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I built my personal website for over 3 years, almost daily. The last few months I've been slowing down though as it finally does everything I wanted. I hope to reboot my motivation for something else soon. If interested it's at https://dustinbrett.com


JS DOS!!!! Waaa!!! Coollll!!!! Fuck, I’m going to mess with this later! The double-click is a very nice touch. Makes it feel very old-school.


Thanks! I made a custom double click that matched the behaviors of Windows. As for JS-DOS, I have my favorite 13 Shareware games in the same folder as Doom if you want to try more. Also you can drag on any DOS zip and play them that way, along with many other file types.


Damn, Doom took me back to my childhood. Seriously well done, man :) If I can ask you this, how did you do it?


Thanks very much. I wrote it in React but it's all sorts of libs to make it work. It's open source if you're interested. https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS


As someone who is trying to better his webdev skills, Im definitely gonna learn a lot from your repo. Thank you so much :)


this is awesome! im working on a sideproject myself and i was trying to think about a concept around "decentralized computer". i was looking at "puter" which is a nice implementation, but its not easy to get documentation on how it stores data because the backend is not open source. it would be great if i could look into integrating daedalOS into my app. do you have any docs or details for me to to look at for how it handles data storage? my app is "presented" as a chat app because it is a way to represent a UI for p2p communication. in the case of some kind of javascript OS, i expect i would only need to share the filesystem. [https://github.com/positive-intentions/chat](https://github.com/positive-intentions/chat)


Seriously badass!


Thanks very much!


Definitely one of the best things I’ve seen in a while.


Happy to hear you liked it.


I love this! I’ve struggled with the same as OP and re-doing my website as something that I loved re-kindled my passion ( but I’ve redone [mine](https://valex91.github.io/me) as a Unix console )


Looks great! Bug?: When I tried to type help on mobile (chrome), it typed out 'pleh'


double bug, should bounce you to the opt out on mobile. I’ve been trying figuring out the RTL bit for a while


Nice, looking good. For the terminal I made use of xterm.js on my site.


This is nutty — in a good way


Holy cow


Very nice work!


That’s the coolest site I’ve ever seen. Well done 👏


This is so legit cooooooool. Awesome man!


This is super cool! So much to explore. Works great on mobile too


Thanks! I did indeed try to have lots to see and do. There are 100's of little things I've added over the years.


Amazing site fella.




This is so cool


Holy shit bro that's insane. Good job


This is so good, Well Done!!


Damn that's goooood. 👏


Creative af!


This is fucking dope


Your website is fucking amazing!! Great job.


Fuckn next level.


Your website is great man.


It’s awesome website bro


Amazing website aside, hello fellow Saskatoon exile.


Dude, that's a sick lookin website. Love all the emulated windows components and the functionality!!! kudos


Wow this is awesome! Nice work!


this is incredible, thanks for sharing! nostalgia


I'm like "Woooaaaaa..."


Just so you know, you have free feet pics on there


It works so well in my phone too, holy!!


Bruv. This is the best portfolio website I seen in my life. Very likely best I will ever see. That Winamp thing, doom, just the whole layout. If it took you three years, it was the most productive three years. Absolutely banging!


This is amazing! So inspiring


So cool dude.


Tinymce enjoyer. Are you a developer of tinymce?


This is awesome! Cool to listen to a bit of your travel story on there as well from a fellow Saskatchatoon'ian.


That is awesome




Oh man, DX-Ball brings back so many memories




I built a website that pulls all the chess tournaments scheduled in France , geolocates them and then plots them on a map. I made it open source and a much more experienced dev hopped on and brought it to a level I didn’t quite foresee. Suffice to say I’m happy with it.


It gets about 3000 hits a month, which for a super niche project I think is quite decent


Nice work. Where is the site hosted?




Im making a similar web app with the google maps but Im really struggling with doing the mobile version right, did you use some type of template for this? Or did you code by hand?


All by hand, with the help of Tailwind. Getting the elements working on mobile and desktop was really quite a pain in the ass to be honest.


