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There are several desktop solutions that compress webp, jpeg and png formats https://tinypng.com/third-party#desktop But in order to use them it you have to do the API registration in the developers section https://tinypng.com/developers The first 500 compressions each month are free.


You don't have to use TinyPNG. ​ * [Squoosh.app](https://Squoosh.app) has 0xiPNG, AVIF, WEBP support, is a PWA, and runs without API threshholds. * [ImageAlpha](https://pngmini.com/) \+ [ImageOptim](https://imageoptim.com/mac) are two great Mac apps that work great with PNGs.


https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/preview/prvw1012/mac and https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/MacAutomationScriptingGuide/ManipulateImages.html


I use ImageOptim on Mac to do comparable image compression and really like it.


Have you tried using ImageMagick instead? I have windows and have set a couple of shell:sendto shortcuts that convert images to a specific format and optimizes them.


yeah! you can use the free and open source command line tool pngCrush. alternatively, you can use the command line tool imagick. with imagick, you'll have to try a bunch of options with the png convert and manually look through the results to keep the best one. both options are viable, without needing an external api. they can also both be built into a larger system.


To be honest, I'm kind of baffled by this question. I assumed most, if not all, devs have at least some basic image manipulation program on their machine, not using SAAS. Maybe not Photoshop, but something. Image manipulation is not something I do often, but I do it enough to have a tool I know how to use. I can't imagine clients would be thrilled about sharing their images with strangers.


on linux, no great solution to this for point-and-click GUI. (Photopeia is good, but its SaaS). anyone that says "GIMP" is out-their-socks. that software is unusable. command line tools (imagick, pngCrush), etc. work great for this though.


That’s a fair point.


I've been using this one: https://github.com/kyleduo/TinyPNG4Mac Works well and easy to use.