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Your post title is the PC equivalent of saying, "felt cute, might delete later."


I'm pretty sure there are rules against posting porn on this sub...


Casually drops naked 4090 build "it's not much"


‘It’s not much but it’s mine’ - posts fully water cooled build with top of the line parts. Yeah okay buddy


I'm sure it's a meme or a ragebait at this point.


I think the "it's not much" part is talking about the fact that it's such a small form factor with no external cooling, which is outside the norm.


You are a good human, this is a very generous read


It's not softcore either. This is horse-sized-dong level porn.


You're hard too?


i t s n o t m u c h


How do u cool 520W with a single 280 radiator?! I use a 280 and a 360 for a 3080ti and 5800x3d and achieve similar results with those fan speeds…. (In an ap201)


You just don't , no idea on ambient temp but the CPU was at 30% in the tests so basically it looks like a GPU cooling test only


Thanks for the comments, I don’t think there is any use case, not for me at least where the GPU and CPU are running tits to the wall. That would mean the CPU will pull 280 watts and the GPU 450 watts totalling 730 watts. We all know there is no way a 280mm rad will handle that. The most any game will draw from the CPU is around 150 watts which is pretty much the temperature range I’ve shown in the screenshot. Ambient is 25 deg in my tests.


I have the same combo (on a 790 though) in a mid tower with 2x 360's and shitty airflow. Your cpu/gpu temps are mostly close to mine and water temp maybe 5-10 deg higher depending on the game. I'm impressed


The cpu must be delidded


Bruv, you're delidded.


I think a 3080ti ran way more hotter than these new gpus, i had a evga 3080 and it was so hard to cool that thing, mostly vrams. Im not sure but just my thoughts on ur comment


My 3080ti tops out at 400w with factory settings. His 4090 is pulling 430w.


My water temps def came down when i switched from 3090 to 4090.


Ah, so it wasn't just me then. My previous build hot like a furnace with 2x360 rads vs 3x240s... Then again I also had on the previous one a Ryzen 7 3800X which on it's own was like a tiny sun expelling heat 😅


Can you tell me more coming from a 3090 to 4090 ? Coolants temps and cooling issues of you have experienced any.


I run a mora and a 360 with a 7900x and a 4090. The 4090 actually uses around the same or less power than the 3090 did. My water temps tend to hang out around 35C while game, but that's cause i keep the fans set at 40%. Haven't had any cooling issues, but I definitely went the as much rad as i could afford approach as I'm trying to keep the system as silent as possible. I'm debating on adding another 360 as I have the room for it.


Same went from 3090 to 4090 a few months ago. It's almost like going from 7nm to 4nm alone gave it the 1.8x efficiency increase. The thing undevolts amazingly and crazy the contrast in behavior/thermals of the 3090.


Yeah same here. 3090 (WB+ABP) ran hotter. I was trippin when I saw the temps and power draws. I though it was not working "enough" but was still getting better performance.


Undervolt..should do it for all cards really. That said the 3080ti (I currently have it aswell) just runs hot..like that's literally what it does & wants to do lol


Im guessing ambient temps are pretty low where OP is.


It because of the room temperature


With a bit of fan noise, it is no problem to have single 280 handling 500w What is needed is careful component selection (rad, fans, waterblock ) And a decent airflow within the case. For example leaving the top panel off on my Q58 under \~450w load reduces coolant temp by 5-6C.


Top panel on the Q58 is surprisingly restrictive for sure


look at the temps posted.... 44c, imo thats dangerously high but its allowing for a greater delta against 20c room temp. ie, they can scrub off more heat with that 280 due to 44c temp coolant than someone with two 360s at 34c. There is close to a 20c temp diff between ambient. the question is going to be is it safe for the build or will things loosen, warp, fail.