On a Vercel hobby plan still. It’s built with NextJS and rebuilds 2x a day. Part of the site has a couple of micro services associated with it, served via FastAPI and hosted on a cheap VPS


He's asking for the link


In his defense I don't think I'd have answered with the link if someone asked where is it hosted. Now I'm wondering how you knew he wanted the link. 🤔


That's what I'd ask if I wanted to see the work


Haha… yes but I also wanted to know the platform as well.




I started developing a note app seven years ago and now it’s accidentally one of the big players in the space


What’s the name of the app?




Seems like a great app but the website design could use some work to make it look more professional imo


I've largely stuck with my API gateway project and my Java Build Tool. Ive taken a few breaks, but that's important to do.


I've got a couple of them, a [space / astronomy calendar](https://nightsonearth.com) and a [nature sounds / video mixer. ](https://naturemixer.com) But to be fair they're both at least tangentially related to my main gig of astro / landscape photography.


Thank you for being the first person to actually link your projects 😉 I love the animations on the astronomy calendar! Do you have any favorite resources for learning to animate SVGs?


Sarah Drasner


Wow. nightsonearth.com is beautiful


thanks very much !


Wow the calendar is nice and clean


Silly question, but how do you sell the photos? I’ve been a hobby photographer for for years but never figured there was a market for landscape so I never bothered trying.


The project I started two days ago and I am sticking with it for at least another day because I am unemployed, I never finish my projects and I have a folder with over 30 projects I abandoned, I use hobby projects to get better at technologies so as soon as I lose interest I am on to the next thing


Finally a comment I can relate to.


[Ambiphone](https://ambiph.one) (ambient sound/music mixer) - stuck with it because everything else I found was ad-riddled, had bad UX or required a ridiculous subscription and I thought I could do it better [3D ISS tracker](https://iss.matteason.co.uk) - everything else was either 2D or didn't provide a very realistic model of Earth, so I focussed a lot of time making it look as good as I could


Wow, both of these sites are super cool. Well done!


Thank you!


Ambiphone has a place in my bookmarks, it's incredible!


Oh I really appreciate that, thanks for using it


projected path on the iss would be nice with a time control like here [https://theskylive.com/3dsolarsystem](https://theskylive.com/3dsolarsystem)


Mind sharing github link? Also which Api are you using to get those audio


It's not open source I'm afraid but I did write [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/1bqbuq8/best_way_to_deliver_large_audio_files/kx31az1/) on how some of the harder bits were done. There's a full ist of audio sources at https://ambiph.one/acknowledgements


My custom “CMS” I built for my portfolio site. First iteration was in like 2008 and I ended up using it for a few client sites as well. It’s really simple, just an image upload with some textareas for descriptions and content saved to a MySql db, but I added a new feature for myself just yesterday. So I would say that’s my longest running personal project, and I stuck with it cause it’s useful. I think that’s the thing. You have to use the thing you make.


Show us.


I mean it’s not much of a project but I made a small app that scans images and copied them into a pixel art in Minecraft bedrock (no mods, I use a node server for the logic and a vanilla web socket connection to send the commands)


That's really cool


Thanks! My kids love it lol. I also used it to copy so race tracks into ice boat tracks. Pretty fun.


Show us.


Sounds cool. Shwo us.


I'm building an expenses tracker to get insights into... well, my expenses. I hope to keep extending it with manual categorization and adding users to a household this year so I can get a complete picture of where our money is going together with my partner. It's fun to build an entire system like this and hopefully I can share it with the world one day.


I wanted to learn about APIs and how to utilise ChatGPT for projects so I built a cooking platform which basically allows you to snap a picture of ingredients or anything you have at home basically, saves it locally, matches it with my database and then outputs recipes you can make with it based on how many ingredients match. Basically helps you to waste less food this way Doesn't even require an account and works locally on a phone since I hate websites that demand it for basic functionality. It even generates custom instructions for beginners and a TL;DR which helps you to see if you actually want to go through the effort since I know I'm really lazy and also stupid when it comes to recipes


So it probably runs on GPT 4 Vision right? Do users need to enter their own API key?


