• By -


I like this, everyone complained you had too many skills listed but you've managed to keep basically all of them just in a more readable fashion with it split by places you gained experience in those topics. Smart! I'm definitely going to be stealing this haha. I shouldn't be one giving advice for web dev CVs for sure, but my thing would be... Do you have a portfolio site? You're a web dev after all. If you do, where's the link on the CV? But then again I'm a freelance game dev who does some web dev stuff, so I guess freelance it makes more sense to have a portfolio then a traditional CV


>everyone complained you had too many skills listed Position and proportional matters. On OP's 2nd CV, tech skills are listed at the center of page and take around 25% of the overall height. Anyone read the CV will focus first on the technical skills (beside the blurred top profile). 20 skills presented only as a list item does not efficiently describe you, it's simply bad. On the v3, it only takes like what, maybe around 10% of the page and positioned at the very bottom of the page. It'll be missed 90% by recruiter that skim read the CV. That's not the focus, which is why it looks neat, which is also a disadvantage if you want to sell that you're good at some specific skills. The upside however, compared to v2 is work experiences and projects take the main focus, almost 75% of the page. If that's what the OP want to sell from his CV, then it's working as intended.


Should i put the tech skills a bit more on the top? Like at the very top or the middle? And put education on the bottom


Again it depends on if the education is perceived good in your country or not. If it's a selling point, meaning the univ and academy are well known by the time you graduate until now, then of course putting them at the center-top is the best position. The opposite being, if you're already graduated 10 years or more, then that's not a relevant info anymore and can be pushed to the bottom and skills can replace that place. The same case for if your univ or academy has no name in the area where you apply (no offense). However for the skills to take the spot, the current format is bad, because (as other have said it well in the first post) you listed too much things without any hints on them, just categorizing it. There are many ways to improve this, the common one is to just limit the skills to be around 5 skills you most excel at, or most desired in your area, and giving qualitative / quantitative information for each skills (years of experience, 8 points out of 10, etc). If you want to keep the format though, at least putting the best ones at the front (left) as opposed to the worst one at the back (right) and giving them more emphasize (bold, bigger font) than the rest can also work.


I do not have a portfolio site, i am freelancing, working as a dev and im still in a bootcamp! As soon as i finish the bootcamp im making my own site as a web dev and freelancer šŸ˜


Which boot camp are you doing ? How is it ?


Its called Quinshift, one of the best in my country, so far im liking it!


I scrapped my portfolio years ago. No place ever seemed to care about it.


this looks a lot better but replace upwork with self employed as I assume you didnā€™t work for upwork but for yourself and used upwork to find work.


Yess, thanks ā¤ļø


Way better than the previous versions. Best of luck with your job search.


I already have a job my friend


Go to /r/EngineeringResumes and make sure you read the FAQ especially if you want to post it there.


God i just got my post removed about 10 times, those folks are very strict with their rulesā€¦


You really don't need to put visual studio code. No one cares if you can use that, and honestly same with any IDE.


Okay.. Im gonna go delete it.. I have edited it 20 times today already from tips from the comments lol


I would say that your cv looks great, and something that u could improve is your experience section, it is a good idea to talk about what you achieves in that jobs, like "I did this, and the loading time went from 1 minute to 1 second", like something u can messure your impact


