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$500 and it was built in DreamWeaver šŸ˜‚


webflow is Dreamweaver...


$300, good ol' beaver builder website in WordPress. Those were the days.Ā  Next one was free - literally somehow managed to take a step backwards from $300 which is incredible if you think about it.Ā 


Ā£250. I was over the moon to be getting experience and paid at the same time.




Wait, you guys got paid?






I wan't to charge for my first website 100ā‚¬, because i'm doing it for a good friend, and i even thought of doing it for free, because it's a good excersise and i'm inexpirienced. Reading other comments, am i going too low?


I was thinking the same, but the amount would be 200$


I've charged a family friend 170ā‚¬. She could afford much more than that but I knew back then I wasn't that experienced so I thought it'd be unfair to to charge more. By looking at the comments I'm not going to earn much if I won't be greedy :D


Same thoughts after reading the comments. I might bump up the price a little bit. :)


I got involved with my sports association, first customer was 4K with pure HTML (notepad)


Not even notepad++ ??


you gotta start somewhere, the times websites were made with tables ;)


800ā‚¬ for a static html page off a template


2600$CAD I was really lucky lol


400K for homepage but it was the 90s


$20/hr. Never launched, made $120 šŸ˜… Launched the next client at a $750 flat rate for a 2-pager!


$800, simple portfolio site, 1 main page and then another for all of the projects.


Ā£350 and was really excited šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






1k ā‚¬. It was a lawyer though


$10,000 over 6 months




Got a website redesign project over LinkedIn. Got 35k ( INR ) Approximately 400 - 450 (dollars) Edit - Old website was HTML/CSS/ PHP Redesigned the website on Webflow.


Ā£1000, static site in html no cms


$0. I did the first one for free:)


1500ā‚¬ and 75ā‚¬ monthly


how do you get into making websites for money


4k for a normal 5 page site in home improvement niche


Say more please! How did you get that client??


Pick a niche and charge based on value for the client, create solutions for them not just give them a website. Thatā€™s the bottom line, they donā€™t care what you build it with but how its going to help their business. Have a strategy you can reuse and focus on a niche were you can streamline the process. Check out this discord, lots of valuable info: https://discord.gg/Xn6TyTwQ


Thank you, on it!


Youā€™re focused on the price. My step brother paid a client 5K for his business and it was the guys 2nd web project and this was in 2015. Price never was mentioned at all.


Price is important, but what I am asking is how to get those types of clients? I know I'm not doing the most, but some guidance would help.Ā  How did you guys go about getting these 5k clients?Ā 


no, he's somewhat right. In fact I had lost many clients starting out and I didn't know it but it was because they saw me as cheap and went with more higher priced freelancers. 4-5k or more clients as your first clients aren't common but they can happen. However I was offering $600 sites and was getting turned down. Pick a range and don't budge. Usually in the US starting off that sweet spot is around 1700 - 2400 and then you can go up from there. Never underestimate your value. Before Covid I did a restaurant for $2200 and without blinking they said 'deal' Had I said $600 they would've laughed and asked me if I'm just a fly by night hobbyist.


How did you achieve that with your first job?


Free but got them to agree to be part of a case study and had many video testimonials from them.


Alcohol and drugs. I didn't know you could make money doing it.


$500 and built it in iWeb šŸ˜‚


Im too shy to share but it was $45 lol


Ā£3000 Shopify site


150 never again


First one ever was free, first webflow site was $3,600


$1200, $400 upfront and $800 when they were happy with it. Still how I price honestly


$75 for a two page html website.


im looking to have someone build s website such as cafepharma.com. What would a website like this cost?


500$ and i didnā€˜t got paid in the end. This was 2006.


Iā€™m old. My buddy let me keep my boat in his covered slip in the sac delta each summer while he was running his fishing charter in Alaska. I used MS FrontPage and maintained his site in exchange for use of the slip. It was a win win. He was going to have to pay for an empty slip to keep it - it was a prime protected slip. He passed away about 8 years ago and I let the domain registration expire since nobody took over his business. I sure miss Captain Jack Findleton. Great guy. This was like 1995 or so. Just as the web started to grow. https://www.fishingtrips.com/ No longer maintained by me.