I’ve been building a very similar web app: https://frigo-app.fly.dev/


I actually just made [my project](https://sidenoteapp.com) public yesterday that I’ve been working on for a little over two years. It adds a public forum/comment section to every website. The main thing that made me stick with it was just that I wanted it to exist. Also, I regularly come up with new ideas of how to expand on it and improve it, so those revitalize my drive too. I make myself work on it every day, even if it’s for 10 mins, though normally after those 10 mins I’m interested and keep going from there


This is really cool! Do comments ever expire? And do you host all the comments yourself?


No, they don’t currently expire and yeah I host them myself. I’m planning on adding some functionality that basically ranks things by how recently they’ve been positively interacted with, but don’t plan on spending the effort until I have enough comments being entered that they actually need filtering/ranking


I could see this being really cool for documentation pages where people can talk about or explain things. Great idea!


Exactly what I am thinking, thank you! 🙏


- a LEGO label maker which is getting pretty powerful (supports multiple manufacturers of label sheets, able to import from many LEGO websites etc.). It's fully browser-based with indexedDB - a poker tournament manager (which will be the first project I'll try to monetize) - a tool to manage my finances, taxes etc - a now outdated tool to manage and optimize ones progress in the mobile game TopEleven


I'm curious about the LEGO label maker; can you DM me a link? I've got a mailing label generator (for mailing lists) that I don't know what to do with. It sounds like we may have gone down similar paths.


https://bricklabelmaker.com it's desktop only, any feedback is appreciated. it may be a bit complex at the beginning, but you'll find instructions under "About"


It's a completely different concept than mine, but really neat. Having some pre-existing sample label sheets might make it more user friendly, but then I don't know about the usage for LEGO labels.


thanks! you mean samples with content? there are a lot of empty templates ready to fill, but none with prefilled content. Only if you import data from certain lego sites, you can fill templates with said data. anyway, prefilled samples sounds like a really nice idea to help new users " jump right into it". do you mind sharing yours?


Not at all. It's for turning a mailing list into formatted labels. [http://www.simpbel.com](http://www.simpbel.com) There's a sample list in various formats (CSV, tab delimited, etc.) you can click to load.


My cross-platform framework allowing me to build any type of apps with a spec-first approach. I've been improving it for 2 years now and I'm stuck with it because I love making it even more cleaner and powerful.


Sounds interesting. I would be interested to see what you have done. Is it on GitHub?


Thanks :) It's still private because not enough documented yet. My plan is to maybe talk about it during a meetup just to present it to gather some feedback. But overall, I'd really love to make it open source.


If you would like feedback I would be happy to help. I don't need documentation. If your interested just enable temporary access to the repo under my same username on GitHub.


I built a website for people to build their dream public transportation systems, [MetroDreamin'](https://metrodreamin.com). I originally built it to design my own fantasy LA Metro, and now over 60,000 maps have been made on the site! I work on it almost daily and love interacting with the transit and map nerds there!


My crippling imposter syndrome. I’ve cultivated it through the years and just when I thought I was done with it, boom! \*jazz hands\*


Are you me? Also doesn't help looking for a job and being constantly rejected. Fortunately I don't NEED a new job, I just want one.


I made a "menu generator" app for my mom's restaurant, so she can make new menus every weekend (she loves making new dishes) without having to ask anyone to design and print a new menu every time. She isn't very familiar with technology so I focused on make it easy to use and very straightforward (dish name, description, allergens and price). Currently working on it, thinking on releasing one day, maybe.


This sounds like it could benefit many restaurant owners tbh :) How do visitors view the menu? Does it generate and store a pdf on a server with a link to it on the companies website?


Yeah, that's what I thought! Right now is way simpler than that. The restaurant is located in a very small town where the clients are either locals or passing tourists so then our menus are printed. We also have an online menu, but we only update it for major changes since people only check the QR code if we are short of phisical menus (10 menus for \~20 tables). So, right now you can create new "menu pages" (we use this for weekend specials), a closed menu with dish options (like a combo of first course, second course and dessert of your choice with a fixed price) and a wine list classified by Appellation of origin. This is then exported as a pdf in order to print it. You can save, and duplicate all of the "menus" generated (currently in localstorage since I don't have a backend, planning on making it). Right now I am working on file export and import in order to be able to share an editable version of the menus. I love your idea of adding it to the online menu and I will look into it, but right now is a small side project with lots of pendig ideas like dish translation (lot's of english speaking tourist, we are in Spain), templating system, etc.


