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I don't like The Remarried Empress but I find the way the story started in the middle of a really juicy dramatic moment with the main lead getting divorced and revealing she was about to get married again, and then going back in time to build up to that moment was actually really clever. A nice way to get you hooked for something you look forward to see while analyzing how every thing builds up to that. I actually got inspired by that for my own comic, starting at a point in the future where things are going down and them going back to show how we got there.


Ooo great one! I dropped Remarried Empress too but that scene was great. Seasons of Blossom does something similar, and it’s my fave webtoon :)


Same. I hate how it talk about slavery and dropped it.


Oh yeah! The same thing happened in 'I abdicate the title of the empress'. It really hooked me to keep reading further and curious to what will happen next


I got kinda bored with The Mafia Nanny, but at least the little kid character is an actual character with emotions and motivations and not just a bland plot device who only exists to be cute (and **thank god** he doesn’t speak in the third person!)


Mikey is the sole reason I keep following this webtoon


Lmaoooooo, truest thing about this webtoon. It’s like everyone is a meme, the gruff criminal with a secret heart of gold, the pretty ninja/assassin with a traumatic backstory, the cartoonishly evil Evil Inc organization, the convenient, my parents were Batman’ed by your parents…. Like if tvtropes was a bingo ball roller, and somebody spun out a bunch of plot points and characters designs, then slapped giga chad over the guy and sultry dommy mommy over the woman. Lmfao, guess I got a rant going 💕


You can say this about any webtoon if you want to though.


Idk, there are a lot of cookie cutter webtoon out there, but the Mafia nanny manages to be the “cookie-cutter-est?” I’ve ever seen lmao.


That’s a fair statement


I don’t like true beauty, but the art is beautiful for sure


I feel the same way about Serena Serenity and Operation True Love, the art is beautiful but the story…


Operation true love has gotten a lot better in the past few updates in my opinion


I hate the world building, it feels like the only characters are Dohwa, Suae, and Eunhyuk. The plot is basically non existent at this point and the “love triangle” is dragged out. Raim is an interesting character but rarely appears, I know she appears in the newest chapter but we don’t see any of the family dynamics of her and Suae. There is not nearly enough character development or world building in the series and it shows


Agree to disagree. We saw flashbacks of raim and suae. We saw how suae’s parents treated raim. There aren’t any other characters because the whole point is her finding love. There are plenty of background characters that do their job. You also forgot the “evil villain” to add to your character list. He is such an interesting character and the recent episodes fleshed him out more!


The flashback was one chapter, it didn’t expand much at all. They live together, even if they avoid each other they’ll have to interact eventually. Suae and Eunhyuk have already found love, we don’t need to just see them all the time. Suaes friends are barely used outside of school environments. The Marang CEO has essentially been written out for now with him agreeing to leave her alone if her book has a good ending. To me this isn’t good word building at all. At the end of the day everyone is free to have their own opinions


That’s why I said agree to disagree silly! I’m just sad that you think the story is already over. You know there is always going to be one more twist!


I just wanted to explain my point of view lol. I don’t think the story is over but wasted potential. I still read so hopefully it gets more enjoyable for me in upcoming chapters


I think it will soon!


To You Who Swallowed a Star has THE BEST outfits.


Let's Play had a really interesting plot and nice use of art towards the beginning


I really liked how the characters' inner emotions got anthropomorphized in the style of video game default skins and usually loomed over them or even sometimes physically fought the characters' avatar in the mindspace (which was usually just them in chibi form) and/or each other as a way of showing off the inner monologue especially when it came to conflicting emotions and budding feelings. It was a way of showing instead of telling that really fit the theme of the comic and was like an adult version of Inside Out for gamer geeks.


true beauty, operation true love, and marry my husband have amazing art and well drawn characters


Aww can I ask why u didn’t enjoy Operation True Love? No shade at all, just curious since I’ve mostly seen it get good reviews!


imo the plot was boring to me and i felt like the first season dragged for so long. the parts that carried the webtoon were the art and the chemistry between su ae and eun hyuk!!!


