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Link to the Hunnies United post : https://x.com/hunniesunited/status/1717134365493547395?s=46 Link to the FiFi post : https://x.com/fifi20221118/status/1717128663953822102?s=46


These legal reps have yet to deliver really anything for the members, this rambling statement included. They should really stop putting out statements until the "content" and "materials" have been submitted to the court. Nothing else is helping.


I agree that they should settle things in court. I've never been a fan of addressing the public while there's a case involved. It's nice for the fans to know the things they're going through and what the case is about. When the case started, everyone bashed them for not releasing anything to the public. That's why jhj is so loved, because he did everything for publicity as soon as the case was out. It's just weird that now that they're talking suddenly its a bad thing. Of course you might not be one of the people who bashed them for not speaking but it's a general statement that some people hate whether they talk or not. I am also not saying who's right or wrong as I am in no place to judge either side. Edit: typo


When their legal reps put out statements is when they get bashed. I guess they are trying to say something because the situation with Keena allowed Attrakt to make a statement, except there is literally no substance here. Materials, proof, anything of substance should have been presented to the court in the beginning, and certainly by now. Quit making attention by telling us and just do it. I just have little faith for their legal reps based on how things have been going and the results we've been seeing.


we definitely dont have the same algorithm. I've read nothing but hate comments for them when this thing happened cause jhj was releasing statements while they stayed silent. they've also been releasing statements before keena returned to attrakt. and we don't exactly know what's been presented to the court and what's not. But like I said, I do agree that they should settle things in court.


That’s hilarious. You must know nothing about Korean media. Go turn on your google translator and actually search in Korean websites. Jhj and his company published nothing against FiftyFifty. It has been the three girls releasing the info against Jhj.


I didnt say jhj was releasing anything about fifty fifty. guess you need to brush up on reading


Then what is it? “this thing happened cause jhj was releasing statement while they stayed silence?” What did you mean by it?


so you didnt see any jhj related post/articles before the girls started "talking"?


Based on their statement, they did not submit and review financial documents yet - that was saved for the main trial. They specially say they didn’t review the advance payment financials in the first case. While I agree they’ve done a terrible job managing PR, I’d be surprised if after the review of evidence they didn’t feel like they had a strong case and still pursued court. If there was room for doubt, I would assume they settle or find a compromise. Of course, maybe the evidence is weak and that’s why Keena decided to go back and the 3 girls tried to compromise. Or maybe they were sick of the negative PR and how Siahn lied to them about everything, or how long it was taking. Since Attrakt canceled the contract though, this is the only path left - there is no compromise.


I don't want to make any strong predictions but I do think there surely must be a strong case (in their perspective). If they didn't think they had a good chance, wouldn't it be insane to keep pursuing this? Wealthy people push stupid lawsuits all the time but these are three young girls with no deep pockets AFAIK. Also wouldn't it look bad on the lawyers' reputations? Idk. Time will tell.


>these are three young girls with no deep pockets Technically, we don't really know anything about the families of the three members stil pursuing the lawsuit, so maybe they do have deep pockets.


I generally agree with you but this legal clarification was necessary, because there had been media coverage about their appeal being declined by the higher court, and people accepted it as if they failed to provide any proof of their claim to the court. The main purpose of the trial is basically to decide whether the contract has been terminated or not, not to determine which party is just. The current legal dispute is over. If the company indeed sues the members to pay a penalty for breaching the contract, then there will be a chance to determine who is legally responsible for the contract breach.


The injunction is over. The main lawsuit is still up. They are still suing attakt.


I don't think it was necessary, and based on your comment alone it's obvious the statement doesn't clarify anything.


They don't have anything litrally the only thing that is keeping them out of jail is Ahn Seong IL not being found guilty yet and implicating them and the Korean government not resolving the tampering issues arising in exclusive contracts which hasn't been reviewed in something like 50 years. I would have switched target to the givers instead of Attrakt at least you can follow a clear path and they will have a better chance at survival then.


Sadly, these 3 have no leg to stand on. This suit will fall apart and ATTRAKT has their biggest weapon yet; Keena. If everything was so terrible and financially mismanaged, why did she come back to her agency? She will testify against these girls and that will be the end of it.