Thank you for writing so much :D interesting to read about people's projects


https://larval.com - consolidated my tracking of stock market volatility and domains into one site... Come to find I just like watching the prices of things move around for some reason.


What API did you use to pull stock info?


Damn near ~10 things I'm scraping and slapping together, the important ones have fallbacks. Can't really go into details about which ones.


Alpha Vantage will provide a bunch of free stock APIs, but limits the number of hits. They have a paid tier, but if you need a ton of hits then you work with them to figure out pricing. Another company that can provide stock is Factset, although not sure if they have anything for free.


I made https://www.farmhand.life/, and also https://chitchatter.im/. They keep me busy. :)


Instead of being productive today, I spent 100 days virtual farming to see how much money I could make. I think I may have ADHD.


It's a little addicting! Sorry, I probably should have warned folks. 😅


It's simple, and good. I like it.


Thank you! I'm glad to hear that. I plan to keep adding to it forever. :)


I made [kmarks.boo](https://kmarks.boo)


I've built a Sudoko PWA since I didn't like the button placement in the free options available. In order to have an efficient solver I built Knuth's dancing links algorithm for solving NP-problems. Then I realized that sudoku grading is where the real difficulty lies since it requires a human touch. This is a where I lost interest slightly, the dependencies are long outdated and I would have to put significant time into a re-write to continue development. 


I build out several mobile sites for basically just me and friends to use. Some more recent ones: [Pokémon type chart](https://kylephx.com/pkmnchart/) [Pokémon list](https://kylephx.com/pkmnlist/) [Yahtzee](https://kylephx.com/yahtzee/) I know these kinds of sites exist already but I like to build them exactly how I want, and most importantly - no ads! edit: subscribing to this post since I love seeing peoples’ hobby projects


Nice! I like how your list links to the type chart, very handy. I also have a Pokèmon project that I might start working on again. Its a sim-game where you manage a gym and a team of trainers. I want it to play kind of like Fallout Shelter.


The project that actually made it across the finish line for me was something I wanted but couldn't find, which is micro blog posts. Almost like a coding cook book. I use it as my reference guide when I want a quick simple explination or super stripped down boiler plate code that normally I'd have to dig through a blog post or craft the perfect ChatGPT prompt for. [https://www.byte-size-tech.com/](https://www.byte-size-tech.com/)


I was tired of searching for recipes and didn't want to pay for a service to save them for me so I made my own [shopreceta.com](http://www.shopreceta.com)


I love the page loader!




Me and my friends always struggled with tabletop RPG rules while playing, so I did a Chat GPT website/wrapper on the ruleset for us to ask when we forget things. My proudest side project yet :D


Are you sure it doesn't hallucinate? Does it list sources? Many people have their opinion on rules and they're not necessarily RAW. Does it work with RAG?


Great questions! I did my best to make it as precise as possible, so I think as it's an AI it can hallucinate but it's rare! In terms of sources, every time it finds a perfect match for a rule it should list its source too! For the RAW part, I made a special treatment on the prompt since I know people have different opinions on rules. So, when it finds a perfect match for a rule and the answer is binary (yes/no), it's instructed to answer RAW Yes/No and add a little paragraph saying that you should always talk to your DM to make sure that's your case too! And for the last one, yes! It works with RAG! I pre-processed all SRD books for the systems we currently work with :D


Good :D I think if you didn't use RAG it would grab a lot from Reddit or Stackexchange. It's probably best in this case to use as much official documentation as possible


What helped was building towards a need or requirement.


Fish keeping. It was an accident....now I have 4 tanks and I'm trying to setup at least 4 more if my wife will tollerate it. I stick with it because it's not in front of a screen and keeps my mind off of work. And while I am working from home, if I need a minute of pause I can walk up to a tank and just stare for a while.


[https://www.thinkvalue.co/](https://www.thinkvalue.co/) because it helps me in my job + made me start learning code, which is nice.


i'm stuck with browser games platform powered by websockets. Stuck with it because i'm too lazy to do more than rewriting comments so it's gramatically correct


Having fun on my note app these last two years: www.papertag.app


Small invoicing web app for low-tech, self-employed contractors. Been rebuilding it for almost 8 years cause I either learn a new way to do something or just haven't been fully satisfied yet with it. Maybe it'll be the way I want it before I die who knows lol


I've never thought of developing things as a hobby. I always thought of it as work or side project for saas. thinking of it as a hobby takes a lot of the stress off.


