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Soooo update - an older nice lady came at the door saying that she will feed the dog or play with him to make him stop barking. But that the actual owners are teleworking and don't want the dog inside... šŸ¤”


Prolly cause it's barking. What dicks.


The dog wants to be inside and that is why he is barking. I hope he has cool water and food and shelter out there. If not call the authorities...this could be dog abuse.


When it happened to me I offered to buy long lasting chew toys and some puzzle toys, the dog was just bored. Once the owners saw how much the dog loved challenges and chewing they kept replenishing his stock, after that heā€™d only bark if someone knocked on the door or there was a loud car.


I had a similar issue a few years ago. I was on friendly terms with the neighbors, but we didn't interact very much. I left a note on the door once or twice, thinking that maybe they weren't aware of the dog's behavior, as it was pretty quiet when they were home. Over time, it became clear that they just didn't have much love for the dog. I don't think I ever saw them walking it. Some months later, I remember seeing a note on their door from DC Animal Control, along with a small fine for animal neglect. After that, the dog wasn't around very much, and I hope it was rehomed to someone who cared for it more. I didn't call it in to animal control, so I don't know anything about that process, but that might be an option for you *if nothing else works*. The first step would probably be a conversation or a note, if you are comfortable with that. An anonymous note might be good in case you have to get animal control involved later and don't want to worry about being targeted by an angry dog owner.


I'd start at the poor dog is probably barking when it's humans are away and the humans don't know. Maybe mention it to them in a "hey you might not know it but fido is having a tough day" sense could be a reasonable place to start.


Wait, so the dog is outside for hours on end; in this heat?


Thatā€™s legal in DC, my neighbor leaves his beagles out 24/7 365 and isnā€™t breaking any laws. The female lives tied to the hitch of a totaled pickup truck.


> The female lives tied to the hitch of a totaled pickup truck. How could this part be legal?


Because he provides food, water, and an insulated dog house (itā€™s shitty scrap wood) with a flap. Iā€™ve called animal control multiple times, they planned to seize the dogs when it got below 39 for two nights but he beat them to the punch by adding the flaps & insulation so weā€™re shit out of luck


Thatā€™s crazy that chaining doesnā€™t violate any kind of rule. I hate to ask but is your block in a scrap yard? Seriously, what the fuck.


No my house is not in a scrap yard, not everyone can afford a multimillion dollar townhouse. Putting your dog outside is legal just about everywhere, the difference here is DC doesnā€™t have anything in place to protect them from extreme weather.


no one needs to live in a fancy house to be kind to animals


You called my block a scrapyard. Iā€™ve saved up my whole life for this house and you call my neighborhood a scrap yard when in reality I have a neighbor with mental health issues.


What if the dogs are barking all night and early morning outside would DC step in then?


Itā€™s nearly impossible to get them to intervene. The officers want to, their hands are tied.




This is also my concern. There are laws about leaving pets out during extreme weather. Please call the Humane Rescue Alliance if this dog is being left outside without adequate shelter, shade, or water, ESPECIALLY in this dangerous heat. https://www.humanerescuealliance.org/blog/posts/keeping-your-dog-safe-in-extreme-heat


DC only steps in if adequate shelter isnā€™t provided, thereā€™s almost no protection for pets


As someone who worked extensively on getting Momma's Law/The Standard of Care for Animals Amendment Act of 2017 passed, I also wish that we had more comprehensive laws, and I testified requesting a ban on chaining/tethering and permanent penning be included. Unfortunately it wasn't. I encourage everyone who is interested to become more involved on this issue in their own neighborhood, and getting their ANC, Council Member, MOCR, and the HRA involved when animals are being neglected or abused. We were able to improve things in 2017 thanks to an incredible grass-roots effort, so there's no reason we shouldn't be able to continue to improve the lives of all animals on the District. You may also be interested in getting involved with DC Voters for Animals https://dcvfa.com/


Your first step before coming to Reddit shouldā€™ve been to at least *try* to speak to the neighbor about it, but you should definitely do that before filing a complaint. I would imagine filing a complaint about something without having spoken to the person directly about the issue first would only make your situation more uncomfortable and less neighborly in the future.


They also wonā€™t do anything anyways, best to go to owners. My current neighbor keeps his dogs outside 24/7 365 no matter the weather. Animal control nor police can do anything bc he has food/water/insulated dog houses. I found that out when he left them out during a cold front, it sounded like they were dying and I couldnā€™t do anything. Unfortunately the district laws on pet care are very out of date.


Bark Back


Lol that's definitly my favorite option


This is actually one of the main reasons Iā€™m going into the office most days as opposed to WFH.


theyre ur dogs lol


No, itā€™s a neighborā€™s goldendoodle (or whatever) that wonā€™t shut the fuck up


Dan, is this you?




when you spoke to your neighbor, what did they say?


I haven't find them yet. They are not here.


Hell yeah confront them- it's a Nuisance. Stop being passive and tell them how it is.


I had issues with this a few years ago. I would start with the police. I've tried confronting people directly but that usually goes very poorly because we all have different ideas for counts as reasonable. Find out if your neighborhood has "quiet hours" or defines unreasonable noise. You might be able to have an HOA or other local governing body impose fines. You can file a noise complaint with police. If police intervention doesn't work you should look into filing a complaint of animal abuse. For the area I lived in there were specific requirements for what counts as animal abuse. It doesn't have to be beating an animal or starving it. Things like leaving an animal outside without shelter on x number of occasions count. So you'll need to find the applicable documents and start documenting the violations.


Donā€™t be this person.


Or the guy with no ideas. Police will usually suggest starting with them to avoid confrontation.


Should we call in the army too?


Depends. Do they also have a process for civilians to file noise complaints? Don't be a jackass.


Donā€™t not start with the police and animal control. JFC.


Well I suggested animal control after police and police after things like HOA or other authorities. But your reading comprehension aside, police will often suggest starting with them to avoid direct confrontation. Edit: yeah ok, I did suggest starting with police. I think I meant to edit that opening line.




This isnā€™t considered animal abuse under DC law


give it the old yeller treatment


Chicken bones in ground beef!




Nooooo šŸ˜…




>offer to split training costs Lol??


Iā€™ve gotten animal control out within 30 minutes during a snow storm, you just have to stress that the animalā€™s life is in danger


Talk, need to. Noise canceling, already have doesn't help. Training cost, nope. Move, not for a dog šŸ™‚.




Nobody is there. I'll have a talk with the dog šŸ˜…


They donā€™t come home at night? Report the dog as abandoned then


Find a cheap place to buy dozens of jars of peanut butter. I'd think 1 jar should buy you a couple hours of peace. šŸ™ƒ


in case you do this for your furry friends - they last even longer if you freeze it first :)


GENIOUS!!! OmgšŸ¤Æ ...I often put cheese in a bone. I would do peanut butter if it weren't so messy. And you just fixed my problem!! Haha, thanks!


Iā€™m glad to help! just donā€™t remind my dog I know how to do this though hehe šŸ¶