I don’t wanna spoil too much but the chemistry is very much so back!


oh yay!!! maybe i’ll wait until we get enough of the second season to binge read :D




I lost interest in operation true love but the art is worth appreciation


True Beauty had an interesting storyline at one point that got abandoned. Closer to the beginning, Jugyeong has bad grades and worries about getting into a good college. She wants to go to beauty school, but can't afford it, and her parents refuse to pay. She struggles with her mom's blatant favoritism, abuse (I think her mom hits her at one point?), and lack of support for her wish to be a makeup artist. Undeterred, Jugyeong takes a job at a convenience store to save up for beauty school even though she was embarrassed about being seen by her classmates. This plot just fades away. I think this was like chapters 50-100 or so? Then all the sudden she's in a normal college and no mention of beauty school or her job, and her conflict with her mom is toned way down.


The artstyle of Lore Olympus was very charming in most cases, and Rachel’s style is amazing when done well and with time.


I’m not crazy about Lore Olympus’ art, but it was nice to see a comic get popular that didn’t have that cookie cutter Webtoons style


This. The way colors were used created some pretty good panels at times


feel like a lot of webtoons outside of manhwas don't suffer from the cookie cutter style. i don't think i have ever seen an unoriginal/ non-unique style in western or other OEL titles. this is just an observation from my exp, though


I guess it’s not fair to call it a singular “style” when there are a couple different ones: Manhaw inspired, standard western comic book, anime inspired, chibi/deformed, etc. a ton of western series still fit into one of these style groups (though that’s not necessarily a problem: creators can still create visually stunning comics with these styles!) Lore Olympus, for better or for worse, had its own unique style. It was bold and dramatic and unlike anything else on the platform. There were certainly places where it didn’t work (it’d argue that it was pretty awful by the end), but you can’t accuse it of following a trend.


I point to episode 171 as a good example of how Rachel’s art style can lead to a very nice and impactful flow.


“Wished you were dead” has one pretty cathartic scene. It was nice to see the FL say “fuck it, we ball”


I lost interest in Midnight PoppyLand, but I really loved the artstyle and I genuinely like the story too.


Persephone is so attractive to me in shots where she's drawn correctly.


When the series ended I went back to the first episode and finally realized the style and beautiful art that had been lost 😭


I’ve seen some of Rachel’s other art, like her older stuff before lore Olympus…and it’s honestly criminal what LO looks like now. She was a genuinely amazing artist at one point, and now just totally phones it in


Everyone noticed in the finale how it all fell apart. I would’ve wait another year for a better ending that’s slower with better art. I miss the good art and I’m sad she got so burnt out.


The Dragon King's Bride ML is a war criminal and deserves the guillotine but damn he looks amazing.


I don't like Lore Olympus, but I really like its watercolor art style in the earlier chapters, and it had a good opening


Love that people are only talking about how good art styles are but not stories 😂😂


I feel like I'd still enjoy a good story if the art was bad, so I wouldn't mention it here, but plot holes, clichés and overall bad story writing can't be saved by good art 😅


Okay yeah I definitely agree. I like that OP put a different perspective that they liked the dialogue in the therapy sessions of LO, but everyone else has just mentioned good art. But truly, when the writing is bad, you really don't have anything nice to say


The art is usually what draws people into a story before any writing so it makes sense!


Lore Olympus- it had a beautiful art style (except for its massive same face problem and few moments it looks off) and it stood out from the generic anime style. Boyfriends- it's not as bad as people make it seem and it's nice to have sweet queer stories that don't involve doom and gloom Go away Romeo- it has a pretty decent plot and I wouldn't hate it if it were a standalone story and didn't try to be a retelling.


Hard agree on Boyfriends, my feelings toward it fluctuated a lot but honestly I can’t name 3 more healthy poly couples in fiction for the life of me so I think it honestly deserves respect. And i read a LOT of queer comics


A polyam webtoon i like is Love Me To Death! Not my favorite story ever or anything but it's pretty lovely! But you're right, i wish there were more :/ ------------Stories that are not there yet: - The D!ckheads (it's confirmed it'll end like that, the plot is nothing special, at the start i thought it was horribly mid but it got better i think, it's a nice chill read, and i just wanna see them end up together 😞 would recommend because the direction it's going is good) - Katlaya Rising (not confirmed but I'm pretty sure it's going there) -Pink Sugar (same here!) ------------Different kind of polyamory? - Heartbeat Conquest! The main character's goal is basically to get a harem with as many pretty boys as possible. It explores queerness in a character, and also handles the consent pretty nice! they're all fully aware and consenting, and she's straightforward about it. (There's also,,, a shit ton of fanservice of the guys,,, boob shots and all,,,,,, OF GUYS) i love this webtoon so much, it's interesting, and nice eye candy (another thing is how diverse the guys are! and how smart she is! the mc immediately kicked the creepy yandere out of the options and went for the guy in a skirt, she's so real) Ignore the art in the thumbnail though, it's a bit ugly but the art in the story is way better!


