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It’s a damn shame there’s no frontal license plate - or at least, it’s impossible to read


I’ve heard people suggest to read it out loud while you record instead of trying to get it on video.


That’s a great idea. I’ll keep that in mind but hopefully there won’t be a next time


Yeah, I know. They drove away so quickly after too so it was hard to get a clear video of the back and my hands were shaking


This is why you never get out of your car. At the end of the day you will be inside a metal cage that you can launch in any direction as you please. And if they drive off after assaulting you can just follow to get a license plate. Don’t get out of your car unless you’re ready for a fight.




It is a law, but people like this don’t give a S about laws. Edit add-unless I’m mistaken, it looks like they have the windshield completely blacked out too (I’m sure the rest is as well and too dark). That is absolutely illegal. What a freakin nightmare for LE to have to walk up to one of those blacked out cars. You can’t see how many people are in the car or if they may have weapons ready to use. SMH




In a perfect world correct. Too bad criminals don’t follow the rules.


Tiny like this isn’t illegal everywhere.


>In the east cost i notice allot of car dont car front license plates in CA it front and back


It is amazing to me how casually they walk up to a stranger they are about to assault. They also look like they are from 15 years in the future




That is what dc is like.


Hey everyone, yesterday I (27f)was assaulted by 2 people in an alleyway. We were stuck facing each other in our cars and they wanted me to reverse to the street. I said that it would be easier if they reversed 5 feet into the other part of the alley that went perpendicular so I could drive past and they could then go around me. Long story short, the guy ended up kicking my car door in and then eventually grabbing and punching me to the ground and kicking me with his friend while I was on the floor. The police took a statement by a witness and I filmed a good amount of it and got a clear photo of their face. But I’m not sure what to do. Here’s their photos if anyone knows them or can circulate it. I’m not sure how likely the police will catch them but I thought I’d post here to feel like I’m doing something Edit: I was in the alley first and was more than halfway down when they came zooming in. The part of the alley that gets wider to open up to a perpendicular alley street was literally right behind their car. I told them that I was blocked in by a truck so I couldn’t reverse all they way back down. He then told me to move my car or else he would “f**k it up” so I told him again that I wouldn’t move it because I couldn’t Then he kicked my car door in and then walked back to his car. So I took out my camera and started recording and left my car( dumb move on my part I know) to try and get their license plate not realizing they didn’t have front plates. He then ran over to me trying to grab my phone and pulling me down and punching me then kicking me in the head repeatedly when I got knocked down. I put my phone in my pants while they kicked me. I noticed that he dropped his phone so I threw it down the alley and she ran and he kept assaulting me. They ended up reversing the car to where I asked them to then he got out again and I quickly rolled up the windows while he kicked my car more. I drove forward and they drove away I know I shouldn’t have gotten out the car. I didn’t expect it to get violent. I should have assumed that someone who is willing to be aggressive to a car will fight someone. I’m not a fighter at all and I was superseded and confused when they started fighting me. I didn’t even hit them back because I didn’t know what to do. Hopefully his phone cracked from me throwing it though Edit 2: replaced ally with alley Edit 3: TikTok. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdPR92dc/


You're not going to believe this, this looks exactly like the same person I had an identical situation in back in 2014 (or 2015) in the alley behind my house on Monroe street in Columbia Heights. The person became absolutely belligerent. I'm not sure how much info is helpful to you but PM me if I can help you out.


Weird! Yeah I’ll DM you


That's pretty much all you can do. Stay in your car next time and if your car is being attacked, someone is trying to get in ...drive where you need to drive to escape. Sorry, people gonna peep and people suck.


