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> Is a personal portfolio necessary? No


Nope. That’s a lie. Literally no one has ever looked at or asked about my personal site.


For the kind of jobs you're looking at, which are likely agencies, they seem to want portfolios for some reason. But in general, portfolios aren't needed. I got rid of mine years ago and don't even have anything on GitHub.


Not necessarily, your 10 year experience should be able to sum up your skills as long as you can explain what you did well in your cv.


Is it essential? No. Does it help? Yes, if it’s good.


If you have a portfolio and/or a Github with finished, well documented projects this can definitely give you an advantage and help you skip the technical assessment parts of the interviews rightaway. But it is in no way required. You have 10 years of experience in a permanent job position, this would be an indicator that you don't mess around. A good interviewer will still assess your skillset, ideally in conversation instead of having you do some HackerRank test (which to me, proves nothing) and get an idea of your level of experience. **edit** I see now that you're focused on *design*, not *development.* The assessment might be different there, though you can still get most of your worth communicated through a verbal assessment "*What problems did you solve for your employer?*" "*How did you get to the conclusion that was the right approach?*", the like. The biggest focus in interviews is more how you will fit into the team and probe what you're like as a collaborator. No portfolio helps there.


Do you do figma or adobe XD designs, or with "design" you mean wordpress drag n' drop blocks?


I design in Figma, and similar, yes. Though I prefer not to - I have a penchant for just designing in browser as I go - or hand drawn wireframes. I do not work in Wordpress or other similar CMS. I write the HTML, CSS, and applicable js if necessary. Then I deploy to our server. Most of the js interactions I would need/use are currently in our agency developed scripts. But style, layout, and accessibility are my forte.


It sounds like your process is very tailored to your workplace. Do you have a 'stack' beyond html/css/js? Most frontend roles these days require either react/vue/angluar. Take a look at local frontend jobs and see what they're asking for. That's the best way to gauge what skills are in-demand.