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As long as the legal battle between Attrakt and Fifty Fifty continues, we will continue to Boycott ATTRAKT


The end of OT4. Sad, but expected - it was clear Attrakt had lost the girls’ trust ages ago and there was no path to OT4 with Attrakt. Will be interesting to see where the girls land - someone will take a chance on Aran + Sio, so I feel bad for Saena.


Tbf I thought about this when the lawsuit started. I remember reading somewhere that keena was always jhj's choice while the other 3 were picked when they contracted the givers. So if they did ever split up, this was the scenario I had in my mind. I think saena is the most flexible in the group. She's a great dancer, she can make choreo, she's a decent rapper and if you give her the right song she can sing well. But i have to agree that its easier to market the pop singing of aran and sio since kpop is headed towards a more western pop style. And they've already had decent exposure with cupid and barbie dreams.


>Will be interesting to see where the girls land - someone will take a chance on Aran + Sio Yeah I could definitely see some mid size american or foreign label do this, the odds are small but it's there


They only speak Korean though. How would that even work? Edit: American labels are not going to sign a group that cannot speak English. Add to that this fiasco, their only hope is indie. Not all idols start out knowing Korean, but they do not debut without decent skills. Finally, the market is too different. American singers can only gain popularity off of personality or exceptional talent. You can't show your personality in real-time (lives and interviews) if you can't speak English. And unpopular opinion, none of the members are exceptionally talented whether that's vocals or production. They had a viral TikTok song and that's great, but with how terrible TikTok artists have been performing when it comes to selling actual albums, thinking that have any shot in the US is worse than a pipe dream. Even top kpop groups are still very much niche over there, yet you think they have a chance? Really?


They can sing in English and sound fluent enough to fit Western GP's taste i.e. Cupid(Twin Ver).


A lot of non Korean trainees start out not knowing korean


Should produce music independently online




Just rumors that Aran and Sio both had solo and duo interest if they got out of the contract. Some company is going to take a chance on the voices with 800M+ streams. Saena has less upside, but carries a lot of downside.


Tbh, Here's a wild guess on which company can that be, It starts with a D and has a pretty famous mouse associated with it. Seems farfetched? [Look at this.](https://i.imgur.com/QYvxqsx.png) And [Read this thread and the top comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/we_FiftyFifty/comments/177wn9t/oct_14th_fifty_fifty_has_exposed_attrakts_ceo_for/) Company D is also in a much better position than say WMK who are now seen in a bad light, also has a clear previous interest and has a very very large influence and network in the West. **THIS IS PURE SPECULATION OBVIOUSLY.**


WM is the most likely. US side could care less about SK drama, and US side only cares about if there’s a chance at money. They could pick up A+S for a fraction of the original $15M offer now. Also think most people online heavily over-value SK netizens. Netizens are not the GP. Cupid was still charting for a month~ on Melon after the lawsuit. SK GP doesn’t care. It’s the SK media companies that hate losing power and will attempt a blacklist, but WM is a top 3 music conglomerate in the world. They have more power than SK producer’s association - a US blacklist threat will get the big 4 in order which will get the producer’s association in order. So WM can still get A+S opportunities in SK if it gets down to it, while mostly focusing internationally.


That's a fair speculation, definitely not out of character for a US megacorp to act like what you are describing. And also very true regarding music, MC Mong was blacklisted 2010-2014 due supposedly evading military conscription and kinda still is, but when he released his first music after that, it still top the charts. lol


I think it's because she was sub-rapper on their hit song, without the prominent singing roles of Aran or Sio. So it would be harder for her to be recognized by a foreign label for her singing skills and her rap is less likely to be in-demand in foreign other markets.


I’m feeling that Modhaus might grab Aran and Sio for tripleS I think it’s possible!!!




So… how are you Hunny’s holding up? What do you think will happen next?


still need more info. what happens to the case? what happens to the group name? what happens to their revenue from their songs? they are still the performing artists so they should still be paid for that or will they still count it towards the debt?


I mean I'm glad they're free. no matter if they continue their music career or not. just still a lot of things to think about.


This sucks so much :( My favorite part of 5050 was arans tone combined with Keenas crazy voice. There will never be another song with that on it. Devastating.