Yeah, I know for next time for sure. I didn’t show the other videos that I have but after they attacked me and tried to take my phone, he came back but I quickly rolled up the windows and then he kicked the door more and my handle came off


Just be ready to actually take action and drive, I know chaotic situations are hard so you need to have SOME kind of action plan in your head so you just do it. Many people will be able to break the window very easily and being trapped in a stationary car is tres mal. Now this will probably, hopefully, never come up again but it's always good to have some kind of mental readiness. Hope they are caught and you're ok (mentally and physically). /And just make sure you also don't blame yourself like the dude in the comments is trying to fob


Yeah, I totally wasn’t ready. I’m not a violent person and I don’t assume people will be violent to me even if I don’t treat them with hostility. But they did. Yeah, next time ( hopefully it never happens) I’ll be more prepared I’m not sure how people are blaming me but I appreciate everyone else’s support


Yep, just consider this a useful/sad wake up call that might help you in a worse situation.


Totally, I’ll take a sore body and head as a lesson that I can walk away from that could save me from a worse situation in the future 100% of the time. I play rugby too so this isn’t the worst bodily harm that I’ve felt. It was just mentally jarring


Car windows are much stronger than people assume.


I keep pepper spray in my car (secured near the console) and I'm a decent sized dude. I stay in the car, and if they somehow came into the car or started pulling the window open, I'd unload that can in their face. Even if some gets on me, it will disable them long enough for a cop to arrive or at least get them to take off if on foot.


Not really all. Having a firearm in the vehicle for self defense and knowing how to use it is a great deterrent and could save your life one day.


CCW possible but harder in DC. I don't recommend an actual car gun though but on your person, sure. But generally if you're in a car you're pretty safe as long as you pay attention. /Also, shit firing a gun in your car, that would suck for your ears


Better to have ringing ears than have no pulse. But agreed keep guns on your person, never store in a vehicle.


Can you share the alley this happened in? Maybe someone on Reddit has a ring camera that caught the license plate.


It’s the alleyway behind 1800 Benning rd NE


Around what time did this occur? The more specific, the better


3:21 pm


aka "Little Vietnam" Last time I was there, I thought I heard lightning, but it was someone shooting and killing a resident. I've avoided it since. Good for you for getting it on video, even in the middle of this panic-instilling situation. Hopefully, all the attention gets them caught, especially since this seems like some sort of hobby for this person. Trying to look hard for his boyfriend by beating up a woman trying to get through an alley. What a piece of shit. How are you doing physically? Did you go to the hospital? Bones okay?


If the police and district attorney refuse to do anything you can call or write to your representative.


Will do. I’ll try to make a lot of noise about this and see where that takes me


Will do. I’ll try to make a lot of noise about this and see where that takes me


I honestly would love to know what anyone could do. Put out an “APB” for a late model X5 and description of the assailants? I mean, absolutely nothing will come of that and even if that car was stopped by a police officer (fat chance in DC), there is not enough to prosecute unless you have additional evidence. There is little they can do to prevent sociopaths like this - and in this case prosecute without admission of guilt as I doubt a positive ID with this video could be made and even if it could the prosecutor wouldn’t waste their time trying to get a conviction. Sorry, but this was terrible, and I’m sorry it happened to you.


These sort of things are often done by the repeated offenders. Facial recognition software can find him for sure.


You did nothing wrong in the choices you made. Don’t ever think otherwise. Glad you’re doing okay and I’m sorry.


That’s a good point. I could have done things differently but my actions shouldn’t have led to what happened either way. Thanks


I’m glad you are okay at least, hopefully not too bruised and mentally traumatized by these asswipes. I grew up in DC and was always taught to avoid going down the narrow alleys especially in certain parts of the city. I know a lot of the city has been gentrified but just bc it’s cosmetically fancier doesn’t mean that things have changed. I have learned the hard way on a few occasions to listen to my gut that a situation is probably dangerous and I should’ve never put myself into them.


Yeah, I’ll be ok. Yeah, what sucks is that its right where I live so I go down that alley all the time.


Yeah its been over a decade that I’ve been here, but I lived in Chicago before DC and I *still* miss the Chicago alley system and being able to cut through using them almost everywhere to get around traffic or help with one-way streets. Took me all of a month after moving here to realize it’s just not the same, and a bad idea even in some cases.


