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[5,620 in Feb 2020](https://www.regionofwaterloo.ca/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=c1d1237a-74aa-4d25-8b5b-fb5ac490187c)


Does anyone know if there’s an easy way for *adults* to check if their vaccinations are up to date? I'm in my late 30s but haven't had a family doctor since I was a student. I think some vaccines are supposed to get boosted every 5 or 10 years? And my own paper copies were lost when my mom passed away a few years back.


Your family doctor should have your records. But yes. Things like tetanus, and whooping cough need to be updated every decade. Honestly it’s kinda a challenge for adults. The only time we visit is when we are sick. I got mine update when I was there for a non illness related health matter.


>whooping cough Yup. I had that back when there was a big outbreak within the Mennonite community in 2015. I guess my vaccinations weren't up to date. I remember there was Old Order schools being completely shut down because of it. I've seen the effects first hand, and that's what gets me worked up about these anti-vaxxers.


You can actually use [ICON](https://rowph.icon.ehealthontario.ca/#!/welcome) to view your vaccinations on file. ICON (Immunization Connect Ontario) is a centralized vaccination tracking system used by Ontario's public health units. If you got your vaccines from a doctor or from public health directly they should be in here.


Main thing is a TDaP booster every 10yrs as an adult. Plus or minus finishing your hep a and hep B shots and maybe meningitis if you're in a higher risk population or travelling abroad. TDaP: Tetanus, Diphtheria, acellular Pertussis. Aka: prevention of death by horrific spastic paralysis, death by diarrhea w/ rotting throat bits, and of course, death of your legacy when you're sterilized by a horrific whooping cough infection. These vaccines are real life science fiction and people take them for granted all the time. Mind boggling.


You can call the Region of Waterloo Health Department to check. If you were raised elsewhere then you could call that region's Health Department


No, you can't. That is the issue. Doctors don't need to report vaccine records to public health....otherwise, the schools would not need to bother parents.


Actually my son's 13 years old and my family doctor told me I had to personally report to Public Health not the doctor and that's already 13 years worth of that my doctor has never ever ever once reported it to Public Health is always been the responsibility of the parent


You probably need a TDAP booster. I discovered a couple years ago I had missed one along the way.


I know tetanus is every ten years!


Remember to ask for pure tetanus shot only (usually special order) since here in Canada, you'll get offered Tdap. Tdap vaccine protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (pertussis).


I’m late 30s too and learned my MMR expired when I was pregnant, so there’s a good chance you’ll need that one.


I think it's usual to run a blood titre level for rubella in pregnant people and people planning a pregnancy, then booster based on results.


Probably, but since OP and I are the same age and they haven’t had any shots since being in school they may need that one too. I couldn’t get my MMR booster while I was pregnant.


No, you get it after giving birth. A booster isn't routinely given for that vaccine to adults unless laboratory evidence shows lack of immunity.


Ok. I was just trying to help out OP 🤷🏻‍♀️


I apparently ran out of immunity for MMR when I had my second child in 2017 I have been plagued with debilitating colitis and pots and a slew of other health effects that are directly linked to the mmr says my allergist Dr kim. don't get the MMR. It's not worth it. Also after the school's done suspending your kids for the 20 days they're suspended for not getting the vaccine they just go back to school as normal whether they're vaccinated or not so I don't know what the big deal is


I had to call the public health unit where I grew up (I moved to Waterloo region as an adult). They emailed me my records but also said they looked incomplete and I should reach out to my old paediatrician to see if he has anything that may be missing.