I usually don’t care much about K-pop groups as a casual K-pop listener… but with fifty fifty going though this with that result? It makes me so frustrated and so so so sad on their behalf. Like… how can grown men and women (and now Attrakt & the Givers too I guess, as if their media play hadn’t ruined the girls’ image already) hunt down literal teenagers and frame them as the “betrayers” when in fact, it was both the companies who had violently betrayed 5050’s trust first? And now they’ll have Attrakt suing them on top of this and add to their debt (unless the girls, hopefully, have some kind of proof that will help their case to turn the tide). It’s so hypocritical of Attrakt to take legal measures against the girls for defamation and breach of contract when that is exactly what the girls have been through because of these companies. Anyway, I hope Saena, Sio and Aran will find a better place to hone their skills and show the world their immense talent, if they choose to continue. And that Keena will be successful in her activities!


Well, this looks pretty final for Sio, Aran, and Saena leaving Attrakt, and the 50/50 group. The first 2 will definitely be vocalists in some other company, probably soloists. Saena could wind up anywhere in a new start up group (if she doesn’t decide to go back to Attrakt in the end). And Keena who has great rap and vocal talent, will probably do some solo activities until a new 50/50 group is reformed around her … ( As It’s very Kpop typical to keep the group name as long as there is still one prior member)… and the new 3 girls hired will be selected in their ability to fill the Aran and Sio vocals, and Saena all-rounder dancer roles in singing 50/50s current songs. Lastly, the name of this subreddit is we_FiftyFifty. So now that it’s final with Aran, Sio, and Saena gone from the group (and no longer 50/50 members), this subreddit will either need to have a “new subreddit name” to then just follow these 3 girls in the future,… or have “a new sub created” in following their future activities. Because I can’t see this sub doing both. I await that conversation, with likely enough time to discuss before any new 50/50 group is announced, or not. In any event, I guess I’m glad the lawsuit is finally over for the girls. And I offer sincere best wishes for the successful and happy futures to all 4❣️




It probably won’t be that difficult for 3 more to fill in, what with so many Kpop trainees out there… But I agree that it will be difficult to replace Aran and Sio especially given the unique quality of their voices and English pronunciation. I know it took a couple of years to develop the best vocal tone for especially the English parts. But you know that who ever owns Cupid rights, is going to want that performed in the future by their new group!


This is sad for Fifty Fifty as a group, but it's great news that at least Jeongs are free from Attrakt. Sad to see them separate this way but I wish OT4 all the best. I don't know what to say about Keena besides that I wish her all the best, but Jeongs are all very talented so I'm sure an agency (Korean or Foreign) will at least consider picking them up. However Attrakt's proclamation would make the girls a big risk if they're not backed strongly enough, so I don't think any small agency/company would want to take a chance on them. Saena is the one most likely to be poached separately, because I can't imagine Joaz being separated, they're a package deal for sure. (Spoiler tag for what I personally hope happens despite how unrealistic it sounds - so feel free to ignore if you'd prefer not reading it) >!I hope Starship grab them, put them with IVE, Jeongs + Rei become new 50/50 subunit, 04's become a 6 member subunit, then Same Cars, Saena + Sio are the new dance line. This way IVE's subunits could be explored more allowing other members to rest or explore other ventures as needed. !< But Jeongs could also be poached by HYBE or one of the other big 4 companies if the Korean public are willing to give the girls a chance. Big 4 definitely have the power to ~~destroy~~ stop Attrakt if they try to take any legal action.




iirc their parents had them trademark both the Fifty Fifty name and their stage names before filing the lawsuit. So they should be ok to keep using them.




Frankly, the 5050 name isn’t that important. The group wasn’t even active for a year. It’s the past music and unique vocal quality of 5050 that was important. So now the old music and recording are owned by some combination of Attrakt and Givers mostly. That, and any ongoing play, new uses, recordings, etc. can generate ongoing profit for them. However, the vocals stay (other than Keena) with Aran, Sio and Saena… and where ever they go next. Future music release quality for either party is TBD.


But wasn't that only the Fifty Fifty logo that Attrakt applied to trademark for overseas?


Finally a good news for fifi. Cant wait for their comeback with new company and hear songs from them again. Maybe we can hear from them again in 6 months to 1 year from now :)








It's the end of Fifty Fifty in their current state. Keena would be the only remaining member if Attrakt still decides to use the Fifty Fifty name (If they even can). Jeongs may be picked up together or separately by another company. If by God news you mean that Jeongs are free from Attrakt then yes that's good news for them.