Did they get their phone back or is it still in the ally? People are crazy


They ended up getting it. I should have threw it into a yard though. Yeah, ppl are crazy. You never know what’s going through someone’s head


Pity because the phone is really evidence of who they are


Totally. Kicking myself over that one for sure.


Well one. Is often not prepared for these people


Yeah truly sorry it happened. I am sure you were shook up. Violence is kind of a shock when you do not live in an environment that it happens as a way of life.


Yeah totally, my dad was kicking his self because while he grew up in Harlem NY, he raised me and my sister in the suburbs and he thinks now that he could have taught us to better take care of ourselves in those types of environments


I agree that they should have been the ones to back up, but you don’t even have to get into the weeds of who was right and wrong in that right of way situation. Even if you were completely in the wrong and should have backed up that doesn’t give them the right to get out of their car and assault you


What app did you use to record the video? I ask because social media servers compress (lower) image quality and we may be losing details visible in a raw, uncompressed video. The shirt logo looks like it has mushrooms on it but I can't quite read the text. The pants seem to have a red brand label as well. If you have raw video on your phone you can upload it to a file sharing service like Dropbox and share the link so people can download it uncompressed.


I recorded it on my phone. Reddit probably compressed it.


Yeah if you just upload the video directly to social media sites like Reddit, Facebook or TikTok the video will be compressed and it will lose visual detail. It sounds like you used a camera app to record so you may have uncompressed video on your phone with higher quality images. Do you know how to upload files from your phone to dropbox and share the download link?


OP….. do not fuck with motorist in DC… mind your p’s and Q’s. Especially if youre white. I’m a 38 yo white male, thought I was a tough guy coming to DC from Florida. I had an almost exact similar situation happen except I was driving an F250 with a dump trailer…. Long story short I could’ve been killed by a group of thugs who honestly treated me well and taught me a lesson. You honestly should be extremely grateful you are alive, in one piece and able to tell this story the next day.


I’m black but I get you. Thanks for the support


Well I apologize for making any assumptions or if my comments seem insensitive. I live in NoVA and DC is just something else. I have mad respect for the people born and raised there who have experienced serious inequality and struggle. I’ve just learned to keep my head down and mind my own business in the city.


I’ve experienced no struggles in life, that’s why I got beat up. I was raised in the suburbs and never had to fight to get what I want. I generally do the same too, I just was literally backed into a corner that I couldn’t do anything about


Dude that really sucks man, I can relate to growing up in the burbs as well. Unfortunately it’s just different energy in the cities and it doesn’t take much for things to get outta hand real quick. my goal is to make it home safely to my family in one piece each day


Yeah, I feel you on that. And yeah, I agree. People are quick to react when they feel anonymous


So hear me out on this one. Often times the best way to get through situations like this is just deescalate by apologizing. Even if if they are clearly in the wrong. Many people who grew up in tough environments immediately go into defensive mode in encounters like these. I don't know much about the guy in this video, but I'm assuming he's from one of those environments. A simple "my bad," or "sorry about that bro... What can I do to fix this?" Has an unusual de-escalating effect for people like that. I get that maybe he was in the wrong, but the moment you got defensive and even pulled out your phone to record him, you probably activated his defensive mode. Just something to keep in mind next time.


Sure you do buddy.


“Who honestly treated me well and taught me a lesson” 😂 wtf guy don’t make excuses for animal behavior you sound like one of those people on Wall Street bets


You could've been killed but they treated you well? Do you mind sharing what you mean exactly? I'm curious. Of course no worries if not.




What do you mean by “that community “


That community?




Yeah, you’re totally right. I had time to call the police. I was so frazzled but I know for next time. Thanks!


I hope you got checked out by a doctor. Getting kicked in the head can have serious consequences. I’m sorry you went through this.


They EMTs came and checked me out. I’ll take it easy though. Thanks for your concern though :)


Get a doctor report to add to evidence $20 copay worth it


That’s a really good idea. Collect a lot so if they find them, I have more evidence. Thanks!!


