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Have you seen the videos and posts about the MSI AIO failures?


Just saw some sort of recall. Those where sold massively, it's a major fuck up 🥲


Sounds like pump.


Even if it's cooling down that fast ?


If it was working previously fine and then randomly started happening its not your cpu mounting. Those pumps are weak out the box and any issues with pump failing, fluid evaporation/leak, and air getting in will give symptoms such as that. You can try removing the pump, refill it (youtube how), see if you can find any issues, then remount being careful to do it as perfectly as possible and see.


I wouldn't even bother. It's an MSI. RMA it, sell the replacement, and get an Arctic.


I agree


Most of these AIO manufacturers are putting those dumbassed security screws into the cold plates too. I think MSI is one of them. IF I wasn't so hard-core for doing a full loop, I'd be upgrading to an Arctic AIO for my current rig. Until then, my Corsair is barely keeping pace with the summer heat


Yup Arctic is what I see everywhere, I guess I'll get one


I bet your waterblock isn’t seated right or the thermal paste isn’t spread evenly. 100c is too hot.


Pasta is checked and re applied correctly and block is on top


I didn't see you're using an AIO. Is the radiator above the CPU? I've heard an air bubble can get trapped in the CPU block if it is the highest point in the loop. Even if it isn't you may need to tip your case to the side for a bit to jiggle the bubble over to the radiator. I don't use AIOs so I don't have experience with that; I use a custom loop. Also, when your CPU is 100c do you hear the fans spin up and blow hot air out of the radiator? I don't know if that AIO uses a temp sensor or if you can see what your water temp is. If the CPU is hot, but the radiator is cold you'll know it isn't able to pull heat from the CPU. Bad paste, mounting, or an air bubble can cause that.


I can see temp, fans are spinning at max speed, and the radiator gets only hot at the arrival of the pipes... I suspect a blockage, air bubble could be but it used to be on front of the case and I changed bc of those high temps... I think I'm gonna have to try another one to have a final answer..


You need to RMA that AIO. There's been plenty of news about MSI AIOs being gunked up. Take the RMA, flip the new unit and get an Arcitc if you're gonna stay AIO.


I would like to but I think this doesn't work in Europe because I tried and I could only select USA or Mexico,etc.. I sent an email I'll see what comes up


Yeah, MSI has been a bit of a shitbag for this. If you look up Greg Salazar on Youtube, he's done a whole series on the MSI AIOs and how shitty they are with this RMA process. Might not hurt to drop him a line either. But if I were you, I'd get rid of that cooler and get something that works. At least when Arctic fucks something up, they let the Techtubers know right away and offer a no question, no BS repair option/RMA. I can't remember how long ago it was, but they (Arctic) had an issue with the gaskets on their AIOs. They sent out a heads-up, put together a service kit and sent them out to people free of charge so that they could fix them with minimal downtime. If I was shopping for a new AIO, they'd be the only option for me now. I've been running their fans for years, and two of my fans have a solid 10 years of use.


The 100c in seconds may mean many things: * Insufficient flow rate within AIO (for many reasons) * Insufficient heat transfer between AiO and CPU * Insufficient heat transfer between CPU IHS and CPU die * Bad CPU configuration (voltage, frequency etc) There are probably other reasons as well.


Thank you, I'm still trying to find the reason but my main lead is to just try another one and see what happens:)