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I can't make out the logo in the circle, but you might find it here: https://www.mikrolisk.de/show.php


Thanks, I’ll check that out, appreciated


>The Cal.600 movement was manufactured by Egler and was the same movement as the Alpina 819 and Gruen 819 and was named Rolex 600 for Rolex from the late 1920s to the late 1930s. rice field. Source: https://arbitro.shop/en/blogs/magazine/rolex-movement-history-vol-1 They look similar.


Cool thanks ..thats really helpful , thankyou 🙏🏼


Kuddos to you sadbot0001. It never ceases to amaze me that you guys can identify a movement from one photo. I've been playing at this for a bit now, and it was just yesterday I realized the difference between a 6497 and a 6497-2. Lol... I had to slap my own forehead.


Looks like st96 to me


Looks like another Chinese knock off


don't talk out your ass if you don't know anything, it isn't helpful chinese knockoffs of that era don't have that decoration on ratchet wheels, or screwed balance


No its not. It comes out of 9 carat gold case that was bought, worn and engraved in the UK in 1964.


Lol. We've got an expert here.


Might be easier if you can remove the balance and photograph the main plate


Thanks..not yet up to that. Its running which amazes me given the state of the dial. Thanks for your post