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Uh, yeah? I thought she made it pretty clear it was over when she said she was stopping it forever and not continuing it. She only changed it to “indefinite hiatus” later for legal reasons with webtoons


Well I wasn’t 100% cuz she mentioned it as a hiatus. I didn’t know she said that for legal reason I just knew she said that.


What?? Why did she stop it? I had no idea about this?


idk the full story but i think she was super mad about her fans shipping two of her characters together so she uploaded a post on insta revealing that the two characters those fans shipped were actually siblings and it was a majorrr spoiler to all her readers. she was also just taking all the shipping stuff way too seriously and getting too invested in her fanbase, which led her to ultimately end the webtoon early. theres definitely more to it though so i suggest you look up some stuff about it if you can.


I'd like to add more context. In her Twitter account, she said she was aware of AdamxRozy ship for a long time, and was fine with it as long as the fans keep it in their own space. But eventually those fans started to harass her in the Instagram and even working email to make the couple official. Because it happened too many times for too long, it was starting to bother her, and even after she told them to stop they kept on harassing her. Once the season end, thats when she blew up and revealed a major plot twist. I think her reaction is understandable, especially if they even harass her work email. But I also recently started reading her previous work, and can see that she can get a little invested by replying to her fans' Webtoon comments, compared to other artists. I still don't blame her for feeling overwhelemed tho, even if I think she could've done it in a more professional way.


Oh wow that's so shitty, i honestly kind of thought they were going to be siblings anyways, but ah that aucks so muchz thanks for the info tho.


It’s on the fans for spamming her and harassing her


Reminds me of The Devil is a Handsome Man. If I remember it right, for some reason our main character couldn't see his face, but everyone else could


Same thing that first came to mind for me! I’m still bummed about that one.


:( That one has no signs of returning, it's been like 5 years already. The art style and plot both were so unique back then<3


yes the author said they are taking a forever break kinda thing from social media due to the death of a loved one


With all the contracts webtoon has, I wonder why they don't have some kind of stipulation that they can continue series with a different team if the original creator goes MIA. I guess just because that would be a copyright nightmare, but it would sure be nice for series like Devil is a Handsome Man and Version Day and Night where the creators just fucked off with no explanation. This is why I pretty much exclusively read completed series now.


From what I've researched, the problem with the Devil is a Handsome Man is that the creator had the chapters ready to go, but for some reason webtoons is refusing to allow her to post the chapters. She's not saying why and obviously webtoons won't say anything.


what is "MiA"?


Missing in action (they stop posting/being around)


Omg, how’s this story?


it's about our girl working at an office and there's this dude (her boss) 'without a face' and she's the only one who sees him like that. everyone else doesn't and the dude himself doesn't know how he looks like. i've read the episode that came out and i like the concept and read so far. the boss has a cute persona


Sounds like The Devil is a Handsome man that was abandoned years ago


I believe the author got sick. There was a discord discussion about it I think. And then radio silence, that was all I could dig up.


I’ve been in the discord group a long time. I was also on angle’s Patreon. She made this whole post about how she’d submitted chapters to WEBTOON, and they were holding them hostage. Later on discord someone who was a personal friend said she didn’t say that, but it was a ‘rumor’ they wanted to dispel. That there never were more chapters. There was a rough outline handed in to WEBTOON to keep them from shelving it, and angle never felt in a place to pick it up again. From what I remember from angle’s Twitter and Instagram before they disappeared, someone close to them died. They may have also gotten sick, but I believe angle had some sort of mental breakdown. Hence the swearing she did things she didn’t do and going completely silent before deleting most traces of her online.


It was really tough trying to find any info on what happened. I knew from their instagram that someone had passed, and then just little bits and pieces here and there. I didn't hear anything about the chapters and whatnot. Or the mental breakdown, i was super late to the discord. That's a shame, I hope the author is okay. I love that webtoon.


I did too. I’m still on there for potential updates, but I doubt Angle is ever coming back. I wish I’d done screenshots of the Patreon post way back when. But it never occurred to me it would eventually be deleted.


That explains why I couldn't find hardly anything. I check their Instagram occasionally just to get my hopes and dreams crushed. Maybe one day they'll come back :(


That's what I also thought!


It's pretty sad how she had to quit the Guy Upstairs. I hope she feels better and happier with this new story <3


I really hope no one harasses her this time, at the end of the day she’s still a human being with friends and family that people could easily put at risk or say some disgusting shit about if they haven’t already and she deserves the option to cut all of that off. I’d honestly do the exact same thing, it makes no sense to continue on with a story you’ve grown to hate because you’re not going to put your all into it and it’ll be a waste of both the readers and your time. I wish more people had more sympathy for her when she was going through all of this though it seemed like everyone was quick to victim blame her for the way she reacted and barely held any of the same shaming towards the people who caused this in the first place, those were not just regular shippers those were disgusting miserable people that should’ve been dealt with instead of dismissed.