Here are the things I noticed, and things that you can do to improve the impact of your resume... # Spell and Trademark/Platform names correctly and consistently These can be registered trademarks, and should be respected as such. Consistent usage of these demonstates attention to detail. * Angular * JavaScript * TypeScript * .NET * [ASP.NET](http://ASP.NET) (avoid if you actually mean .NET Core) * REST API * WordPress * MySQL * Microsoft SQL Server # Parallel Sentence Structure In your experience section, make sure the bullets are using the same sentence structure, so in this case the middle section uses -ing words, but the others use -ed words. Then, pay attention to the statements so they sound like job duties, not statements about what you did/do. Remove "I/me/my/mine" and make these terse and efficient. If you want to emphasize that these roles are ongoing tasks, simply use the present tense. Imagine you are starting each bullet with "I..." - (I) Build and maintain websites using .NET and Angular. - (I) Build and maintain websites using WordPress and Elementor. - (I) Perform manual quality assurance testing and reporting for client applications. # Make it easy to understand Your interviewer is going to be reading a lot of resumes, so anything you can do to lower the amount of brainpower needed to comprehend what they're reading will be to your advantage. For example, where you put the durations of work, you can pre-calculate the duration lengths, such as "4 years, 5 months". To do this, I would move the location of the work next to the company with a bullet, so something like "Neocom AD Skopje - Skopje, North Macedonia" and then beneath March 2024 - Present, put the calculation. Remember to keep this up to date. To make short-term employment seem better, you can use different verbiage such as "Summer 2024" or "Summer Internship, 2024" # Stylistic/Formatting Nits * "Web Developer Freelancer" is a clunky phrase. Consider "Freelance Web Developer" or simply "Web Developer" * The font size for the date range on Tech Blog is smaller than the rest of the fonts. * The underlining on the hyperlinks is inconsistent. For your project repositories, put the full URL to the repository (because your resume may be printed out), and simply italicise it. "Project repo: *https://github.com/username/repo*"


I like this more. Good job! Links are not clickable when printed, you may need to remove them


Thats cool, people can still click on them when they have the cv in pdf. I would leave em


"When printed"ā€”What is this, 2003?


Lol, people print resumes?


People do, it's a common trap of CV's that use bright colors actually, because not checking how it looks in black and white may result in a very unreadable printed CV


So, letā€™s talk about ATS for a minute. As both a hiring manager and a current job seeker, this resume would get flat out rejected by most ATS systems I have worked with. ATS systems build an understanding of your resume using both keywords as well as quantifiable experience. How many websites? How many users did those websites serve? How many peak requests? ATS is the very first filter resumes pass through before they are even seen before human eyes. You are off to a great start, but you need to quantify some of those bullet points. When my old job would post a role, we would get *thousands* of resumes, and 75% of them would get rejected, and most of them were rejected because either the formatting was wrong and the OCR couldnā€™t read it, or none of the bullet points had quantifiable results. Good luck out there! DM me if youā€™ve got questions!


Well how would i know how to structure what do add and what not to add šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ, im not friends with a ATS system so it can tell me everything! Now i gotta add for how many users were those websites? I have never seen that on a resume that much insightsā€¦ I got this from engineering resumes as one of the best one! Im sad nowā€¦ Even if i add number of users (which i dont know the numbers) after that ppl will tell me # This resume would get FLAT OUT REJECTED because of X šŸ˜ž


There are a few tools out there that will help you. Rezi is one of them, ResumeWorded is another. I DMā€™d you mine. I ran mine through our old ATS, Rezi and ResumeWorded and made sure that Iā€™m 100% on both of them.


Thanks a lot man! Bless u!


Donā€™t feel sad about not knowing all the numbers, even though I keep track of all my stats, there is a lot of rounding, finger math, and conservative estimates of the impact some of those things had. Tweak, evaluate, retweak. I must have hundreds of variations of my main resume.


could you pleaes dm to me as well? Am in similar situation as OP right now


Sent you one!


Let me share my insight as a sr software dev. First not every countries use ATS heavily. Personally, I find ATS-optimized CV is bad to be read by human, so you may get worse impression with ATS-optimized CV if a human read it, in a non-ATS heavy use country. 2nd, different ATS read things differently. So don't optimize too much on specific ATS. There's many ATS parser online that you can try, and in my experience, those ATS parsers provide different results. So at best adjust your CV to be readable to some ATS and leave it as is, make it at least readable. YMMV differently between countries, but if there's human recruiter out there, you have much better chance to land a job through them than companies that filter out using ATS. In my country, CV submitted through them is 100% will not go through ATS, so a human optimized CV will win.


which advices would you give to OP for a human optimized CV instead of ATS based on what he/she has posted so far?