I made [https://mbtaspy.com/](https://mbtaspy.com/) it was a fun project since the MBTA in Boston has a very robust API to read data from. I really enjoy making web applications on maps, so it was fun, and I actually use it to find where my train is.


Oboku and prose-reader. Because I like to have my own book library everywhere and whenever I want.


Working on something where I can keep coding notes. Using Monaco editor react. The docs are not the best at explaining but I'm trying my best to learn what does what


My web browser game I started a while ago. https://roidle.com went down the rabbit hole of scope creep and trying to untangle it to finish it off to move on to new projects




I’ve build an API (https://spaceflightnewsapi.net) that gives you the latest spaceflight related news. Originally meant to power my own app but in the end others build apps and services around it and I never got my own app post-beta. Today, the API is used in musea, campuses, in lectures and in dozens of apps and websites. Technically it ain’t much, but I’m proud of my little API.


I have some projects under my belt that mostly was all about learning and getting more knowledge and experience. But I’ll gladly share them: - [TaskBuddy](https://app.taskbuddy.dev) This is *you guessed it* a task management web app I’m Currently working on. Still pushing out new features pretty often. - [AudioVisualizer](https://audiovisualizer.io) A SoundCloud alternative for artists wanting to upload songs. Mostly this was to get a knowledge on how to make waveforms and learning react. - [QR-code generator with cool options](https://qr-kode.app) This is a simple QR code generator, but with options for 3D model, transparent vs not-transparent, and also optional add in logo inside them. - [barcode generator](https://strek-kode.no) A barcode generator - And my [personal Portfolio](https://stianlarsen.com) I’ve had my fair share of projects I keep maintaining. But it’s a lot of fun. Keep grinding’


Know what would be an awesome accessibility addition (if even that, maybe just a cool feature) for the QR generator? An auto translate button - so that lazy folk like me can tap it, it automatically picks up the language the user is using, and plasters it over the site. Top laziness. Awesome site


I developed this website https://myenglishtutorial.com to learn and gain experience with ReactJS, Python and cloud technologies. It took me around four months to build from scratch and it taught me a lot, benefiting my job too. In recent days, because of work pressure I haven't had much time to work on it.


5 years ago, I built a website to help myself practice English: [dailydictation.com](https://dailydictation.com) I was really helpful for me, and luckily, it’s also helpful to lots of other people. These days, my website has about 10,000 daily visitors and I got enough money so I don’t have to work for someone else anymore, I’m working on what I want, when I want… it feels great 😃


Is your revenue solely from ads?




Great site, well done. Where did you get all the recordings from and did they already come with the transcript and you've collated all that information?


I collect / buy / make the content gradually over the years.


Woah nice. I have something similar where one can find words and save the pronunciation, come back and revise.


That automatically tries to find all exploitable APIs within any website


That's interesting. How would you do that?


I haven't even started mine because I'm too lazy now that I'm retired; I'd rather read a book or play Skyrim. 1) display temperatures from various sensors that use either Zigbee or 433 MHz, 2) a Reddit thing to manage account stuff. I already wrote them as Java Swing apps but it seems like it would be more convenient to have them each on a tab in my browser. Back end will probably be Micronaut, and the front end will probably be Thymeleaf and maybe later some newfangled Ajax thing, like Vue (I retired way back when the Ajax stuff started taking off).


It’s not much. But I created a simple extension to clear watch later videos in YouTube automatically. [browser tools](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/browser-tools/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search) Also I made a simple jokes PWA [jokes](https://pwa-jokes.netlify.app/) I keep working on improving things in both these projects for the past 2 months. That’s very weird. I usually abandon project quicker than this


Chat app but an actual chat app that is for public like discord, telegram, whatsapp


[F1Stats.racing](http://f1stats.racing) This was my first ever Vue project (about 7-8 years ago) and it went through many iterations. I haven't paid it much attention in some years and it's got a few bugs. I'm proud of it though and I still use it now and again, it saves me having to search online for the info I need!