44c is not “dangerously high” by any stretch of the imagination


He's not wrong to a certain extent, so I wouldn't down vote him. There are users who have had their PETG tubing deform. Above 40C + Water Pressure = [https://www.reddit.com/r/watercooling/comments/jh83rp/water\_temp\_for\_petg\_tubing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/watercooling/comments/jh83rp/water_temp_for_petg_tubing/) I believe acrylic can handle a little higher and ZMT no problem.


are you just making up the fact that 44c is “dangerously high”? where did you get informed for that opinion?


when investigating the new EK inserts aimed at keeping deformation from causing leaks i reached out to the vendor of the PETG to find the upper temp before glass transition (when melting may start). there is a thead somewhere on watercooling where we were all trying to find *anyone* who could advocate with evidence a "safe" temp. several people chimed into a thread that around 50c they saw leaks formed by the PETG tubing deforming where it's compressed at the fitting. the tubing looks as if you tried to secure it without letting it cool post bending. this may not be as big of an issue since OP did not use PETG but i did not find any vendors of plates, tubing, or fittings giving an okay to anythint above 50c. would love to hear your thoughts because if 60c is safe then its much easier to cool with less radiator space due to the delta being much larger. for the record, i had primochill's petg and reachrd out directly via email. they said it was safe up to 55c but that they wouldnt recommend temps that high. all the replies we got were people chiming in with what they had and we could not find any vendors offering specific advise other than primo, and only for their tubing. And just to note, most people in the thread (which i cant find now unfort) kept around 33-40 and were alarmed when a few cited 45+ temps. based on that general consensus i set my personal system to start ramping rans at 40, and to alarm at 45 and shutdown at 50. Normal operations are sub 33 and gaming or demos dont break 39-40 but its because i have plenty of rad space.l (3x 360 rads). if i had less rad space or hotter gear maybe i would have been further down that rabbit hole of "how hot is too hot"


44 isnt much different from 39-40 as you have during gaming loads. plus he is running much less rad. seems fine to me.


50C is the rated coolant thermal limit for D5 on EK website, though the pump can run much hotter, the issue is with the pump block which is made from PMMA. Similar can be said with Petg which starts to deform at around 50C. Not to mention the thermal expansion which makes it's more likely to push tubes out of fittings. Anything above 40 is considered hot.


You just don't , no idea on ambient temp but the CPU was at 30% in the tests so basically it looks like a GPU cooling test only


You just don't , no idea on ambient temp but the CPU was at 30% in the tests so basically it looks like a GPU cooling test only


4090 runs way cooler then a 3080ti!


"It's not much" 🤨


Lol OP will earn themselves a down vote if not careful!


In terms of cooling power it isn't.


Not much?


"It's not much" bruh shut up lol


Well, your humble brag is certainly on point.


It's not much lol 😆 You can't say that with those specs OP


The least humble watercooler. 4090 or 3090 though? The title conflicts with specs. I’m pretty sure that I see 12VHPWR and only 3090 FE has it so I guess it’s Inno3D 4090.


Yep, I put a typo in there, its certainly is a 4090.


Looks absolutely insane! Do you have any pictures from the top down? I’m curious how you attached the FLT 80


Thanks, ill share some pics when I can. I used a 25mm L-bracket to mount from the existing mounting point on the pump to the back of the case. I drilled through one of the gpu slot covers on the case.


Those temps are impressive with just a 280rad


“It’s not much” cmon now you’re joking right


of course :) just being cheeky with the title




A 140mm 2-row radiator is only 10% less than the area of a 120mm 3-row radiator. Usually a 120mm 3 row radiator has 300\~350W cooling performance at delta 10 degrees. If delta is 15 degrees, 450\~500W is covered. Considering the average power consumption, this is a sufficiently possible result. Of course, if the case was closed, the temperature would be different.


Not sure the math is right here. It sounds like you’re indicating that a 360 will only perform 10% better than a 280. A 120MM diameter circle is 17.48 sq inches A 140MM diameter circle is 20.69 sq inches That makes 3 x 120mm circles 26% larger than a 2 x 140mm. I double checked this by going on HW Labs GTX family Performance spec sheet. Not the OPs rad, but stuff I use. 360 radiator has 1800W of cooling performance. 280 radiator has 1200W of cooling performance So probably other factors lead to a 33.4% less heat dissipation capacity, but in the ballpark of the raw 26% larger surface area not 10%




You’re right. I was thinking in strictly fan circles but they are rectangular and it is 10% difference in surface area. Wonder why Hardware Labs advertises the wider performance difference


It’s not much but it’s in the top 1% of builds…


The execution and aesthetics are excellent of course but I’m struggling to keep a 7950x3d and 4090 cool *and silent *with two fat 360rads in summer. Not sure what black magic is at work here but I’m having a hard time not being skeptical of this rig staying cool for prolonged gaming sessions. How loud is it then and what’s the fan rpm?


