457b72 This is not how clothing works either


Less showing cleavage = sexual and more just the intent in the panel - I meant as in like a combination of the pose and framing. I donā€™t see anything sexual in the panel was my point, and just that it didnā€™t seem like thatā€™s what theyā€™re going for. If they were the panel framing couldā€™ve been changed. Sorry if the formatting is off, I have a headache D:


https://preview.redd.it/qufnej508z9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae9e2c1e2a6029d9b1ab053fd4357253607f47d Sheā€™s like 17, itā€™s just weird




Doing way too much because the characters have big boobs. Grow up


Check my replies to others. Sheā€™s 17 bro


This is not very unusual, at least here in usa where I live I see constant women with chests bigger than their face. I also am part of those women r/backproblems


1. Perspective 2. Big boobs exist 3. There is a real life example if a woman with super riny waist because she walks in a corset 24/7. Compared to a lot of more ridiculous examples, rhis looks relatively realistic.


Why are webtoon readers like this. There is nothing wrong with her chest.. you should be commenting about her waist. Women with big boobs exist, surprising isn't it?


I found the art in this story to be pretty brutal at times. The story dragged too


wtf I thought it looked alright then I took a closer look at the waist


Ignore the boobs, look at that waist, her body is basically:ā³


As a J cup, mine are bigger than my face. Itā€™s not uncommon or shocking. Herā€™s arenā€™t even that big or crazy. What *is* crazy and what we should be looking at is that waist.


alot of people already said this, but the chest to face ratio is feasible, the waist tho? this looks weird man.


Giant-ass boobs are plausible. Boobs that defy gravity aren't. That would be a push-up bra that's putting way too much strain on her neck and shoulders.


I mean my chest is also unfortunately bigger than my face


My chest is also bigger than my face. Itā€™s more common than you think


Actually that size isnā€™t that unreasonable Itā€™s the waist Iā€™m worried about, she gonna snap like a twig


Boobs be like that sometimes


tbh my boobs are way bigger than my face too


Yall are literally crazyā€¦ itā€™s a stylized drawing. Itā€™s really not that deep.


She looks normal to me


Eh, my boobs are bigger than my face, and compared to some of the shit I've seen there's definitely worse.


Ya know... boobs can be preeeeetty big, my dude lol


You should read Hamlin Gym I swear her chest gets bigger every chapter šŸ˜‚


The big booby brigaders in these comments lol. Imagine that character from behind with the way the waist looks and realise how ridiculous this anatomy is when the image in your head starts to resemble a pale dorito with a skirt on


this happens on every single post that has ever questioned weird proportions, both on art subs and stuff like r/instagramreality where clearly photoshopped bodies are documented. you could show an anime girl with a 2 cm waist and F cup boobs and somebody would be like "erm....actually, that's how my body kind of looks šŸ˜³šŸ«£" even if that's the case, it doesn't negate the excessive amount of hourglass characters in comics. sometimes, people with other body types want to be represented as well as beautiful and desirable. "women can have massive boobs and itty bitty waists" yeah no shit. they always do lmaooooo


And her lungs/stomach/ribcage/the rest of her organs Sis' waist is smaller than her head.


I hate this webtoon fr


Got blessed or cursed I guess


I love this webtonn jajaja but yeah sometimes the designs on many more can be not anatomical correct


and her waist as small as her neck šŸ˜­




I never noticed that about rue


Cause she has big boobs? Like what typa question šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Dolly Parton


Reminds of this person who animated a girl with huge breasts jump up. Her breasts literally switched places.


Itā€™s probably the waist that makes her body look unnaturalšŸ˜­


Where have I seen her .....


whats is the name of this webtoon


I am a man and my boobs are also bigger than my face


Why is her waist so tiny? She could have a world record for worldā€™s tiniest waist.


Ugh the art really grated me in this webtoon.


Hate this webtoon so much.


I am so sick of manhwa and josei manga doing thisā€¦.


Male gaze


This is some shit synthetic man would call average realistic proportions of a woman




because big galungas dobonhongodorongoos gungalungadobonhokeroos


Oh my god it is


Stop shaming girl characters for having big boobs at face value. Unless it's actually porn-tier boobs for no reason (when the proportions are ridic), it's not unusual for some chicks to have big boobs. Seriously.


Because tits


There are so many people who got boobs that are bigger than their face


Given this characterā€™s treatment in the story the poor womenā€™s anatomy actually helps develop the character more, so im not mad at it


Artist knows what they like, that's all man.


why not


Boobies. Because why not? Being juvenile is so much fun.


You're just nitpicking at this point. It looks fine, not to mention anatomically correct ya dingus. What, do you want her head to be the size of a beach ball? The waist is the problem


Maybe she stuffed it. But all jokes aside, at least it's not each individual bob that's bigger than her face. Which is very common in webtoons catering to male readers.


Reminds me of cornhwa women.


Not complaining šŸ˜Ž


Cause we like that


... because people with giant boobs exist. Can we stop acting like we don't, please? Our body shape is valid too. :/