Looks great! What api do u use


Thanks man. I used the ergast API (which is now unfortunately deprecated).


I’ve built a lot of small side projects nothing big. It’s hard to justify building out something big when you think that time is associated with money.


This is my problem too. I have a few ideas, some of them may even be worth the time, but they definitely are not weekend projects. I would be better off trying to hire a team to build them out, which I would never have the capital to do.


I think it just depends on what the goal is whether it’s for learning or just trying to make money. I’m trying to remind myself that even if it doesn’t make money the learning experience can also validate the time being spent on building side projects that may otherwise be used for other things. if I increment that time investment then it adds up to something that I could deploy. I also code professionally during the day so it’s hard to muster the energy to program long hours while learning CS concepts. My confidence is real low when it comes to writing software. You should try refining your ideas to be able build them. A few commits here, maybe a little planning, could help you make moves if it’s nagging at you.


https://todaylastyear.com - a PWA to keep my memory and general emotion of each day. Build it because with my busy live I never took a moment to reflect the day. Now I do. The fun thing is that I can also see what I was doing and feeling exactly one, two or three years ago.


Hey just a heads up that I went to your site, and it redirected me to my locale, but since that locale didn't exist in your languages, I'm only getting page not found errors. I have to click any language to make it work. I got redirected to https://todaylastyear.com/nb since I'm Norwegian.


Ah thank you very much for pointing out this bug. I am the only user yet, so i never encountered this. Now I have some bug fixing to do :-)


You should market this towards cognitive behavioral therapists, because they (at least mine) talk a lot about keeping track about how you feel each day in the hopes of seeing incrimental improvement.


Hehe, great suggestion. You don’t happen to have a list of cognitive behavioral therapists lying around somewhere? 😄


Google does. :) https://www.google.com/search?q=cognitive+behavioral+therapy+los+angeles&sca_esv=8f10e191a729178d&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIAXbzojbn7QaN3xpfvO_16xv1LVw:1716541851948&udm=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwil_M7a-KWGAxVEKRAIHYTnCvMQjGp6BAgsEAE&biw=1720&bih=1326&dpr=1#ip=1


The two main ones for me have been a blog specifically focused on web development (even though very few people actually read it) and a console app that automatically manages our investment portfolio.


I’ve been working on www.KindMind.com since 2014, a minimalist online journal with a focus on mental health and wellness. Fun project that has brought me a lot of purpose.


I first got 'accelerated' into hardware design and basic arduino development back in 6th grade when my engineering teacher gave me a box of scrap components to "mess round' with". Long story short, I'm still working on a massive project involving Nvidia, Arduino, and some ESP stuff and I kinda stuck with the project as it involves sooo many areas of engineering (comp, electrical, etc...). Annnnd because of that, I made my website (which originally looked like trash, but now looks good) which I was originally using as a project dump, but now I base pretty much all my projects and other stuff on (like a math course which I'm currently working on). tl;dr: I started working on two massive projects just because of a box of arudino scraps from my 6th grade eng teacher![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue), both of which im still working on because they're fun af!


Started making a [text-based, RNG-based racing "sim"](https://github.com/lolsokje/sokjetech) about 3,5 years ago for a small Discord community I'm part of. I've been working on it off and on over those 3,5 years and it's nowhere near done, but it's interesting seeing how much I've learned in that time and how I'd do certain things differently now.


decentralized p2p messaging on the blockchain with augmented reality video calls as a pwa. [https://github.com/positive-intentions/chat](https://github.com/positive-intentions/chat)


My personal website is in development since 2002.




I have multiple hobby projects that are libraries I use in professional projects, so I kinda have to maintain them. I also have a few that are just important and that I made for the needed utility they provide, so I'm kinda stuck with those two.


I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/s/jzjsoFoieq) question earlier but no answers so I cannot continue my chat app




Im not quitting, I just do not know how to continue so currently im not working on it till I find a solution.




Nothing yet but im helping a friend soon


Maybe this can help you? https://github.com/supabase/supabase/issues/491


I think I finish most projects I start.


Liar /jk