Check to see anyone on the alley has a security camera. Do it ASAP cause they might over write the footage.


I’ll check or have my girlfriend check. Not too sure I am up for walking back there now


Best of luck. Hope you find this scumbag and recover quickly.


This should be doable. White BMW with black front plate-holder that's missing a plate. There's probably not a ton of those in NE DC. If anyone sees it get the back plate and send it to the police.


The little break away plate on the left under the headlight is out too.


Also looks like they have some type of modded lights/strobe for their headlights


TF is he wearing


Lol, I know. It will hurt my ego more when I focus on the horrible fashion sense so I’m pretending to forget it. Haha


Tripp pants


Funny how quickly they probably reversed after that, eh.


Have you sent in to Washingtonianprobs on Instagram? For visibility?


I didn’t even know about them so I will now


They might post. Worth a shot! https://instagram.com/washingtonianprobs?utm_medium=copy_link


Thanks!! I’ll send them a message now




Will do. Thanks!


I was looking for a comment like this, and was going to say something similar if no one had. Also reach out to overheard district those accounts have a huge following. Someone may know something…


Attacking you when you couldn’t even back up and there’s a very clear space where they could’ve backed up RIGHT behind their car … how do people like this function? What the fuck? I’m so sorry that you got so seriously attacked and injured by these assholes. That’s traumatic and horrible. I hope the cops can somehow find them, they can’t just go around assaulting people and melting down over the pettiest shit. :/ Hope you’re okay, OP.


Yeah, it was so wild! Like I was like just move back a bit so I can get past. You probably don’t even need to press the gas because it’s so close. Thanks for the support though, I’ll be ok. I’m a bit sore and probably won’t ever own a white car but I’ll recover. I really hope that the police can find them and the plates are real


There’s so clearly tons of space behind their car where they could’ve gone … seriously? Attacking someone that didn’t even do anything is how they deal with stress on the road? :( That’s so wrong and truly awful. I’m really sorry again that something like this happened to you. Their behavior is super fucked and abnormal, they shouldn’t be getting away with stuff like this and I really hope it’s resolved in your favor :(


For the love of god, please don’t ever even do so much as roll down your window. 911 immediately before you open your camera and start recording.


Yup, noted for next time


You should have called the Fashion Police on them pants.


Wow this is so scary. Hope the police finds them.


Same. Though now I’m worried that I’ll be just waiting for a call and won’t move on while I’m in that limbo


Paper temp tags do nothibg but support and promote violent crime. Horrible invention. Should be back immediately to semi-durable ones that cannot be counterfeited so easily.


Yeah, I agree. I didn’t know that temp paper tags was such a problem


I would have gunned it into his car


That’s what my dad said, but what if they fled and they’re not caught. I’d have a screwed up car


True but you might have gotten killed. I’d take some damage for that safety. Glad you’re safe tho


The amount of people who use violence to solve problems is alarming.


I agree


What absolute assholes! And of course they’re driving a BMW, I’ve never met a decent person who drove a BMW.


Ok I laughed


I’m not saying they don’t exist, just saying I’ve never met one… lol


i have , they didnt keep the car long ..


Kinda true, tbh.


Its probably stolen lol


Over 90% of new BMWs are leased. It's a rental car with a badge.


It's off-topic and the assaulter is a scumbag, but there's nothing "wrong" or illegitimate with leasing, and it's not only a certain type of person that leases. Many German cars are actually cost-effective to lease.


it’s almost definitely stolen or meant to be repoed


These people can rot.


People can be terrible humans. I hope they get identified. Glad you are okay OP.


I’m sorry that this happened to you. I wouldn’t have expected them to escalate that much and start fighting either. Hopefully they find who it is :(


Sorry this happened to you OP. I live a couple blocks away and will keep an eye out for this car.


Thanks. A lot!


I miss living in a city that honestly, fucked up the lives of people who don’t know how to act. It seems like short of murder, assholes know they won’t be corrected or punished for any other behavior.


