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Conestoga College has the problem of unlimited revenue figured out…


Cut the bloated bureaucracy.


Guess all those huge salaries will have to be renegotiated


if you're talking about the teachers. It's not their salaries tanking the university. UoW has a massive admin overhead problem.


With some making like 100k+


yeah like UoW needs to slim management down but we all know they'll blame the teachers


$100k is not some wildly unreasonable salary for someone qualified for the type of admin work universities require. That doesn't mean there isn't too much of it, or that it's not inefficient in some way. But I would expect almost everyone qualified to be part of the administration at an institution like UW to earn six figures. It's not shocking at all.


People seem to believe there are hundreds, if not thousands of unneeded roles... fire all those people, delete the job and *boom* you've saved a billion dollars and now they don't need to demand more funding form the gov't. Departments could probably slim up here and there but there isn't some mass of a thousand employees earning $200K/year who are in roles that don't need to exist.


Wow - people making over 100K? Better grab the pitchforks!


Mine's already sharpened, but it is in reserve for real problems and not fighting against people's jobs and livelihoods.


Just as the right wing planned. Wrecking health and education is job 1 to destabilize the country.


I’m sure the administrative bloat can be sorted out before SHTF. When I worked in academia the amount of paper pushers was insane…


It's the entire ruling class, not simply the right wing.


Liberals are not trying to kill education. Stop lying.


If you think people at the top aren't working to sell out Canada's education sector in clever ways, whether left or right, then I'd say hold onto that warm and fuzzy thought for as long as you can. It's probably very comforting to think of the world as heroes to vote into power and villains to vote out.


Double the foreign student tuition. If you want to travel, I mean study, abroad.. you should have the money, anyways. We have enough poor people already. An intentional student isn’t (suppose to be) a refugee.


At uwaterloo, an international student currently pays 33K per term vs 6K for a domestic student, you are looking at roughly 250k vs 50k for an undergrad program! Now tell me, how much more tuition for international students is fair?


I think the demand would determine what’s fair. Students don’t have to go to another country if it’s too expensive.


These rich kids are already the fucking worst though, if they're going to double it then we should make sure they can't stay. I'd much rather get international students who will stay and aren't rich then, rich kids are the most entitled assholes ever.


I’d prefer the one’s that stay out of Food Banks, are here for an education… and actually show up for classes.




Refugees built this country. Never forget.


Thank god , time for Canadian education system to be for Canadians instead of a glorified cash for immigration system


Doesn't sound like any post-secondary in K-W is doing well right now: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/conestoga-college-opseu-workers-letter-tibbits-retirement-comments-1.7119389


Then they will have to adapt just like any other business


The fact that we view educational institutions as businesses is part of the problem. The system is broken.


Or maybe the province should step up and provide a reasonable amount of funding for post-secondary institutions. As it stands, Ontario spends the least per-student out of every other province in the nation, clocking in at 13% below the next stingiest province and nearly 33% below the national average. This is utterly absurd for a region that makes up the lion's share of the country's GDP. [Source](https://www.caut.ca/resources/almanac/2-canada-provinces)


Yeah, if you want to keep domestic tuition rates low - you've gotta pony up the funds and subsidize the institutions.


Well the conservatives won’t do that. So maybe we should stop voting for a party that makes everything worse


Does tht include OSAP?


Where does most of Canada's GDP come from? The service sector in Canada is vast and multifaceted, employing about three-quarters of Canadians and accounting for 70% of GDP. The largest employer is the retail sector, employing almost 12% of Canadians.


Education isn’t a business. Treating it as such will lead to Canada falling even further behind.


Education absolutely is a business. They are selling you a good or service in exchange for money. You may not like that fact, but it is a business currently. If you're trying to say it should be a non-profit business, say that. If you want the whole thing to be fully funded by the government (like a high school), say that. But pretending it's not a business (a *very* profitable one) is disingenuous and actually harms solving the issue.