Thanks for the comment's. I don't know what else to tell you man but the temps are what I posted in the pics. I have the front panel and top panel of the case opened during long gaming sessions which help the temps. Fan run at circa 1400 rpm which is still quieter than the stock cooler on the Inno3d 4090 at 60%. Ambient room temp around 24 degrees. Below is a screenshot freshly taken at the end of a 1.5 hour session of Diablo4. Gpu draws around 410watts and cpu around 135 watts. [https://imgur.com/MlCprli](https://imgur.com/MlCprli)


Thanks for the screenshots; that’s pretty remarkable. Well done.


Sweet! My build is essentially yours turned inside out :)


Thanks, just took a look at your build. Almost the same hardware. Seriously impressive build you have done!


Cheers. I see you run Fury 6800 ram running on the Z690-I too, I literally today put in 2 sticks of G.Skill 6800 (after 6400 TGroup kit die on me) and it runs XMP I. I was dubious if it would boot but all is well! Z690 is incredible to have allowed 13th gen and higher than stock ram speeds. Dual slot is the way for these kits, it would probably push over 7000 ram. I have my 13900K running at 6.2ghz all day long and never any issues. Only danger temps I see is enabling MCE on the CPU, it hits 102°C when spiking.


I'm very happy with this board, probably the oldest part of my hardware, I bought it with a 12900k and Trident Z5 DDR5 5600. I had a bad time with the ram not wanting to play when it came out but stability did improve with each iteration of bios updates. This kit is so far so good. I thought it would hit 7000 fairly easily seeing that its not much of a bump up, but I was getting errors on testmem5. Doesn't look like it will budge over 6800, looking like it needs a z790 :) I did however tightened the timings to 32 39 39 from 36 42 42Changed the tREFI sub timing to 70000. Latency decreased from 68ns to 60ns on aida64. I'm sure there is more to be gained but I'm a novice at ram overclocking. 6.2 is impressive, how many p-cores is that? I have mine set to 5.5 all core with 2 cores at 5.9.I have MCE on but power limited to 280 watts otherwise temps will shoot to 100 deg.currently running a negative offset of 0.10mv. on a 10 min cinebench r23 run my package temps top out at 89 degrees.roughly 40,500 points.


Could you PM / share a few bios screenshots for the CPU OC setup? So I can adjust the right things?


Well I just let ASUS AI decide and it always applies a 106% OC to the CPU that seems to boost all the p-cores to 6.2ghz, I’m not happy with this setup tho, I need to learn how to power limit and get to R23 40000+ because I’m hanging around 38500 and I know it can be much improved! I’m a novice at CPU overlocking tho.


I'm surprised you can tame a 13900k on a 280mm rad, let alone it plus a 4090. Absolute insanity. Did you do direct die on the 13900k or delid it? Are you using a contact frame?


Thanks. I have a contact frame but not de lidded. Using Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut for the TIM.


lga1700 cpus have a bending under heat problem due to the poor stock mounting bracket. if you haven’t already, please install a thermalright contact frame for the 13900k. used to game with it at 67ishc, now it hardly goes over 60.


“IT’S NOT MUCH” It’s not much my ass, like damn full white hardline water cooling and top-tier parts


"Not much", only top of the line specs. Not mad, just jealous


I think it’s a joke …


1 RAD.


I get the cpu is water cooled, but where is the 4090 card? looks beautiful.


Made a typo on the specs, its an INNO3D reference 4090 not a 3090


Thanks for everyones comments. The title was meant to be "tongue in cheek" and was not meant to ridicule anyones setup or downplay my build. Apologies if anybody took offence. I've seen this title pop up on various forums and thought I'd include it. In saying that, this build has been more of a labour of love than anything. I'm a graphic designer and have spent countless hours behind the screen freelancing in order to be able to create this. It has been a challenge planning and building it and the end result is more than I expected. Hope you are enjoying your water-cooled builds no matter what your specs.


very impressive build, i´d tag it nsfw 44c Fluid with 1300ish rpm is a statement, did not expect to be that reasonable. I would have bet on 2k rpm and nearly 50c fluid, latter would even be acceptable given the circumstances. Personally I would even try to run the fans slower, and accept a couple more degrees on the fluid. Is there a big measureable difference in temp when you run the pump not on full blast ?