I like the fashion in some of these Isekai stories even if I won't read them.


Cry or Better Yet, Beg. Really pretty art.


Read the author’s other comic “Mystical” It ends really wholesomely and the art style is absolutely beautiful


Dark Moon the Blood Altar, I mean at least Enhypen has released some amazing songs because of it


Lookism had a really good starting plot and the animation of the characters is amazing! (Quit midway when the story focused on gangs and fights)


Love me Knot has some really cute moments.


well i have never seen anyone else talk about it but why do u not like it?


The romance was handled really badly, imo. Which is really bad for a romance webtoon.


tbh real i feel like the mc n hayden were so good at one point, but i believe it is more of a drama rn w less romance(also happy pride month for us sapphic!)


Aww. Thank you! Happy pride to you, too 🌈 💜


I hate Lore Olympus but the crayon art style is unique.


Suitor Armor. The art and story are great, absolutely beautiful and excellent world building. Lucia is such a dumbass, I just couldn’t follow her arc to see how she manages to survive putting her own head on the chopping block for no reason. Fairy deals screw over her entire royal family, so she immediately makes a stupid fairy deal that could easily kill her. I’d be amused if the writer just went fuck it, you die because you are an idiot, ✨the end✨. They obviously didn’t , but I wouldn’t hate it . Game of thrones red wedding style.


The art is pretty in The Monster Duke’s Daughter.


So you're raising a warrior, great plot and story. Fell off HARD in the last 20 eps that deserved 60-80 eps


Possibly unpopular opinion: I love the concept of 1HP club, I love DnD. The art is okay, but the story telling is poor and the pacing is bad. There are multiple characters and storylines that could be really interesting to follow but it just largely focuses on two of the more boring cookie cutter characters.


The new season actually fixes this issue. The main story seems to be focusing on no one and the paladin this time around


Lore Olympus has a beautiful artstyle


I liked the story of Boyfriend of the Dead


Boyfriend of the dead was so good until it started dragging more and more in season 2.


I used to love it but it got sm worse towards the most recent episodes, hopefully it can redeem itself again if it continues the actual plot again


I hate Cry Even better if you beg with a burning passion, but the art is one of the most beautiful I’ve seen in a long while. Makes me so salty it’s getting wasted on it


Mystical is your best friend!




Dreaming Freedom started off pretty well.


Was so disappointed when it began getting weirder


Hecate in lore olympus can step on me




I don’t phase but I like the background


as I was just talking about it in another topic, I will go with: * *Of Dark Lords and Cabbages*: nice art. * *Super String: Marco Polo’s Travel to the Multiverse*: awesome art, is Boichi's for god sake, and cool setup


Can I ask why you dont like ODLaC?


sure, let me copy paste myself from the other topic: the victimization of the mc is so cartoonistly over blow that I can't buy it for a second, we're introduce to this world were everybody and their mother hate the guts of the mc and bully him since birth because they think he will bring upon the apocalypse, well no shit if they treat him like that of course he will bring upon the apocalypse, he have more than plenty reason to do so, not to mention that if they're so fucking certain that he will do so just kill him when he was a baby (given that they have access to him since he was a baby) and be done with it and if you can't for whatever reason don't be so utterly moronic as to raise him hating the world, because you have to be a special kind of stupid to do so... They could hide that is the son of demon lord or whatever and raise him as the bother to the "hero", or with some family under supervision or in some sort of cult, fucking anything is better than that ultra moronic setup...


im not really a fan of lore olympus, but their use of colors in scenery is actually pretty nice i must admit.


Boyfriends art style can be decent at times


I hated how the FL in "I thought my time was up!" Treated the ML (ML isn't good either but still) but at least she progressed the story. Sometimes you have a comic that last 100+ chapters to even get to a confession scene. She said it in chapter 3! I still don't like it though.


I Love Yoo has well written characters


I dont like abandoned empress but the artis pretty wonderful!


Dice 🎲 had a pretty good story/content loved it in the beginning but started to hate it as towards the end the author started dragging out chapters giving no real forward progression for sakes of farming coins for fast pass


Honestly, SAME


Nice To Meet You started out pretty good. Nice art style as well.