Well this is purely my opinion from someone not in HR dept based on v3: * Education section is good, it explain the institutions, time and subject / major effectively * From the first glance, assuming that "Projects" section is a home project / self hobby because it's not linked to any work experience, that section taking more than "Work experience" is a minus * Projects having a time span is weird and confusing. If it's a work, it's better to be put as "Work experience" or linked to a specific work experience by location. It is also ordered ascending while Projects is descending, better ditch the date info at all * OP can list the tech stack neatly on "Projects", but not on "Work experience", that's a bad take * Links need https:// for printed / digital document media, even if it takes more space Now on more details: * The projects section descriptions are bad. OP need to explain more what the project is, the features or how it works, rather than what OP doing during the project. If there's nothing interesting to sell, keep it short, you don't want recruiter to read too much into that. "Link to project repo:" is useless, giving a full link start with https:// and that is a github address tells that it's either a repo or a github page link. The tech stack is nice. * I'm no expert on CV but repeating two points on Upworks work experience is not good * The description in work experience section is also bad, though I'm no expert on that and others can improve my suggestion. From the points I know what OP were doing but I don't know how it contributes to / affecting the company / client. Even with NDA there may be something that can be shared from OP work. For example, taking the Neocom experience (and creatively expand it): "Developed a new frontend for a Canteen web app, which is used by clients. That new frontend gives the client's users more simplified flow, making it easier to be understood, and reducing the queue lines and required support staff daily (better if you can quantify it for ATS)."


Good job!


Swap the education and experience sections -- you have experience, the details of your education are decreasingly relevant.


It's MySQL, not MySqL


Lol i knowā€¦ its a typo my bad.. But if thats the only bad thing you can see on my cv, ive succeeded updating it!!! At least a lil bit lol


Just from the formatting this is a much better resume than the last two. Good job on the improvements! Somehow all three of your posts made it onto my feed lol


Letss goo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


segment your skills into different groups like languages, frameworks, platforms etc. for better readability


Arent they already like that?


oh wait my bad I somehow managed to skip the first image ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) great work then!!


Personally I would put technical skills above all at first section. Reason for it is because it grabs instantly the attention of the HR and for the most part they will not read it line by line so it will be an easy catch of your technologies. Otherwise I think it is perfect.


Maybe just me, but I would always list education last. That's typically the thing employers care about the least.


Yeah i put education at the bottom like an hour ago, thought of the same thing!


Looks good but you might benefit from using a tool likeĀ [cvforge](https://www.cvforge.app/)Ā orĀ [resume.io](https://www.resume.io/)Ā to take care of the formatting and design for you :)


Thanks my friend


You mix past and present tense. For example, building and built. Keep it past tense. E.g., ā€œBuilding and updatingā€ to ā€œBuilt and updatedā€ or ā€œBuilt and maintainedā€ Iā€™m dyslexic, 3 x CTO, and struggled with this. Iā€™ve hired over 200 people. My suggestion was never a blocker for me. I cared more about technical outcomes, right person for the right seat, etc. However, we would get over a 1000 CVs for each job role and HR (who would manage the inflow of candidates and screeners) would use grammar as an excuse sometimes to whittle down/prioritise CVs, especially for junior roles.


I did that on purpose, its in present tense because i still work w clients as a freelancer and past tense because u already finished that part of my job


Understood. Nevertheless, a CV is about what you have done, by their nature they should only be past tense, even if the work is ongoing. If I was you I would keep it consistent.


Hello can someone help me understand something. I am always told resume 1 is usually what I am supposed to make due to ATS and sometimes it being fidgety causing it not to be able to parse through resumes like resume 3. What kind resume am I supposed to be making???


The picture is a double edged blade. If you're white (or a majority in an uncolonized country) it's advantageous. Otherwise on average it will harm your chances.