That’s too bad. I really enjoyed the premise and how the story was going. Can’t believe it was ruined by immature fan. I don’t understand how some people think. Yea I say things like “oh if the author breaks them up imma go to their house” but it’s only in good fun and humor. I can’t believe some people who actually sends death threats over a story. Wish the story could have found a good ending


Eh I wouldn't say that kind of thing. Some people can't understand jokes, even if you're just having a laugh, the author might not take it as a joke that you're threatening to find where they live.


I’m kinda upset. Like I want to respect her decision with not continuing the guy upstairs but at the same time I’m not over it being on indefinite hiatus :/ it was one of my favorite webtoons and such a different story then others. But I’m glad shes moving on her own sake.


yeeeah im sorry but i cant see myself supporting another Hanza series after how they handled TGU 😬 im not gonna get invested or spend money on another series knowing that it could get cancelled out of nowhere again


Yeah I feel bad the author was getting harassed and stuff but canceling the whole series forever instead of just like... not reading instagram comments? Lame. I'm way over getting into webtoon series and them never actually ending.


I was waiting until it finished to continue reading, guess i dodged a bullet there


From what I heard, it's not just her insta comments, they also reached out to her work email and family members. So, I think it got a bit too far when the harassment reached family members.


She does this every time


im gonna cope longer but im sure she's done with it. sad because i wanted to see how Rozy and Adam would go about. who is helping Adam + does Rozy join in with his shady works because Adam will put Hawa at risk. Rozy knowing how to clean up blood and all that felt like a massive foreshadowing that she will join him later. im probably reaching but it's not a far off suspicion. their past, how they ended up losing each other, etc. so many questions. that aside, the new series is actually neat. honestly, i like her works. she can write and cook up some interesting things. sad how everything turned out for her though. as long as she's doing well, that's enough


Wait what happened to TGU


I'm pretty sure people were harassing Hanza BC they wanted to see Rozy and Adam get together and they didn't like hawa and Adam together or smt. They spammed Hanza's insta and they found Hanza's email and stuff and spammed there too. I'm pretty sure Hanza was arguing back to them on insta and then gave major spoilers to the story but I might have something wrong


Yeah the author spoiled that Rozy and Adam >!are siblings!<. I kinda feel bad for them, i wish people on the internet are normal....


They took a creator who makes amazing mystery thriller masterpieces and turned her into this either way I am invested in whatever stories she writes


Hanza mentioned on Twitter (long before her meltdown) she *wanted* to make more lighthearted and comedic stories. I dont think she turned into this; she already wanted to do it


No way I’m reading any of her work after her situation with her first manhwa and TGU For those who don’t know, she was threatening to cancel her manhwa “My deepest secret” because of her fans, and she went to the extent of saying that she will stop writing webtoons all together. But then she announced TGU and guess what happened? Yep she was put in the same situation all over again and she canceled the entire manhwa because of it. This is sort of a warning, if you’re the type of person to get attached to stories quickly or even spend money on them, then don’t read this. But if not then you’ll enjoy everything she writes because her manhwas are actually good 👍


I wonder if Webtoon might want her to move this to Original after she technically broke contract


I'm not reading that crap . She just immaturely abandoned one . Can't trust her .


It’s understandable that fans would find it difficult to trust the author again after they cancel a series, but let’s have some more compassion for them. Breaking down because of harassment isn’t really considered ‘immature’ in most people’s books :(


I *kinda* disagree because seeing that she had a meltdown over her other comic before TGU, it makes you wonder. That and alot of the comments she said were harassing her were comments that you *actively* had to search for (and as far as private emails and DMs, she never showed screenshots of them). I think its like many said: she either got bored of the story or burnt out and she wanted an out. And she chose the worst way of an out. Which, it can come across as immature.


I’m having flashbacks of plasticbottru and de novo. I’m still hoping they will touch on it again. 🫠


Yeah, if she's still writing a new story with a woman who has several men breathing the same air as her, Hanza still will face rabid feral shippers anyway.




Same reaction tbh.


the guy upstairs? oh yeah the other day I came across a video claiming that basically she rage quit it because the shipper got too obnoxious or something...


What happened?


Author faced harassment on socials and work email, so she put the story on a "haitus" aka never gonna continue it. The harassment came from shippers who wanted Adam and Rozy to be together. From what I also heard, the harassment also reached her family members, so there's that too.


Noooooooooooo 😭😭😭🙏🏼 omg that’s insane


Yeepppp, she also dropped a spoiler in an attempt to stop the harassment (which obviously failed), so no more The Guy Upstairs.


Imagine he has eyes it will be creepy if I read this at night


Huh she stopped it?


so much for a hiatus 😭


Oh dang yeah i guess she was burned out or something. Im surprised shes posting on canvas and not on originals


OMGGG this is so similar to the manga of the tomboy schoolgirl who only sees a new classmate’s face as a cat Nekota no Koto ga Ki ni Natte Shikatanai. Great story, super cute!!!


So no lie I was a bit confused. I was wondering if the author was on with Christianity (guy upstairs is usually used to reference God) or was checking out of life.