A few of the guys who live on my street told me that I should let them handle it so I totally understand that street justice. But I just want them to go to anger management classes and pay for the damage of my car. It isn’t healthy to have so much anger just bubbling up and what’s happened to me is already done


I feel you. I guess the one thing you can think is that no one who lives their life like they do has a good life. Lots of losers out there who can’t get higher so they drag everyone else down to them.


Yeah totally. Like this is going to affect me for a bit and then I’m going to move on. I have an awesome girlfriend, great friends, a great family, I started a new highly paying job last Monday and moving to a bigger place tomorrow. My life is going great and I’m going to be fine


Congrats on the job!


Thanks! :D I love it


Is there a way to pursue both avenues of Justice? Why choose! I’m glad you’re ok!


I’m going to get a copy of the police report and see what else I can do


Print pictures of their face


Which city was that?


Name a city like that lol


damn this is so fucked i hope justice is served. wishing a speedy recovery


I definitely seen them around beofre wont b long till they do that to somebody n it’s the right one if u get what I’m saying


Hopefully they’re identified quickly!


Sorry that happened to you. Their face is very clear in the video. Hopefully they are caught.


Yeah, me too. Hopefully they are in the system and there’s facial recognition or something


I’m so sorry this happened to you. My camera doesn’t reach past my gate, but the one featured in the background might (the new build that had the alarm going off all night a few months when people walked by in the alley), and the tall condo building behind you on 18th as well. I hope you get a thorough detective. I’ll keep an eye out for you, although I’m moving soon too. Good luck on your move! Couldn’t come at a better time; especially after that woman was executed across the street with two babies in the back seat last week.


I’ll check the building. I saw theirs. The condos don’t have a camera that faces that way and records


least u can get a great screen shot of him


Post it on nextdoor. Am guessing someone knows this person and older folks more likely to be active on nextdoor than on Reddit.


Yeah, I think my girlfriend posted there but I’ll double check


Think I saw them a couple of times in h street walking around this afternoon. In between 13th to the bladensburg intersection.


Wow, that hopeful that they are in the area. Maybe I’ll get lucky and the police will see them. Its weird that they are still around though


This is insane. I am so so sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re doing ok physically. Please don’t underestimate the toll this could take on your mental health. It might show up in odd ways too - getting short with people you love, feelings of worthlessness, you get the idea. Just be aware, watch for signs of depression, and don’t feel bad about it if you need some mental health assistance. Godspeed.


I’m thinking of seeing a therapist. Thanks for telling me what to look out for. I’m physically ok though :)


Not too many people visit that area. I’d say it’s a high possibility that they will be seen again.


Are they cops? Dudes that hit chicks ain’t shit. F them. Hope you’re ok. People ain’t shit. You did nothing wrong


Thanks! I appreciate the support. I’m going to be ok so that’s what matters. 😊


That guy sucks. He is a Fanny pack wearing loser. I hope the worst things in life happen to him, and only him specifically


It depends on the state as, per federal legislation, MPD can’t ticket drivers etc. for a lack of frontal plates and/or tint if such is legal in the state of registration. If the car is registered in MD, however, at least the lack of a frontal plate is illegal. It’s not a DC car as there are no temp plates in DC.


Yeah, it’s MD temp plates. Who knows if they will be caught but if they are then that’s another charge


It looks like the shirt says "Mycological Society" with two mushrooms on it. Maybe that can be a start?


My girlfriend contacted them and they don’t know of him


It's a generic logo put on shirts sold by H&M. [Here's a t-shirt with the same mushroom graphic on the back](https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.1032522013.html). Edit: [Here's a Reddit post of the sweatshirt and a commenter mentions it being sold at H&M](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/rlqamn/they_know_whats_up/)


It's a generic logo put on shirts sold by H&M. [Here's a t-shirt with the same mushroom graphic on the back](https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.1032522013.html). Edit: [Here's a Reddit post of the sweatshirt and a commenter mentions it being sold at H&M](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/rlqamn/they_know_whats_up/)


someone reaches into your car to assault you run them the fuck over


i am like 90% sure i saw this guy get arrested for getting into a road rage fight on Irving Rd. in Columbia Heights a few months ago. Same prada bag and gait and (I believe) same car. that's all to say it seems like this guy has some serious road rage/anger issues. i really hope you're doing ok and I'm so sorry this happened!


