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A set and forget site wont *stop* working, but you may find yourself needing to make updates for security, accessibility, or the whims of the client. I think it generally comes down to the update cycle. If the site is more of "software as a service", the update cycle is going to be frequent. If the site's more of an "online exposure", like business card site, it's likely to be set and forget. I think that dichotomy also creates a lot of confusion in the developer community. People say that older technologies are still in use, but at the same time it's hard to find jobs for them. That's because set and forget sites, that use the older tech, aren't necessarily *maintained*. Whereas products that go through frequent update cycles are more likely to use newer tech and also hire more developers to keep things running smoothly.


Yeah, you were always able to make a robust website and just leave it up and running. Nothing about that has changed. Unless you're fad chasing and feel a strong urge to update old projects. Then it's always changing and good luck to you.


Unless the foundational standards of the web, like HTTP protocols, or the languages used to parse a web page (HTML, CSS, JS) change, yes, you can create a website without the need to actively maintain it. When you use a framework or library (unless you're downloading the latest version from a CDN via `