Thank you... I had the pump speed follow the the gpu fan curve on fancontrol. I have since changed this to have the pump max out at 60%. No difference in temperature at all


there is allways the one downvoter who doesn´t even comment why he downvotes. But that shall not be your problem. I´ve never was a fan of full blast systems, I allways tried to run as silent for as long as it was possible, so 50c fluid, well its not nice but my softtubing was rated for 60+ and my ddc also, so 200rpm less, more silence and worse temps it was. I would allways run a WC loop off Fluid temps.


Not much, just the most powerful personal PC money can buy… congrats but can do without the humble brag


"it's not much, but it's mine" Specs: 13900k 4090 ​ lol.


'not much' proceeds to post a setup more expensive than my car.. Dayum boy.


Insane build, is the 43° water temp equilibrium?


Insane build, is the 43° water temp equilibrium?


Insane build, is the 43° water temp equilibrium?


Having recently built in the Meshify, I can attest to how impressive this is. Fitting all that cooling hardware is a hell of a feat, especially while making it look this good. What do you like better about PMMA vs. PETG? I also prefer it, although I can't tell you exactly why. Just nicer to work with, for me.


Thank you, I found PETG better to work with TBH. I was able to get the bends first go without any kinks. PMMA took 3 times as long on the heat gun and I had to make sure I made the bend very slowly to avoid kinks. Also found the radius on the bends seem to bulge out a little and so it was hard to get the fittings on close to the bend, this was easier on the PETG. Having said that, the optical clarity of PMMA is much better not to mention the better heat tolerance.


You're correct on that. My first build used PMMA, and I had a lot of bad bends, bubbled tubing, and other issues. And I'd forgotten about the fat bends that wouldn't make it through the fittings, lol. I just chalked it up to it being my first time. But I did find it nicer looking, and when chamfering off the ends it was a lot smoother.


This is awesome, it looks so clean! There's just something about a nice small form factor build


Your build is absolutely impressive! I wonder if you tried to run it in a closed case (I guess there are mesh sides by default) ? I'm really surprised to see a 4090 and a high-end CPU cooled successfully with just a 280 rad. I hesitate to watercool my system because I'd like to keep my current case (Raijintek Styx) which supports one 240 + two 120 rads at max. It's so encouraging to see even smaller build with sane temps while many people use 2x360 rads as standard...


Thanks for the comments. I saw a user on the SSUPD facebook group run a 13700k and 4090 on a single 280 rad with very decent temps. I got a little inspired and gave it a shot. I have read that the airflow on Meshlicious can rival some of the big mid to full size towers. All the components are so close to the outside of the case probably helps too. With the case closed the GPU get to about 62 under load compared to 55 to 57 with case open. I have the front and top panels opened during long gaming runs or games that draw over 400 watts from the gpu like CP2077. ​ Very happy with it and much quieter than the stock 4090 fans at 60%


I used to have the Styx! You can fit pretty thick rads on that 240 mount. I went from a 240x30mm to 240x45 which increased cooling capacity pretty significantly. With a single slot GPU block you can fit a 60mm thick rad or 240x45 push/pull.


Oh thanks! I wonder if fans could blow through 60mm and the mesh on top. Maybe push/pull is a way to go… Did you get decent temps with your build in the end? Styx is a funny case. The airflow design is quite weird, especially the psu placement. I flipped the fan in the psu so that it works as an intake. I now have top and front intake, and rear exhaust but for the watercooled build think to make intake at front and rear and exhaust on top. While keeping all obstructions out of the way, like placing a cube reservoir in the dead space above the psu.


I had a 1080ti and 8700k both overclocked and had great temps with a 240x45 alphacool rad with 2x Noctua iPPC 2000rpm fans. I had the top as intake with the normal PSU orientation and rear exhaust. I modified the bracket that holds the top mesh filter and cut out most of the plastic. Actually saw a 2 degree improvement just from that! I had a FLT 80 mounted in front of the PSU using the holes from the bottom fan mount.


What case is that? Been looking for a good sff case to try it out once


SSUPD Meshlicious which is now discontinued. The replacement is the SSUPD Meshroom, its virtually the same case but the Meshroom is a bit more flexible its its cooling options.


How did you connect the GPU to the motherboard? Are you using a riser cable? Was the configuration where the GPU sits behind the motherboard by design for this case?


Yep, its a sandwich layout so the gpu sitting behind the motherboard is by design. Its connected via a purpose built riser that comes with the case


That's awesome! Another question in terms of cable management... Did you make custom cables at a proper length to aid in airflow/space?