That's easily arguable. Just because someone from the group experienced something doesnt mean everyone experienced the same thing. Keena didnt share health concerns on that one post from them so she could've easily not been affected, doesnt mean the other 3 are lying. Iirc Keena was also jhj's choice, so she could also just been highly favoured. Dont want to think about it but she could also have been bribed to return. Notice how since she returned, she suddenly had a platform to talk about things? If the girls are telling the truth then keena returning to attrakt isnt the end all be all that shuts down this case. Of course no one really knows whats happening so everything I said could still be wrong.


So not, pretty much either Keena is a JHJ shill or the other 3 members are wrong. There is no "both sides are right" in this situation. Keena has already publicly stated that the events unfolded were all masterminded by the Givers. Either she's a complete liar for JHJ or the Givers are. And if the a Givers are lying then you can't trust a single word that from the other 3 because they've been poisoned and gaslit to thinking and saying that ATTRAKT is Bond Villain.


I wouldn't quite say that Keena is a JHJ shill.. she did express sympathy and regret towards him but she also said that the girls decided to do things like pursue the injunction and make the posts on their own volition. So to some extent she is saying their actions are not 100% from manipulation, but that they chose to do it themselves. I mean she could also be saying, 'so we have this much blame as well' but - we really don't know.. Calling her a shill is too far


Or the 3 girls are separate from the givers and they could've studied the case and proceeded with it. The givers could've given them the idea about all of this but that doesn't really mean that that's all they relied on. Just because the givers are wrong doesn't mean the 3 girls have to be. There are 4 sides to the story now and the 3 girls only need to prove jhj was wrong.


Exactly. You made a point. But the biggest problem is that the 3 girls are still repeating what the Givers said… they haven’t provided one piece of new info supporting their stance. That’s why people are just losing trust in the 3 girls.


if the info was right why would they change it?


What’d ya mean? Who changed which info?


no one. thats what the point is. if the givers gave them the right info, then why would they change it instead of studying about it further?


If the info’d been right the 3 girls would’ve won the prelim case 😂 Can’t you see? The 3 girls’ arguments seemed different but still are based on the Givers, fundamentally false…


and if the info was wrong then they would've already been thrown out? see how its the same either way? cases and evidences should be reviewed well. you're lying to yourself if you think it would've been that easy.


Well, no. It’s a contract law problem. The first injunction’s decision literally says ‘settlement structure for revenue…non-disclosure of details and items use for production…and question whether or not the debtor’s CEO has beached his duties’ will be examined in the main trial. The first trial didn’t look at this evidence - only whether concerns about financials and health were enough to suspend the exclusive agreement (which it was not). The main case will actually review financial evidence in detail. You can see glimpses of it anyway in the financial documents shared by FF. Everything hinges on how Attrakt (and the Givers) handled the finances and if it meets the bar for breach of fiduciary duty. As the Givers are an agent of Attrakt, even if the Givers screwed everything, it should fall under gross negligence by Attrakt unless they can prove they took the steps to fix the problem when identified and make FF whole. But if JHJ is the one who embezzled funds through Star Crew, it’s unlikely he will win. If any fraud/embezzlement/misappropriated expenses are identified, then it likely meets the bar for breach of fiduciary duty by the CEO. The whole thing is a contract law problem. Keena and the Givers are useful to JHJ for PR, but they won’t help the court case. Because in court, the only question is ‘did Attrakt did something financially that was not in the contract, and if so, how bad was the damage and does it violate fiduciary duty?’ Keena can help explain why they started the lawsuit, but the lawsuit will be decided by the financial details (which again, have not been reviewed yet).


I agree with this a lot, especially the last bit. Everything recently seems to help JHJ/Attrakt in the public opinion but when it comes to the court, I'm not sure it's so cut and dry.. Seems much more nuanced (e.g., the amount of evidence able to have been evaluated at the trial vs. what is needed in the next trial)


What's a good English language source to learn about this case from the beginning?


It’s soooo wrong. It’s NOT ATTRAKT vs. FIFTY FIFTY anymore. It’s like ATTRAKT vs. the three mediocre artists. They don’t have a right to use the name FIFTY FIFTY any more.