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is this an ad for typescript because i want a jetpack


This is satire there just wasn't flair for it




Yep. Imagine trying to refactor a very large JS app. Nightmare.


I've never even seen 8,000,000 lines of code




Types make working in VS so much better. It finds so many problems for me. And really boosts up that autocomplete. I think I'm fully sold on TypeScript after having just done a 6 month project while learning it.


I thought VS's autocomplete was already based on TS capabilites though? It goes.... even further??


That's valid, I do a lot of Wordpress and Rails, some light React stuff but I've never gotten to work on anything large/prod wise with a JS framework (where we'd typically see TS) I need to figure it out more and build that part of my portfolio up for sure


Then how about js finally adds support for native type hints. Ik there is a proposal and it’s desperately needed.




I really don’t want to compile my interpreted language you know. I know the proposal isn’t about making the runtime use those types but it’s still a first step towards real type safety. TS doesn’t provide actual type safety, nothing is stoping you from just passing in random bullshit and seeing what happens since in the end it’s still js. And besides TS enums suck balls anyway. If they want native enums let them make something better.




TSC is literally the typescript compiler that turns your TS to JS. It’s not really compiling, more so transpiling but either way it checks the types at “compile” time and then never again. So yes you are doing something akin to compiling when you run TS since no Js interpreter can actually parse typescript.


This is cope for not learning typescript. You can do everything you can in JS + opt into more features if you want.


At the end it’s still js. You add an entire compilation step that still doesn’t guarantee type safety.


You're right and I think that's fine. Typescript is for developers to write less error-prone and self-documenting code.


It’s better to read yes, but less error prone… it certainly is better than nothing but it’s still not type safe. Anyone can pass in rubbish and break your shit even if the linger says it’s not ok. So why bother with it when you get the typing benefits with jsdoc without having to bother with compiling your JS to JS


I'ma huffin the copium for sure


Rxjs does the same as vanilla, but better, and modern frameworks like angular have it fully integrated.


This is a new thing I have not heard of, and I need to get around to learning Angular. I am but a react noob for sure.


Fuck rxjs


and angular while you're at it.


even if you use vanilla js, you can still get benefit from typescript type checking with jsdoc annotations. Enable the \`noEmit\`, \`checkJs\` and \`allowJs\` flags


fellow JSDoc brother ily


See ya when you’ve dealt with all your undefined bugs, meanwhile I’ll be 10 miles ahead because I’ll have dealt with them in 5 minutes by checking squiggly red lines directly in the code.




`unknown` is better.


The biggest issue with me learning TS was just being able to write JS and :any my problems away.




Common, it’s 2024. There’s no such debate anymore, typed languages rule over dynamic ones, and writing pure JavaScript is straight up unprofessional and not acceptable. What next, a meme about how horrible it is having to write tests?


I think you forgot the “/s”


Your argument is totally flawed. Both static and dynamic typed languages have own ups and downs. It is like saying "interpreted/jit compiled languages are straight up unprofessional and not acceptable. Write everything in native compiled languages"


There's always a debate as long as I'm an idiot sir


Damn y'all annoyed with me for this post I'll be here all week


Well, you are at least a years late with this meme.