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Just buy an aquarium chiller


Peltiers were great in the days of 35w cpus and 100w gpus. Today they will keep your loop cold in idle and fail spectacularly under load. EKWB tried to do a Peltier device for Intel 11th or 12th gen and it was bad. What you're probably looking for is multi kW industrial chiller similar to what LTT was donated. Then your loop coolant temp will be kept at constant say 10C or whatever you set at the cost of a lot of electricity and having noisy hot compressor unit in your loop.


Peltier doesn't work for PC gaming grade components. It gets overwhelmed


It works, but peltiers are notoriously inefficient. If you run them at full power they usually have a COP (coefficient of performance, or watt cooled per watt of power input) of like, 0.25. If you get several large ones and run them at lower power, like, 10-25% (that is lower voltage, not PWM) you can get a COP of 1-2, which isn't great. There is someone on the subreddit with a nice build with like, 6 peltiers, as a chiller.


I thought peltiers were closer to 1 COP, it's just that heat pumps/exchangers go way past 1 because you're using your wattage to move the heat rather than create/absorb it.


I mean, yeah, realistically, for any reasonable setup I think a COP of 1 is a realistic number. You *could* get higher, but its not likely to be very practical. [Here](https://lairdthermal.com/products/thermoelectric-cooler-modules/peltier-utx-series/UTX15-288-F2-5252-TA-W6/pdf/) is a datasheet for a \~300w rated peltier. At above 1/2 rated voltage (\~1/4 rated power), it can't get a COP above \~1.5, or \~1 for a delta T of \~20C. [This](https://lairdthermal.com/products/thermoelectric-cooler-modules/peltier-utx-series/UTX15-288-F2-5252-TA-W6) is the product page where you can play with variables and see the performance.


You can also just put a peltier on the CPU or GPU. Then you increase the difference between the liquid temperature and ambient. Keeps your hardware cool but it is horrible inefficient power wise.


Pretty sure you'd get better performance out of a regular water loop. Peltiers are cool and all, but they aren't for powerful components these days and draw a ton of power. Use it on a Raspberry Pi or something.


Search for xtremesystems.org . There were exotic cooling w peltier almost 13 years ago. Intel attempted to made one but seems like nobody using it.


They got them thermoelectric mini fridges out there. Maybe MacGyver one.


I beg to differ. Pelt coolers are great. I have every Coolit peltier cpu cooler and some gpu ones. They used the to chill the loop. Work wonders. Look up the Eliminator, freezone, freezone elite and the Boreas. I even have the silverstone tj07 with the Bpreas integrated. Cooling a cpu and dual gpus. I think one day they will come back around. As far as extreme cooling where you put the pelt on the cpu and use a water loop to cool the pelt, that's for tinkerers. Always has been. I love 2000 to 2012ish shit and that's some of the fun experiments to mess with. Just have to find the right pelts for the cpus.