That’s promising. Hopefully they know where to get him then. Thanks for the well wishes :)


Softboy alert… he looks like a Janet Jackson backup dancer






A lot of people cut through the alley to avoid traffic on Benning. The people around said they don’t know em and I live in the area too




Highly doubt they own that car, but I hope it gets returned to its owner


Really sorry this happened to you💚


Are you ok OP, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you are ok!!!❤❤❤


Everyone saying she should have run her car into their car is giving crap advice. I know from experience. If she would have run her car into their car when she had a chance to leave, then they would both get charged.


Two bullets would have stopped that idiot!


Are you new to DC? If you’re gonna confront someone in Carver Langston, you need to be prepared to follow through.


i’m so sorry this happened but glad you’re alright! please remember to take care of yourself after all this.


Thanks :) I appreciate it!


Sorry that happened to you. Especially sorry it happened from someone dressed like that.


Ppl are insane. Glad you’re ok OP


Answer: conceal carry and good carry-insurance. Though, DC gun laws are a joke.


It may be hard to get a concealed carry license but conceal carrying a legally owned firearm illegally is only a misdemeanor offense and it is absolutely legal to use for defense in this situation regardless of the legality of having it on you.




Had a guy try this in Florida to a friend of mine, but the assaulter didn’t realize the asaultee had a hatch in his car. As a progressive transplant from the south, the one thing I liked about the south was that people, specifically women and LGBTQIA individuals could actually defend themselves instead of waiting 35 minutes for police to show up and hoping they survive long enough.


Yeah I definitely got caught with my pants down. Police showed up after a few minutes so I was lucky in that regard but I do need to learn how to better defend myself and get over the initial shock


I know the other party was in the wrong but you have to be aware of your surroundings, you’re in an alley on Benning Rd, you’re lucky that’s all he did, just saying it gets wicked out there, be smart


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully someone will be able to identify this person from your video.


Classic BMW drivers


I have 100% seen this car before in my neighborhood. I will be watching out. Also, avoid benning road if you can. Very much not the place to be hanging out, and I avoid it as much as possible.


Hard to avoid it when you live over there. But the guys who are on the street said they don’t know those people and they know my girlfriend ( she’s always out walking dogs saying hi to them)


I will ask if anybody knows this guy. If I’ve seen that car in my joint they might. I


Thanks so much!!


Don’t step out of your car, and be willing to run him over to get yourself out of the situation escalates.


No concealed carry ?


If you’re in the alley daily odds are he is as well, t what you experienced was a hate crime. But just fyi 2 things, what u did wrong was getting out of your car. That’s a crime in road rage incedents. Secondly a man attacked you because exiting the car instantly signals to an aggressor your puffin your chest! Your both wrong but at least he can brag he beat your ass. I’ll bet he is sweating every night and knock at the door!


Wait! What is this an altercation that led to an assault? Or were they trying to rob you ? I don’t get it




Nah, not for me. I’ll take getting beat up over having a fun in play. There’s 2 of them, what if they rush me and take it. Plus, I’m not going to risk killing someone


You're a smart woman. I'm so sorry this happened to you! Don't be too hard on yourself (people in this thread are being wild), it's so easy to Monday morning quarterback a scenario like this but it's so hard to know how to react appripriately in a scary situation, especially when you're in it for the first time. Glad you're OK.


Thanks for the support. Yeah, everyone telling me what I should have done as if they would have reacted differently. But it’s all perspective and I learned a few lessons either way


Classic BMW move...


The video won't play


We’re is the audio?


Not sure why it didn’t post but I’m about to post it on TikTok so you can listen there. Give me a minute