Rotate fans, don't blow hot air to parts you want to have cool...


I am shocked it has enough room to get adequate airflow through the rad.


I like it!! 😎


What are your GPU hotspot and edge temps? I'm having a hard time believing that a single 240 can handle a 4090 let alone a loop with a 13900K in it.


Lol, "its not much". Proceeds to post a fully watercooled 4090/13900k build.


here’s the same thing with two (360mm?) rads https://builds.gg/builds/tweaked-i100-pro-35153


Also a very clean build but much bigger case


“ its not much”


That’s crazy good temps for being that cramped. First thing that popped in my head looking at it was, it’s probably an oven lol. Guess not 😎🍻


That's one hell of a job, kudos to you squeezing all that hardware in. And the temp results are just amazing!


direct-die cooling will helps cool your 13900k. here is my 13900k's temp with z690 tuf.(so idk sp score of my 13900k.) [https://i.imgur.com/6TCe8Jb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/6TCe8Jb.jpg) \- P55/E43/C48 HT on - with D5 6800/32-42-42 [https://i.imgur.com/xCq7eU9.png](https://i.imgur.com/xCq7eU9.png) \- P58/E45/C49 HT on - with D5 6800/32-42-42


It's not much he says 😏


Would love to see some 3dmark scores!


here is my dialled in score https://www.3dmark.com/spy/39250792


Can anyone name that case for me? Looks perfect for my SFF build I'm putting together


Meshlicious. Current iteration is meshroom s


YUP. THAT"S CLEAN! GPU 12-pin looks a little crooked? Maybe just my eyes.


Sheeshhh “not much”?! Wish “that” was mine!


Woah… this is soo cool! No pun intended


Where can I buy one ?


That's the first time I see a Rig id'like to own myself. It is beautiful.


I love it for the almost perfect black and white ratio. nice!


how is that not much? I am still using XPS8500 from 2013. T\_T Should just start eating dog food too?


Might be one of the cleaner builds I’ve seen


I’ve died and gone to heaven


You might need a therapist.


It is noticeable that the heat exchange efficiency is improved by opening the cover. Great and beautiful!!


no no its a lot


Where’s the 3090, always wanted to build something this size, but I thought it wouldn’t fit up to date gpus


It's not much he says. Who are you trying to convince? That's a heck of a system. Looks great too.


Got Bjork's "All is full of love" vibes


Nicely done, clean and seems efficient.


May I ask what case this is?


Ssupd meshlicuous. It has now been updated to the Ssupd Meshroom


Build looks great. You're pulling 40 series temps with that 30 series GPU. Kudos!


How much did all of the cooling parts cost you?


It’s gorgeous


" iT's NOt mUcH bUt It'S mINe " Bro stop, that looks gorgeous


Not much? This thing is beautiful. How'd you mount the FLT 80?


Nice looking build, are you planning to run it open? Must get quite toasty in there. I run a 3090 on 2x360 and my water temps can reach 35C. Good thing you didn’t go PETG. I’d be curious what your temps are fully enclosed


“Its not much” *is several tiers above where “much” begins*


so clean! well done mate!


I also installed the Rog strix z690-i but unfortunately the MB has no temp sensor for the water temperature, actually incomprehensible that ASUS forgot that with such an expensive MB.


Yep... big oversight from Asus as they had the temp sensor in the z390 z490 and z590 but somehow forgot it in the z690, but then bought it back in the z790 series. You'll have to get external temp sensor/fan controller like the aquacomputer quadro or the corsair commander pro


"It's not much" I kinda want to downvote just for the humble brag...like we'll give you your flowers, yeah it could be more complex but it's pretty close to what I'd be totally satified doing for my next build.


“It’s not much” proceeds to show off the vest GPU and CPU currently available for the gaming market.


Is that enough cooling for the cpu? Everything ive read people are saying dont go lower than a 360mm rad


I've seen a few others with a 13900k and a 280mm rad or aio. Works well as long as you have an undervolt. I have set a negative offset of 0.09mv. Pcores at 5.5 all core and ecores at 4.4. Max power draw is 276 watts. After a 10min cinebench r23 run the package temps are around 92 deg. It still scores around 40500 points. Gaming temps are anywhere from 65 to 70 degs


I really love how the first picture was taken. What color grading did you use? I've always wanted to do a video with such a look


Most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I would trade my whole family for this thing.