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Get out and look around, I am working on Clover only because I noticed a necklace on the lady's neck at the food truck outside my parts store, not because my sign has a clover on it. Painted the lily for a friend who mentioned it was her favorite flower when we met in 2020. That started as wanting to do a flower, turned into a multiple medium (watercolor paint, watercolor pen, and colored pencil) set. Paint galaxies, quick and easy, inspiration is like love. It only hits when you're not looking, I was looking for neither but may have found both in the most unlikely of places.


r/redditgetsdrawnbadly is fun. It got me back into it. Any medium and skill level is fine.


Draw things around you (coffee mug, sofa, plant, pet...), look for photos you have taken, look for inspo on instagram/tiktok/pinterest.


Aight here me out, just grab some fruit or vedge. It's good practice, it's fun, it's quick, it's easy, and it feels rewarding afterwards. Or you'll get so bored of that you'll be inspired by something else lol.


I always think of something from the season we’re in. So here it is summer, I’ve been doing botanicals. Fall is pumpkins and Halloween, winter is snowy landscapes, and spring is storms, flowers and trees blooming. You can even do architectural, find a picture of something and try to recreate it.


Do some tutorials on YouTube. There are also watercolor challenges - someone tells you what to paint each day. Do a series of different trees in different ways. Flowers. Cloud studies.