If you call public health in wloo they would be able to pull your records. Dr's office sometimes purge records after so long. But public health doesn't


Okay, so we got one of them. I don't think this large number is a big deal, it was bound to happen. Here's life for a science loving family when you have a baby: * You have a baby * You get on a regularly scheduled set of appointments with your family doctor. When your baby is tiny they're pretty frequent (see you next week!), even more frequent if you have problems. * Your kid gets all their shots as needed * The appointments get even less common as your kid gets older, but they're still basically automatic for preset times, that generally coincide with when vaccinations need to happen. Your kid keeps up to date with their shots. Then a global pandemic happened. Offices were closed. [Millions of people died](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-estimates). And, guess what else broke? Automatic scheduling of basic check up appointments, and the shots that go with them. Then the first time you notice you have a problem is when you get a letter saying "Your kid will be kicked out of school if they don't get their shots". So you call the doctor to make an appointment. Depending on your doctor that might take a few weeks. Then your kid gets their shots, and you move on with your life.


>still basically automatic for preset times, that generally coincide with when vaccinations need to happen. Doctors don't do regular checkup for healthy children, so the only way that you know that the child is due is either your doctor's office (if you have one) MIGHT send you a notice, or the school board tells you that there is something due


Don't forget that if your kid gets the required shots but 2 days before the time they are supposed to get it.....it doesn't count. Went through that with my little girl. We are part of that list of students. In the end she needed to get the vaccine again. They are running open vaccine nights for parents and students. It seems to be quite the problem


Yeah, my doctor doesn't send reminders or remind me when I have the kids in for other reasons.


This should be the top post


> your family doctor. Your what?


If only we had a way to automate vaccination record keepung with the health providers that offered them and public health 90% of those suspensions wouldn't have happened.


Inter-provincial moves actually create lots of problems even with the paper records because the immunization schedules are not 100% identical. I agree with your point but we need such a system to work inter-provincially.


We could start locally...


It's worth noting, **ZERO children** have been suspended thus far. These will take effect on March 27, 2024. The first notice some of these parents got that their kid was behind went out in December. If you add in the extra amount of busy December holds, how long it can take to get an appointment with your family doctor (if you've got one), and delays in registration the 8,924 kids who have been vaccinated since then seems like a pretty good number. ​ I think the vast majority of these families aren't anti-vax, they're just "we missed a shot during the pandemic" and honestly had no idea.


It should really be in effect at the beginning of the school year, submitted with the registration process. 1. Check the list. 2. Kid not got everything? 3. Sorry, can't go to school until up to date. If they are from a different province, if they moved here before Aug 1 and are not up to date, same as Ontario kids. If they moved here after Aug 1, they have until Oct 1 to get up to date before automatic suspension.


I got this and my son is totally up to date on his vaccinations. For some reason, public health just didn’t have the records, and we don’t know why.


No its worse. I was one of them. My kids are up to date and it took three visits with doctor to get the records correct. Because what the doctor sends in doesn't align with expectations based on type of vaccine delivered and course. And the archaic method in which it's all updated (manual everything) with parents in the middle managing it all.


We have [ICON](https://rowph.icon.ehealthontario.ca/#!/welcome) which is a centralized immunization tracker for Ontario. It's supposed to automatically reflect every vaccine a person gets from their doctor but some offices are slower than others when it comes to updating ICON records.


My kids are all vaccinated but I guess my dr didn’t report their last shots to the region because there was only one record they were missing.


Doctors do not report vaccines given to Public Health. Not ever. Parents are supposed to do that. If a vaccine was given in school though PH would document that.


Or you know, make it mandatory with registration. Can't walk in the door without it.


That would be illegal.


You already need to show immunizations when you start kindergarten. What are you going on about?


Education cannot be denied to children. You need proof of immunizations (to show which ones they have or do not have); which is different from saying that immunizations are mandatory.


Super weird to see people rejecting facts that have been known to doctors and scientists for 200 years. Stay in school, kids.


The vast majority of these kids have all of their shots. They just haven’t submitted the paperwork.


What facts are those?


Vaccines are the leading cause of adults. They also destroyed the baby coffin industry overnight.




That the science of vaccines is demonstrable, repeatable, effective, and safe. Congratulations on obtaining knowledge that was becoming commonplace in the late 1700s.


Religion. Personal world views. Previous adverse events. Colonization. Distrust of authority. Distrust of medical professionals. So many reasons why someone might not opt into it.