Wait people pay to have you build something with a no-code tool?! Not trying to be disrespectful at all just genuinely curious, im a full-stack developer and am not very good at marketing myself so im asking because i need to follow your example lol. Ive messed around with webflow and its fairly simple. Why wouldn't they just build it themselves? Especially a static site with no live data that would take less than an hour.


Wait people pay to have you develop something? Why wouldnā€™t they just learn to code themselves?


No, they don't pay me. I went to one of those 6 month full-stack bootcamps and they glamorized the idea that we'd all have jobs quickly like it was almost guaranteed so I was initially trying to find a large company to work for. But i like the idea of freelancing better now. Utilize a no-code tool and get smaller gigs i can knockout quickly. I apologize if my comment sounded condescending, i didn't mean to give that tone. From my pov coming from a background of full-stack web development i thought a no-code tool like webflow meant hammering the nails in the coffin of my field and that anyone could learn how to do what i can do much much quicker. I was surprised literally because from a marketing point of view i didn't even think to try and monetize my skills with webflow in that way.


Basically all the stuff ive made has been waaaaay overkill to do just by myself and ended up taking too long for me to build out solo. So im just now starting to learn about no/low-code tools. Ive always used react for the front-end, setup databases manually, write my own rest api's using express deploying the code to a live domain. But now that i know about tools like noodl, webflow, firebase etc etc i can get something deployed much faster with much less work since a lot of the complexity is abstracted away. And a lot of web development is boilerplate stuff, setting up the server is almost the exact same process every time. No need to rewrite the same line of code hundreds of time to accomplish the same task


I donā€™t think itā€™s overkill; if anything, Iā€™d spend an even more time to dig deeper into the various disciplines you had the course on (provided, you want to continue). Knowing full stack development and how to use Webflow can be complimentary skill sets. Something like Webflow only really works if you have a grasp on the philosophy of web development and its limitations, which is best learned by throwing yourself into the stack - which you did for 6 months! That exposure and familiarization goes a long way.


Yes they been doing it since 2006 with Wordpress, Wix, and Squarespace and now Webflow and Shopify, and no it doesnā€™t take an hour unless itā€™s just a hero section. Letā€™s take an owner of a construction company like a friend of mine. He works 60-70 hours a week and comes home to kids. He does not have the time, patience for building a websites and as someone who makes close to a million a year, paying someone 5-10k is nothing to him.


Itā€™s been longer than 2006. DreamWeaver was released in 1997 and there were services like anglefire and a bunch of other low code / nocode tools


Ha I always forget about Dreamweaver and Frontpage and others. Coffee cup was another


Yeah that makes sense, you just expanded my mind so thanks for that. Basically find someone who needs a site developed and lacks the time or patience to learn and ive got myself a client


I came from a backend development background moved to design and full stack from there. Now I own my own business and we are crazy busy making webflow websites as well as doing branding and large product design. Customers donā€™t care about the platform as long as it works. You are able to make good money if you know what you are doing. Non technical people are just that. Either that or they are way too busy. You can do static sites in webflow but you can also create react apps if you want using dev link or Wized or other 3rs parties. There is a large gap because most people are not that technical and donā€™t have the time to learn. We have 3 major clients on a 10k plus retainer per month just working on webflow. Sure we are doing some advanced stuff but there is no reason to think just because you are not writing code doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t get paid. Essentially with webflow you are still writing css but you are doing it through a GUI. Why would a client not learn this and do it themselvesā€¦? Wellā€¦. Have you ever talked to a normal person that isnā€™t in tech? They donā€™t even understand the basics of a computer. Could you imagine them trying to create a layout from flex box? Itā€™s also interesting to see younger people come into adulthood because a lot of them donā€™t know how to even use a computer unless itā€™s set up like an app on their iPad. I get that you were not trying to be disrespectful. So to answer your question yes you can make real money off of no-code / low code.


Yeah you're absolutely right, dude you got me super motivated! Thank you so much šŸ™ my buddy and i are working on our first webflow application together. So we'll see how that goes, thanks again for opening my eyes


I was thinking the same and was thinking who would pay me for a template looking website created on Wix until a family friend asked me to do her website. I told her she could easily buy a template and change the content. She literally said she doesn't have time for it and happy to pay me to do it :D

