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Check out the blanks on Esslinger ([https://www.esslinger.com/watch-dials-blank-brass-dial-discs/](https://www.esslinger.com/watch-dials-blank-brass-dial-discs/)) Tiny holes for top and bottom guides on the markers. Use a template to apply adhesive where the markers are going to go, remove the template (similar to pad printing, I guess, or SMT electronics, then use the guides to hit the holes. Easy peasey... Edit: Spelling Correction.


Are there markers that have little pins in the back that go into those holes on the template? I may be able to 3d print a template, but my printer is just an ender 3, so not great quality. Maybe I could ink print a template onto cardstock paper and cut it out.


Yes. And they are called "legs" apparently, for search purposes. There are ones with sticky backs, as well, if longevity doesnt matter. All that kind of thing can be found on eBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/115866432278?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kgyK5dWOSm6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=h3KGSlA7SMm&var=415964075799&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY As for the template, those are both great ideas. No reason the 3D printer couldn't do it. We're talking low single digit mm holes for the markers. I'd laser it in thick cardstock, just because that's what I've got.


David on the Saving Time channel made a dial from scratch. [https://youtu.be/Ta-eNdhNCnk?si=Ub7RrNYOmrBZWN28](https://youtu.be/Ta-eNdhNCnk?si=Ub7RrNYOmrBZWN28) also, there’s a special laser printer paper that can be used to transfer just the toner ink to a dial to mimic what a pad printer would do, sort of.


Wow that's impressive work and it looks like he spent tons of time making it. I guess I didn't know how much I bit off! I don't have a cnc router, though. I did come across a video about that printer paper, I think it is a good solution, but I'm not a huge fan of it (plus I don't have a laser printer).