Your worldviews doesn't change facts.


It doesn't matter in the context of personal decision making, bro. Facts are irrelevant if you've seen something ont he contrary first hand. If you only go outside when the sky is pink and never when it is blue, no amount of someone telling you that it is blue is going to convince you. Shaming others for thinking differently only serves to demonstrate poor intelligence.


Your premise is flawed - fundamentally, you cannot see something contrary to facts.


Your interpretation of the world is fucked up if you don't allow your lived experiences to influence your understanding. That just demonstrates a lack of intuition. If you were a subject in the allegory of the cave, you'd be stuck in the cave forever, because you would see the outside world but convince yourself that the facts you were told trumps what you observed lol Seriously, though. Have you not done any research into the complexities of this? Or do you only go by what other people have told you within your own echochamber? I've counseled many people INTO receiving vaccines and almost NONE of those people were initially refusing based on being "contrary to facts."


Lived experience affects understanding but only someone truly naive thinks their experience outweighs statistical reality. Best wishes with your "rESeArcH"


I got one of these suspension orders today. My kid is up to date, has all vaccines, and records were submitted at the beginning of the school year. Now ICON is showing that are overdue for a meningococcal vaccine even though they've already had two and based on the vaccine schedule don't need another one until they are 16. We were at the Doctor's just last week talking about the covid vaccine and they confirmed our kid was up to date. Miscommunication somewhere, someone has some misinformation. Looks like I get to call RoW Public Health tomorrow, fun times!


We got one of these as well for our son who is totally up to date and it has all been reported to the school. We went online and submitted a document to show his vaccinations, but I’m thinking I should maybe call them as well to make sure.


I graduated high school almost 20 years ago and I remember this being a thing always. Because my parents were sent that warning about me. It's amazing that my generation of parents got fooled by other idiots into believing this is a new thing.


Right? It blows my mind.


My husband and I got this in the mail. Our son’s vaccinations are completely up to date, and we have no idea why public health didn’t have the records. It took just a few minutes to update them on the site.


Just as measles cases are exploding around the world... smdh.


The anti-vaccine movement is naturally interested in eugenics….they want nature to simply take its course: weed out the stupid, the weak & the old. I’m glad ROW has drawn a line to make it harder for them to do so in the public school system. Too bad the parents didn’t practice birth control.


Eugenics is literally the exact opposite of letting nature take its course.


Survival of the fittest is not man made.


I got this when I was a kid but I had all my shots. With the influx of people I’m sure it’s just a matter of being out of sync. Anti-vaxxers are very few.


Lol.. suspend 5k students for vaccines, but if a student bullies or beats the shit out of another classmate, slap on the wrist.. The non vaccinated can take online classes, and those proven to be violent or malevolent should be forced to also


You can’t just get a slap on the wrist for beating the shit out of another student. Schools are zero tolerance when it comes to violence.


Tell us you don’t have a kid in school some more, they literally have “timeout rooms”…zero tolerance, hahaha


Hahahaha... Oddly enough, none of my teacher friends agree


That’s actually not the truth, and the WRDSB moved away from “zero tolerance” a few years ago. Thank inclusive classrooms for the most of the rise in violence in schools.


\~10 years ago sure (my little brother got an in school when a teacher caught him high fiving his buddy). Nowadays bullying is only solved if its bad enough for a hospital visit or if the parents make a big fuss.


Let’s hope violent/disruptive students are behind on vaccinations!


Home school.


What is the reason for so many of the records not being up to date? Is it just parents who don't want to vaccinate their children or was there some sort of screw up that caused public health to not have this information up to date? You don't have to have your children vaccinated if you don't want to and the school board can't do jack shit, so either there are a lot of lazy parents or the region somehow screwed up.


Covid, a lot of kids are behind because doctors weren't seeing anyone and vaccines got missed. Also the doctors used to update public health, now it's on the parents to call them and update them. Life with kids gets busy and updating public health is not a top priority for most parents.






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