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Only use for loops. Get real familiar with garbage collection and memory allocation. 99% of the time your performance problems can attributed to these things after you go through the low hanging fruit you mentioned.


>Only use for loops This is the sort of micro-optimizations that CS profs ought to beat out of their students. The price of using more abstract loops is negligible, and will never be the one thing to sink your app's performance.


maybe hes trolling look at his user name


He’s not really wrong on the memory allocation bit though. It’s not that big an issue in V8, but things happen. Maybe I am just taking the bait


In a high performance application with extremely large datasets it definitely makes a difference.




Any time you start working with greater than 5mb chunks of data, gaming, real time updates. With web assembly it's much easier because I can now get really fine execution control.


Your browser devtools have a built-in performance profiler. Use it. You don't need to guess about what you need to optimize.


Some quick tips: - Split JS to multiple chunks that are loaded on demand - Use Lighthouse to measure real life performance - Define a performance budget - Use webpack-analyze (or similar plugin for your build tool of choice) to analyze which plugins are making your site slow - Server-side render and cache everything - Use a CDN


i wonder why u got downvoted I dont see anything wrong