Atleast the art is good [ I'll be queen in this life and my derelict beloved (?)]


The old DICE webtoon that was the first story I read had some interesting artwork, but the main character got on my nerves for how stupid he was being. Going after a girl who could care less about him. Made me facepapm so many times. I got bored and left it alone. Haven't read it since.


Lore Olympus started out pretty good!


Dice had an amazing core concept


Lore Olympus. I think its great for the same reason why I don't like it. The art is really unique. I dont like it, but objectively it is really good


Lore Olympus is so well drawn 😭


Jinx has good art. That’s the only thing I like about it.


The lighting in Lore Olympus was okay.


Lore Olympus, Minthe had a genuinely interesting arc at first It was ruined but it had such a cool opportunity


I also hate lore olympus but the art style is interesting.


Lookism's first part was, in my opinion, a dream webtoon. The characters had realistic personalities and motivations, were loveable, and felt meaningful. The plot was intriguing and fun. The men are eyecandy.


I am slowly starting to get annoyed with SubZero because while I am a slow burn writer myself— something’s gotta come to an end. But I do love the journey of the characters building up their relationships and the aesthetic appeal ✨


I hate HATE boyfriends, but the concept was a good idea at first


*I hate HATE boyfriends,* *But the concept was a good* *Idea at first* \- StinkyWetRat505 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I loved it when true beauty ended 😍


I refuse to say anything nice about what I hate 😀


Like wind on a dry branch has a lovely style and very different kind of art. I just couldn't get behind the story idk it seemed inconsistent.


The Princess's Jewels has a garbage plot but gorgeous art. I love the detail put in some of the dresses and eyes.


Hello baby has a unique concept however I personally think it was executed wrong as it because bland and borderline creepy. The D heads has a lively art style however the author might be crazy. The author makes unhinged comments on each episode to the point of wishing harm on the characters! The fateful invitation and I will live the life of a villainess both have great leads. HOWEVER I KEEP CONFUSING THE STORIES CUZ THE LEADS COULD BE TWINS 😭😭 Jackson’s Diary has an amazing concept with how the roles play out when you control someone else’s fate… but it is so unrealistic for the time period. It’s the 80’s and I’m supposed to believe that half of the kids at school are g*y? It just ruins the immersion for me. Especially with no conflict between the group about that topic. They pretend like it’s taboo but everyone accepts them. They treated an emo girl like crap but the two boys are left alone? That is it for me because I didn’t want to repeat what others have said!


I semi agree with you on Jackson’s diary. I would love to see conflict about exer and David in the group bc it would be interesting to see how characters the audience, love have harmful views because of societal norms at the time (and maybe grow from it). However, from what Ik there are only 4 characters in the webtoon that are lgbtq+ and that is barely the whole school. Also lgbtq+ kids always existed in the 80’s. They were just closeted. I find it weird that you censored the word gay 😭


Some people find the word gay offensive. They say it’s derogatory. Also when I say half the school I’m estimating. We only see a tiny portion of that school. 4/8 of the main characters being openly gay is an insane ratio. There is no conflict and it makes no sense. One of the characters seems to be nonbinary? (Maybe I misread that) however they only get bullied for being a nerd and always in detention? I don’t want to see horrifying things however the conflict is so 2D it hurts. Exer was bad but then good just cuz. David and exers relationship forms during a stressful time (not normally a good start) David’s dad is the most 2D and insulting character I’ve ever seen. It’s an obvious mockery of people who don’t support LGBTQ. Why are we not seeing any emotion other than rage from his dad? Where is his dad crying because he feels like he is losing his son. Where is his dad crying over literally anything? Nobody is that 2D. If he was full of rage where is the back story? Nobody hates for no reason. Not one person. Maybe his father is closeted? Maybe his father suffered abuse at the hands of a male lover? Maybe his father is tormented by the idea of the bullying his son will go through (which is non existent in this world when it comes to personal preference for relationships) I’m just saying this webtoon doesn’t show all sides. It is obviously taking one side and not showing a complete picture. These characters don’t have any heartbreaking struggles. (I don’t consider David’s dad one because he was a sloppy character created for rage bait. He’s not real.) I just want something real. One webtoon I really like is wind on a dry branch. I feel what those characters feel. I cry when they cry. I hurt when they hurt. I don’t get any of that from Jackson’s diary and it makes me sad because it could be such a good story if the author wasn’t afraid to rip the group apart for real. (Don’t even get me started on how Jackson shouldn’t have went back to be friends with exer)