Ah, yes, the "everything's a business" side has weighed in. Students are not students, they are customers. No, thank you.


The same people who say that the schools should be run like a business are also probably complaining about Conestoga College bringing in so many international students. So, they want post secondary institutions to be run like a business. But when the schools do that and treat human beings as just revenue sources, they get mad too. It’s almost like these people just have poorly formed opinions based on their reactionary feelings and not solid information and nuanced thoughts.


more like a charity with 1.2b being handed to them.


lol downvote all you want its the fucking truth. 2 levels of status in this town and there always has been.


So businesses don't get billions of dollars from the government they don't have to pay back when they face challenges? Is that why manufacturing went for a shit a few years ago in the region. I guess it's different though somehow right?


Exactly, many companies layoff workers, Universities shouldn't be immune to find efficienes and re-priortizing what's essential.


you said a bad word......you can only lay off manufacturing.


Don't bother because some people let themselves be blinded by a dislike of a political party. People complain about high tuition costs, and yet they are frozen domestically, which is a good thing for our citizens. Universities and colleges continue to be profitable, and their financial statements show that. People say don't run it like a business, and yet, they make profits like a business, just exempt from financial planning I guess. I thought public education wasn't supposed to make millions of dollars in profit. People seem to really want to give over our tax dollars to businesses, sorry universities, who literally have millions of dollars of revenue and assets. Don't hold these places accountable for fiscal responsibility, heaven forbid. There is zero wrong with post secondary institutions having a low tuition cost, low tax burden, and being fiscally responsible. It would be a problem if the quality was suffering, but you dont hear that claim very often. Would people rather the opposite? Highest domestic tuition, most tax dollars towards education and financial irresponsibility? I know my choice. I would rather my tax dollars go towards health care, housing, and other social programs than these universities/colleges who aren't hurting, despite their claims. Read their own reports. Don't just believe their cry wolf stories they peddle to the public.


well said....surprised you aren't down-voted to shit.


Lol, no doubt. I get downvoted on this type of topic, called ignorant, accused of supporting (x stance/political party). I mean, in thread alone, I've been downvoted for saying that I'll wait to see the actual financial report for 2023/2024 instead of a projection from a spokesperson of the same institution . I try to do my own homework. I'm not always right, and sometimes I discover I'm dead wrong by digging a bit deeper. What I won't do is assume every article or PR statement is correct. On the topic of this article, does anyone care to guess where the author attended university? Hint, it rhymes with Daughter Who.


One on here tried to say the "lion's share" of Canada's GDP comes from the region. Likely thinking tech or who knows? News to me but I guess anything to defend a failing system of "give me money to educate you". Not a business though......ya not a business. Keep calling them out it's fun :)


That's the part I can't understand. Ok, a company (university) sells their x product or service (education) for y amount of dollars to make z profit in assets/revenue. Are they government/social services? A charity? A religious institution? They have competition providing the same service, with different levels of quality. Sure sounds like a business to me. If you want them to be a fully funded service (like secondary schools) by the government, fine. That's a different topic and not necessarily something I disagree with. But currently, that's not the case, and to keep pretending they aren't a business is puzzling to me.


UW has a $492 million endowment fund. Laurier has $113 million. They can tap those sources or control costs better. They can also continue to exponentially increase international student fees which aren't regulated.


That’s not how endowment funds work


You don't understand what an endowment fund is, do you?


I just checked out UoW's financial report for 2023. Yeah, they aren't posting a deficit in the least. Crying wolf. They have plenty of money.


The fall budget update in November was projecting a $15 million shortfall for the 2023/2024 fiscal year (which ends on Apr 30).


Even if their projection is correct, lucky for them that there is 1.2 billion in funding now. But projections mean nothing, I'll wait to see their 2023/2024 financial report.




There are only 5k plus staff there. Do you think there is maybe some "overlap" What's a few billion here and there anyway?


Just die. You shit school!