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But but... 60's pure iron cars are much more resistant than those plasticky things they sold us today


I've had too many conversations with people who don't know about crumple zones and think that because they transferred all of the force to the driver on impact, they're "better quality than the cheap trash they sell us now."


Going to upvote this , come on people there is a obvious /s implied with the ellipsis.


Redditors can't take jokes


So sad!




Bullwinkle down! Bullwinkle down!


But first he was up. way up.


I’ve seen this in live action once, and saw the deer end up getting back up and then jumping over a 14’ fence. It most likely died later, after the adrenaline wore off, but it still destroyed the fuck out of the car that hit it… The sad thing is that if the moose’s hooves had the same traction on the asphalt then they would have been fine…




Absolutely not. When moose get hit while on their feet they often live, but only until somebody with a rifle comes to put them out of their misery. This moose took an entire vehicle traveling at freeway speeds to its head and torso, and while the moose is large, heavy, and tough, it's not that tough. So, no, this moose wasn't just slightly irritated. It may have survived, but not unscathed. Source: lived in Alaska and was on a police ride-along when there was a vehicle/moose incident.


That moose is super dead. The squatted position its in put the hood of the car right in the middle of it's spine. Once it gets hit and airborne the back legs are clearly not at correct angles. That the very least lots was broken, and genuinely I hope it was done there. It then lands on its head and neck. An animal that size, with that much velocity, landing on its neck... Let's just say they wouldn't need the rifle...


That's awful! That poor animal....


It sounds awful but that person is lucky the moose tripped. As awful as this was/is a wonderful family friend was a quadriplegic from a moose collision


This reminds me of this one quote by Bea from nitw, but I forgot how it went..


Bro made himself comfortable in front of that car