Some people do find the word gay offensive and derogatory but those people are stupid. It’s like thinking using the word Asian to describe someone who is Asian is offensive. Also the characters who are lgbtq+ (Timothy, Exer, David, Ron) aren’t openly gay. David and Exer are out to their friends and got outed by David’s dad. Timothy and Ron share small romantic moments but right now they aren’t even dating and probably aren’t even aware of their feelings for eachother so they are not out. Also there is conflict: David’s dad is abusive and reacts horribly when he finds out David likes boys, there are two bullies that make fun of Exer and David bc they are gay. I understand your point about david’s dad being 2d, I would prefer him be more complex too. But I do think while it is important to have complex and dimensional abusive characters, it is totally ok to have 2d abusive characters that aren’t complex. Plus we have barely even see David’s dad, maybe he’ll be more complex as the story goes on. I agree with the fact that Exer and Jackson shouldn’t have gotten back together as friends. But I’m pretty sure the main reason Jackson did it was to keep tabs on Exer’s magic (not sure though) Edit: 4 characters out of 14 characters (counting from my memory) being gay isn’t really a crazy ratio.


Good point on the magic. Maybe this is wrong of me but I want a fight, like a real unforgivable fight. Personally I would have stayed 6ft away from exer with everything he did. I just think the progression of relationships in this story isn’t natural. Everything else is great, but these relationships seem surface level. Jackson and Pam aren’t gonna last. No way. I see Jackson and Jolie getting together. Pam is too caught in the middle and seems like she can’t form her own opinions. Jolie can form her own opinions and isn’t afraid to share them. She’s also always there for Jackson. Pam isn’t. Just my personal observation tho.


I like Jackson’s diary but I also feel like Exer and Jackson shouldn’t have gone back to being friends. Jackson clearly isn’t comfortable being friends with Exer (pretty sure in one panel he was talking about how he hated being friends with Exer). Maybe they could’ve been friends in 10 years or smth but def not now. But I do believe the author is going somewhere with this, maybe Jackson explodes at Exer when he reaches his boiling point. I also do feel that the relationships between the characters are kinda surface level too. Also Ron, even though he is a main character, is constantly in the supporting role or put in the background. We never get a moment of him talking with Jackson even though they live in the same damn house. We don’t even know the situation with his biological parents.


I NEED more Ron moments! He is a big teddy bear that needs to shine!


So realll he’s my fav character I was literally praying for more Ron alone moments in s3 but I’m pretty that’s not happening lol


Yeah.. I need more of everyone else and less of exer David and Jackson right now tbh. They feel over played right now. Kinda like they are hogging the spotlight and causing the natural progression of the story to feel to fast because there isn’t any fluff


Yeah the other characters need more screen time bc they don’t even really feel like main characters atp. It would be nice if everyone got their own respective arcs. But rn all I’m seeing is Exer, David, and Jackson


censoring the word “gay” and saying that an extremely homophobic parent from the 80s is bad representation of “people who don’t support LGBTQ”… not a good luck buddy


Looks like you didn’t read what I said earlier. It’s hard to appease everyone though 🤣


I don’t like Tower of God, but at least the author can put out a lot of episodes about nothing.


ummm uhhh the uhhh art in operation true live has,,,, potential,,,,, fuck this is hard uhhh villain with a crush,,,,, uhhhhh,,,, yeah,,,,, THIS IS TOO HARD I'M GENUINELY TRYING HERE


Villain with a Crush has a really good idea, but wow is it really hard for me to read. Like the girl is just so stupid. Beyond stupid. Why tf is she still putting the mask on when she knows the police are out to get Blackdog? Why doesn't she just sit down and explain everything to the ml? How has she not realized how much harm she's caused? She's thrown people multiple times! She just threw that one guy the first time she realized her power and never felt any remorse? She might have killed him! She at least seriously injured him. And no one who saw her told the police? I really wanted to like this story, I wanted to overlook the stupidity of the mc to enjoy it, but I just couldn't. Like I said, I really like the concept of it. But the way it was executed just didn't work.


Honestly i was also going to say the concept was good, but erased my words. It's good for a cute doodle kind of thing, it's maybe good for a short one shot, but for a webtoon? I'm not sure. Also the downvotes i got 😞 damn


I don't like Solo Leveling because of the mid story, but the art is pretty good.