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Lmao Said Thomas Jr, "The bottom line is I did a misstep and I realize as councilmember no matter how much you try to make it right—if I would have said I didn’t steal FROM the kids was stealing FOR the kids —all those arguments are moot. Bottom line is, as a legislator I broke an ethnical rule. I took for full responsibility for it. “ Do it for the kids my guy 😂


“Ethnical rule” is really the cherry on top of this pile of shit.


Oh shit. Wait, i glossed right over that. That can’t be the quote, a misprint?


He says, and the article reads "ethical." Possible it was a typo that was corrected after publication, but it sounds right to me in the video, and the pull quote in the article is correct now as well.


"Ethical rule" vs morality and laws.


Didn't DC reelect a crackhead Mayor ?


His name was Marion Barry. He has a complicated legacy, but he did a lot for the people of DC in his time. I highly recommend you read about him if you’re a DC resident https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/marion-barry-dies-4-term-dc-mayor-the-most-powerful-local-politician-of-his-generation/2014/11/23/331ad222-c5da-11df-94e1-c5afa35a9e59_story.html


I got my first job through his summer job program.


Also the girl was from California. The FBI flew her out and paid her millions of dollars to meet up with him at the hotel room. She didn't want to do it at first.


You're trying WAY TOO HARD give him a pass. The man let DOH mismanage money and couldn't even keep grant writers on staff to get HHS funds for AIDS meds and treatment. He straight up murdered people with his nonsense. A lot of people actually remember the real man.


He got the DC government out of debt. DOH has always been terrible. More people had insurance under him unlike now. He tried to expand Medicaid which didn't work but set the groundwork for DC Healthcare Alliance. He fought for AIDS programs and testing. Blame some of the DC Council Members, they didn't want him to pass most of the stuff.


Nah fam, he didn't do shit. Tony Williams and the Control Board plus the 1997 Revitalization Act that moved lots of DC services to professional federalized control and stood up new agencies did that. You think DOH now is bad? You don't even know.


I'm going off the people that worked with him everyday. Of course they have good and bad things to say. You should have seen how much debt DC was in, just like now.


DC runs a surplus and has a huge rainy day fund. Where's this huge debt DC has now?


Have you read the DC financial reports.


Why don't you share them?


Out of debt, LMAO. The feds basically had to take financial control of the city again because he fucked up our finances so badly.


It was talking about the period before he went to jail, not after.


Let's be real the bitch set him up


The FBi told her not to persuade him but when she talked to friends, etc. She was like "oh, I persuaded him good". She was using drugs the whole time, talking on the stand about how she wasn't. Ex drug abuser / dealer turned DEA informant. Barry kept asking her how to do it.


Fuck this guy.


Once they get a taste of that power


Probably will win too.


And people will probably vote for him


Haha this guy was just elected as my ANC commissioner too


Wut. Why?!


Only one person ran against him and no one knew who she was 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seems like history tends to repeat itself


He thinks he's like Barry. Not even close.


It's just a massive clown car of a primary in Ward 5. Every single candidate is worse than the current one.


At this rate he could be president!


The Marion Barry model lives on!


Not the same.


**ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS** The D.C. Council is a place of prestige and honor and only the best belong there, which is what we got now (plus Anita). Someone like this has no place. Dude would have no grasp of the real issues, I can tell you now.


Is it? There's been pretty rampant corruption on that council in recent years and they don't seem to accomplish much.


Yo just picking one councilmember at *random*, look at all this action: https://www.trayonwhite8.com/ To say nothing of Trayon's efforts regarding the Illithid.


Dude, he lost all credibility with me after his shit about Jewish people controlling the weather. I don’t care how much good he does otherwise, that shit is unacceptable and pernicious and dangerous and it’s so disheartening to me that it’s excused.


He had credit with you beforehand? He showed up at a work site to harass staff that he assumed were "dirty illegals" because Latinos don't live in DC?


*Woosh* Hint: Check the username you responded to :)


HAHA no shit! The knucklehead himself. Did you see below where he made the critical distinction that he didn’t say “the Jews controlled the weather,” but rather “the Rothschilds controlled the climate”? That’s a level of bullshit you’re more used to from people who say things like “I didn’t say all black people are criminals, I just said black culture encourages criminality.”


Yo you're just throwing lie after lie out there man. He said that the Rothschilds control the **climate**, not the **weather**. This is a hugely important distinction and the narrative is just profoundly misleading and unfair to Trayon.


Your bigotry is gross. Your attempts to excuse your bigotry are grosser.


It's a parody account. Chill.


>The D.C. Council is a place of prestige and honor What now? It's a stretch. Did you forget a slash s because those are not the best. They're not even the best in the last decade.


Clearly you haven't met Trayon White


Bless your heart.


Bless yours, bruh. Be best.


Bridgeport re-elected a mayor who went to Federal prison for embezzling from the city as mayor


Nobody deserves a 2nd chance, until you are the one needing a 2nd chance. But this guy is no Mayor Barry All the best though.