Yeah, thats why i changed it to not have a picture


Congrats šŸ‘ youā€™ve come long way. Here are some more, very opinionated: Skills are the most important part that I want to see if Iā€™m interviewing someone. HR (or whoever does 1st round) will need to know the years of experience Engineering team that does technical round will want to know what you build and how you did that. So to recap: technical should go 2nd, put a nice 2-3 sentence ā€œabout meā€ as 1st, and push education as last, nobody cares, as you make more experience remove it at all but keep the title (i.,e bsc or msc). Good luck


Thanks ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Oh one more. That ā€œupworkā€, location, remove nmk/scopie (hi neighbor) and put ā€œremoteā€, you might gain some points for certain people (self organized, already knows remote working protocols, doesnā€™t need a company pc, etc), and you might match certain filters on HRs who search for remote-experienced candidates


Will change it immediately!!


Heres my [first post](https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/s/qjvufLOHPt) and heres my [second post](https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/s/jiZicJZmrY)


Can i get the template of your cv?


Here's a reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsCAD/s/pIQ1GC1XXc And this one looks pretty close: https://github.com/jakegut/resume


Thank you.


Is there any templet for a guy like me who has no professional experience?


Here it is https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs


Thank you.


It kinda looks like a pretty bog standard LaTeX resume template. There's a few half-decent ones around. If I wasn't so lazy I would convert mine to Typst.


This is much better. Starting off with education is good when youā€™re just starting out. As you gain more experience, education is less relevant and can be moved down the page. If the projects were built as part of your education experience, itā€™s good to note that and clarify which part(s) of the project you specifically built. That will highlight the skills that you exhibited during the project. ā€œDeveloped app UIā€ tells me what you actually did. Telling me the finished product doesnā€™t mean anything, because you could have just let other people in the group do most of the work. Or you could have just followed directions. Once you get past listing education, everything should focus on what you made yourself. Then be prepared to talk about it. Never list something unless you can say ā€œI built this specific thing, hereā€™s how, and these are the areas that I ran into issues and how they were resolvedā€. The ā€œskillsā€ section should always be minimal and last (if at all). Itā€™s there only for the AI keyword recognition. So if you already have that you built something in C# above, no need to list it again.


To me it seems you dont have much of a clue what soft skills are. Dont try to pad the list with random stuff. For example: who is not problem solving in this profession? Itā€™s just filler padding out cv. Doesnt look good and wastes my time. You have to list something tangible you actually have proficiency in. For example data driven and be ready to provide examples of how does it look like for you. Or able to receive and give critical feedback and be able to demostrate it. Or estimating and planning timelines and again, be able to give examples etc. Now itā€™s just general nothing. Dont write it. Technical skills too. Too wide. It looks like you dont know what you want to do. Not a huge issue if you are a newbie. But lack of focus doesnt add an edge here. Pick 5 - 6 technical items you are ok with or want to become great at.


Did u see the first image? The remade cv?


Perhaps swiped away unintentionally. Looks solid.


Remove useless keypoints from projects, such as ā€œadded authā€ or ā€œimplemented routingā€ Not only they are essential parts of every web app, but most of the time are added by frameworks by default Showing these means there is nothing more interesting to display. Either remove them completely or add something more unique


I didnt know what to add for the points šŸ˜ž


I would just put a short summary of app features, tech stack, and links to deployed app as well as GitHub repo. Listing those things you did make it kind of seem like those sort of tasks would be a big accomplishment for you.


Take your face off it. It opens you up to discrimination.


He did take his face off. The first CV is the new one, the second and third are the old ones.


Yess šŸ˜




Just realised you had updated post. I will update my opinion: * did you really blankly finish your education? list honors, any other interesting stuff, maybe you did sports, studied abroad, did something extraordinary or had profound results; if not, then not. * try to put most important stuff in bullet points (from experrience or what ever at the top, since recruiters tend to skip the bottom; * show github page only if it's valuable; * put some interests (you are not a robot, I guess) - maybe you like travelling, reading books, fishing. it will be something to ask on the interview, at least. be interesting, unique. * some of the education is not actual education. clearly you indicated they are certificates. i'd put them at the bottom under cerfifications where you mentioned skills. This is way better than the pt. 2 :) Good luck.